Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What kind of personality is Aries?

What kind of personality is Aries?

What kind of personality is Aries?

What kind of personality is Aries? Aries is the first house in spring and the sum of the zodiac. It is located in the east of Pisces and the west of Taurus, and its ruler is Mars. Aries is always full of passion, so what kind of personality is Aries?

What kind of personality is an Aries girl? 1 First of all, Aries is recognized as cute. For Aries, every day is a brand-new day. Every day is a day full of energy. A friend with negative energy said, I will always be infected by me, and all negative energy will run away unconsciously. Of course, Aries women are also the best confidants in many friends' hearts. When you are sad,

Second, Aries women have a unique sense of justice. When they meet people in need on the road, they always go all out to help others. They never thought that the other person might be a bad person, and the outspoken Aries was arrogant.

Third, Aries women are particularly infatuated! I am desperate to treat every relationship. . As long as Aries girls like someone, they want to give him all their best things. If she suffers a little injustice, she will bear it, because she really loves each other. Is there such an Aries girl who is infatuated with death?

Fourth, although Aries women are spoony people, only the people they are looking for will do it. If there are inexplicable people around, or want to have an affair, Aries women will be angry and will let them go. Love is worth it, and you can't struggle without love!

Fifth, although Aries' temper is a little impulsive, in fact, Aries' mind is quite delicate. Aries women are often very enthusiastic. For friends, family and lovers, you can often sacrifice your own things in exchange for your own happiness ~

What kind of personality is Aries? 2. Naive and smart.

Most Aries women are naive and always keep a pure heart. Many people are mothers, even old ladies, who are often childlike. Always keep a curiosity and fantasy about the world, and anything new can arouse their desire to explore.

Maybe Aries is a silly elder sister in many things, and she is credulous and careless, but as long as it is the things and people she cares about, she is absolutely keen, and no clues can escape her eyes. Smart, smart to make people tongue-tied, it's hard to believe:

Just now, I did something careless and was severely criticized. In a blink of an eye, I did something I was interested in and valued, but it was so fast and perfect, showing admirable high IQ, high judgment, high decision-making power and high mobility.

Naive because Aries women have always adhered to their ideals.

Naive because Aries has always believed that the world is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Naive because Aries always thinks that everyone is as naive as her.

Naive because Aries always looks at the world with a positive eye: the sun will be brighter tomorrow.

Aries woman is stupid and silly, or has received more care since she was a child, especially her father is good at protecting her; Or disdain to engage in trivial things with little feet; Either you are very enterprising and concentrate on your own ideals, so you ignore daily chores; Either you see some truth clearly, understand a lot and learn a lot, so you should "mix pigs and eat tigers" and deliberately play the fool.

In a word, Aries is the best and most wonderful person who combines innocence and intelligence, and it is difficult to distinguish nature from truth.

Second, courage and gentleness.

These two words are somewhat contradictory here. But Aries is like this. Most Aries women have some chivalrous temperament, such as courage, boldness, perseverance, boldness, boldness, boldness, boldness, fearlessness, daring to laugh at the sky and dare to stand out. So many words are not enough to describe Aries women's bravery and chivalry. In short, Aries girls are in a hurry to be soldiers. It is her character to take the lead and take the lead. Even if Marco is buried, she will not give up and will not regret it.

Such a woman will not make most men feel ashamed, especially those little men or timid, greedy and weak little men disguised as male chauvinism. They will think that Aries is a pure man and woman. And their misunderstanding and injustice to Aries women have deepened their contempt for them, and they will become more and more "very manly" and let them escape.

In fact, Aries women also have a gentle side in their hearts. Just be gentle with a few people. The gentleness of an Aries woman is only for those who deserve to be gentle with him or her. Aries women are really gentle when they are gentle, without any affectation or utilitarian tenderness. However, if you meet someone who doesn't understand amorous feelings, a trace of unhappiness and sadness will pass through the Aries woman's mind, and then she will return to the fiery thunderbolt temper of "man-woman" with lightning speed.

Therefore, the tenderness of Aries women needs encouragement, affirmation, sincere recognition, and natural communication and enjoyment. Otherwise, she will punish you very rudely, you stupid man and woman who have no interests.

Compared with their weak people, Aries women are generally warmer and gentler. People who are tough, overbearing, arrogant, self-righteous and domineering will be stiff and indifferent, will involuntarily resent, and will challenge and resist. Just like Guan Yu, he takes care of his subordinates and has a lot of backbone for his superiors.

Therefore, Aries women are very maternal, but they can't challenge their dignity. You are stronger than you, you are tougher than you, and you are fiercer than you.

For Aries women, you have to go to two extremes, either you are really superior in martial arts, extremely strong and rarely matched, or you have to be smart and soft.

Brave as a lion, gentle as a sheep. This is the Aries girl.

Third, straight lines and curves

Many Aries women give people the impression that they are careless, informal, straightforward, simple and powerful, and outspoken. Straight, even stupid. I think this girl is really stupid and straight. Like an invisible man, you can see through it at a glance. There is no need to ponder and guess. Everything is in her face, everything is straight thinking. Therefore, Aries women can easily blend in with the opposite sex, especially northern men. It makes people wonder if they were born in the wrong place. Judging from the traditional stereotyped gender image, they are simply women with female characteristics and male thinking.

The Aries girl is still the same when she grows up. Many Aries girls are late-maturing. It was not until one day that she went to Seeds of Love and began to fall in love with spring that she made a 180 turn. It is ridiculous for women, even they are surprised, and the tenderness in their hearts even makes them feel sick. On the one hand, they will be at a loss and don't know what is wrong with them. How come when I see him, I pour out my tenderness like water, and even my voice becomes slow and gentle?

On the other hand, I am afraid that I will lose my personality and become like those whiny, soft and fragile little women, but there are also some surprises.

Every time an Aries woman falls in love with a man, there will be earth-shaking changes, and she can't help but become a little woman. If this man is good enough, has personality enough, is thoughtful enough, is tasteful enough, is charming enough, and loves her very much, the Aries girl will rapidly grow from a very primitive and wild girl to a noble, elegant, profound, reserved, rigid, rich, affectionate and charming woman.

A good man, like a key, will open the heart of an Aries woman and make her richer, more beautiful. She will also make this man more masculine, more successful and stronger.

I'm sorry if I meet a man who is just "out of the golden jade, out of the blue". Aries woman turns her face faster than turning over a book, and doesn't even bother to dump you. It is unnecessary to take a look, and it is useless to persist.

A good man, a real man will change Aries from a straight woman to a curvy woman.

Fourth, independence rather than isolation.

Aries always feels like a strong woman. She has been competitive since she was a child, and she is the first person who dares to eat crabs. Weakness and dependence are not their character. They prefer to do something independently like a lone ranger. I don't like asking for help easily, and I won't ask for help unless I have to.

Aries women hate weakness, mediocrity, triviality, depression and decadence, and will never allow themselves to do so. If we let them rely on others to live, be vassals and make decorations, their hearts will be worse than death.

There are also some Aries women who are very decadent after being injured. But careful observation can reveal from their eyes the yearning for the past, the hatred and disgust for themselves now, and the desire and hope for becoming a fighting Aries again in the future.

I have never seen an Aries girl unable to control herself.

Because of this, many Aries women give people the feeling that they are warm but lofty, and they are cold when they are passionate, which makes people feel ashamed and shudder. Her vision is enough to make those small, wretched, cowardly and enterprising parasites and neets feel ashamed.

It is precisely because of this that many Aries women, especially those with successful careers and outstanding talents, will make people stay away from them. On the surface, they are as proud as a queen, but inside they are desolate. In fact, although they are almost abnormal, they don't like isolation.

Aries women like friends, like to call friends, travel hand in hand and sing songs about wine. I really hope to have a matching partner to cooperate with them, and I really hope to have a confidant to start the world and tell each other. I long for a fair opponent to compete all the time; I really hope that the tough elders can communicate with her on an equal footing and learn from each other.

At first, Aries women will despise many ordinary people. Even though she is ordinary, she always believes that one day she will be extraordinary. So I tried, so I tried, so I was proud.

Later, Aries found that ordinary people without ambition are actually cute and have their own unique advantages, so they will put down their airs and quickly integrate into the circle and become conspicuous big sisters. But after a long time, she will still be very eager to have a rival or friend with equal strength. If there is no such thing, she will miss her days of independence and isolation, but she will not show it, because everyone's acceptance is so precious and friendship is so rare.

But if she is in a circle that rejects her, everyone will think that she is too tough and has the courage to jump out and be her arrogant "lone ranger".

Five, after the predecessors

Many people think that Aries is a natural optimist, always full of energy, always smiling like a flower, colorful and full of spring. Melancholy, sadness and melancholy seem to be isolated from them. They only have anger, not sadness. But I don't feel sentimental and melancholy.

Many people ask Aries: Why are you always so happy and cheerful?

In fact, Aries women are not made of iron, they will be sad, depressed and sad. They are as sad and sensitive as Lin Daiyu. However, their tears will only be left to themselves and to the mirror.

Dry your tears, don't ask, at least we still have a dream.

This is for Aries.

Trying to smile is Aries' specialty.

Because they don't like to bring sadness and unhappiness to others, although they like to comfort and encourage injured friends.

If you accidentally see an Aries girl in tears, don't pretend not to see it and walk away.

Aries daughter's heart is actually a piece of glass inlaid with king kong. It seems that King Kong is not bad, but it will break, and it will be more painful and thorough.

In the lively crowd, Aries will never be forgotten dust, and everyone will be infected by her cheerful, provocative and humorous. However, when I get home, when I am alone, Aries women will be silent, silent, silent. Just like a person smoking a cigarette in the dark, inexplicable and distressing.

In front of people, they move like rabbits;

After humans disappeared, they were as quiet as virgins.

In front of people, they are generous and strong women.

Lonely little women after death.

Sixth, express goodwill with "violence"

Aries woman is an out-and-out "savage woman". Exactly. Many people think that Aries women are prone to violence, especially for men.

In fact, this is a special way for Aries women to express kindness, closeness and love, which is the same as the tenderness and thoughtfulness of other girls.

Aries women like a friend. When they meet, they can't help touching him, pulling him, pinching him, and always punching, kicking, patting or kicking him. Just like ants communicate with their antennae.

If you are "lucky" to be treated like this by Aries, it can only show that she really regards you as a good buddy, sister and friend. Absolutely not violent.

Seven, sloppy is a protective color.

It is true that the little girl in Aries is careless. Aries girls are fake unless they are idiots. Aries knows that it is difficult to change her impulsive and reckless personality, but carelessness can be changed, and she can even become a careful observer. But they will still be careless, rude, fearless, impulsive and reckless.

Because this is a symbol of idiot, Aries women who like to be "early birds" can go out safely and confidently. Because people often have a strong psychological attitude towards the deep and sinister civil air defense model. Aries' weakness has become an advantage, and I have to continue to grow up and be a little girl.

You can dress up as a pig to eat a tiger, eat pig food or sleep as a pig.

Hehe, this is probably called "deep still water".

Eight, sensitive and slow

Aries women usually give people the feeling that they are very dull, as if they are always careless, rootless and silly. Always reckless, because impulsiveness and outspoken offend many people who don't know. Fortunately, friends will get used to it after getting along for a long time. The more we know her, the more we like her, and the more we can tolerate her stupidity, her stupidity, her recklessness and even the harm to you.

But most people around her will think that this kind of indifference to life, intentionally or unintentionally, is a manifestation of indifference to others and extreme narcissism and selfishness. Aries women seldom gossip, but many are "study fanatics" and "workaholics". They are often addicted to what they are doing and really regard work as a career. They don't allow themselves to fail or be imperfect. So in the eyes of others, I will always be like a desperate woman. It seems that life is completely ignored, only work, only career.

It seems that she has endless motivation every day, always happy and always strong. Even if she is in a bad mood, she just loses her temper instead of tears. Slow to respond to other people's affairs. Love slowly. It's not easy to gossip. I am ambivalent about all trifles.

In fact, they also have sensitive moments. I am extremely sensitive to what I am interested in and to the person I like. Sensitive to dignity. If you violate her dignity and only expose her scars, she will be extremely sensitive and become nervous and hysterical. Aries women generally have "psychological sensitive areas", and whoever touches them is unlucky. If you intentionally invade, then she will fight you desperately. Aries women will not compromise, even if they die together, they will not give up and will not ask for forgiveness. Aries women eat soft but not hard.

People who are sensitive to everything will bore Aries. Aries women often accept their daily chores with a very open and easy-going attitude, and they are restless and don't care about their parents and the Li family. They are turning their attention to what they think is meaningful. So it often makes people around you feel incredible.

However, if she is sensitive to one thing and one person, then every little detail of this thing and this person can't escape her eyes, and she will be very keen on collecting information, understanding in depth and analyzing in depth. Then decide what to do, then concentrate, strike hard and succeed in one fell swoop. And those who are very concerned and sensitive to everything and everyone often don't have this power. This is the advantage of what Grandpa Mao called "punching people with one punch".

Aries women are sensitive to dignity, success, progress, courage, opponents, people and things they like, and honor.

Nine, angels and demons

Generally speaking, Aries women who have not been hurt too much and have not experienced very rough experiences are all angel-like innocence and kindness. Look at the world, everything is beautiful. It's good for everyone, and sometimes it even makes you feel that she is a passionate and abusive person. It is always easy to forgive others. It's easy to forget injuries. However, if you cheat her again and again, betray her and hurt her, she will become a crazy devil, and you will dare to take the knife and do it directly.

If you are cheated and scarred many times, you will doubt yourself, you will hate your innocence and kindness, you will go to the other extreme, you will become sinister and vicious, and you will take revenge crazily. But her insidiousness is different from those who are born with evil spirits, and she will still show flaws and even inadvertently say it. Because Aries is a constellation that is not good at hiding. Deliberate changes will still expose their nature. Just like Li Mochou, she used to be a very good girl, but she was hurt by love and became the devil wears Prada.

Aries is a natural angel, but if she becomes a demon, it will be more terrible than a natural demon.


Aries woman is never moderate, and extremes are her character. She always jumps easily from one extreme to the other without any transition or gap. Always black and white, life or death, love or not.

Ambiguity is not her character, nor is she good at it.

The combination of ice and fire

Many people think that Aries women are passionate about everyone and everything. People around you are also vulnerable to her infection. She is always able to stir up the masses and is a good leader.

But if Aries gets hurt too much, she will become very cruel and will abandon you without blinking an eye. In addition, for those who are weak, timid, incompetent, mediocre and wretched, even if Aries is enthusiastic on the surface, there will be a trace of contempt and contempt in his eyes, which has already sent you to hell and made you more cold inside. No matter how nice you are to her, she won't like you. Many Aries women are hot outside and cold inside.

Women born in Aries always meet new challenges. When she is in love, she is more enthusiastic and eager to live her own life.

Aries is ambitious and determined. The lady has a quick mind and hopes to finish the work as soon as possible. Aries is great as a leader at work, because she knows how to deal with people and solve problems.

Aries women should not be too emotional or sentimental. Sometimes Aries needs to be encouraged to solve the problems around him. If you are a passionate and positive person, then Aries is your perfect woman. You two can take new adventures together, have fun and enjoy a full life.

Because of her irresistible charm, she often finds her prince and is very happy. When you meet her, the first thing that will move you is her passion.

Aries is complex and interesting, and you will want to know more about her. If she meets the man of her dreams, she will shine and become more emotional. All you need to do is caress Aries and make sure she knows that she is the only one in your life.

This is the only way to make Aries girls happy and safe. Because although this lady looks strong, she is actually very fragile. I hope love is more important than anything else.

If you are a hopeful person, she will attract you more. The perfect match for an Aries woman is a masculine man who will not be frightened by those who are self-centered.

Aries in love will become the most attractive person on earth. She may be insensitive sometimes, but you will learn how to deal with it.

She likes flirting games. She doesn't have much patience when she wants someone. You should take the initiative to be with her. This is what she expects of men.

When she is attracted to someone, you will get all the hints from Aries, because she is very direct. If she starts wearing sexy clothes and red lipstick in front of you, you can be sure that she will soon become your other half.

New things and adventures are what Aries women want every day in their lives. You can go anywhere with this woman. If she thinks things are going too slowly in the relationship, then she will be the active party.

Aries is very attractive and good at making men need her. This lady will attract others, just like a magnet. Aries wants people who love her to know her better and understand her better. Because Aries has this energy to make her look like a superman, she often accepts easier tasks.

Aries is always optimistic, hoping for some kind of justice in the world. She will fight for those who lose justice or cause injustice.

Aries women will never look back, only move forward and the future. This is why she has become such an excellent leader. Many people will envy her strength. Don't criticize her, because she will attack you, and you will not be able to accept the harshness of Aries.

The rule of oppositional attraction does not apply to Aries women. She needs someone as energetic and bold as her. If you are weak, needy or insecure, she will never want you in her life. A man who is sure of himself and hopes to achieve great success is the perfect man of Aries.

She is not the most emotional person. She never understood why people don't like adventure and courage like her. If you are sensitive, please try to get in touch with others, because Aries may be too direct to you.