Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Which constellations are prone to "winter depression"?

Which constellations are prone to "winter depression"?

Winter depression is also called seasonal mood disorder, and "seasonal mood disorder" (SAD) refers to a depression effect caused by weather changes. Do more aerobic exercise, sunbathing and diet adjustment to cope with winter depression.

What I want to share in this issue is that the mood changes with the seasons and it is easy to suffer from the constellation of "winter depression"!

0 1 Pisces In the eyes of many people, Pisces can be said to be a flower, always surrounded by people and full of excitement. The word loneliness has nothing to do with their birth.

However, in fact, Pisces, after people, is the most lonely existence. Pisces is highly dependent on people and becomes extremely emotional when you are alone. One minute you are laughing, and the next you may be in tears.

As the weather gets colder and colder, people spend more and more time at home, and the degree of depression in Pisces is gradually rising.

Leo Leo is a very domineering constellation among the twelve constellations, which always gives people a feeling of "having nothing to fear". It's always reassuring to have Leo around.

But in fact, Leo also has a fragile side. Although they have always played the role of "protectors", in their hearts, they have been looking forward to having a shelter of their own.

With the change of the weather, the cold climate aggravated their feelings, and they wanted a warm hug but could not get it. Over time, I can't help feeling a little depressed.

Aries Aries is a very optimistic constellation, but their optimism and happiness are largely based on walking around and looking for new things.

With the winter road, due to the cold and weather, this foundation has been impacted, which greatly reduces the happiness of Aries. So how can Aries, who is alone at home, not be depressed?

Gemini Gemini's sentimentality is famous among the twelve constellations. After winter, this kind of sadness will increase greatly.

For Gemini, who loves fantasy and brain tonic, even a glance at the bare branches outside the window can make up a big drama. On the whole, his sad and depressed mood and depression can really happen at any time.

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