Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Analysis of 12 constellations in susan miller on April 23rd.

Analysis of 12 constellations in susan miller on April 23rd.

People who can make themselves happy are the most capable people in the world. People who can make themselves happy every day are the smartest people in the world. Let's take a look at the zodiac fortune on April 23rd with susan miller!

Since Uranus entered your income house last spring, you may have increased or changed your income stream. Uranus will spend seven years in this region, so when these changes are still in the seed stage, as the sun recently enters this region, it may make one or two changes come true. This development may come from friends or your entire network, because Saturn's influence in your social house will encourage you to focus on gradual and sustainable growth instead of overnight adjustment.

The sun recently moved to Taurus, which is the season for you to pursue your personal mission. When the sun shines in your house of identity, you will be encouraged to follow its most important pursuit for you. Considering the recent angle of the Sun and Saturn in your career, you may feel that professional obligations limit your personal freedom. Uranus is in Taurus, so you will have extra resources to find independence. To do this, we must find freedom in constraints and achieve liquidity within a solid and sustainable framework.

Gemini may be negotiating income with potential investors or grant agencies, because your ruler Mercury coincides with Pluto and Jupiter in your other people's money house. The dialogue between Mercury and these planets may bring some obstacles, but Jupiter is generous with his resources-he will help you win in the end. At the same time, Venus, a planet full of love and beauty, continues to shine in your house of identity, enhancing your self-confidence and letting you bring irresistible light to others.

The Cancer Sun recently entered Taurus, lighting up some changes brought by Uranus, which is also located in this area. Uranus often brings twists and turns. In the next few years, a hobby or interest may make you meet a new group of people, or your current circle of friends may change. The sun and Saturn are in your other people's money house, which means you may be doing a crowdfunding project.

When the sun in Leo shines in Taurus, it means that your thoughts may turn to your career. When you pursue new or even completely different career opportunities, your personal mission may shine. Since Uranus entered Taurus last March, some changes may have begun. When the sun and Saturn live in harmony in your partnership, you may focus on a one-on-one relationship. Saturn emphasizes slow growth rather than immediate results, but his progress is lasting.

The recent Taurus new moon in Virgo may have aroused your interest in higher education. The sun will also stay in this field for a whole month, and it will also focus your attention on expanding your horizons. Saturn will interact with the sun, emphasizing that you must work hard to see the rewards. Since Saturn will stay in your work house for several years, you need to build a solid foundation and healthy work habits in your daily life.

Libra and Mercury live in your relationship house, so your communication with your partner will be emphasized. Mercury will coincide with Pluto and Jupiter in your home house, which indicates that these conversations may involve family or your living conditions. These weeks at home may have brought some problems. Saturn will affect the sun in your resource house. Emphasize the importance of gradual progress, that is, advise us not to make hasty decisions.

Yesterday's new moon appeared in Scorpio, rejuvenating your work and personal feelings. Your ability to connect with others may be enhanced, and even online dating may blossom and bear fruit. Throughout the month, the sun will be in this area, drawing your attention back to your partner and how you pay for each other. Saturn's recent nudge may make you encounter obstacles, but the way you handle this situation is very important for you to strengthen your long-term commitment.

Sagittarius As the sun approaches Uranus in your house of work, you may develop a new work habit, which will completely change your lifestyle, including working at home and other changes. Uranus will stay here for several years, so these changes may come again, but the whole month when the sun is here will bring you new ideas. When Saturn collides with the sun in your communication house, you may face new challenges, especially in science and technology. However, what you do now will have a lasting impact and prevent future problems.

Mercury in Capricorn is approaching Jupiter in your home house and Pluto in Capricorn, which may start an important conversation with your family or roommate. Pluto represents a deep element, which means that you may be exposed to new information, or you may change some habits that affect your intimate relationship with others. At the same time, Saturn has recently entered your profit house, which may make you more pragmatic in how to spend and save money.

Aquarius: After nearly three years in your rest house, Saturn, which represents hard work and responsibility, recently entered your identity house. He will stay in Aquarius for the next few years, emphasizing the value of wise pragmatism and solid foundation. Saturn's presence in this area may not make your life easy, but the work habits and discipline he instilled will benefit you for life.

Pisces may be your happy harbor now, because Venus is dancing in your family palace. Venus in Gemini will nourish your family relationship and tell you that it is time to make a decision to repaint or renovate your house. As she is about to cooperate with Mars, this means that some shelved family projects will also begin to make progress. At the same time, the sun entering Taurus may change the way you communicate, because the sun will illuminate Uranus, who is the leader of change and innovation in this field.