Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Some people say that I am not like a Pisces girl in Capricorn. What does that mean?

Some people say that I am not like a Pisces girl in Capricorn. What does that mean?

Maybe you are like a Capricorn girl.

Pisces 2. 19-3.20

Pisces girl

Pisces girls with tender feelings are naturally romantic and full of fantasy, which has a special charm for many boys. Innocent and lovely, it is the evaluation label of most Pisces women. Perhaps because of this lovable personality, she is often a little princess in the circle of heterosexual friends. For life, Pisces women are full of positive enthusiasm, but lack some resilience, need the protection of others, and are used to relying on others.

If "women are made of water", then he probably refers to Pisces women. Because no one is more gentle than her. "She is a standard woman", and I believe you will agree that the typical Pisces woman is simply the embodiment of a man's dream lover. Even if she is not a peerless beauty, she is full of femininity.

More importantly, the femininity of Pisces women is definitely not only an illusion of appearance, but also a woman in her bones. Among the women in the zodiac, Pisces women have the least desire to dominate men. She always looks at you with those gentle eyes and listens to you carefully. No matter whether you are reasonable or bragging, she will not throw cold water on you, and her mood will fluctuate with yours.

When I am in a bad mood, I generally don't want to complain to my Pisces girlfriend. Although she is so considerate, I really feel sorry for infecting her with my bad mood.

If you are dating a Pisces woman, you should find that she will hardly ask you any practical questions and will not force you to make more money. She won't give you any pressure. Especially when you are devastated by reality, it is a supreme enjoyment to listen to her gentle and romantic words. Her arm is your paradise.

A Pisces woman usually makes her man full of confidence. She can always make you feel-appreciate you, trust you and need you. She is willing to give priority to everything with you, and she is willing to rely on you and be protected by you. What man doesn't like such a lovely woman?

However, such a perfect Pisces woman still has shortcomings (otherwise wouldn't it be unfair? )。 However, I believe that after weighing the trade-offs, you will not give up her.

First, Pisces girls love fantasy and are not practical enough. Sometimes she will draw an ideal life blueprint, so she feels that life is full of hope and joy. Her mood often changes because of a little trouble. What happened to her friends, sad movies and even her fantasies may all be the reasons that affect her mood.

Secondly, Pisces women lack self-confidence. Even though she has so many advantages, she often feels that she is not good enough. She may feel that she is not strong enough, motivated enough and competent enough. The more she thought about it, the more worried and depressed she became. So she really needs your encouragement and comfort. Your loud talk or impatient expression may break her heart. Not to mention your change of heart! That is likely to be a fatal blow to her. Pisces woman's heart is made of glass. Since she gave it to you, you should take good care of it.

Third, many Pisces women tend to be self-exiled. The main reason is that they are easy to fall into an emotion (especially sad emotion). Tragic experiences and their rich imagination finally turned themselves into tragic figures abandoned by the whole world. Many Pisces women are addicted to alcoholism, drug abuse and even habitual suicide after being hit by family changes and emotional setbacks.

Fourth, Pisces women almost have no concept of money. You know what! Most girls who pursue romance are not good at abacus and the concept of "budget"; They may have to go through several painful experiences before they can practice a little. I have a Pisces girlfriend who doesn't earn much from work and her husband is a middle-income civil servant, but every time we go shopping together, she always buys something that makes her "shine". 8,000 shoes, 1 10,000 skirts, I took them home without thinking. After returning home, of course, it was a discount for my husband. However, this trick was caught when the credit card bill arrived.

They bought a new house in the past two years. After learning that they couldn't repay the loan twice and borrowed from the west temporarily, she forced herself to reduce the frequency of shopping. In addition, stop using credit cards. Such "convenient" things are too unsuitable for her. Of course, this determination is a bit frustrating for her.

In fact, most Pisces women are very willing to be happy housewives after marriage (of course, "young women" will be more ideal), and there are very few Pisces "strong women" who compete with men in society. Occasionally, you may see one or two Pisces professional women, seemingly indifferent and capable, but that is purely a disguise of extreme fear of injury. Because no woman needs to be owned and protected by men more than Pisces. This alone is enough for men to ring! Therefore, for more than 80% of women, the third party they are most afraid of is Pisces women.

As for what we just mentioned, some shortcomings in their personality can actually be solved by "loving more" and "caring more". Don't yell at her when she is in a bad mood, and don't turn a blind eye to her emotions, otherwise you will force her to swim to another gentle embrace. You know, there are many people waiting in line at the back. Don't blame her for not knowing the budget. If you can, you can manage your own account. Otherwise, when you see her tearful eyes, you will feel guilty for earning too little.

She is like a lively little white rabbit when she is happy, and a frightened deer when she is sad. It always makes people feel that they should love her more. What I envy and admire most is that Pisces women can always maintain that innocent femininity. Even though she has been in love eight times, divorced three times and had two children. The vicissitudes of the world can't move her. Oh, my God, what the hell is going on here?


Capricorn girl

Conservative and stubborn Capricorn girls have a sense of justice and always have a chivalrous heart of "caring for each other when the road is rough". Capricorn women are not good at words, but their emotions are written on their faces, which is also true enough. Slightly strong personality and high sense of responsibility. Capricorn is such a soft-hearted person. However, you lack romance and extreme reality. You have been working hard to achieve your goals all your life, and even your dreams are related to reality.

Many years ago, I was somewhat exclusive to Capricorn girls. Because I think they always close their hearts and go their own way. It seems that you will never really get close to her. Then, after learning more about Capricorn women in recent years, I have to say that Capricorn women really have many advantages that I admire. Their strong fighting spirit is really incomparable to girls in other constellations.

Most Capricorn women are calm and traditional in appearance, but occasionally you will see a few Capricorn women who are bold and fashionable and avant-garde. In fact, although they live in various environments, they are engaged in various industries; Capricorn women's concept of striving for the upper reaches will not change. That is the greatest feature of their character.

Capricorn women under Saturn's protection are often somewhat depressed. They seldom have the habit of showing their feelings easily. So, if you fall in love with her, you have to understand her feelings. On the whole, she is not very optimistic. It is difficult for you to convince a Capricorn woman of "myth" and "miracle". It is not that she doesn't believe in a bright future. But she is convinced that all the futures must be fought by her own efforts. Her subconscious is a little insecure about herself and insecure about the environment. Therefore, Capricorn women rarely fully trust others (especially men). She is very independent and practical. So many people say that Capricorn's "reality" ranks first among the twelve constellations.

Few Capricorn women are interested in playing love games with you. Love stories that don't eat human fireworks, only admire Yuanyang and don't admire immortals, can't touch them. Most Capricorn women's love always happens when everything is guaranteed. I'm not saying that she wants your family to be rich and powerful, but you should at least have a bright future. As long as she believes that you have a future, you can rest assured that Capricorn has perseverance and endurance to fight with you. So, if you want to pursue Capricorn, please don't be an idle slacker, otherwise you are hopeless.

Capricorn's stubbornness is as famous as her reality. I'm afraid it's more difficult to change her mind than embarrassment. Once she has a bad impression on you, there is little chance that she can retract her confession. As for her favorite friends, she will try her best to accommodate their shortcomings within an acceptable range.

Most Capricorn women have traditional family values and a considerable degree of loyalty to their families. Therefore, a man who can live in harmony with his family will have a much greater chance of winning his heart. Don't criticize her family casually, she may turn against you for it.

You'd better not joke with Capricorn easily, especially with a little personal attack. She is likely to embarrass you on the spot. As mentioned earlier, Capricorn women bear multiple emotions (melancholy, pessimism and depression) under the calm appearance. Of course, you can't ask such a woman to have a complete sense of humor. She often takes everything too seriously. Results Most Capricorn women give people the impression that they are serious and pay attention to discipline.

In our TV station, a director is a Capricorn girl. She is the iron lady that everyone is afraid of. As long as everyone knows that she is on duty that day, few people dare to be late. If the announcement is made at one o'clock in the afternoon, most people will choose to have lunch at the TV station at twelve o'clock. Because she will definitely call the roll at one o'clock sharp, and those who are late will be punished! Although everyone thinks she will have a headache, there is no denying that as long as she is there, the work efficiency will definitely improve.

Perhaps after reading a lot of descriptions, you will think that all Capricorn women are unsmiling and boring. This is not quite right! Although most of them are not women you dare to expect easily, they are by no means men and women who lack feminine charm. Especially when Capricorn meets the man who gives her confidence and security, she will immediately become a gentle and enthusiastic little ewe. But before she has found the ideal candidate, most Capricorn women will strive to be a successful professional girl and fight for their career prospects. They have accumulated their wealth, social status and survival strength in a down-to-earth manner. Never waste time imagining Prince Charming. I have met many successful Capricorn women in many industries. Few people can match their ability to work under pressure. And when they set their goals, they have the determination and courage to never stop until they reach their goals. Their attitude is not boastful at all, but it often has a majesty that you can't explain.

Being able to marry a Capricorn woman and go home is really a very safe thing for men. First of all, you will have a very neat and orderly home. Whether a housewife or a professional woman, she will make the best arrangements for her family. Second, once she chooses you, she will work hard with you to fight for your ideal future. She won't lose her temper casually. Capricorn women are not women whose husbands work overtime and are in the mood at home. But don't think she respects tradition. As long as she marries you, she will accept all your mistakes after marriage. After she realizes that you will never have a bright future, she will definitely leave you without hesitation.

Almost all Capricorn women have a strong sense of money and know how to budget. They really love everything of value. Even if their money is limited, they won't buy many cheap goods. They will carefully buy a useful and valuable brand product. She may often urge you to work hard, but if you think about it, it will certainly be good for you, not bad.

I have several Capricorn girlfriends, which often make me feel inferior. See how they plan for their families, how to go to meetings and how to save money. How to work part-time to subsidize the family? I'm really ashamed. Think about it, what kind of lucky man can marry such a wife? Remember! Work hard, affirm her value at the same time, and often give her encouragement and confidence. The next lucky person is you!