Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How to treat the whole case of 8005 and the number of the crown word?
How to treat the whole case of 8005 and the number of the crown word?
The amount of RMB is divided into two parts:
Such as: AA? 1 1002200, where AA is the crown word and 1 1002200 is the number.
The interpretation of the container number is divided into three steps: (the fourth edition and the fifth edition are the same RMB)
1。 Convert Chinese characters into face value;
2。 Convert Chinese argot into corresponding crown words;
3。 Convert serial numbers to numbers.
Starting with the fourth set of RMB:
1。 Convert Chinese characters into face value; (face value corresponding to Chinese characters)
Pay-1 cent; Bit-2 angle; Letter-5 cents;
Ren-1 yuan; Partner -2 yuan 30; Jia-5 yuan 30;
(Never seen 10 yuan, 50 yuan, 100 yuan. )
2。 Convert argot into corresponding crown word; (Numbers corresponding to Chinese code words)
Zha- 1
Hit -2
Carry -3
La -5
Keep -6
Continue -8
Do- 10 (that is, 0)
3。 Convert serial numbers to numbers.
First of all, know the number of sheets of each denomination:
1, 2, 5 corners, 50,000 sheets per box.
1、2? Yuan is 40 thousand yuan per box.
5. 10 yuan, 25,000 pieces per box.
50, 100 Yuan, 20,000 sheets per box.
Specific transformation steps:
Box number * sheets per box = the last serial number of the box.
Box number * sheets per box-sheets per box+1= the first serial number of the box.
For example:
10? Pay? Keep? Fight? do
1? 1? 1? 1
10:20 10 output
Payment: 1 30 cents
Keep? Fight? Do: 620, the fourth set of printing sequence table of RMB crown number, No.620 crown word.
1? 1? 1? 1? : box1111
The 620th crown word is the ninth largest group (6 major groups, holding group).
1111times 50000 = 5550000.
1111times 50000-50000+1= 55500001.
Solution: 20 10, 1980, 1 corner production, the crown number is NO? 5550000 1? Where to? No? 55550000? Stop.
Let me talk about the fifth set of RMB:
The steps are the same as those in the fourth set, except that the argot is replaced by a new Chinese character.
1。 Face value corresponding to Chinese characters:
Ai- 1 yuan.
Wei-10 yuan 30
(5 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan, 100 yuan, never seen, will be added later).
2。 Numbers corresponding to Chinese code words:
Art- 1
Control -2
Order -3
Huai 4
Group of five
Interpretation -6
Ice -7
Gan -8
Zhe 9
Banyan- 10 (that is, 0)
3。 The number of each box has also changed:
1、5、? 10 yuan is 25,000 yuan.
20,50, 100 yuan is 20,000 yuan.
For example:
09? Hey? Hey? Art? Zhezhe
3? 3? 4? 0
09: Production in 2009
Me: 1 yuan.
Hey? Art? Zhejiang: 5 19, the fifth set of printing sequence table of RMB crown number No.519.
3? 3? 4? 0? : block 3340
5 19 Guanzi is the seventh and eighth group (group 5, group G) BN.
3340 times 25000=83500000
3340 times 25000-25000+1= 83475001.
Solution: produced in 2009, 1999 1 RMB 30, with the crown number BN? 8347500 1? Where to? BN? 83500000? Stop.
The fourth set of printing sequence table of RMB crown number:
The first large group (group, group)? The second largest group (1 group, check group)
Group c? CP? CQ? CR? CS? CT? CU? CW? CX? CY? CZ? P group? Dad? PB? PC? PD? PE? PF? PG? PH? Pi? PJ
Group e? EP? Emotional intelligence? Huh? ES? ET? The European Union? EW? Former? EY? EZ? R group? RA? RB? RC? RD? RE? RF? RG? RH? RI? Road junction
Group g? GP? GQ? GR? GS? GT? Gu? GW? GX? GY? GZ? Team t? TA? TB? TC? TD? TE? TF? TG? TH? TI? turbojet
Group one? IP? IQ? IR? Is it? It? IU? IW? IX? IY? IZ? W group? WA? WB? WC? WD? we? WF? WG? WH? WI? WJ
Group a? AP? AQ? AR? As? Where is it? AU? Huh? Axe? Huh? AZ? Y group? Huh? YB? YC? YD? Leaf? YF? YG? YH? Easy? YJ
Group b? BP? BQ? BR? BS? BT? BU? BW? BX? By who? BZ? Q group? QA? QB? QC? QD? QE? QF? QG? QH? Qi? QJ
Group d? DP? DQ? Doctor? DS? DT? Du? DW? DX? DY? DZ? S regiment? Sa? SB? SC? SD? SE? SF? SG? Shh? Is it? Jesuits
Group f? FP? FQ? Fred? FS? FT? Fu? FW? FX? FY? FZ? U group? UA? UB? UC? UD? UE? Ufida? UG? Huh? UI? UJ
H group? HP? Headquarters? HR? HS? HT? Hu? HW? HX? HY? HZ? X group? XA? XB? XC? XD? XE? XF? XG? XH? XI? XJ
Team j? JP? JQ? JR? JS? JT? Home? JW? JX? JY? JZ? Z group? ZA? ZB? ZC? ZD? Ze? ZF? ZG? ZH? Son? ZJ
The third and fourth group (group 2, playing group)? Group 5 and Group 6 (Group 3, Handling Group)
P and r groups? PK? PL? PM? PN? Po. RK? RL? RM? RN? Korea Group? KP? KQ? KR? KS? KT? KU? KW? KX? KY? KZ
T and w groups? TK? TL? TM? TN? Where to? WK? WL? WM? WN? WOM group? MP? MQ? Sir? MS? MT? Mu? MW? MX? Mine? MZ
Y and q groups? YK? YL? YM? YN? Yo? QK? QL? QM? QN? QOO group? OP? OQ? Or? OS? OT? Oh? Ow? Yellow cattle? OY? ounce
S and u groups? SK? SL? SM? SN? So what? England? UL? Hmm? United Nations? UOL Group? LP? LQ? LR? LS? LT? Lu? LW? LX? LY? Landingzone landing zone
X and z groups? XK? XL? XM? XN? XO? ZK? ZL? ZM? ZN? ZON group? NP? NQ? NR? NS? NT? NU? NW? NX? New york? New Zealand
Group a and group c? AK? Al. Me? Ann? AO? CK? CL? CM? CN? COK Group? KA? KB? KC? KD? Ke? KF? KG? KH? KI? KJ
Group e and group g? EK? El? Amy. Hmm? EO? GK? GL? General? GN? GOM group? horse MB? MC? MD? Me? MF? Mg? MH? Rice? MasticJoint (abbreviation for mastic joint)
Group I and group B? IK? IL? IM? Are you online? Io? BK? BL? BM? BN? BOO group? OA? OB? OC? OD? OE? Yes? OG? Oh? Hello? orange juice
Groups d and f? DK? DL? DM? DN? Do what? FK? FL? FM? FN? FOL group? Los Angeles? LB? LC? LD? Le? What if? LG? LH? Lee? Judge at the Court of Cassation
H and j groups? HK? HL? Hmm? HN? Huh? JK? JL? JM? JN? Jon Group? NA? NB? NC? ND? NE? NF? NG? NH? Ni? New Jersey
The seventh group (the fourth group, the shake group)? The eighth largest group (5 groups, pull group)
Group a? AA? AB? AC? AD? AE? AF? AG? Huh? AI? AJ? P group? PP? PQ? Public relations? PS? PT? Pu? PW? PX? PY? PZ
Group c? CA? CB? CC? CD? CE? CF? CG? CH? CI? CJ? R group? RP? RQ? RR? RS? RT? RU? RW? RX? RY? Return to zero system
Group e? EA? EB? EC? Ed. EE? EF? EG? Huh? EI? EJ? Team t? TP? TQ? TR? TS? TT? Tu? TW? TX? Ty? Tanzania
Group g? Hey? GB? GC? GD? Ge? GF? GG? GH? GI? GJ? W group? WP? WQ? WR? WS? WT? Wu? WW? WX? WY? WZ
Group one? IA? IB? IC? ID? IE? What if? IG? IH? Two? IJ? Y group? YP? YQ? YR? YS? YT? Yu? YW? YX? YY? YZ
Group b? Ba? BB? BC? BD? Is it? BF? BG? BH? Bi? BJ? Q group? QP? QQ? QR? QS? QT? Qu? QW? QX? QY? QZ
Group d? Da? DB? DC? DD? De? DF? DG? DH? DI? DJ? S regiment? SP? SQ? SR? SS? ST? Sue? SW? SX? SY? Size (short for size)
Group f? Law? FB? FC? FD? FE? FF? FG? FH? Fi. FJ? U group? Up? UQ? UR? We? UT? UU? UW? UX? UY? Uranium z
H group? Huh? HB? HC? Hd? What? HF? HG? HH? Hi? HJ? X group? XP? XQ? XR? XS? XT? Xu? XW? XX? XY? XZ
Team j? Is it? JB? JC? JD? JE? JF? JG? JH? Ji? JJ? Z group? ZP? ZQ? ZR? ZS? ZT? Joe? ZW? ZX? ZY? zigzag
The ninth largest group (6 groups, holding group)
K group? KK? KL? KM? KN? Knock down and win.
M group? MK? ML? Hmm? MN? medical officer
O group? Okay? OL? Om? Open? Object-oriented (=ObjectOriented)
L group? LK? LL? LM? Where is it? see
Group n? NK? NL? NM? NN? no
Note: Each banknote printing factory prints from left to right and from top to bottom according to this table. At the end of the last group of each group, print the supplementary crown word.
The fifth set of printing sequence table of RMB crown number:
The first group (group, group) and the second group (group 1, art group)
Group f? Law? FB? FC? FD? FE? FF? FG? FH? Fi. FJP group? Dad? PB? PC? PD? PE? PF? PG? PH? Pi? PJ
Group e? EA? EB? EC? Ed. EE? EF? EG? Huh? EI? EJZ group? ZA? ZB? ZC? ZD? Ze? ZF? ZG? ZH? Son? ZJ
Group g? Hey? GB? GC? GD? Ge? GF? GG? GH? GI? GJQ group? QA? QB? QC? QD? QE? QF? QG? QH? Qi? QJ
Group d? Da? DB? DC? DD? De? DF? DG? DH? DI? DJY group? Huh? YB? YC? YD? Leaf? YF? YG? YH? Easy? YJ
H group? Huh? HB? HC? Hd? What? HF? HG? HH? Hi? HJR group? RA? RB? RC? RD? RE? RF? RG? RH? RI? Road junction
Group c? CA? CB? CC? CD? CE? CF? CG? CH? CI? CJX group? XA? XB? XC? XD? XE? XF? XG? XH? XI? XJ
Group one? IA? IB? IC? ID? IE? What if? IG? IH? Two? IJS group? Sa? SB? SC? SD? SE? SF? SG? Shh? Is it? Jesuits
Group b? Ba? BB? BC? BD? Is it? BF? BG? BH? Bi? BJW group? WA? WB? WC? WD? we? WF? WG? WH? WI? WJ
Team j? Is it? JB? JC? JD? JE? JF? JG? JH? Ji? JJT group? TA? TB? TC? TD? TE? TF? TG? TH? TI? turbojet
Group a? AA? AB? AC? AD? AE? AF? AG? Huh? AI? AJU group? UA? UB? UC? UD? UE? Ufida? UG? Huh? UI? UJ
The third group (group 2, remaining group) and the fourth group (group 3, ling group)
Group a? AP? AQ? AR? As? Where is it? AU? Huh? Axe? Huh? AZP group? PP? PQ? Public relations? PS? PT? Pu? PW? PX? PY? PZ
Group d? DP? DQ? Doctor? DS? DT? Du? DW? DX? DY? DZS group SP? SQ? SR? SS? ST? Sue? SW? SX? SY? Size (short for size)
Group g? GP? GQ? GR? GS? GT? Gu? GW? GX? GY? GZW group WP? WQ? WR? WS? WT? Wu? WW? WX? WY? WZ
Team j? JP? JQ? JR? JS? JT? Home? JW? JX? JY? JZZ group? ZP? ZQ? ZR? ZS? ZT? Joe? ZW? ZX? ZY? zigzag
Group c? CP? CQ? CR? CS? CT? CU? CW? CX? CY? CZR group RP? RQ? RR? RS? RT? RU? RW? RX? RY? Return to zero system
Group f? FP? FQ? Fred? FS? FT? Fu? FW? FX? FY? FZU group? Up? UQ? UR? We? UT? UU? UW? UX? UY? Uranium z
Group one? IP? IQ? IR? Is it? It? IU? IW? IX? IY? IZY group? YP? YQ? YR? YS? YT? Yu? YW? YX? YY? YZ
Group b? BP? BQ? BR? BS? BT? BU? BW? BX? By who? BZQ group? QP? QQ? QR? QS? QT? Qu? QW? QX? QY? QZ
Group e? EP? Emotional intelligence? Huh? ES? ET? The European Union? EW? Former? EY? EZT Group? TP? TQ? TR? TS? TT? Tu? TW? TX? Ty? Tanzania
H group? HP? Headquarters? HR? HS? HT? Hu? HW? HX? HY? HZX group? XP? XQ? XR? XS? XT? Xu? XW? XX? XY? XZ
The fifth and sixth groups (the fourth group, the pregnant group)?
Q and t groups? QK? QL? QM? QN? QO? TK? TL? TM? TN? arrive
X and p groups? XK? XL? XM? XN? XO? PK? PL? PM? PN? Post office
S and w groups? SK? SL? SM? SN? So what? WK? WL? WM? WN? oh
Z and r groups? ZK? ZL? ZM? ZN? ZO? RK? RL? RM? RN? Receive Only
U and y groups? England? UL? Hmm? United Nations? UO? YK? YL? YM? YN? heave ho
K group? KP? KQ? KR? KS? KT? KU? KW? KX? KY? KZ
Group n? NP? NQ? NR? NS? NT? NU? NW? NX? New york? New Zealand
L group? LP? LQ? LR? LS? LT? Lu? LW? LX? LY? Landingzone landing zone
O group? OP? OQ? Or? OS? OT? Oh? Ow? Yellow cattle? OY? Oz?
M group? MP? MQ? Sir? MS? MT? Mu? MW? MX? Mine? MZ?
Groups 7 and 8 (Group 5, Group G)
Group c and group f? CK? CL? CM? CN? CO? FK? FL? FM? FN? Air force lieutenant
Group I and group B? IK? IL? IM? Are you online? Io? BK? BL? BM? BN? man
Group e and group h? EK? El? Amy. Hmm? EO? HK? HL? Hmm? HN? Slut, prostitute
Group a and group d? AK? Al. Me? Ann? AO? DK? DL? DM? DN? Defense Order (defense order)
G and j groups? GK? GL? General? GN? Going? JK? JL? JM? JN? Joe.
K group? KA? KB? KC? KD? Ke? KF? KG? KH? KI? KJ?
Group n? NA? NB? NC? ND? NE? NF? NG? NH? Ni? NJ?
L group? Los Angeles? LB? LC? LD? Le? What if? LG? LH? Lee? LJ?
O group? OA? OB? OC? OD? OE? Yes? OG? Oh? Hello? orange juice
M group? horse MB? MC? MD? Me? MF? Mg? MH? Rice? MJ?
Group 9 (Group 6, Interpretation Group)
M group? MK? ML? Hmm? MN? medical officer
K group? KK? KL? KM? KN? Knock down and win.
Group n? NK? NL? NM? NN? no
L group? LK? LL? LM? Where is it? see
O group? Okay? OL? Om? Open? Object-oriented (=ObjectOriented)
Note: Each banknote printing factory prints from left to right and from top to bottom according to this table. At the end of the last group of each group, print the supplementary crown word.
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