Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Do all constellations belong to extragalactic galaxies?

Do all constellations belong to extragalactic galaxies?

Constellation is a sky area, which is the projection of celestial bodies in this area on the celestial sphere, regardless of the distance of celestial bodies. Let me give an example to illustrate the following. For example, Andromeda, one of its bright stars, Cedar II (Andromeda A), Milac (Andromeda B), General Tian (Andromeda R) and other bright stars visible to the naked eye are very small, with a distance of less than 1000 light years, which obviously belongs to the Milky Way. However, you can say that the deep space objects M3 1, M32, M 1 10 belong to the Milky Way. Therefore, it is meaningless to say the distance of a constellation, because the celestial sphere, the basis of the existence of the constellation, is virtual. When you say the distance between a constellation and the earth, it's just as ridiculous as when you say "Do you know that country with an underground distance of 100 km". References:

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