Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Why are most sexual crimes committed by men?

Why are most sexual crimes committed by men?

This is determined by men's psychological factors, physiological structure, ideological activities, inner world and the dominant and active position of men since ancient times. See the following 13 for specific reasons:

1, psychological factors. Generally speaking, men's demand in this area is higher than that of women, hormones are often bursting, and androgens often emerge. When this kind of coquettish energy is not vented and there is no outlet for venting, this kind of criminal appears.

2. Physical factors. Men have always been the leaders of society. Although the status of women has been greatly improved these days, men are still the leaders and promoters of human social progress. In terms of sexual crimes, men are not far behind, because in the eyes of these men, no matter where they are, they must become leaders, which is mainly caused by the dominance of male chauvinism for thousands of years.

3. The ratio of male to female is out of balance. Our living environment is: there are more men than women, especially in some rural areas, and there are more women than men, which leads to more men being single and unable to vent and solve their bodies. Just like a flood, you have been blocked, and one day, after a long period of accumulation, it broke out.

On the other hand, nowadays, women are not worried about getting married. Some women even marry many men at the same time. They do not have the problem of "not having enough to eat" in this respect. Therefore, if they don't go hungry, naturally this will not happen.

4. Living environment factors. That is, men like to watch pornographic movies, pictures or small videos.

However, most of these men are single and unable to vent. Once there is such an opportunity and occasion, they immediately have a criminal mentality and put it into action. Therefore, the external social environment is the main reason for this phenomenon.

5. Women's own factors. Many women, in order to attract men's attention, not only dress scantily, but also behave indiscreetly, playing with men, flirting, physical contact, and all kinds of ambiguity, which leads to sending a wrong signal to men, that is, they think you are a woman who seduces men, while some women are "simple" and go to men's homes at will to give them opportunities.

6. Some people distort their ideas. Some men, who have been squeezed by society for a long time and have a bad life, have a dark and twisted abnormal psychology, want to retaliate against women, or always feel that conquering women will gain men's dignity. Conquering a woman is to conquer her body by violent means. Under this abnormal and distorted thinking, coupled with the exposed dress of women and the lack of safety precautions, it is bound to provide this abnormal person with an opportunity.

7. The physiological structure map determines the active and passive position of men and women. I won't comment on this.

8. Physiological needs. Generally speaking, in this respect, the demand of men is greater than that of women, especially when women are about to menstruate. On the other hand, men are always full of fighting capacity and full of energy, which is mainly determined by factors such as male body structure, physique, strength, bones and energy. It is precisely because men are more energetic than women that this will happen.

9. Overexposure leads to illusion. Many women's sexual assault on men is basically not exposed, and men will not say it, let alone call the police. It is acceptable for men to feel ashamed, because no one feels ashamed and no one feels ashamed, but women are different. Once it happens, the damage to them is huge and fatal. So once it happens, it will inevitably report to the police at the first time, and it is caused by excessive exaggeration by the media.

10, line of sight deviation. There are more and more lesbians now. Many women change their emotional objects from men to the same sex, which will inevitably reduce the proportion of this "crime", while men are different. They didn't change their goals, didn't vent their goals, and eventually led to.

1 1, caused by life pressure. Many men, including single men in urban and rural areas, live alone for a long time because they can't afford a house and can't get a wife. If they don't eat "meat" for a long time, they will naturally think and think, but they can't solve it. There is no point in doing it yourself, and they have no money to find a prostitute. This is the case.

12, men are inferior to women. Women have strong self-discipline and can control their desires at any time. Reading, exercising, exercising, chatting with girlfriends, or concentrating on work will distract them in various ways. Even if they are still thinking, their self-control and perseverance are much stronger than those of men, and women can control their thoughts, desires and emotions at any time. On the contrary, men are obviously inferior to women in this respect, to put it bluntly.

13, men are like this. Men have a lustful heart, and men struggle for two goals all their lives: first, money; Second, women. Money and women are men's ultimate goals. Men live for money, women all their lives. Therefore, whenever they have money, they think of women. If they can't get it, they will take tough measures. I have money anyway. On the other hand, women have a wide range of hobbies all their lives. A man is just a passer-by and a molecule in life. They love beauty, cosmetics, money, travel, reading, learning, family, having children, taking care of family and marriage, online shopping, educating children, working, eating, drinking and having fun, etc. Women have a wide range of hobbies, and they are not as single and boring as men.

Sexual crimes are mostly caused by men:

1. Physiologically speaking, men's sexual desire is much stronger than that of women, which makes it more difficult for men to bear loneliness. In order to satisfy their own desires, more men are more likely to sexually assault women. In fact, medicine now shows that satisfying sexual desire through proper masturbation or other means will not affect health, but will be beneficial to health. However, due to traditional ideas, it is difficult for many people to accept it.

2. Even if women want to sexually assault men (men don't want to have sex with them for some reason, such as being too ugly ...), women are generally inferior to men, so it is difficult to complete sexual assault.

As mentioned above, men's sexual desire is much stronger than that of women in adulthood. Women don't need women to sexually assault men. Maybe men are more active, so women can meet their physiological needs without sexual assault. It is different for men to want to have sex with women. Generally speaking, women don't want to have sex with men casually

4. Historical and cultural factors are also a very important reason. Historically, women's status has always been humble, and women dare to do these things. However, the promotion of women's status is only a few decades, which is insignificant compared with the history of China. Although the status of women is not worse than that of men now, there are still many people who still have some opinions in their bones that will not be solved for a while, like feudal superstition.

There are too many bachelors in modern times, which is also a reason for the high male sex crime rate. The national level is also worried about this issue and the social security problems caused by it. Therefore, I call on all my friends to let nature take its course when giving birth to children, and both men and women should be born and raised well. After all, they are all your children, especially women. You are a woman and you discriminate against women. Are you discriminating yourself? In any case, there are many benefits of natural childbirth: 1, which is good for health and more obvious when you get old; 2. Be kind to your children and family. If you choose a man, you will have no children if you can't get a wife in the future. 3, good for society, in fact, good for yourself and future generations. Too many male bachelors will definitely have a great impact on social economy and public security. Social unrest and economic depression will definitely reduce the living standards of individuals, and even personal safety cannot be guaranteed.

It's simple, because have you heard the news that girls sexually abuse boys? No, but the fact is that this kind of thing happens all the time. Girls sexually assault boys, and boys generally don't call the police or protest. Unless this girl is really disgusting, boys won't disagree with girls sexually assaulting themselves. After all, girls sexually assault boys, and girls are still injured, and boys are still taking advantage.

Actually, men and women should be equal. According to the law, even if a girl sexually assaulted a boy, the boy can still choose to call the police and sue the girl because she broke the law. This rule also works for girls. It cannot be said that girls can escape the punishment of the law, because the law is fair to everyone, so girls can be punished.

But because of the formation of social concepts, boys have special expectations for girls. Maybe they have been chasing a girl for so long, but they may not be able to catch up. At this time, a girl who delivered the door came up to him and sexually assaulted him. Do you think this man should be happy or sad? Boys think with their lower bodies, so this kind of thing is welcome.

How many news stories about sexual assault on girls are all about boys, so people will think that girls sexually assault that boy is very cheap.

The crimes that may be related to sexual crimes are mainly forced prostitution, indecency and rape, but for sexual crimes, we refer more to rape.

Sexual crimes are mostly male, one reason is that the law stipulates.

According to the criminal law, rape refers to the act of forcing a woman to have sex with her by violence or coercion against her will. Therefore, at present, the rape victims in our country can only be women, not including men.

Judging from the current situation in China, although there are also cases of men being raped by women, compared with the number of cases of women being victimized, the number is still relatively small and has not attracted the attention of legislators. And according to the current legislation, the act is not a crime of rape, so it is not regarded as a criminal suspect.

Of course, women in the same crime may also commit rape, but this situation is relatively rare.

The other is because of the physiology of men and women. In terms of physical strength, courage, desire and concept, men are easily exposed to bad social information, gain bad social resources and are easily influenced by other bad social concepts, resulting in far more crimes committed by men than by women, regardless of sex crimes or other crimes.

Sexual crime is a kind of forced release of sexual repression caused by psychological paranoia. In the case of the other party's disagreement, male crimes are mostly unilateral indecency, but female crimes are also common now.

A "girl" girl fell in love with a gentle colleague, but the colleague just regarded the girl as a buddy, which made the girl very upset. Once they went out to compete for wine. After the girl drank too much gay, she had sex with her male colleagues in the dormitory without their knowledge, and forged the illusion that it was her first time. Afterwards, the colleague who shamed his male colleague got into trouble. He doesn't know whether he took advantage or suffered a loss.

Under the traditional concept, men and women generally believe that men take advantage of sex and women suffer. Therefore, when women are sexually assaulted, men tend to choose silence, otherwise others will definitely say that this man "takes advantage and tells the truth".

The most important and realistic problem is that sexual crimes must be committed without the consent of one party, and if the woman wants to, there is never a shortage of men who flatter, and most men still don't have the ability.

Why sex crimes are mostly committed by women, while men still occupy a dominant position in today's society and belong to a strong group.

Relatively speaking, women are relatively weak.

In our country, the ratio of male to female is out of balance, the physiological desire can not be solved, the inner impulse can not be controlled, and people are still lucky enough to break the law while knowing it. And dare to think and do it. Such people have a weak legal awareness, and some even don't know that this is a criminal act.

I remember watching a news not long ago that a male friend's buddy came to live at home, forgot his friend's girlfriend at night and sexually assaulted his girlfriend. I got caught later, and I don't know what happened. He even said some shocking things. He said, "Just for fun, it's nothing." Alas, illiteracy is terrible.

For women, although they also commit crimes, they are much less than men. On the one hand, most women still care about chastity and morality, and have no desire and courage. Men are handsome, so the crime rate is much less.

It was doomed four billion years ago. Male sex cells get pregnant by drilling into female eggs.

There are hundreds of millions of male germ cells, while women only have 1 cell (egg) every month, which depends on waiting for sperm to account for fertilization and pregnancy-to complete the purpose of reproduction. So it is doomed that men are active and women are passive.

As soon as hundreds of millions of sperm enter a female egg, the egg is immediately sealed and thickened to prevent the second sperm from entering. This also explains that as long as a woman has sex with a new lover-she will immediately show indifference to an old man, and men should be easy to notice.

The original active capture of men led to the former doctrine that the king was forced to bow his head-sexual assault.

Really: the root of a man's crime should be understood by a woman. Then why do men commit more crimes than women?

One: men are actually very painful, and women don't know. Most men are family protagonists, and some women always dislike men's incompetence and nag all day. And men are psychologically unbalanced after listening. Most men love their children, so he has to take risks. He has a virtuous wife and he will never commit a crime. Knowing that crime will lead to imprisonment, most people commit crimes financially for their children.

Two: People are selfish, and men are naturally smart and bold. The ancients said: cleverness is mistaken by cleverness. It is also a social comparison, which has had a series of psychological effects on him. Jealousy and worship corrupted his life, and he was dragged down by the bad guys and went to the point of no return. Some people are forced by life to commit crimes for their children's wives. There is also the crime of insatiable greed and hurting people's rationality in order to achieve possession.

Three: People often say that thieves are courageous and show up again and again, and the more courageous they are, the more they can't control themselves before they step into the abyss of crime. The crime rate is completely related to society and family, and family education cannot be separated from social influence. So some crimes kill people, and if they can't bear it, they will regret it for a lifetime. People had better be more rational, so you won't be ashamed all your life.

In forced sexual relations, men do account for the vast majority.

First of all, men are more exuberant and exposed than women in terms of sexual needs. On some ambiguous occasions, when the woman doesn't want to, he may take extreme measures, which constitutes a crime.

Secondly, men are more likely to resort to violence to get physical satisfaction because of their different physical structures and obvious strength advantages. Therefore, sexual crimes are mostly male.

Third, in most areas, the proportion of men in the population is higher than that of women, which makes it difficult for a small number of men to get a wife, and it is also difficult for him to obtain sexual comfort and satisfaction through normal channels. Therefore, it may be his choice to risk invading the opposite sex.

Fourthly, individual lovelorn or divorced men have a strong sense of frustration. They feel that their personality has been insulted, but they do not look for reasons from themselves, which in turn turns into hatred and revenge for ordinary women. So, sexually assault the opposite sex, find a scapegoat and get a psychological balance.

Fifth, in modern life, some women's indiscretions easily make some men with low quality have malice. For example, women's clothes are too revealing, too coquettish, too ambiguous and too mercenary, which makes some men smell like flies and want to chase them.

In forced sexual relations, the woman is in an extremely unfavorable position and will be hurt physically and mentally. Therefore, women will use legal weapons to prosecute the perpetrators. What about men? Even if a woman forces him to have sex, he won't be hurt much, and he may even enjoy it, which is why it is difficult to see a woman become a rapist.

Then, how to reduce sexual crimes is another important issue, which will be discussed later.

Generally speaking, sexual crime basically refers to rape, only refers to the behavior of men against women. The criminal law also stipulates that it is "an act of having sex with a woman against her will", which constitutes the crime of rape. It can be seen that the subject of rape is only male. At present, China's laws do not stipulate that women are the subject of rape. Some countries in the world have included women. From the legal point of view, the scope of sexual crimes is larger than that of rape, which means that women may become the main body of sexual crimes, such as women actively helping, coercing and introducing women to have sex with men. There are also threats, introductions/kloc-women under the age of 0/4, all of which constitute rape and are punished as rape.

Many people have analyzed the physiological, psychological and social reasons of men and women, so I won't go into details.

Therefore, most sex offenders are men.