Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Why did mr. yi fall in love with Lust, Caution?

Why did mr. yi fall in love with Lust, Caution?

In the movie Lust, Caution, mr. yi fell in love because he fell in love with someone for no reason.

Stephen Chow has repeatedly expressed from the movies many years ago: Do you need a reason to love someone?

When explaining how to treat the concept of filial piety, Ding Yuanying added: If my filial piety is based on my father's illness, then I really don't know what I am.

So when it comes to love, its root must be humanism.

Ding Yuanying's love for his father is essentially the same as the more intuitive love expressed by Stephen Chow.

It's a pity that Ding Yuanying has to face the question of whether to give up continuing treatment for his father, which means that once he gives up, he will indirectly kill his father.

This is very similar to mr. yi's final treatment, but when it comes to selfishness or motivation, mr. yi is obviously much more impure.

And mr. yi are destined to belong to a doomed love, starting with impure motives and ending with impure motives.

But it is because of love that the process is pure, that is, the kind of love between men and women in the purest sense.

Here, as a director, Ang Lee also severely tortured the audience.

When you watch the large-scale scenes of mr. yi and sex, do you regard it as an action movie, or do you see that their rolled sheets are actually no different from all the ones in the world?

This is a very high standard challenge to the inner cultivation of the audience. The larger the lens of the roll paper 9, the more challenging the audience's concentration.

This is one of the essential reasons why there is a word "police" in the film title, which begins with color and ends with police.

Since no one denies the true love between mr. yi and mr. yi, and no one doubts why fell in love, it has something to do with mr. yi's complicated work nature and interpersonal background.

People may be dumbfounded. How can mr. yi really fall in love with a woman? She is an "old slippery" (this "old slippery" even goes beyond all the concepts that greasy can describe).

But Ang Lee doesn't think so. No matter how smooth mr. yi is, he still has the right to fall in love with others. But if he doesn't give up this right, he is likely to ignite true love with others.

As a result, things that were not surprising were seen by the world as more complicated and even unreasonable because of changes in external conditions.

All living beings are blinded by one leaf, all because their hearts are unclean and their six roots are unclean.

Of course, from mr. yi's point of view, his relationship with must have started from "seeing color".

However, Ang Lee did not arrange actors who seemed easy to lead men to improve their spirits to portray Wang Jiazhi, and even showed Wang Jiazhi's figure proportion through a large number of "bed-roll plays", at least there was no "amorous feelings".

This will make the audience's perspective even more wrong-that's it? It seems that Teacher Yi's taste is not high either!

Since it is "seeing the color", it is reasonable to say that Mr. Yi should also have a crush on a "woman with certain hormones".

Did you finally choose Wang Jiazhi out of "hunger for food"?

Yes, it's hunger. The answer is there, but no one can believe it.

If you are used to the indifference of the world, you will find a feature: the drought and flood are seriously uneven.

Why did Xin Qiji tell the truth that "I know the taste of sadness again, I want to say I want to take a break, I want to say I want to take a break"?

In fact, it is also because of this-some people lost weight, and some people starved to death without food.

Mr. yi belongs to the "color man" who is losing weight. Mr. yi is tired of loving female images that seem to be easily "attracted by color".

In addition, the most important thing is that the background of those women and the motivation to get close to Mr. Yi are only more dangerous.

In addition to appearance, it is difficult for mr. yi to induce any woman's true love in his bones. No one will love or even insist on mr. yi's "old-fashioned" love.

There are several very special scenes that show mr. yi's true character. It is more intuitive that he and the first "foreplay" are simply naked sexual abuse.

Another time:

Color heart and vigilance are intertwined all the time, and mr. yi is almost at the critical point between normal people and mental patients.

The women around mr. yi, those who insist, deserve mr. yi's care.

When mr. yi asked, "Do you understand?" Over and over again, this has reflected the result of weighing in mr. yi's mind-who gave me such a "silly and sweet" girl?

Mr Yi didn't investigate Wang Jiazhi's background until he gave Wang Jiazhi "pigeon eggs"-he was too lazy to know more.

After several rounds, mr. yi has understood that she is different from the women who often play cards in his house.

Mr. yi's observation of the trace, just as he took the opportunity to peek at the deliberately left phone number. Although he has been very concerned about Wang Jiazhi, he will hide himself well.

He just didn't use his authority to investigate Wang Jiazhi, and even he could see that he didn't mean it-Mrs. Yi was not good at using "women's intuition" to hide her attention!

Obviously, Mrs. Yi is like a "big sister" and always an "outsider".

For the first time, mr. yi drummed on seven sides and shouted "Eat". Mrs. Yi immediately shouted "Touch".

As a result, mr. yi played seven barrels for the second time. The most shocking thing is that no one, including Mrs. Yi, made any noise at the poker table.

Then Wang Jiazhi played truant. Although she tried her best to make up for it, Mrs. Yi smiled and praised her for "good luck today".

If it is only jealousy between women, it should be more or less manifested to the outside world, but Mrs. Yi has never seen it from beginning to end. (Other women in these historical poker games already have secret pokes, and they can't help it. )

If there are anomalies, there must be demons! However, mr. yi is used to it. How deep is the water here?

So this is equivalent to suggesting the ending of mr. yi and He in advance-even if mr. yi's hand-eye is sky-high, he really can only look at it and can't save it.

However, it is precisely because of this that mr. yi fell in love with it even more.

Mr. yi is not hungry, because he has no choice at all-a "stunner" Rainbow Jiazhi should not appear in Mr. Yi's daily life.

Since it appeared in this way, and it appeared again and again, mr. yi completely gave up the idea of investigating the real background.

Even if mr. yi is generous, he still has the "insatiable greed, love and hate" of all sentient beings, which is inevitable when people are born.

Ang Lee made such a movie, obviously showing love, but he didn't feel caught off guard by a bite of dog food.

It is obviously showing off wealth, but it makes people feel so reasonable and even speechless.

what can I say? There is even no room for blessing "All shall be well, jack shall have Jill", just like mr. yi and his "shirtless meeting" without a "fig leaf".

After reading Lust Caution, I just want to imitate teacher Yi's tone: it won't get hard.

All I can think of is the scene of mr. yi doing that in Wang Jiazhi. ...