Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How to Cultivate Virgo Children Correctly

How to Cultivate Virgo Children Correctly

Every baby is unique and has its innate personality and characteristics. It is also a pleasure to know the baby's horoscope characteristics. Of course, the so-called "constellation" is only a generalization of a certain personality and trait type, but it can really help you understand your baby's personality and increase the communication between parents and children!

1, Aries Baby (3/2 1-4/20)

Personality keywords: strong, positive, adventurous, lively and straightforward, natural leader.

Aries children are enthusiastic, active and creative, and always seem to be more energetic than other children. Their enthusiasm is equal to their natural courage. At the same time, they have high morale and focus on themselves.

Aries babies are notoriously frank and will say whatever they see. They are impulsive and often do things without thinking twice, so they may not grasp the "scale" well.

Aries baby is full of energy. He was eager to see the world from his own point of view since he was a child. His rebellious mood is serious and his temper will be turned upside down. He will never stop until he reaches his goal.

Aries children are good at starting some big projects, but they don't have the same enthusiasm to stick to them.

As the parents of Aries baby, you are probably familiar with what is called "hot temper". It is difficult for Aries children to control their emotions. However, in this respect, they also have an advantage, that is, they will not hold grudges. Once the emotions are released, the anger will disappear.

Parenting strategies:

You can't get used to baby Aries. Strict requirements, even militarized management, will do him no harm. Be careful not to indulge him, communicate with him more, and let him know that although he has his own ideas, he should always listen to others' opinions.

Pay attention to Aries baby's endless curiosity and natural sense of leadership, and cultivate his physique, perseverance and courage through outdoor activities such as sports, socializing and camping.

It is necessary to ensure that your Aries baby gets enough exercise. All high-intensity activities can release his energy well. If it is a competitive sport, the effect will be better.

But be sure to wear a helmet or other necessary protective equipment. Aries children are always in a hurry and are often more prone to accidents.

2. Taurus baby (4/2 1-5/20)

Personality keywords: easy-going, approachable, kind, calm, comfortable, easy.

If summed up in one sentence, your Taurus baby is a "human model". Even babies, they are cute, cute. They are often strong and energetic.

Taurus children know the world through their own senses: they like the taste, touch, sound and smell of all kinds of things. Therefore, Taurus babies attach great importance to sensory stimulation. In fact, they like eating very much from the moment they were born. However, they may also have special preferences for certain foods and stubbornly refuse to try other new things.

Even when they are young, Taurus children are realistic and good at managing money. Taurus's first need is a sense of security, whether adults or children. Taurus babies like to be wrapped in swaddling clothes, which makes them feel very safe. Some Taurus babies are clingy, while others rely on things that bring security, such as blankets, or like to hide their own things.

Parenting strategies:

Take your Taurus baby outdoors as soon as possible, because Taurus will thrive in the natural environment. Older Taurus children usually like to take care of flowers, grass or small animals, and they will perform their duties quite diligently.

Taurus babies are naturally slow-witted. They are always in no hurry. In fact, they can be said to be slow fever. As a parent, you need to be very patient to guide him and adjust your pace to adapt to him when necessary. Don't arrange too many activities for him in a day.

It is not impossible to change the Taurus baby. Usually Taurus baby changes slowly, but he can accept change. However, he is a very sensitive person at heart, and a little influence will make his change go to a completely different place. Parents [Weibo] should pay close attention to the baby's feelings and minimize the influence.

The baby in this constellation must give him enough time to think. A regular life and a quiet and comfortable environment will be beneficial to his development.

His hands-on ability is very strong, so he can practice more, such as making models, embroidery, gardening and so on. Be careful of the baby's innate sense of distance and cultivate his trust in others.

3. Twin babies (5/2 1-6/2 1)

Personality keywords: quick thinking, smart and studious, like to ask questions, sometimes fickle and elusive.

Your Gemini baby will look at you with his bright and happy eyes and make you laugh, because you know, his mind is full of tricks. If he can speak early, it is easier to show this nature.

Gemini children tend to be talkative, attractive and sociable. Even if your Gemini baby belongs to the kind that doesn't like to talk very much, he will be witty, full of curiosity and constantly think about the world around him. You must surround him with books and puzzles to stimulate his thinking. You should also give children more space and resources to practice all kinds of whimsy.

Gemini baby is in trouble. He can't be quiet for a moment. The world is a huge toy park for him. Gemini children like new things. As soon as they find something new, they can't wait to throw away what they have and try something new. Once they master a new skill, they will get bored immediately and learn other things. His flexible mind and limbs need full stimulation from outside. Their mood may also change in an instant.

Many twin babies are indecisive or half-hearted. On the bright side, they will be more adaptable. Gemini children are more willing to experience extensively than to explore things in depth.

Gemini children are better at mental activities, such as reading, writing, debating and all activities that require finger flexibility, such as playing the piano. Gemini babies often have many friends because of their wide interests and become the center of his circle of friends. They are naturally good at what we adults call interpersonal communication.

Parenting strategies:

As parents of twins, you don't have to worry about how to guide them to broaden their interests, because twins are born with a wide range of interests. As parents, what you have to worry about is how to help them concentrate on the development of a particular field.

Gemini baby's active personality, so you really can't save your heart, you must always pay attention to your baby's words and deeds, and don't poke your arm. However, as long as there is no big trouble, don't interfere too much with your baby's hobbies.

Smart twins are good at observing faces and colors, so parents can't be fooled by his smart appearance and let him do whatever he wants.

4. Infant cancer (June 22-July 22)

Personality keywords: shy, sensitive, considerate and sensitive.

Children in this constellation have excellent observation ability, and they will hide the observed external events in their keen inner world. Cancer children's talents will be revealed at home, especially in the bedroom and kitchen. Polite, will be loved by friends around.

Your baby cancer feels most comfortable at home. He likes to be surrounded by his family and pets, by familiar pictures, sounds and smells. If your family lifestyle is full of changes, your cancer baby needs some support, such as a soft blanket or his precious plush toys.

Tradition, habits and laws will also comfort the children of cancer, so it is very important for your whole family to eat together often and establish a set of rules for children to take a bath and sleep. Cancer children are naturally cautious and sensitive, and are easily frightened in a noisy and chaotic environment. Your little guy may prefer to make snacks in a quiet afternoon instead of playing on the playground all day.

Parenting strategies:

Give your baby cancer a pot of small plants or an animal to take care of, and he will know what to do, which is almost his instinct. Caring for others is the nature of cancer children, so don't be surprised if your child brings home every stray dog he finds. As a parent, your task is to provide a stable family life environment and give him a lot of care, because emotional security is the first demand of cancer children.

As a parent of a baby with cancer, you should give your baby private space. Cancer children are more emotionally vulnerable than others. When they are afraid, they will shrink into their small protective shells until the danger is lifted. Let them protect themselves in their own way, and then you should gently encourage them to express their feelings.

In order to make the cancer baby grow up healthily, parents must create a warm and happy family environment and cultivate the baby's optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life. Parents should not be rude to their baby's sensitive and willful personality, but encourage him to say things that affect his mood. Good communication is a good medicine for his sensitive nature. A kind-hearted and impressionable baby cancer, like a rough piece of jade, can be carved into the most beautiful works of art in the world.

5. Little Lion (July 23-August 22)

Personality keywords: loyalty is like a soldier, a natural star or leader, and strong self-esteem.

Enthusiasm, loyalty and generosity are just a few of the many bright spots of Leo babies. Little lions are warm, sensitive, sensitive, proud and usually a little conceited. The cubs look like warriors outside, but their feelings are easily hurt. A harsh word will make the self-confidence of Leo baby suffer a great blow.

The first need of Leo children is to be concerned and recognized. The little lion is used to telling others about his existence with big moves. As leaders, they like to be held high, and you can't praise and appreciate them too much. They will make every effort to win the appreciation of their parents, friends and everyone around them.

This little lion was born with a talent for acting. Maybe I'll give you some improvisation when you are very young. You may notice that he often looks in the mirror or wears colorful clothes.

Parenting strategies:

When treating a Leo baby, parents should not only maintain his pride, but also guide him to consider the feelings of others. It is not easy to have the best of both worlds, but once properly educated, Leo babies will perform very well. A little lion with a strong sense of justice has a clear sense of love and hate. Parents should never use secular views to refute his correct judgment of right and wrong.

As a parent, your affirmation and appreciation of the little lion's achievements will double their confidence. They may be praised throughout childhood or even adulthood, because the cubs can easily become star members of the school choir, drama group or football team. In fact, as long as he can shine at the moment, his performance is dazzling.

You must reward the advantages of the little lion, such as his strong loyalty and moral sense. He may not realize that these innate excellent qualities are even more important and commendable than his ability to impress others with humor or beautiful appearance.

6. Virgin baby (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Personality keywords: pursuit of perfection, calm personality, easily troubled by trivial matters.

Paying attention to reality and paying attention to details are the most striking characteristics of Virgo children, which has been the case since childhood. You may find that he will put away his toys, or save his pocket money to buy something he has been coveting for a long time, instead of spending it immediately like other children.

Virgo babies are unlikely to act rashly. Instead, they will weigh the pros and cons of things and then choose the most favorable way. Virgo children have high standards and are naturally cautious, so they may appear picky or reserved. In fact, it's only because they prefer to take a step back and look at the overall situation rather than get caught up in it.

Your Virgo baby is a natural helper. He values order and really wants to help others and do something useful for his family. He will want to do something useful to the world when he grows up, which should be affirmed and carried forward.

Parenting strategies:

A virgin baby is delicate and slender, like a little daisy. Parents should take care of him and love him more. Proper physical exercise and group activities are good for a virgin baby, but take care of his cautious nature and don't force him. The unsociable virgin baby likes to observe and think, and it is a pleasure for him to give him more observation objects and opportunities.

For the parents of the most virgin baby, you need to grasp his expectation of perfection and tell him that this is good, and there is no need to be so perfect. Try to help your child build up self-confidence, because he may not like to show off, or he may be too modest.

Help your virgin baby relax and enjoy the simple happiness in life. You can take him out to enjoy the beauty of nature, go swimming, or take a walk aimlessly. A balanced diet, regular siesta and rest are all important for virgin babies, because they easily become irritable and anxious. Everything that helps to relax can keep children calm and calm.

7. Libra baby (9/23- 10/22)

Personality keywords: rich feelings, pursuit of beauty, fairness, good temper.

It's good to have a Libra baby, because babies in this constellation are usually beautiful and smart, and it's easy to get praise when they take their babies to the streets. No way, who can make Libra baby look charming?

Whenever the atmosphere at home is tense, your Libra baby will become a messenger of peace. They want everyone to live in peace and fear conflict. Generally speaking, Libra children are most concerned about harmony, and they will try their best to create and maintain harmony. Therefore, they will keep close relationships with their parents, siblings and friends.

Libra babies are born knowing that sweet words are more powerful than sharp words. They are naturally cute and polite, but their desire to please everyone has its downside.

They may be indecisive and worry that any decision will offend someone or hurt someone's feelings. It is also difficult for them to put forward their opinions categorically, which means that friends may ignore their feelings because they always want to satisfy everyone. Fortunately, their innate social skills and strong sense of justice will make them good friends. In addition, they have a good sense of balance and elegant taste since childhood.

Parenting strategies:

Libra babies are natural negotiators, who are good at getting people to sit together, reach a settlement and seek cooperation instead of provoking disputes. As the parents of Libra baby, your task is to let him know in a gentle way that occasional disputes in life are natural and inevitable. Help him build up his self-confidence and make him realize that sticking to his own views and positions doesn't mean being rude.

Parents should always be alert to their own and their baby's proud thoughts, and don't think their baby is great. Encourage Libra babies to associate with different types of people and let them see many talents and skills that they don't have, so that they will know how to respect others. Libra babies with artistic temperament need their parents to treat them with gentleness, but their lazy nature can't be tolerated, otherwise it will be difficult to make great achievements.

8. Scorpio baby (10/23-11/21)

Personality keywords: closed, mysterious, taciturn, thoughtful in appearance and enthusiastic in heart.

It is most appropriate to use "still water is deep" to describe Scorpio baby. He may look calm on the surface, but his heart is surging. As a parent of a Scorpio baby, you may never know what can inspire his enthusiasm, because they rarely show their inner feelings.

Scorpio baby is strong-willed and full of enthusiasm. The desire for security may drive them to control themselves and others. A lasting and stable emotional connection is one of the primary needs of Scorpio children, but they may constantly test the stability of this relationship and often don't realize what they are doing.

Your Scorpio baby may be moody, hot and cold. Sometimes devoted, sometimes stubborn: sometimes gentle and considerate, sometimes controlling. Scorpio baby has rich feelings. You may think that he just shows the surface of his true feelings. Only when he allows you to enter his secret world can you get to know him better.

Scorpio baby likes mystery, and it is easy to understand other people's inner thoughts. They may like reading suspense stories or watching horror movies from a very young age. They will be trapped in complicated friendships.

Parenting strategies:

Scorpio baby is like a complicated math problem, which will bring great trouble to parents, but from another angle, Scorpio baby also gives parents the pleasure of challenge. Enthusiastic Scorpio baby's appearance is often dull, so parents should be able to understand and discover the emotions accumulated under his reticence and guide them in time. Don't force Scorpio baby to do something he doesn't want to do. His strong sense of self will misunderstand his parents' wishes, and as a result, everyone will be unhappy. Give Scorpio baby full trust and freedom, and he will behave unexpectedly well.

Scorpio babies can easily fall into compulsive, retaliatory and controlled sexual behavior. Therefore, you must teach your children the importance of forgiveness and establish a balanced and healthy relationship with others. If you guide him carefully, you can help him cultivate a wide and beautiful interest in the world and let him actively exert his energy, willpower and perseverance.

9. Shooter Baby (11/22-121)

Personality keywords: lively, straightforward, curious, natural adventurer.

Sagittarius baby is full of energy. They are parents' pistachios and can be considerate from an early age. It is parents' happiness to have such a lovely child.

Sagittarius babies are natural adventurers. For them, life is a process of exploration. They want to integrate into this world and enjoy the beauty of this world.

Don't be surprised if your shooter baby creates all kinds of troubles before he can walk. Sagittarius babies like to cross the boundaries set by their parents and explore in a broader space.

Sagittarius children are often smart, energetic, optimistic, open-minded and friendly, which will make them make many friends. Sagittarius baby's birthday party is definitely not small, not just a small gathering of several closest people, because too many people like to surround him.

Parenting strategies:

Learning and understanding are the first needs of the shooter baby. As the parents of Sagittarius baby, you should make his life full of fun, change and more excitement as much as possible. Sagittarius babies like family vacations, outdoor walks or playing hide-and-seek in the yard.

Sagittarius baby is athletic and needs to do some interesting physical exercises to release too much energy. Let him join the football team or swimming team, or let him go hiking with you on weekends.

At the same time, his brain needs a lot of stimulation, so you should prepare a lot of books and documentary DVDs for your child and take him to museums, zoos and galleries as much as possible. Give him more free space, let him participate in some extensive discussions and attach importance to his opinions.

10, Capricorn Baby (12/22-119)

Personality keywords: conservative, cautious, strong, serious about things, pursuing success.

Capricorn babies are realistic from a very young age, and they value what they can get in return. They are willing to work hard for the desired result. They may have made it clear what they want to be when they grow up. Don't worry if they don't establish or choose their own specific interests, because Capricorn babies will improve with age.

Capricorn children are good at planning. Success and recognition are their first needs. They want others to see how smart, hardworking and capable they are.

Taking a nap, playing house, dressing up or playing hide-and-seek are not Capricorn babies' favorite activities. Capricorn children have a strong sense of urgency and are unwilling to waste their time on these meaningless things.

Parenting strategies:

Give your Capricorn baby some pocket money, and give him a little when he grows up for more than a year. This is a good way to teach him the value of money. Don't be surprised if he puts money in a piggy bank and only takes it out occasionally when he wants to buy something he has been coveting for a long time.

Capricorn children will be very good brothers or sisters, because people in this sign are born with a sense of responsibility. However, no matter how sensible he seems, don't give him too much responsibility when he is very young. Even the most serious children need to play and rest.

At the same time, you can try the benefits of teaching children to improvise. Otherwise, Capricorn's thoughts and ways of doing things will easily become single and rigid.

Capricorn babies often talk and act like adults, which makes them neither easily recognized by their peers nor easily liked by adults. Parents should understand the root of his attitude and often urge him to participate in group activities to help him find his social role. For such a lonely baby, parents should give him full praise and attention, not psychological burden.

1 1, Aquarius Baby (1/20-2/ 18)

Personality keywords: full of wisdom and rationality, flexible mind and strong personality.

"Go your own way and let others talk." This sentence is the most suitable motto for Aquarius babies. They don't play cards according to common sense at all, and constantly use his innovative ability to surprise you one after another.

Aquarius babies have strong interpersonal skills and will have many friends. The more diverse the background and culture of his playmates, the better.

Aquarius babies will be attracted by all kinds of new things. He may like some special foods that other children won't even taste, such as peppers, hard cheese, oysters and so on. Or, he may stay in the room for a long time and invent some mechanical or functional gadgets. In short, it is incredible.

Parenting strategies:

The pursuit of freedom and individuality is the first demand of Aquarius babies. Therefore, as the parents of Aquarius baby, you should give him more space and autonomy. If he can't express his thoughts according to his own wishes, he will become rebellious, or become stubborn, silent and depressed.

Let your Aquarius learn to dress up as soon as possible, and provide him with books, art tools and other tools to stimulate his unique creativity. Aquarius babies are often very smart, and their way of thinking and world outlook are naturally advanced. Therefore, they may become experts in solving difficult problems.

Aquarius baby's interests and life choices will surprise you. If you can be honest with his way of thinking, you may find that he is a genius. Aquarius children just need time to find the best way to show their talents.

Aquarius, who loves and pursues new things, always lives in his own dreams. Parents cannot laugh at him. Instead, if possible, share his dreams with him. Aquarius babies always have different views and opinions, and parents should understand this "different" value. Curious Aquarius babies may lead their parents to discover the world they have not yet discovered. Don't refuse the baby's invitation. He will only share his secret world with others in complete trust.

12, Pisces Baby (2/ 19-3/20)

Personality keywords: romantic, open, strong learning ability, capable, dreamer.

Rich creative imagination will enrich the life experience of Pisces baby and make his life full of colorful and various possibilities. You may find him staring into the distance in a daze, but in fact many ideas flashed through his unfathomable little head. His feelings, his impressions, and some intuition are intertwined, forming his rich perceptual ability.

Pisces babies are gentle and compassionate, and they need more love from their parents. Your Pisces baby may want to be held in your arms like a baby all the time. When he grows up, he also needs you to hug him, kiss him and encourage him.

Pisces babies usually rely more on intuition than rationality. They are more interested in fantasy or dreams than in real life. Escaping from reality is a distinctive feature of Pisces children.

Parenting strategies:

Pisces babies are often half-hearted, and their personality is as easy to shape as dough. Parents must be careful, because their words and deeds will have a lifelong impact on their babies.

Romantic Pisces babies have strong artistic appreciation and literary talent. Parents should encourage and support him with practical actions, but avoid him from escaping from real life in the name of art.

Idealism is another characteristic of Pisces children. He may have had many grand ideas about life style and all ended in failure in the face of ruthless reality. Therefore, as the parents of Pisces babies, you should teach them to be realistic.

Your Pisces baby is very sensitive, both physically and psychologically. You need to pay attention to who he is in contact with, what he is affected by and what he eats.

Pisces children need to protect themselves from being used by others They are willing to pay and trust others easily. In this regard, as his parents, he can intervene appropriately.