Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Did Darwin say that man evolved from apes?

Did Darwin say that man evolved from apes?

Evolution originated from hypothesis, which is still an unprovable Darwinian hypothesis. In the period when science is not developing, evolution may still have a place, but when science, especially biological science, develops to a certain extent, the fallacy of evolution gradually appears, and it is almost impossible to stand on all levels after careful analysis. The theory of evolution assumed in the name of science was just overthrown by science. The key points are as follows: 1. Species depend on genes, but genes do not evolve at all. Different individuals have differences in genetic codes, but this difference will never go beyond the scope of species. The descendants of tigers will always be tigers, but they can't give birth to lions, even though they are all cats. Although the genes of humans and chimpanzees are very similar, it is said that they are 99% similar, but that one percent is absolutely impossible to cross species boundaries. 2. What "evolved" naturally is actually an occasional "cross-species" alien (such as a two-headed snake), which is rare in a hundred years, and most of them are extremely fragile and belong to inferior products. Reality will not "evolve" into a perfect alien like Godzilla. What's more, there are few aliens who don't meet in a hundred years, and even fewer can reproduce. Even the mules artificially cultivated consciously can't produce small mules now! What's more, accidents in nature. 3. "Aliens" that can reproduce (evolution) must appear at the same time, and there must be a considerable number (and a male and a female) in the same place to reproduce. That is to say, a male deer that occasionally evolves into a neck must find a female deer with the same degree of evolution in its lifetime to "evolve". In order to ensure that future generations will not "die prematurely" because of gene mutation, at the same time, 4. In the process of evolution, the fossils of "intermediate" species are almost blank. Don't tell me that "Beijingers" are human beings, and they are simply extinct apes! And there is nothing to prove that "Beijingers" have created any civilization that conforms to human IQ. Has anyone seen the fossil of a half-nosed elephant? Or a giraffe fossil with half a neck? Or did trilobites evolve into middle fossils of fish? In the theory of evolution, animals evolve layer by layer, so the fossils of species faults should be all over the world. It happened that fossils have no intermediate links! Fossils show that species are independent and irrelevant! This is an evolutionary mistake! Do we believe in the hypothesis of evolution and ignore the tangible fossils? Moreover, early creatures (such as dinosaurs) have nothing to do with modern creatures. Because the earth has experienced several glacial extinctions, except for a few plants, animals are basically extinct, which greatly shortens the cycle of each "evolution". After each extinction, from the perspective of evolution+probability transformation, the emergence of new creatures must be hundreds of millions of years later, and the earth should have died for hundreds of millions of years: it is a miracle that new creatures do not die (because there is no food), and it takes hundreds of millions of years to evolve new races, and it will take several years to spread all over the world. The above is just a lucky species. There will be a process from scratch to more species. But the reality is that in a very short time after the earth's recovery, a large number of new creatures (thousands of species) miraculously "suddenly appeared together"-fossils as evidence! 6. If the theory of evolution is true and evolves layer by layer, then there should be no fixed species in the world. It should be very vague between species, and the world is full of specious things. We should see different forms from tadpoles to frogs, and the people around us are full of various forms from monkeys to people: much like monkeys, a little like monkeys; Very human, a little human, because evolution is accidental, not at the same starting line, some people will evolve faster, and some people will almost evolve. That's what Hitler thought. How can 6 billion humans evolve together? No one with a long tail looks like a monkey, and no one continues to evolve. Who controls the evolution of mankind? 7. The evolutionary convergence of the same species is incredible because they live in different environments. According to the theory that the environment changes species, the species in the equator should be similar, and the species in the Arctic should be similar, and the environment determines everything. But on the contrary, dogs on the equator must be like dogs on the North Pole, not monkeys on the equator. Today, human beings are all over the world. Supposedly, influenced by the environment, there should be great physiological differences between nations, right? However, people of all races walk upright with two eyes and one mouth. Even in different environments, the physical signs are basically the same, but the skin color is different, and this difference in skin color has nothing to do with the environment: whites once drove tropical blacks to the temperate zone to be slaves, and blacks who have not been integrated by blood have been black for hundreds of years, and they will never evolve into white skin by themselves because they arrived in the temperate zone, which is absolutely different from changing species by the environment. 8. According to the theory of evolution, species change with the change of environment, evolve according to needs, and take what they need. However, the human brain is a special case, and the poor will never use what they have learned 1%. Even if you live to be a thousand years old and become a scholar, you won't need one-tenth of your brain. The human brain, however, has only half a life span. What about the other half? Didn't it evolve as much as you use it? That half brain is neither needed nor wanted by human beings. Humans don't need it at all. How can it appear out of thin air and "evolve" so well without any exercise? Moreover, this half of the brain has never been used by humans, and there is no sign of "degradation" for thousands of generations, and it is as good as the other half. How does evolution explain it? According to the theory of evolution, animals change because the change of environment is not suitable for their survival, so they instinctively change themselves to adapt to the environment. Not to mention whether animals are monkeys or not, they can change if they want. The fact is that migration is the instinct of animals! Once a species does not adapt to the environment, their first instinct is to migrate. No one will stay in the same place and suffer, waiting for their own "evolution" to adapt to the environment. Then there is the evolutionist cloud: some animals are forced to evolve, but natural disasters and geological mutations have occurred! They didn't have time to migrate, they were trapped and died, so they had to evolve and survive! Such as dolphins and whales. -this statement ignores the fantasy pool of science. Why not eat with evolution? Once an animal is suddenly changed, it can't live, and the ending must be extinction! Oxygen is gone, space is gone, food is gone, water is gone, what can survive is gone, and the dead can't live. How can we evolve? For example, the Three Gorges Dam took several years from construction to closure, which was much slower than the sudden change of natural disasters. The water on which fish live is still there, but the water level has changed. But because of this change, the baiji and Chinese sturgeon became extinct immediately, and it was too late to migrate. Have they evolved? Baiji dolphin is a living fossil of living things! Survival is still so fragile! How can a creature not only not die in a more severe natural disaster mutation, but become another species to survive and reproduce? ! The scientific attitude is seeking truth from facts, and the theory of evolution can't give any convincing explanation for the origin of species today. On the contrary, with the progress of science, its theory becomes more and more absurd. Today, I still firmly believe that my ancestors were monkeys. If you are not ignorant or too lazy to think, you can only say that you are superstitious. The universe is so grand and precise that it is hard to believe that it was formed by natural collision. The more you know about astronomy, the more you admire the power of the creator, so many astronomers are devout Christians. Newton was a Christian, but one of his best friends never believed in the existence of God. It is said that he once visited Newton's house and saw a beautiful model of the solar system. As long as you shake the crank, the planets will run in their orbits. He played with it for a long time and couldn't put it down. He asked Newton who designed and made the model. I don't want Newton to casually say, "Nobody." His friend is puzzled: "How can there be no one?" Newton asked: "If a model must be designed and manufactured by someone, why is the actual solar system like this model formed by accidental collision without a designer or creator?" My friend was speechless for a moment, suddenly woke up and accepted theism. Everything in the world is dominated by a transcendental will-that is, law, birth, illness and death, and no one can escape, but law is not material, and the material world is dominated by immateriality. How to explain it with materialism? The universe is vast. If the materialistic world outlook is accidental, then the stars in it should be disordered rather than orderly. But the constellation arrangement of the whole universe is more accurate than our computer program-each has its own orbit and will remain unchanged forever. Can this phenomenon be explained by accidental materialism? Accidental, accidental, accidental, all accidental, there must be inevitability behind it! But if we admit inevitability, what is this "inevitability"? What does materialism call this "necessity"? Have they ever acknowledged this "inevitability"? So the wonder of this world and the precise law of life make me believe that there is an all-knowing and all-powerful creator behind it, and we call him "God"! LZ: If you are interested, you can watch this video: Intelligent design reveals the mystery of life /v_show/id_XMzgzNTIxNjg= Html Dr. Mortimer Jerome Adler, one of the greatest contemporary thinkers at the University of Chicago in the United States (who once edited the Encyclopedia Britannica and other famous works) said: "Evolution is a popular myth". American professors Robert Thomas Clark and Jacob David Baylor said, "Many people accept the theory of evolution because the only alternative theory is creationism. ..... they hold high any hypothesis that supports evolution. " Professor William Robin Thompson, a famous British entomologist, said: "Darwin's theory of evolution has a bad influence on many disciplines, including genetics, biology, taxonomy and embryology. ...... This situation means that some scientists defend a theory that cannot be scientifically defined, let alone be clearly confirmed by science; They tried to maintain its credibility, so they suppressed their criticism and tried their best to eliminate other difficulties. In scientific research, this is abnormal and unacceptable. Professor Dr. Dimitri Gunesov, a famous biochemist and creationist in Moscow, Russia, said: "In Russia, scientists usually become creationists because of scientific evidence." And said: "evolutionists are very subjective when choosing data as evidence. "In the mid-20th century, Professor Richard Goldschmidt and Dr Richard Goldschmidt, famous botanists and geneticists at the University of California, Berkeley, concluded that the theory of evolution had completely disintegrated. He listed a series of complex structures: from mammalian hair to hemoglobin, it is impossible to accumulate from small mutations. He once publicly challenged the fanatics of Darwin's theory of evolution: "Darwin's theory of evolution has never been proved by natural selection." "... the range of biological variation cannot exceed biological species. Professor Adam sedgwick, a famous geologist and mathematician at Cambridge University in England, and his doctor (Professor Dr. Adam sedgwick, 1785- 1873, Darwin's friend) think that Darwin helped every criminal defend himself. He believes that if Darwin's theory of evolution is widely accepted, mankind will be "damaged and abused; Humans will also regress and degenerate, even more than any retrogression recorded in history. "The famous scientist, Darwin's friend at that time, really predicted all the real thoughts and behaviors of human beings in the 20th century and today with superhuman insight! This is just like the research results of the famous Scottish anthropologist and anatomist Professor Arthur Katz and Doctor and Sir on the morality of evolution: "As we have seen, the so-called natural evolution process in the past and present is cruel, animal-like and ruthless. "... In the early 1990s, there were more than 50 kinds of phylum, which were found in Maotianshan Mountain, Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province, China, that is, all foreign structures in the animal kingdom, more than 30 kinds of phylum; At the same time, it suddenly appeared in a large number in the way of an explosion in the CAMBRIAN era, without any trace of gradual evolution proposed by Darwin evolutionists; Moreover, since then, no new "door" has appeared. In fact, it's not just Chengjiang. As early as 1909, Professor Charles Doolittle Walcott, Ph.D. (Professor. Dr Charles Doolittle Walcott, 1850- 1927, a famous paleontologist in the United States) was discovered in the Birkis shale in Columbia, Canada. 1946, the Ediacaran fossil group discovered by scientists on Ediacaran Mountain in Flinders Mountain, Adelaide, Australia was also proved to be CAMBRIAN. Darwinists, far from explaining this sudden phenomenon, can't explain why these different "animal phyla" appear at the same time, and then decrease instead of increase. We know that the species in the world are decreasing or even extinct; Some are facing extinction and can only be protected in zoos and botanical gardens to avoid extinction. It can be seen that the theoretical hypothesis is just the opposite of scientific facts (evidence). The forerunner of human scientific research in this field may choose the great French chemist and microbiologist Professor louis pasteur, Ph.D. (Professor. Dr. louis pasteur,1822–1895, a devout Christian), proved this through scientific verification in about 1860 years. Not only that, the "second law of thermodynamics", which is recognized as the universal truth of the universe, fundamentally denies Darwin's theory of evolution; Because the evolution from amoeba to human beings is a process of regular (orderly) increase, that is, the process of entropy reduction, and this process violates the "second law of thermodynamics", so it is impossible. The theory of evolution, like the theory of continental drift, is an abuse of the theory of variation and holds that "what is today and what was the past". What's more, the discovery of various fossils has been very unfavorable to evolution. For example, the fossils and strata formed by 1980 eruption of Mount St. hellens proved that fossils and strata did not take tens of millions of years and hours to form, as evolutionists said (evolutionists never dared to mention Mount St. hellens). We know that every biological organ needs all kinds of appropriate and completely accurate cooperation to play its normal physiological function. The structure and function of the simplest cell are extremely complicated. The complexity and mystery of the physiological structure and function of the eyes are even more unimaginable. Darwin himself was quite puzzled at the time. In the section "Extremely Perfect and Complex Organs" of Chapter 6 "Theoretical Problems" of the Origin of Species, he wrote bluntly: "The eyes have unparalleled design to adjust the focal length, allow different lighting and correct spherical aberration and chromatic aberration. I frankly admit that the hypothesis that the eyes are formed by natural selection seems to be the most ridiculous. " He later said frankly: "So far, every time I think of my eyes, I feel shocked. "The author wants to further strongly remind readers that we must not forget the words" we may imagine ","if "and" hypothesis "in Charles Darwin's Origin of Species. If so, what kind of results will be obtained; Assuming this is the case, then it will become something; If so, that's it; ..... What kind of science is this? What theory is this? This very obvious and out-and-out metaphysical deception induction can even convince several generations; This kind of out-and-out sophistry and false theory can win people's welcome and trust. The author believes that this is the greatest shame and dark period in the history of human civilization, and it is also the greatest misfortune for those who live in this shame and dark period! There is no doubt that many people in the scientific community are seriously superstitious, that is, they accept and spread a metaphysical and completely wrong theoretical hypothesis as a scientific fact and stubbornly stick to it; Not only that, in some people's minds, it is incredible to worship it as a god and a religion. When we go back to the Bible, the word of God, we are very surprised. The Bible pointed out the fallacy of Darwin's theory of evolution very clearly and clearly nearly 3000 years ago. I said to myself, "This is for the world, because God wants to test them and make them feel like animals." (Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, section 18, written in 970-930 BC) The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom; Knowing the most holy is wisdom. In the Bible, God clearly reminds and warns people that people have dignity and don't wake up, just like dead animals. (Psalm 49, verse 20, writing time: BC 1040-970) The Bible has said: But these people seem to have no spirituality. They were born animals to be caught and slaughtered. When they slander what they don't know, they are destroyed when they destroy others. (2 Peter, chapter 2 12, written in 65-67 AD) Genesis 2: 7 The Lord God created man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul named Adam. We know that dozens of elements that make up the human body, whether macro or micro, no matter what kind of food they come from directly, their ultimate source is soil. You may say that qi, one of the most important components of the human body, does not mainly exist in the air? Not bad. However, it is worth noting that the human body cannot use gaseous nitrogen, and nitrogen must be converted into solid compounds (soil) before it can be used by the human body. Some people will say that the human body does not directly absorb gaseous oxygen? Yes, but the oxygen absorbed by the human body from the air is not converted into the tissue components of the human body, but used for consumption, that is, gaseous oxygen is used to oxidize and decompose the inherent components of the human body to obtain energy and maintain life. Oxygen used to make up the human body must be obtained from solid food and water. Therefore, the absorption of gaseous oxygen is the characteristic of people after they are created as "living people". Once life is over, there is no need to exist and breathing stops. What is left is a body that comes from dust and will still return to dust. The chemical composition of this body is exactly the same as that of a living person, but it is not equal to a living person. The difference lies in the "Qi of Life". Gen 2: 2 1 The Lord God put him into a deep sleep and he fell asleep. So he took off a rib and put the meat back together. Genesis 2: 22 So the Lord God made a woman out of the rib that he had taken from the man and brought her to the man. Genesis 2: 23 The man said, "This is the bone of my bones, and the flesh of my flesh can be called' woman' because she was taken out of a man. "Modern medicine tells us that bones are the main organs of hematopoiesis. There are a large number of stem cells in bone marrow, which have stronger activity of division and differentiation than somatic cells, and always remain in embryonic state. Therefore, it is the best material for cloning. This is the real reason why many researchers are working hard on embryonic stem cell research. Modern medicine has proved that the ability and speed of automatic healing of broken tendons are the fastest among all bones in the human body. This phenomenon shows that stem cells in ribs may have the strongest division and differentiation activity in all other bones. " So God made a woman out of the rib he took from the man. "There is no doubt that this is the best biological cloning technology. This god's words far beyond time and space really make people have to bow down at his feet. Obviously, God uses ribs, the best cloning material, to copy another person (such as Adam). So Adam said, "This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You can call her a woman because she was taken out of a man. " Undoubtedly, in the history of human science, this sentence is the earliest, most expressive and straightforward noun explanation about "human cloning". Because a woman is cloned, it means that God has changed the gene of the sex chromosome. So, this is a "transgenic clone". This is a scientific truth that we can only understand today when modern science and technology are highly developed. Of course, God doesn't need human technology and processes at all. Because god is the creator of all things, "because he said there is, there is;" "Stand when you stand." (Psalm 33: 9) In fact, even myths and legends are based on facts. If LZ is interested, you can have a look here. Where do China people come from:/%B6% cfed% cc% EC% CA% B9/blog/item/E6adf48db826501eb21bba68.htmlRebecca Kahn of the University of California, Berkeley was published in the prestigious Nature magazine. The report of three professors and doctors, Mark storni King and Ellen Wilson: "Eve, the unique mother of human beings, exists." It shocked the whole scientific community like a ZHA bomb. Many years ago, it was the same magazine that first unveiled the mystery of DNA. Now DNA is used by scientists to find tools for human ancestors. They mainly studied the genes of women from different ethnic groups-Caucasians, Africans, Asians, North American aborigines, Australians and New Guineans. Starting with a DNA passed directly from mother to daughter, they found that all women's genes passed through a genetic family tree and were related. Their conclusion is that "all these chromosomes come from the same woman". How old is the origin of mankind? Paleontologists always speculate on the remains of ancient bones and claim that modern people grew at least one million years ago. "Fallacy!" The detective scientist of DNA retorted: "DNA clearly proves that human beings lived with their ancestors from 6.5438+0.4 million to 290,000 years ago." DNA experts concluded: "Those skulls and bones-Javanese, Beijingers, Lucians, Neanderthals and piltdown man in England-have nothing to do with modern people." We know that there is no uniform standard for dating ancient skeletal remains; Not only that, but what is more serious is that none of these dating methods and assumptions are seamless and completely reasonable in scientific research methods; At the same time, these determination methods may also be deeply influenced by the theory of evolution, which makes some scientists deeply imprint the preconceived concept of human origin in their minds. Under the influence of these factors, the inferred result is of course the product of wishful thinking in people's minds. What's more, what's more shocking is that some so-called scientific discoveries have been proved to be scams and farce, such as the Indonesian Javanese and the British piltdown man. The Peking man site (Gulong Mountain, Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, 48km southwest of Beijing) was first discovered by Swedish geologist Dr. John Guna Anderson in 192 1 year. 1927, anatomist Professor Davidson Black and doctors from Peking Union Medical College officially excavated Zhoukoudian site and found three teeth. At that time, he immediately declared that this was the "lost link" in the evolution of apes to human beings. It was a lady named Nani, who was officially named "China Ape Beijing Species". 1929, Chinese geologist and paleontologist Professor Pei Wenzhong and Doctor unearthed the skull fragment of the first Peking man, which caused a sensation in the world. Claiming to be a human ancestor 400,000-700,000 years ago. In fact, all they found were some skull and jaw fragments and some teeth, which were smaller than those of modern people. However, no other bones of the trunk and limbs were found. In different parts of this huge lime mine, they also found the skulls of monkeys and other animals and the bones of modern people crushed to death by the collapse of the mine, and also found countless kilns and stoves in it. Now only a skull and some broken bones have been found. If we want to prove that these bone fragments are the bones of the whole person and the bones of the so-called "Beijingers" with a long history, this research method and means have no biological and medical statistical significance in science; Don't say evidence, even the inference doesn't hold water. What is even more puzzling is that during the period of 194 1- 1945, "Beijingers" disappeared mysteriously. So far, many scholars have investigated the reasons, but there is no result. Some people say that Pei Wenzhong did a "good thing". Because during the Second World War, when Japan invaded China, the Japanese didn't interfere, stop or destroy any further excavation of Zhoukoudian site at all, and they were not interested in it. In the history of science, it is not uncommon for scientific swindlers to do "good deeds" for fame and status. Before that, there were many scientific scams in paleontology, such as Neanderthals, Javanese, piltdown man, Nebraskans, lamas and apes, which set a very good example for future generations in scientific research. The missing technique of Peking Man's Skeleton is superb and flawless. It can be said that it is even worse, and the latecomers come to the fore! 1943, after studying this, Professor Flantz Dunrui Wei, a famous anatomist and paleontologist at Frankfurt University, publicly exposed the "Peking Man" scam: "The mystery of Peking Man's skeleton disappearance is entirely caused by Pei Wenzhong, so as to destroy the evidence of the scam forever." In fact, these so-called "Peking man" bone fragments are genuine monkey bones, which have nothing to do with human bones. Professor Ma Shilin Buller, a famous French geologist, paleontologist and anthropologist, left angrily after seeing the photos, broken bones and plaster models left at the beginning, and said to the person in charge who invited him, "Do you want me to cross the ocean and go halfway around the world to see this pile of monkey bones with broken heads?" ..... They are just monkeys killed by real people! "As we all know, throughout history, many people in China ate monkey brains as a very nutritious meal, which is undoubtedly the real reason why their brains were smashed after they were left behind. Professor Colin Groves, a famous anthropologist from Australian National University, said after this research: "Beijingers are not just' bad science', but a complete scientific scam. "The author asks here: Do paleontologists in China dare to let people identify the gene arrangement of the bones of' New Beijingers'? I hope that one day, we can let real science speak openly.