Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Shui Hu Q Chuan exam answer

Shui Hu Q Chuan exam answer

Hehe, I got it for you ~ ∩ _ ∩.

Cancer is a serious threat to human health and life. Cancer is caused by the expression of oncogenes. So healthy people have no oncogenes. Wrong.

What seasoning can bone soup add to increase the solubility of calcium in bone? vinegar

The awards for the fourth, fifth and sixth place in the Olympic Games are as follows: only certificates without trophies.

What is the origin of the Olympic marathon related to war?

How are the Olympic gold medals calculated according to the events?

How much is the Olympic champion bonus? Gold medal is 200,000, silver medal 1.5 million, and bronze medal is 80,000.


When did Beijing win the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games? 200 1

What is the theme slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games? one world one dream

What are the three concepts of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games? Green, science and technology and humanities.

What kind of football did Ba Siteng play after he retired?

The principle of water replenishment is: a small amount and many times.

What is the length of the fishing rod for ice fishing? 1-2m

The sculpture recognized as a symbol of sports and bodybuilding is the discus thrower.

What kind of name is bhikshuni in Buddhism? Buddhist nun

A thermos can keep milk fresh: Wrong.

What made the fin of baiji degenerate? forelimb

The image of Snow White originated from Andersen's fairy tales.

What animal is called an insect killer? Mantis.

What is the fruit of the apple that Shakespeare called heaven? banana

How many years can you live without watering cactus? Six years

The hand burns carelessly, blistering and burning. What method can be used to treat burns? Mix the white sugar with the egg white and put it on.

Calcium deficiency in children, adults or the elderly will affect health. What is the relationship between calcium absorption and various diseases? cypridopathy

Compared with fresh milk, frozen milk is more easily absorbed by human body. fresh milk


From the point of view of nutrition, how many times is it appropriate to make tea? 2-3 times

How old is Wu who set a new record for Sanshou in China? 17

Longevity fruit refers to: Aralia elata, a spice extracted from peanuts in sperm whales.

How many countries participated in the first ancient Olympic Games?


What should I eat after eating durian to prevent getting angry: mangosteen

The main source of infection of SARS is patients, and the main mode of transmission is short-distance terminal transmission.

The initial symptoms of SARS are: high fever, and the body temperature exceeds 38℃

Eating yellow-green vegetables, animal livers, eggs, sweet potatoes and other foods can protect your eyesight.

Which part will not produce short-circuit sparks when getting an electric shock? Clavicular region

The idiom "lenient" means that when Cheng Tang saw someone throwing his net at animals in the wild, he told people to open the net and let the animals live. How many nets have you opened? Three sides

Since when has there been a private newspaper in China? The color of pure copper in Song Dynasty was purple.

What kind of wine is not suitable for seafood? Beer newspaper? Song dynasty

How many hours should adults sleep normally every day? 7-8 hours

Vinegar will turn white if it is kept for a long time. In order to prevent whitening, it is best to add some yellow wine and a little refined salt to the vinegar.


When you face the south, the east is on your left.

2 1 What are the names of the young volunteers for the Universiade? Rainbow volunteers

Where does chilblain damage the body? capillary tube

What can be added to soybean milk to make tofu? plaster

In which country was the first World Cup held? Uruguay

The flower representing "conceit, narcissism and respect" is daffodil.

Like pouring pearls of all sizes into a plate of jade, what kind of musical instrument is it? pipa

When you have a viral cold, taking antibiotics is usually ineffective. That's right.

The main characters in Wild Pig Forest are Lu and Lin Chong.

When was the first World Cup held? 1930

What water should I drink if I sweat more? saline water

Which organ detoxification function can be enhanced by eating beans and their products? liver

Where is the ice on the glass window in winter? inside

Use electric hot pot in winter. What water should I add when it is boiled dry? difficult position

Lantern riddle is a traditional riddle form in China. What did people call it in the Southern Song Dynasty? Shoot a tiger

What is the abbreviation of computer central processing unit? cpu

How many earthquakes occur on the earth every year? About 5 million times

How to keep bananas fresh when they are ripe? Refrigerate in the refrigerator.

What is the alcohol content of low-alcohol wine? 20%

When a train comes to us, how will the volume of the whistle change? Higher and higher



The highest content of nutrients in royal jelly is protein.

Rinse your mouth after meals, which is better, water, tea or salt water? tea boiled water

What kind of athlete is Fu Mingxia? dive


How can dried mushrooms be soaked and eaten fresher? Soak in hot water

The most important nutrient for human heat energy is sugar.

What is steel made of? Iron. carbon

1894 when was the international Olympic Committee founded?

How many years is the term of office of the top leaders of the International Olympic Committee? 8 years

In which country was the International Olympic Philatelic Federation established? Switzerland

In what ways does the state give preferential treatment to outstanding athletes? Employment or continuing education

In which city is the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee located? Switzerland

In ancient times, the word "weak crown" meant 20 years old.

What's the schedule of the international marathon? 42. 195 km

What does the dog use to dissipate heat when it is hot? tongue


What temperature will prolong the shelf life of ham in the refrigerator without changing its taste? 0-4 degrees Celsius

What percentage of the earth's surface area does the ocean occupy? 7 1%

Sponge is an animal.

Which country left the earliest record of Harley satellite? Chinese

What color is the black hole? No color

What does scurvy lack? vitamin C

"Black bear thick, iron cow was naughty, red eyebrow red eye. Anger is as muddy as an iron brush and as ferocious as a sister-in-law. The canopy is evil and goes down the ladder. " Who are these words written about? Li Kui

What is the powder on the wings of butterflies? waterproof material

Which organ will the sea cucumber wash off when it escapes? Belly intestine



If you are trapped by quicksand, you should: lean back and lie flat on the sand surface.

How is the level of weightlifting competition? By weight

Why do athletes rub white powder on their hands to absorb sweat when lifting weights?

Cold compress immediately after acute sprain

What kind of tea should I drink to lose weight: green tea.

The emperor's daughter is called "Gege", which dynasty started this? Ching Dynasty

What is the order of traffic lights from left to right at the intersection? Red and yellow green

What will prolong the storage time of eggs? cereal

Eggs and duck eggs hatch at the same time, which one is born first? chicken (as food)

Which has higher fat content, egg yolk or egg white? : egg yolk

A computer virus is a computer program written by people. correct

Can metal containers be used to hold acidic drinks? cannot

Myopia patients should not eat sweets often.

After the alcohol lamp is lit, the most reasonable way to put it out is to cover the lamp cap.

In what season do chrysanthemums usually bloom? autumn

Venus, the closest planet to the earth.


Tadpoles turn into frogs, and their tails shrink back. It is the most typical phenomenon of apoptosis in biology, so apoptosis is cell death. Wrong.

What's wrong with taking vitamin C orally more than 1g every day? diarrhea


Old people should add more vinegar to their vegetables.

Laba porridge originated from Buddhism.

Which of the following infectious diseases can rats be infected with? pestis

Can I make a phone call in thunderstorm weather? cannot

Where did Lu become a monk? Mount Wutai

The first person among the eight generals in Liangshan, nicknamed: Shijin, Kowloon.


The queen bee among bees is a female bee.

Misa is the mascot of which Olympic Games? It is the mascot of 1976 Moscow Olympic Games.

The whiter the flour, the better the quality and the higher the nutritional value. The swimming direction of cuttlefish in the water is: backward.

What flowers should children wear to show their respect for their mothers on Mother's Day? carnation

This idiom is used to describe some people who only pay attention to the appearance of things, but not to the connotation.

"Marathon" is to commemorate the story of the Greek soldier Fidipi who was exhausted from running in 490 BC. What is his running route?

From marathon to Athens

The precious Chinese herbal medicine "Concha Haliotis" is the shell of abalone.

How do horses sleep? Sleep standing up

How long is the growth cycle of eyebrows? two months

Who is the irony of "bathing monkeys to win the championship" in Historical Records? Xiang Yu

What disease can you get if you don't pay attention to keeping warm after gas poisoning? pneumonia

At present, the softest stone known to mankind is talc.


What kind of food can cause fatigue? Acidic food

In which years did the rowing competition between Oxford and Cambridge originate? 1864

What flower is poisonous but can stop asthma?

What kind of plant can stop asthma? -& gt; Chinese ephedra

Men's competitive gymnastics does not include uneven bars.

What kind of plant juice is good for gastric ulcer? cabbage

Which vegetable has the best anti-tumor effect? Cooked sweet potato

What kind of bees can make beeswax? worker (bee)

What fruit can relieve cough? pear

What fruit shouldn't milk be eaten with? tangerine



Volleyball originated in America.

Which emperor broke the ancestral motto that Manchu and Han did not marry? Qianlong

What can be added properly when cooking to reduce the loss of vitamin C? vinegar


What is the reason for skimming water? lay eggs

Chocolate candy is a kind of advanced nutrition. It is good for human development. Should children and teenagers eat it often? wrong

The optimum water temperature of tea is: 80℃


If a wild animal is going to attack you, what route should you choose when you run away? Zigzag route

The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? Put the clothes in the refrigerator for a while, then scrape them off gently with a knife.

Baihui point of the human body is in the middle of the head.

The vegetable oil that humans cannot eat is castor oil.

The most tenacious and powerful muscle in the human body is the tongue.

What is the biggest detoxification organ in human body? liver

The longest organ in the human digestive tract is the small intestine.

What is the most important intelligent organ? brain

What is the largest organ in the human body? skin

If you look at the starry sky, which city has the most constellations? Guangzhou

If you don't develop the good habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening and gargling after meals, and don't pay attention to oral hygiene, you will

Causes molars (also known as tooth decay) and periodontal disease, and even affects the whole body health.

What sugar is most easily absorbed by the human body? glucose

If you eat Chinese medicine, what food should you avoid? Loeb

Whose body temperature is higher than that of ducks? duck

If the wound is broken, what can be used to diminish inflammation? saline water


What is Shevchenko's number in AC? seven

How often is the World Cup held? four

The World Gymnastics Championships are held every few years.

Too much sugar can lead to the lack of which element in the body? Vitamin B 1

What nutritional dietary fiber do fruits and vegetables mainly provide to people?

The smallest of the four oceans in the world is the Arctic Ocean.

What evolved the first volleyball in the world? basketball

When was the first set of sports stamps issued in the world? 1895 issued by China 1 895 August1ancient China.

What should edema patients not eat? Oversalty food

What is the reason for grinding your teeth while sleeping? zinc deficiency

There is usually a bright sodium lamp in the tunnel to prevent eye fatigue. What color is the light of this sodium lamp? orange

Stone Town is a good name for which city in China: Nanjing.

Leaves fall to the ground, which side faces down more? front

Raw eggs are more nutritious than cooked eggs. So it is recommended to eat raw eggs: fake.

Many heroic images are described in Water Margin, and Lin Chong is one of them who resigned first and then rebelled angrily.

Whose famous saying is "ten years to plant trees, a hundred years to educate people"? Guan zhong

Vinegar can treat periodontitis.

In which country was the world's first practical helicopter born? Russia

What is the name of the most poisonous spider in the world? wolf spider

What is the largest palace in the world? imperial capital

Some capitals in the world are named after people, which of the following is not? Moscow

What animal was first domesticated by humans? chicken (as food)

Known as the "porcelain capital", Jingdezhen is located in which province? Jiangxi

Fruits and vegetables mainly supply the human body: water-soluble vitamins and inorganic salts.

All bacteria are harmful to people. Wrong.

Heartburn, as long as you eat, you will feel uncomfortable. What can I eat to treat this disease? Bailuobu

What do trees mainly rely on to reduce noise leaves?

Where does the water of trees mainly shed leaves?


After the typhoon, it will be calm for a while, and in which direction will it sweep soon? reverse

People in the Tang dynasty can call "father" brother.

Physical exercise can promote the growth of height.

Equal amounts of cold and tap water start to heat at the same time, which one boils first? cold water

The pulse rate per minute that has good influence and promotion on health during physical exercise is: 120~ 140.

If a sports social organization or an athlete management unit violates the anti-doping regulations, and the responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel belong to the state staff, what administrative sanctions should be given according to law? Dismissed dismiss




Which bank in China performs the function of central bank? People's Bank of China

The umami flavor of monosodium glutamate comes from glutamic acid. In what soup was it first found? Seaweed soup

China's planned immunization program stipulates that newborns must be vaccinated against hepatitis B within 24 hours after birth.

The only Olympic Games that China men's soccer team participated in was 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, and its record was: three wars and three losses.

We often refer to middle-aged women who are still attractive as "semi-old Xu Niang". This "Xu Niang" originally refers to a princess.

Which of the following fruit and vegetable skins should be avoided for health? persimmon

In the middle of the five mountains is Songshan Mountain.

What metal can aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid) dissolve? golden

What is the central bank of China? People's Bank of China

In order to prevent the skin from turning black, you should eat less potatoes.

What fruits should not be eaten for stomach diseases? Patients should avoid eating acidic fruits, such as lemon, bayberry, anhydride and sour plum.

When did China begin to implement the degree system in higher education? 198 1

Why not watch welding sparks? Contains ultraviolet rays harmful to the eyes.

Vitamins are indispensable organic components in animals. If they are lacking, they will cause various diseases. What causes the lack of night blindness?

vitamin A

The working principle of thermometer is that it expands when heated and contracts when cooled. That's right.

I have read thousands of classics, and I have been extremely smart all my life. Hidden in the chest are soldiers, and hidden in the abdomen are soldiers. Strategy dares to deceive Zhuge Liang, but Chen Ping can't compete with talent, and a trick or two surprises ghosts and gods. Which hero in Water Margin is this poem praising? Yong Wu

Why avoid using transparent glass bottles to store edible oil? Because edible oil is easy to deteriorate when stored in colorless glass bottles.

Wu Yong's personality characteristics are: calm and resourceful

What is the pronoun of heartless son? sabotage

Which of the following infectious diseases can mosquitoes spread? epidemic encephalitis B


After cucumber and peanut are mixed, which of the following can solve diarrhea? Huoxiang Zhengqi Pill

Where was the first modern summer Olympic Games held? Athens

Now China star who plays in NBA professional basketball league is called Little Giant: Yao Ming.

Who is the founder of the modern Olympic movement? Coubertin.

There was no equestrian in the official events of the first modern Olympic Games.

Which of the following water can't be drunk directly: seawater.

Which of the following can remove the odor of mutton? Small carrot

Which of the following methods is the most effective means to prevent hepatitis B? Vaccinate against hepatitis B.

What is the new wok for cleaning, and it is not easy to appear black spots after cooking? vinegar

Under what circumstances will rubber become soft? paraffin

What can you use to remove the fishy smell from your hands after washing fish? toothpaste

Does cactus rely on photosynthesis? prevent

What does a hero do most of the time every day? sleep

In Journey to the West, the Monkey King is the man who "made a scene in five villages and knocked down the ginseng tree"

The following description of the method of "losing weight" is the best measure in nutrition: reducing energy intake and strengthening physical exercise.

What is the largest egg among living birds? ostrich

Chickens are developed from the yolk of eggs.

Which of the following foods is high in iron and easy to absorb? Animal meat, blood and internal organs

Among the following diseases, albinism is hereditary.

Which of the following objects is not the raw material for making ceramics? mica

Which of the following words appears on RMB? Mongol

Which of the following vitamins plays an important role in treating diabetes? Vitamin b?

Which of the following seas is the largest in China? the South China Sea

What drinks do you drink in summer with good cooling effect? Hot tea

Scorpion spines grow in the abdomen.

According to legend, a writer once commented on his work, "Ten years later, it will be added and deleted five times". The author's name is Cao Xueqin.

What should I do to get rid of the odor in rubber shoes? Spray white wine into rubber shoes

Blood consists of plasma and blood cells. So how much does plasma account for human body weight? 4%

Smoking is harmful to human health. Nicotine is the main toxic and harmful substance contained in cigarette smoke.

Which of the following snacks is healthy to eat in moderation? Expanded snack food

Which of the following is helpful for lowering blood fat? soya milk

Which of the following rivers has the longest flow in the world? The Nile

Which of the following is not a factor that causes obesity in adolescents? Eat too many vegetables and fruits.

Among the following aquatic products, which fish is also called "pure sea dragon"? Fawei

The following vegetables are rich in iron nutrition: spinach.

Which of the following vegetables can lower blood pressure? celery

Which of the following foods will increase dandruff if you eat too much? High fat food

The white air around popsicles in summer is water.


When should I start breastfeeding my newborn after delivery? Half an hour

How many swimming positions are there in the swimming competition? four

According to relevant regulations, people who donate property to public sports facilities can enjoy preferential tax laws.

How many fouls are allowed for each player in a basketball game? 5 times

How high is the water consumption for decocting traditional Chinese medicine and soaking medicine? 3~4 cm

After the baby is born, complementary food must be added for 4 months when it is a few months old.

Cod liver oil is a tonic rich in vitamin D, but it is prone to urinary calculi after long-term use.

The fruit with the reputation of "king of fruit" is durian.

Because the pattern of essential amino acids contained in eggs is close to human needs, its nutritional value is higher than other foods: yes.

Who invented glasses? Luigi and bacon

The best food for night blindness patients: pig liver

Which of the following is not a factor that causes obesity in adolescents? Eat vegetables. There is too much fruit.

How long does it take to take your temperature under your arm? Seven to nine minutes.

One plant was the main food of dinosaurs in the same geological era. At that time, there were many kinds and wide distribution, which dominated the plant kingdom. Fortunately, it is not extinct. What is that? Cycas (Cycas)

A cup is full of water, and there is a piece of ice on the water. At this point, the water is full. Will the water leave the cup after the ice melts? cannot

In order to prevent mercury vapor poisoning, what can be used to remove the broken silver thermometer? sulphur

When a heavy object falls from a height, its speed will increase until it hits the ground.

How many hours can a 50-watt light bulb be lit with one degree of electricity? 20 hours

Which of the following things can warm the stomach? energy

Which of the following patients is best for jogging? Patients with heart disease

What is the net content of a can of Coca-Cola? 355 ml

What is better for washing blood on clothes? cold water

"People will try their best to get off to a good start even though they know that there will be three points in the sky." Which historical figure described it? Zhuge Liang

What are the main toxic gases in the "gas" that causes poisoning? carbon monoxide

"Eyes like a phoenix, eyebrows like a lying silkworm. Big earlobe beads, square lips. The forehead is wide and ridiculously high. In the 30 th year, there are measures to raise 10,000 people; He is six feet tall and has a heart that sweeps the world. Zhiyu is magnificent and beautiful. " Which hero in Water Margin is described in this passage? Song Jiang

What's the secret of cutting big bread? Burn the knife before you cut it.

Which of the following fruits will get angry if you eat too much? lychee

When is the most dangerous moment of the day for vascular patients? 3 a.m.

After exercise, or when sweating too much in summer, it is most suitable to drink: glucose saline.


Stroke mainly refers to cerebral vascular occlusion.

Among the shot put, high jump, long-distance running and table tennis, which event is the simplest for long-distance running?

Who is the fastest runner in China? Liu Xiang

Pregnant women should not brush their teeth.

The first person who introduced the word sports to China was Kang Youwei.

How many black and white pieces are there in chess? 16

What do poultry drink before slaughter? After slaughter, plucking will be quick and clean.

When injecting, a disposable syringe should be used to achieve "one needle and one barrel per person", which of the following diseases can be prevented? hepatitis B

What container should shark fin avoid? iron

What color is the world in the eyes of dogs? Black and white ash

What is the biggest slave animal? blue whale

Who invented the steam engine? watt

What is the highest content of protein in plant food? soybean

In daily life, when talking with the presbycusis, sometimes he can't hear loud voices, but he hears whispers. What do you think is the reason? He is insensitive to high notes.

Cooked jiaozi will sink back to the bottom of the pot if it is not fished out in time.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a famous battle commanded by Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu was Battle of Red Cliffs.

In Water Margin, Zhu Wu is called "the mastermind".

In The Water Margin, the character called "Desperate Saburo" is Shi Xiu.

In the water margin, it was Liu Tang who set fire to warships and helped Song Jiang defeat Gao Taiwei twice.

There is a hero in the water margin, nicknamed "Zhi Duo Xing", also known as "Sai Zhuge". He and a group of heroes "skillfully exerted their strength on Huangni Mountain" and made a great event. Excuse me, who is this hero? Yong Wu

Who invented the steam engine? watt

Vitamin k necessary for normal blood clots

The "Gemini" in the history of China's poetry refers to Li Bai and Du Fu.

China is the country that produces the most tigers in the world, so what is the most precious tiger? Siberian tiger

How to get rid of the fishy smell on the knife? Rub with ginger

What is the biggest milk catcher? blue whale

What is the coldest and smallest star? Pluto

What is the correct way to cook milk? Wang huo kuai Zhu

If you are in distress during the flight, you should tie your belt around your waist.

On the ground, how much water do ordinary people need at least every day if they don't exercise? One liter

Put something next to the food or on the meat so that the flies won't climb up? Sichuan pepper

In what year did China athletes break the world record for the first time? 1956

China won the first Olympic team gold medal? volleyball

When China women's volleyball team regained its championship dream in Athens Olympic Games, the whole country celebrated. When did China women's volleyball team win the "five consecutive championships"?

198 1~ 1986

The circumference of a football is: 68~7 1 cm.

In the 27th Olympic Games in 2000, China won the first gold medal in men's team gymnastics.

The specifications used in regular basketball matches are 28 meters long and 15 meters wide.


What session was the World Universiade held in Beijing in 20001year? 2 1

What is the texture of the pole used in the pole vault in the 2000 Olympic Games? glass fibre

How many gold medals will the 2008 Olympic Games produce? * * * There are 28 major events and 289 minor events, resulting in 320 gold medals.

What is the mascot of the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games? Funiu Lele

When is the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games? August 8, 2008.

1896 Where was the first Olympic Games held in Athens?

Where will the draw for the 2006 World Cup be held in Leipzig?

Where did China win the Swiss Women's Volleyball Classic in 2006? three

Good luck ~ ~ ∩ _ ∩