Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What is the constellation in spring?

What is the constellation in spring?

When these bright figures disappear below the horizon in winter, there will be other less prominent spring stars to replace them. Leo is the leader of the sky around here. It appears in the eastern sky in the evening and is regarded as a precursor of spring by many ethnic groups. It hangs high in the southern sky around 9 pm in mid-April.

When you know Leo, you can pay attention to the sickle shape formed by its seven stars, and the brightest one is the one at the end of the sickle handle 1 star Xuanyuan XIV. The east of the sickle is a right triangle, and the easternmost one of the triangle is Denipola. Some people imagine the outline of a lion from the stars in this constellation.

From the straight line of the emperor penguin to the end of the handle of Ursa major, it passes through two inconspicuous constellations-the back row and Canis major. The last one had 1 cluster, some of which were visible to the naked eye. Observers with large telescopes are very interested in this part of the sky because it is full of spiral nebulae and very distant systems outside our galaxy.

The longest constellation crosses the southern sky in spring, like an irregular star line, from the south of Cancer to Scorpio. There are two very interesting constellations near its middle. One is a grand duke, which looks like a cup. One is the crow's nest, which is now a quadrilateral composed of quite bright stars.

Return to the northern sky for a while. In this season, Ursa major is higher than the North Pole, and the spoon is upside down. Extend southward according to the curve of the spoon handle. Soon I met a very bright orange star, and then I continued along the curve. After this distance, I met another slightly less glorious blue star. The former is arcturus in Capricorn, and the latter is arcturus in Virgo. Capricorn is like a kite, and the big horn is where the tail is tied.

Virgo is the largest constellation in the zodiac, but the stars in it are not a certain shape in our memory. Kakuchi and Emperor I and Dajiao form a large equilateral triangle. The line from Kibaki to Xuanyuan 14 almost represents a section of the ecliptic in the sky around here. And 2/5 of this line is almost the autumnal equinox, and the sun will pass this point on the celestial sphere on September 23.