Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What is the fate of Leo and Taurus this year?

What is the fate of Leo and Taurus this year?

Taurus (male)-Leo (female)

Will Taurus men pursue a queen? Most Taurus men prefer to stay.

In their own China shop, instead of attending the royal ceremony, you know they are in the shop.

How busy and nervous. They are not afraid of the magnificent scene, but people are surrounded by a car.

The golden carriage bowed and saluted, crowned for several days, stopped working and got drunk.

In the wise Taurus man's view, all this is really "boasting and reinventing the wheel".

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't like beauty, and he doesn't like beauty. Most Taurus men have the talent of artists.

Fu, they like painting, dancing, sculpture or music, but their greatest talent lies in their kindness.

Look at the world with a pragmatic eye. In order to achieve a good career, of course, it is based on him.

The way of thinking determines good cause. He accumulated money and benefits, but it was on the red carpet under his feet.

I'm not interested in court life with a crown.

A woman who belongs to a lion longs for a man (especially a respected one) who treats her like a queen.

She), such a man will bring her the life she deserves. She needs someone who can make her rich.

A person who loves life in China should always have a group of educated and luxurious friends around him and should wear fashionable clothes.

There are countless banquets and humorous conversations. She wants to wear a ring on her hand and a silver bell on her foot.

I went to take photos for fun.

From this we can know that when she loves a Taurus man, she just lets her live in a small room.

In the room, I have to prepare beer and pretzels for him, while he watches TV in smelly socks.

How can such a life not make her nervous while reading the newspaper? How vulgar and despicable! correct

For her, it is better to compromise with him than to force him to go to court for divorce. Because only

Ask her to wait patiently and not to conflict with him. Maybe one day he will meet all her requirements.

Including rings and silver bells on your feet, maybe there will be a warm house in the suburbs.

It may be a beautifully decorated farmhouse with a fireplace, which is newly cut on the eaves every morning.

Through the window, the grass smells good. He won't reach his goal safely in one morning, but

She will never find a man like him, and she can show it to her one day.

The kingdom of slaughter. Give him time and don't nag him.

Every Taurus man will end up with a Leo woman, as long as he loves her.

Accompany with life. She will be regarded as a lovely kitten at home and be honored as a king. She will eventually

Understand that if she helps rather than hinders the long road he is walking, then he

Will achieve the goal. It is this man who will give her an expensive birthday present one day.

She should imagine that it was on their wedding anniversary, when Taurus men would be better than before.

More emotional).

When the Taurus man finally completed his life's mission, he used a comfortable house and a house.

When she spends a lot of money, she will also be rich. She thought he would be completely satisfied with the thick land under his feet.

Blankets, soft light on the head and stereo music of violin, playing with things, obsessed with peace.

In a peaceful environment. Nothing can make him yearn for it more.

But in fact, he is still saving money to contribute to his career and will not waste time.

Sometimes wasted in a gorgeous home. He hates getting involved in party relations and playing with friends.

Politically, he expects his wife to enrich herself with wisdom and spirit. In his opinion, help again.

It is a waste of time to cultivate her pride and self-centered stupidity. Taurus doesn't want to waste time,

This is worse than wasting money.

Although Taurus and Leo's astrolabes are harmonious, there will inevitably be bumps and bumps due to differences.

Trip. However, no matter how big the dark clouds are, the relationship between Taurus and lion is still extraordinary.

When he strolled on the high balcony, fed swans by the lake, had a candlelight dinner and wandered outside the castle.

Advanced beds imported from the bridge and bedroom, as long as you see these, you will perceive yourself to each other.

I have a great partner. Listen, I always talk about bed. They will have their own house, because

Lions should have their own beauty dressing room. She needs a place to put her cream and perfume,

Sunscreen and mousse and so on.

As long as they get along patiently, Taurus itself is patient, so nothing will happen.

Big deal. However, the lion belongs to fire, and all the constellations belonging to fire are a little impatient. This makes ... ...

When the castle was first built, life was full of troubles and subtle tensions, just like people walking by.

This is the only way to climb the top of the mound. Whenever they have free time, they dream of carving on tableware.

In the cursive name of two people, they will kill time in sex when they have time, but in fact Taurus is.

It is rarely free. And in a few sexual opportunities, we rarely fully satisfy each other. ask

Otherwise, one party is unwell. Most of the reasons are due to their star image.

In a positive sense, their birthdays are harmonious and bright, and they have something to combine.

Ability. The lioness is arrogant and evasive, keeping a certain distance from strangers, but if she participates,

In the arms of people who really love each other, her fierce lion nature will be revealed and straightforward.

Show love and seek sex. When the lion touched his head with her gentle hand.

Hair, skin, kissing his ears, holding his hand and patting his back convey love.

In Italy, Taurus will never resist. Taurus men tease her gently and sweetly.

Almost fragile to the extreme, because both lions and women like perfume, and Taurus smells unique.

The aroma is like a calm cow in Disneyland, and it will enter the most ecstasy with satisfaction.

A state of happiness. His strength is awesome, but is he like David? As Samson did, it was easy.

Dalila became a love prisoner like a lion. He is subject to the goddess Venus, that's all.

Nothing can satisfy his spirit more than getting the love of a passionate lion girl, unless he counts as a pile.

Except for the brand-new green bills, or the smell of freshly cooked apple chops at home.

In a negative sense, if they show the energy conversion of one day and one month on their birthday map.

In other words, they must be harmonious or antagonistic, that is, they must make great achievements in achieving sexual harmony.

Debugging. If he has to sleep alone often, or always face boredom in bed.

Back, and then he will slowly, and finally try his best to make her greedy anyway.

Desire is satisfied. If she doesn't get enough caress during the day, it must be the same at night.

Happy as a queen.

Maybe she was a slow-witted person at first, but in the end she was ashamed to let him do his best to satisfy himself.

A woman with her own desires. Taurus is sexy and realistic, and sometimes he lacks an imaginative sex life style.

She tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, thinking that the prince around her couldn't understand her ...

I was too proud to communicate with each other, so I shed tears. Since then, primitive sex fever.

The jubilant lion became completely indifferent.

Cold is a potential danger to the passionate lioness. If you still don't care about her

If it is avoided, it will change from passionate fantasy and pursuit of lion nature to cold and withdrawn abnormal condition.

An unnatural passive defense attitude, that's really too bad. Why are you withdrawn and abnormal?

The queen who suffered a fiasco would rather seal up her broken heart and not let anyone know.

People know her spiritual emptiness and loneliness. Every lioness pretends to be arrogant.


Taurus's dull mind and lion's false pride will make them give up.

Ansheng has no sincere communication between them. Therefore, they will not discuss their sex life.

When this uncomfortable feeling makes love just mean living at home and having a partner.

, or simply divorce. Sometimes one of them will drown his sorrows, take drugs, or

Looking for an affair. Of course, this is not usually the case. Because Taurus and Lioness are loyal.

Sincerity, everyone cares about reputation, so, although in order to uncover the mystery of life, both seem to have it.

A little stupid (Taurus) and arrogant (lion), but they will still live together gently and easily. but

Openness, mutual humility and unexpected miracles will never happen.

It's late This will remind them of how they fell in love. Memories of the past will make

Their relationship is more harmonious and they can start a new life course.

Taurus is not the kind of person who appreciates his wife's delicious cooking and forces him to stay at home.

With a man who's satisfied with how well he dresses outside. Of course, she often blames him for being a little rude.

He is always opinionated, and it is inevitable that he will be rude. He often accuses her of being arrogant, supercilious and withdrawn.

Of course, this is her character. What will you do when the complaint hits the nail on the head? This is very simple

She summed up his rudeness as a kind of earthy performance, which stems from his contempt for frivolity and hypocrisy.

She will follow his example. She also knows that rudeness is also a manifestation of his strong characteristics, so when she

When you are dissatisfied, you will put on a spoiled queen's shelf. As long as she tries again

Satisfying him with hugs and kisses is not difficult to restrain him.

He must know that arrogance is born for her to protect her weakness, so as not to lose face.

Son, people laugh, so he shouldn't refuse to admit that she is an extraordinary woman and she needs praise.

Flattery, as long as he keeps her less exposed in public and tells her that he can marry her like that.

As his wife, a superwoman is so lucky that it is not difficult to get along with her (every lion

Children and women are not small mistakes). Her lion can be loved and accepted.

The love of others, as long as you are kind to her, she will give you love.

No matter how old Taurus is, he always stays young in the zodiac.

Status (The Twelve Mysteries of Love as mentioned above).

Taurus and lion should listen to each other and talk calmly ... will the lion?

Asked in shame, "please tell me, do you really love me?" ..................................................................................................................................................................................

Contrary to his stubborn character, he volunteered, "Please promise me that you will never leave me."