Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Deciding to break up will never be soft-hearted What are the constellations most afraid of breaking up?

Deciding to break up will never be soft-hearted What are the constellations most afraid of breaking up?

Aries Aries is a fire sign, the guardian star is Mars, and the patron saint Ares ranks first in the zodiac 12. These characteristics lead to Aries's particularly hot personality, easy to be radical, and a disagreement will make people quarrel. This will lead to negative Aries interpersonal relationships.

Moreover, the negative Aries likes to compete for the first place in everything, especially to show off. As long as you feel right, you must show it, no matter what others think. This makes him easy to offend people, whether intentionally or unintentionally, many little people.

One more thing, negative Aries will be quite arrogant, and most people will not care. There is a feeling that the second child, Aries, is the biggest, and no one refuses to accept it, so it is difficult to cooperate. This makes it easy for him to have conflicts with people. A little conflict will make him irritable, and then he will be promoted directly to the battlefield level, and he must win. Even if you win in the end, you actually lose too much.

Have you ever met such an Aries? Please be sure to avoid him. It is irrational to confront him.

Taurus Taurus is an earth sign and a fixed sign. Its ruler is Venus, ranking second in the zodiac.

The second house represents money and material, coupled with the influence of soil elements and fixed patterns, which leads to the negative Taurus becoming very greedy at first, such as being very stingy, very stingy, especially caring about money, and often not breaking his hand for money. In order to satisfy personal interests, it is better to offend friends and betray love. In short, you can't get enough.

Negative Taurus will be particularly greedy for material desires, especially the enjoyment of material desires. I have seen many Taurus like this. They only care about what they can see in front of them, such as eating, drinking, having fun, being comfortable and enjoying themselves. For example, the possession and enjoyment brought by clothes, bags, jewelry, cars and houses will be completely ignored for spiritual growth and spiritual level improvement.

One more thing, negative Taurus will be particularly stubborn, that is, especially unwilling to change. They don't want to see their own shortcomings, let alone change them. Even if I know I'm wrong, I won't listen to advice, and I will persist stubbornly. So that sentence is called casting pearls before swine.

Of course, not all Taurus are like this, only the blackened Taurus will have these negative effects.

Gemini Gemini is a air signs and a changing constellation. It is the only constellation in 12 with wind elements and changing patterns. Coupled with Gemini's curious and changeable personality, the negative Gemini will be very fickle, only three minutes of enthusiasm for anything, half-hearted, unfocused. No matter in friendship, love or affection, he is impatient. As long as he is not in his head or in the mood, he doesn't care who you are, no matter what it is, he will definitely put you aside and do what he likes. And because of this fickle nature, you can't find the logic to get along with Gemini at all. He may be talking and laughing with you one minute and leaving you the next.

Therefore, such a person is very unfocused in love, let alone single-minded, and it is impossible to capitalize. Because of this, Gemini is the constellation with the highest derailment rate and derailment rate.

Another negative trait of Gemini is irresponsibility, which is really bad and not a good quality for people to do things. Because he doesn't have such a sense of responsibility, conscience and responsibility in his bones. Gemini takes responsibility lightly, and even has no clear bottom line. As long as he feels unhappy or a little stressed, he can leave everything behind. Whatever you say, I don't care. Then this trait will often have a negative impact on him.

Then you dare to fall in love with such a person. People often tell me that Gemini is hot and cold, which is why it is difficult to grasp it. Of course, not all Gemini are like this, only the negative Gemini who has been blackened will be like this.

Cancer Cancer is the most sensitive constellation in the 12 constellation and has the most direct relationship with its guardian star. The main star of Cancer is the moon, which is characterized by the fastest change regardless of rain or shine. Cancer is like this, the mood changes as soon as it changes. Therefore, the most obvious feature of negative cancer is hypersensitivity. This transitional sensitivity includes sentimental, very emotional, and very fragile and very negative emotions. Even if you get along with such people, you will find it difficult to get along. Even if your words and deeds are wrong, this negative cancer will become very angry. She'll think you targeted him on purpose. She will think that you don't respect her and value her. She will feel that she has been attacked, so she will become unreasonable, turn herself into a powerful victim and try her best to do it. In fact, this is also a manifestation of fragility and insecurity.

In addition, negative cancer can be quite suspicious. Cancer has a strong sense of self-protection, so negative cancer will be stronger. He will regard all people and things outside as harmful, and it is difficult to accept others, even friendly people, so it is easy for cancer to expand interpersonal relationships.

Have you ever met such a cancer? Not all cancers are like this. Only negative cancers and melanotic cancers are like this.

Leo lion is the most regal in 12 constellation. They are enthusiastic, fair, expressive and enterprising. No matter where they go, they show their best side to others with their own leading role aura, eager for other people's support, flowers and applause. The negative Leo will over-publicize this trait, and will become particularly vain, particularly proud, and particularly fond of showing off. As long as he has a little strength, he should try his best to show it to others in order to get praise and appreciation. Even for vanity, all kinds of boasting and self-righteousness in front of others. I knew such a typical passive lion could pretend to be human. As long as he drinks some wine, he is the only one at the scene.

No matter how negative Leo is, he will be overbearing and stubborn, that is, he will always insist on his own opinions, even impose his own opinions on other people's ideas, and then tell you all kinds of truths to convince you that you can only cooperate.

Have you ever seen such a lion? Not all lions are like this. Only the negative lion and the black lion are like this.

Virgo Virgo is the most hacked constellation. When it comes to Virgo, it is labeled as cleanliness, picky, turtle hair, difficult to get along with, and some even love gossip. So Virgo is really like this. Is she really as difficult as everyone says? Yes, it's true. Virgo is really difficult. hahaha. Of course, not all Virgos are like this. Then when a blackened Virgo becomes more difficult to get along with, a little neurotic and paranoid, that is, you don't satisfy her a little, she will endlessly complain, criticize you, accuse you, even humiliate you, call you useless and useless, and so on.

You seem to be a useless fool in front of him, and he will make you have no self-esteem and no sense of value. So don't meet such a dark Virgo. If you stay with such a person, your children and your whole family will live in the shadow of his complaints. Such children will grow up to be seriously loveless and rebellious, and the consequences are really unimaginable.

Of course, I'm talking about the blackened Virgo, and the virgo that hasn't been blackened is still very nice and lovely.