Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What other galaxies are there besides the Milky Way?

What other galaxies are there besides the Milky Way?

Outside the Milky Way, there are many celestial systems similar to the Milky Way, with the number exceeding 654.38+0 billion, which are collectively called "extragalactic galaxies". Among them, the most famous extragalactic galaxies are Andromeda, Large Magellanic Galaxy, Small Magellanic Galaxy, Canis Extragalactic Galaxy and Triangle Galaxy. These galaxies are also very close to our galaxy. ?

Andromeda galaxy 1(m 3 1)

Andromeda galaxy is a typical spiral galaxy, larger than the Milky Way, with a diameter of 65.438+0.6 billion light years, while the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy is 65.438+0.6 billion light years. There are at least 200 million stars in the Andromeda galaxy. Andromeda galaxy is 2 million light years away from our earth.

2. large magellanic cloud.

It is 654.38+0.6 million light years away, located at the junction of the Swordfish and Yan Luowang constellations. So far, it is only about one-fifth of the Milky Way, but it contains at least about 20 billion stars.

3. Small Magellanic Cloud

About 2 10000 light years away, it is located in the constellation Rhododendron, which is usually observed only in the low latitudes of the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere, but this galaxy is one of the most distant celestial bodies visible to the naked eye.

4. Canine galaxy

Canis is located in the north of Canis, about14 million light years away from us. Canis is a spiral galaxy, and its spiral arms can be clearly seen in its photos, which shows that it is rotating.

5 Triangle galaxy (Me3)

Triangular galaxy is a spiral galaxy, located in the northern constellation triangle, about 3 million light years away from the earth, with many variable stars. It is the third largest galaxy in this galaxy group, slightly smaller than Andromeda and the Milky Way. If the observation environment is good, sometimes the triangle galaxy can be observed with the naked eye.

Extended data Extragalactic galaxy refers to a large number of stars outside the Milky Way, but it is also called "Extragalactic Nebula" because of its long distance and fuzzy light spots on its appearance. People have observed about10 billion galaxies similar to the Milky Way. According to their shapes and structures, they can be divided into spiral galaxies, rod-spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies and irregular galaxies.

It is estimated that the total number of extragalactic galaxies exceeds 1000 billion. The most common classification of extragalactic galaxies was proposed by Hubble in 1926. The discovery of extragalactic galaxies extends human knowledge beyond the distant Milky Way for the first time, which is an important milestone in the process of human exploration of the universe.


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