Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Do you believe Libra's lie that he won't tell anyone about the major constellations?

Do you believe Libra's lie that he won't tell anyone about the major constellations?

Of course I won't believe it, because no matter what constellation it is, it will basically open its mouth, and Libra is no exception.

We often hear people say in our daily life that if you tell me your secret, I won't tell anyone. Actually, this is bullshit. No one can really hide the secret inside. Unless it is the former underground party member, it will definitely say.

Libra is no exception, because Libra usually seems indifferent to other people's gossip, but in fact, the inner gossip fire has already burned. If you happen to meet someone who confides in them at this time, they will pretend to be sanctimonious, remember all the words of the other party firmly, and swear that they will not say anything.

But it may not be long before the other party hears that his secret has been leaked from other channels. It is very likely that he never told anyone his secret, only his friends in Libra. So you can imagine how unreliable Libra is, at least in terms of confidentiality.

Of course, other constellations are not much better, because hiding secrets in one's heart will be very uncomfortable and will make you uncomfortable. At this time, these secrets must be shared, otherwise you may not be able to sleep at night, which should be everyone's characteristic.

Even if you keep it for a day or two for a long time, such a secret will be deeply rooted in people's hearts and will jump out one day. So don't trust anyone or any sign that they will keep a secret. This is absolutely a lie.