Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Characteristics of Princess Tiefan in The Journey to the West

Characteristics of Princess Tiefan in The Journey to the West

The main characteristics of Princess Tiefan in Journey to the West are: resignation, husband-oriented, and kindness to others.

First, Princess Tiefan resigned for the sake of the separation of Aiko.

Princess Iron Fan didn't take the initiative to seek revenge. Hong Haier got into a fight with the Monkey King because he wanted to eat Tang Priest's meat, and almost killed the Monkey King. Finally, because of the appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Hon Hai 'er was subdued, and she went to the Bodhisattva to be a good boy, which led to the mother and son not meeting each other. According to the normal thinking, Princess Tiefan can take the initiative to seek revenge from the Monkey King's master and apprentice, and ask for a statement, but Princess Tiefan did not take the initiative to find trouble with Tang Priest's master and apprentice. This also exposed his weak side.

Princess Tiefan knew the trace of Tang Priest and did not take the initiative to murder Tang Priest and his disciples. Many female immortals in The Journey to the West, such as Spider Essence and Bai. , aimed at eating Tang monk meat. Some are to steal the mandarin ducks of Tang Priest and gain their own desires, such as scorpion essence and so on. Princess Tiefan, before the Monkey King came to her door, never took the initiative to find trouble with Tang Priest and his disciples, despite the pain of being separated from her beloved son. When the Monkey King came to ask for a banana fan, he remembered his old enmity and turned against the Monkey King instead of a banana fan. This shows that Princess Tiefan is a practitioner of truth, and she is a scattered fairy.

Second, my husband found a mistress, and Princess Tiefan resigned.

Niu Wangmo took the jade-faced princess as his concubine and didn't cry for two years. Many women encounter this situation, "crying twice and hanging three times", and Princess Tiefan is relatively calm in dealing with this matter. Flame Mountain introduced the couple's situation: Wang Dali is the rogue's husband. He left Luo Cha in this direction, and now he is in Moyun Cave in Jileishan.

Long live the fox king. He died, leaving a daughter named Princess Jade. The princess has millions of furniture, and nobody cares. Two years ago, she visited Niu Wangmo. She was very good. She is willing to accompany the furniture and adopt her husband's wife. Niu Wang abandoned Luo Cha and never looked back. Niu Wangmo was greedy for money and lust, and abandoned Princess Tiefan. She couldn't see each other for two years, and her husband separated. Her experience is very sympathetic.

Princess Tiefan sticks to her love, but still relies on Niu Wangmo. Her husband left her because of her lust for money and beauty, but she lived alone for her husband, and kept her virginity for Niu Wangmo. From this point of view, Princess Iron Fan is a good wife. When the Monkey King took a banana fan as a fake Niu Wangmo, his feelings for Niu Wangmo were vividly displayed.

As soon as she heard the girl walk into the newspaper office, she said, "Grandma, grandpa is back." Hearing this, Luo Cha hurried out to meet him. Then, hand in hand, the maid stood at the table to watch tea, talking about cold for a while and warm for a while. Relying on Niu Wangmo, he embodied the concept of being a wife, and tearfully told Niu Wangmo about the pain of being bullied by the Monkey King, and said, "Men have no money and women have no husbands and no bodies." "Since ancient times, the wife has been together, and the husband has cultivated himself as his father. Thanks for what? " When the Monkey King offered to see fans, he was unprepared and moved. Finally, because the Monkey King was really like this, he was so ashamed that he just let out a cry, "Kill me with anger, kill me with anger!" It can be seen that she is full of true feelings for cows.

Princess Iron Fan is not as jealous as Princess Emerald. Jealousy is the "seven fruits" rule. Compared with Princess Jade, Princess Iron Fan's jealousy is not so obvious. Princess Yumian heard the Monkey King say, "I'm Princess Yang from the Bajiao Cave in Cuiyun Mountain. She invited the cows." When the woman heard Princess Tiefan's invitation to the cow, her heart was furious and her ears were red, and she swore, "This bitch is really ignorant! It hasn't been two years since Niu Wang came to my house, and I don't know how many pearls, gold, silver, silks and satins I gave him. I provide firewood every year and rice every month. I had a good time and I'm not ashamed. What's wrong with asking him again? " Princess Iron Fan is not as jealous as Princess Emerald.

Third, when the cow was in danger, he didn't hit a person when he was down, but interceded for the cow and persuaded the cow to give in.

When the Monkey King and Pig Bajie chased Wang Mo to the Bajiao Cave, the rogue took the fan in his hand and said with tears in his eyes, "Your Majesty! Give this fan to the monkey and tell him to retreat. " When the cow was arrested, he actively pleaded for the cow. Nezha tied Niu Wangmo to an octagonal cave and asked for a fan. Old Niu Jiao said, "Madam, take out the fan and save my life!"

Hearing this, Luo Cha took off his hairpin and costume, tied a monk's hair, wore a monk's clothes, and walked out the door with a two-foot-long palm fan in his hands. I saw the father and son of King Kong, the saints, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing hurriedly, saying, "I hope the Bodhisattva will spare the couple, and I am willing to flatter Uncle Sun with this!" Put out the fire in the Monkey King's heart, and then promise to turn over a new leaf. Then Luo Cha took the fan. Say a spell, knead it into an apricot Ye Er, put it in your mouth, thank all the saints, practice in seclusion, and then make it a positive result, which will last forever in Tibet.

Fourth, it is convenient for people to help themselves, without hurting people or killing people. Use a banana fan to put out the fire and get a source of livelihood.

In order to get a bumper harvest, people around the Flame Mountain brought gifts to ask Princess Tiefan to put out the fire, and Princess Tiefan took this as her main source of livelihood. In the words of an old man, "the iron fan fairy has a banana fan with a handle." If we get it, one fan will stop the fire, two fans will have wind, and three fans will rain, so we sow and harvest in time, so we can keep the grain healthy. Otherwise, honest grass can't grow. ""I've been begging here for ten years. Four pigs and four sheep, red flowers outside, red flowers inside, fruit outside, chicken and goose wine, pious bath, go to that fairy mountain and ask him to come out of the hole. "

The Flame Mountain was formed when the Monkey King made a scene in the Heavenly Palace and kicked the old man's furnace. The Monkey King is the culprit. The land said to the Monkey King, "This mountain didn't exist here, because the Great Sage was captured in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago and was forced to look for the old gentleman. He put the Great Sage in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, opened the tripod after alchemy, and you knocked down the furnace, leaving a few bricks with fire in them, which melted here. Princess Iron Fan got the source of life by her treasure fan and magic power. Although some of them are unsatisfactory and belong to monopoly management, they are much better than burning, killing, looting and killing people.

Extended data

The Journey to the West is the most outstanding ghost novel full of fantastic ideas in the history of China literature. Wu Cheng'en, the author, used romanticism to insert soaring wings with unparalleled imagination, described a colorful, magical and magnificent fantasy world, and created a series of fascinating and fascinating fairy tales. In the fantasy world, it reflects secular human feelings and feelings in a tortuous way, shows fresh human wisdom, and is full of realistic flesh and blood and rich flavor of life.

The appearance of The Journey to the West opened up a new category of ghost novels. The ingenious combination of well-meaning satire, bitter satire and serious criticism in the book directly affects the development of satirical novels. So The Journey to the West is the pinnacle of ancient romance novels. In the history of world literature, it is also a masterpiece of romanticism and a pioneer of magical realism.

Since The Journey to the West, there has been a climax of writing ghost novels in Ming Dynasty. There are Zhu Xingzuo's Biography of Twenty-four Arhats Becoming the Tao, Deng Zhimo's Cycas Flying Sword Cursing Jujube, and Xu's Biography of Immortals. The Journey to the West also had a far-reaching influence on the traditional operas in China. The court drama "Shengping Bao Raft" in Qing Dynasty is a western game, with 10 copies and 240 copies. The Journey to the West not only has sequels and imitations, but also has an influence on later novels, operas, baojuan and folk customs. The Journey to the West's drum ci is found in his disciple's book in Qing Dynasty, which shows its great influence.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Princess Iron Fan (a character in the classical novel The Journey to the West)

Baidu Encyclopedia-Journey to the West (one of the four classical novels in China)