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Wordsworth, a lake poet, is related to free verse.

Hello, friends of Fox Abbey. The following are related materials of English poet william wordsworth, English poet Lake and free verse. I hope these materials can help you write your thesis.

The first is the relevant information of william wordsworth:

William wordsworth (1770 ~ 1850), an English poet, is also called "lake poets" with Coleridge and Southey. Wordsworth was born in a lawyer's family. He was an orphan. I studied at Cambridge University and went to France twice 1790 and179/kloc-0. At that time, during the French Revolution, young Wordsworth expressed deep sympathy and yearning for the Revolution. Soon after returning to China, the situation changed greatly, and Wordsworth's attitude towards the French Revolution gradually tended to be conservative. Finally, he finally became a conservative with the title of "Poet Laureate".

Wordsworth's poems are famous for describing natural scenery, rural scenery, villagers, boys and girls. The style of writing is simple and fresh, natural and smooth, which is relatively resistant to the flat and elegant style of neoclassicism, creating a fresh and lively romantic poetic style. Wordsworth and Coleridge published lyric ballads in 1798, announcing the birth of romantic new poetry. Wordsworth elaborated the theory of romantic new poetry in the preface of the second edition of Lyric Ballads Collection (1800), and advocated writing ordinary people's affairs, thoughts and feelings in their own language, which was regarded as the declaration of romantic poetry. Since then, Wordsworth's poems have been further developed in depth and breadth, with profound meanings in describing natural scenery and ordinary people's affairs, as well as philosophical thinking on self-reflection and life exploration. The long poem Overture, which was completed in 1805 and published in 1850, is his most representative work.

Wordsworth's poetic talent reached its peak from 1797 to 1807. After that, there were not many excellent works, and 1843 had no works when he was appointed as "Poet Laureate". However, throughout his life, his poetic achievements are remarkable, and he is worthy of being a great man after Shakespeare and Milton.

Secondly, the relevant information of English lake poets:

Lake Poet refers to an early school of English Romantic Movement in the19th century. The main representatives are Wordsworth (1770- 1850), Coleridge (1772- 1834) and Southey (1774- 1843). Because the three of them once lived in seclusion in Cumberland Lake District, northwest England, and lived on the two lakesides of Grassmill and Windmeier successively, they praised the lakes and mountains with poems, so they were called "Lake Poets".

The beginning of the British Romantic Movement was marked by a collection of lyric poems published by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798. Wordsworth's preface, written when the poetry anthology was reprinted in 1800, became the artistic program of English romanticism declaring war on classicism. Because they rebelled against the traditional laws of classicism and advocated romantic artistic methods, they also called Huxiang poets "romantic rebels".

At first, lake poets sympathized with the French Revolution. With the deepening of the revolution, they retreated from the fear of the revolution, and then escaped from reality, obsessed with the past, beautified the patriarchal clan system in the Middle Ages, and fantasized about seeking spiritual comfort and sustenance from the ancient feudal society. Southey and Wordsworth were successively named Poets Laureate, and Southey even openly opposed young poets Byron and Shelley.

When the negative tendency of the Lake School poets became more and more obvious, young poets Byron and Shelley began to enter the literary world and argue with the Lake School poets. Byron's satirical poem "English Poet and Scottish Critics" written in 1809 not only responded to the attack on Byron's poems by the Edinburgh Review, a publication manipulated by negative romantics, but also severely condemned the negative tendency of the lakeside poets. Byron, Shelley and Keats were called "Satanists" in the history of literature because they dared to fight against Huxiang poets and were denounced as Satan by British gentry.

Generally speaking, Huxiang poets represent the negative romantic tendency, while Satan represents the positive romantic spirit. Although the Lake School poets have made great contributions to the struggle against classicism and made great achievements in the art of poetry, their historical position is far less important than Satan's.

Finally, there are related materials of free verse:

Free verse is a pioneer in the field of vernacular literature, and its appearance can be regarded as a sign of the beginning of the May 4th New Literature and the May 4th Literary Revolution. Before the May 4th Movement, the decay of old-style poems was the most obvious, which was reflected in the ideological content. Formally, they stick to the old and unchanging rules. To this end, Hu Shi clearly pointed out: the bondage of form prevents the spirit from developing freely and the good content from being fully displayed ..... The rhyme of five or seven words and eight sentences must not contain rich materials, the quatrains of twenty-eight words must not be written by precise observation, and the profound ideals and complex feelings must not be euphemistically expressed by a certain length of seven words and five sentences. ...... The recent occurrence of new poetry not only broke the poetic style of seven words and five words, but also overthrew the shackles of tunes and music. You can do whatever you want, regardless of form, level, level and length (Hu Shi's Talking about New Poetry). This proposition became the classic theory of vernacular poetry creation later.

Free verse is born out of the shackles of old-style poetry, striving for liberation in style, syllable and language, showing new characteristics:

The first is to get rid of the stereotyped classical Chinese and add poems to the vernacular. In particular, it advocates using simple and friendly common words and common sayings close to common spoken language instead of difficult rhetoric in classical Chinese, writing about social situation and expressing sincere feelings and brand-new ideas.

Secondly, in syllable rhythm, we should get rid of the rigid bondage of old-style poems, such as rhyme, meter and even allusion. , and pay attention to the nature of music and not stick to rhyme (My Opinion on New Poetry by Kang). The syllables of poetry should be prioritized and cadenced according to the natural ups and downs of the poet's own emotions and the natural rhythm of the tone.

In addition, in style, I intend to pursue a kind of unrestrained free expression. Poems are not bound by meter and rhyme, and they pour out their thoughts without scruple. They are neither branched nor rhymed, even if the branches are randomly arranged according to the content of the works, thus forming the main characteristics of the artistic form of free verse. The most striking feature of new poetry in ideological content is that it shows deep sympathy and concern for the tragic fate of the oppressed and enslaved lower class workers and peasants. With an unprecedented amount of space, it shows their real life sufferings, thus revealing the sharp opposition between the rich and the poor in the old society and the essential characteristics of feudal autocracy.

Another notable feature is that the theme of spiritual imprisonment and bondage of various old traditional ideas against feudal autocracy contains more meaning of longing for freedom and personality independence. This feature is embodied in the creation of free poems on love and marriage represented by Wang Jingzhi and Feng Zhi. They expressed the desires and demands of young men and women in love naked, sang their youthful love freely and wantonly, poured out and revealed the deep yearning for freedom and the demand for personality liberation of the May 4th youth who were not bound by traditional moral concepts, showed their contempt for the old ethics and their rebellious attitude towards the eager yearning for freedom of marriage, and truly showed the theme of the May 4th era demanding self-liberation of personality.

There are also some works that praise the significance of labor, praise the fine quality of working people and express their yearning for an ideal society and a bright future. These works are especially valuable because they often reveal the anti-feudal theme and optimistic, clear and enterprising tendency in their praises, reflecting the new spirit of the times.

There are quite a few short lyric poems, such as those of Bing Xin and Zong Baihua, which are poetic and beautiful. Although they are not as touching as those poems that reveal the tragic fate of the working people, praise the pursuit of love freedom and resist the old feudal ethics, their exploration and exploration of the meaning of life, and the resulting distress, confusion, sadness and resentment, also reflect the projection of the times, which is particularly sincere, delicate and novel in the expression of thoughts and feelings and has special significance.

The shortcomings of free verse are also very obvious: on the one hand, the language and form of poetry are free and open, lacking due constraints, free and smooth, and always appear straightforward and unobstructed. This shortcoming, which is too straightforward and lively, not only makes the poem itself lack artistic conception and rich and profound feelings, but also loses the aesthetic feeling of the poem from the overall composition, which damages the reputation and status of the vernacular new poetry that has emerged and developed on the basis of breaking the shackles of old-fashioned poetry. On the other hand, too much reasoning in poetry leads to more thoughts than emotions, which also reflects the poet's superficial experience of life and his naive grasp of the lyric characteristics of poetry. In connection with this, the realistic techniques of those poems describing the tragic life of social life are also superficial, and most of them are piled up with a bystander's attitude and some life appearances, lacking detailed observation and deeper analysis of the real society. These are the common problems of free verse.