Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Ask readers, Yilin and other magazines for 50 wonderful quotations

Ask readers, Yilin and other magazines for 50 wonderful quotations

If you have the heart, you can know, you can love, you can get together and you can dream.

Why do we live-for happiness, what kind of people are the most beautiful-confident people; So we are not only happy, but also confident.

When a person sees clearly how tortuous his sailing route is, he'd better rely on his conscience as a navigator. Only those who know how to control themselves automatically in time can get a real psychological balance and have a happy home.

Friends who are tolerant of each other must be in the same boat for a hundred years;

Couples who tolerate each other must have a pillow for a hundred years;

A tolerant world must be peaceful and beautiful.

Young feelings, like a person, love a flower, in fact, there is nothing wrong, when we grow up; As long as you have loved, it is beautiful to have loved.

Meeting in life is a kind of fate, and sometimes separation is also a blessing of love.

Perhaps the most important thing to love someone is not vows of eternal love and sweet words. Some trifles in life can better reflect his affection for you. That's the password for love.

Opportunities are like clear water, everywhere;

Opportunity is like moonlight, there is a gap.

Life belongs to you, you should live according to your own wishes.

Money can promote virtue or destroy it. If we all help those in need with a kind heart. Then we will find that there are many things in the world that are much more noble and precious than money.

It is better to lose what has been lost, at least not to wait.

You can only make a change once in your life. This is the present, however, many people waste their good time, regret the past and worry about the future.

Murphy's theorem: whatever can develop in a bad direction must develop in that direction.

Ernesto's Law: There are some things, just mention them. . . . . .

If it is a good thing, it must be missed;

If it's bad, it will happen.

Law of Unequal Expectation: Unexpected results will not happen,

What I hope will not happen.

Attorre's Law: Two teams are parallel (one of them), and the other team is always faster.

Law of selective falling body: an object will fall in a way that causes the greatest damage.

Jinning's inference: When bread falls to the ground, the probability of butter facing down is directly proportional to the price of carpet.

A person should know his position, just like a person knows his face, which is the most sober consciousness. Washing off lead porcelain is better than painting it casually. Therefore, it is important to do what you can and do your best.

In your most painful time, there are birds singing happily outside the window; When you are happiest, someone is suffering from illness and struggling with death.

The world is always the same, but our moods and experiences are different.

Everyone is looking forward to an immortal relationship. But we must understand that feelings are like houses, and cutting corners during construction will become dangerous buildings; Wall cancer will grow inexplicably after years of disrepair, and sometimes it will leak because of poor construction; Sometimes a big typhoon will shatter the glass; Sometimes it may be destroyed by an earthquake. If there is no fire escape equipment, it will not be too small. . . . . . And all the houses are the same, even the prison has doors to get in and out.

There is always something missing in life. What you get, you lose. The important thing is that you know what you want. He who chases two rabbits will surely get nothing.

Life is not perfect, if you find it wrong. Start over. If others do not forgive you, you can forgive yourself. Never cover up one mistake with another.

The meaning of life should be in the process, not the conclusion. Therefore, a person should not influence another person with his own experience and opinions, not to mention that he is not you and you are not him. Everyone grows up in a different way. You have to taste the ups and downs of life, and trying is life.

The river can reach its destination because it knows how to avoid obstacles.

The best is not necessarily the most suitable; The most suitable is the really best.

Wealth is a deposit, and no amount of money can be brought into the coffin;

Love is a kind of storage. How can love be attached when people are dead?

Power is a kind of deposit, no matter how powerful it is, it can't escape the final alternation;

Even life itself is just a passer-by on this planet. At best, the planet itself is a small post station built by the creator for mankind.

Our life has never been full of dreams. That golden flower is swaying in our hearts, and we will spoil the infinite scenery. However, we are always used to waiting for the first spring, and for the sake of the empty harvest of the first season, we often rashly abandon the second spring and turn our dreams into dreams. The flower of dreams only favors those who have patience and pursuit. Today, if I give you a dream Zhu Jin flower, you should have the courage to buy out your dream second spring.

Each of us should have more sympathy and love, which is much more than we need to survive. We should spread it to others and pursue the light of life.

In fact, movement happens in an instant. Touching may be eternal, and a little tolerance may make others appreciate their life; A little love may keep others warm for a lifetime; A word of blessing and encouragement may lead to a happy life.

A person can only love life more if he keeps a happy mood all the time. Only a happy mood is the source of creativity and motivation in life; Only by constantly creating their own happiness and getting along with themselves can people stay away from pain and troubles and have a happy life.

If you want to succeed, then you should remember: zero inheritance, honesty first, learning second, politeness third, hard work fourth and shrewdness fifth.

A complete life should have three feelings, a sense of mission, a sense of loss and a sense of crisis.

Every entrepreneur has his own characteristics and style, but they also have the same characteristics, that is, correct judgment, firm determination, courage to innovate and hard work.

The only guide to being a man is his conscience and looking back. The only thing that makes people feel great is the integrity and honesty of their actions. It is very unwise to live without such a comfortable life. Because people often laugh at themselves for their disillusionment and miscalculation; However, no matter what fate has done to you, you can always move forward with firm steps and full of honor.

You can't overwhelm everything, but you can also be overwhelmed by everything.

People can be proud, but not flattering;

People should not be arrogant, but correct.

What's the difference between celebrities and mortals? Celebrities used cultural relics, while mortals used waste; Celebrities are eloquent and mortals are sophistry; Celebrities greet people, are approachable, and mortals are buttering up others. Celebrities dress untidily, which is called artistry. Do you deny it? Verbal anger; Celebrity drinking is called drinking, and mortal drinking is called drinking; Celebrities are called Lao Wang when they are old, but mortals can only be called Lao Wang.

We may not be beautiful, but we are healthy;

We may not be great, but we are solemn;

We may not be perfect, but we work hard;

We may not be eternal, but we are sincere.

Important decisions in life are planned by the mind, just like a pre-calculated framework, waiting for your horoscope to run. If we expect to change our destiny, we must first change our inner track.

Many things in the world are like this. When you pursue it deliberately, it flies away like a butterfly; When you get rid of superficial worldly distractions and devote yourself to one thing for the sake of society and others, unexpected gains are quietly welcoming you.

Explanations are often unnecessary-enemies don't believe your explanations, and friends don't need your explanations.

Although time will wither love, true love will always keep the enthusiasm of first love.

Some people will never lose their beauty no matter how old they get-their knowledge has transferred beauty from their faces to their hearts.

You can earn wealth in ways you don't like; You can also cure the disease with drugs you don't believe in; But you can't get happiness from people you don't love.

More comfort, less anxiety;

More truth, less falsehood;

More happiness, less sadness.

Our rationality allows us to see through life again and again;

Our passion has blinded our eyes again and again.

Thinking of others is to give you wings.

In this world, besides power, money, prestige, violence and so on, there is another kind of success; With it, a person's potential can be displayed many times, that is-integrity!

The really unexpected things are always unpredictable.

One day, you are in love, so keep it a secret. Don't open your heart until you know the details of each other.

If we can bravely love, forgive, generously express our gratification for the happiness of others, and rationally cherish the love around us, then we will achieve perfection that other lives have never achieved.

If a person is not handsome at the age of 20, not strong at the age of 30, not rich at the age of 40 and not wise at the age of 50; Then he will never be handsome, strong, rich or smart in his life.

At the age of 30, a person should know exactly what shortcomings and advantages he has, how far he can go, what kind of person he will become in the future, and more importantly, accept all this.

People are famous for their willpower at the age of 20, winning by wisdom at the age of 30 and relying on rational judgment at the age of 40.

Always believe this: everything will change, no matter how much trauma you get, how heavy your heart is, and how poor you are, you must stick to it. When the sun goes down, it will rise. Unfortunately, there will always be an end. This was the case in the past and will be the case in the future.

Measure whether the success you want is worth what you lose.

Selflessly passing on one's best morality and skills to those who need him, this human virtue is more eternal than anything else.

Some people fail in marriage not because they have found the wrong person, but because they didn't understand it from the beginning; When you choose love, you choose a way of life.

Remember, the best interpersonal relationship is mutual care, not mutual need.

When you have an argument with the person you love, confine yourself to this argument and don't dig up all the old scores.

Remember, sometimes you can't get what you want, maybe it's a wonderful reward from fate.

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you really want.

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you; You cried. Only you are crying in the world.

Many times, there is often a certain distance between the goal and reality. We must learn to adjust at any time. In any case, people should not live for unrealistic vows and wishes.

You can't decide the length of life, but you can control its width;

You can't control the weather, but you can change your mood;

You can't change your appearance, but you can smile;

You can't control others, but you can control yourself;

You can't predict tomorrow, but you can make use of today;

You can't do everything smoothly, but you can try your best.

Life is not a stop, there will always be many unexpected things. It is very important for Mount Tai to collapse in front of it, but its color remains the same, and the storm suddenly rises, so take it calmly. Turning the corner often requires a superb mind and a good attitude. Think more, be less excited, be more kind and hate less, and life will be better.

When you think that your choice suits you and bravely accept everything that comes with your life, you gain a self-esteem and self-confidence. Here you don't have to take other people's value orientation as the standard of your success; You don't have to base your self-esteem on others' approval; You don't have to weigh your confidence on the balance of money. Happiness is rich and poor, and self-confidence is independent of others.

At the beginning of market economy, when the embryonic form of pluralistic values was formed. We must realize that while opportunities and freedom are coming, low-level ethics are facing great challenges. No killing, no cheating, no rape, no stealing is a market economy that needs to be reiterated. You can't sacrifice yourself for others, but you can't harm others and benefit yourself; You may not be a saint, but you should be moral and human. You can't reach the highest level of morality, but you must stick to the lowest level of morality.

Do a good job;

Family members should take good care of them;

Wealth should be taken properly;

Words and deeds should show taste;

Consumption should be controlled by knowledge;

Time should be arranged reasonably;

Develop the habit of reading;

Good hobbies should be cultivated;

Participate in public welfare activities;

Sustainable development should be supported.

Before you got sick, you were healthy;

Before you go to prison, you are free;

You were happy before you suffered. . . . . .

It's simple, okay? Unfortunately, you always feel the former and recall the latter.

The world won't care about your self-esteem, and the world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.

Life is unfair, get used to it.

When you can't have anything anymore, the only thing you can do is not to forget it.

Everyone wants to know what is beyond the mountain, but there is nothing there. When I climbed up, I thought it was better this way.

If someone else takes something from you, you give it, so that you will never feel robbed.

Excessive self-concentration, only focusing on yourself; Pay too much attention to what you do in the eyes of others; Pay too much attention to your strong subjective feelings about things. Because the object of attention is very limited, "never change" stifles the fun brought by any other activities, and lacks the pleasant experience of constantly introducing new horizons and constantly updating themselves; The result is boredom and boredom, and life becomes unbearable.

True happiness comes from tolerance and help.

The value of life does not depend on what we do or what friends we make. It depends on ourselves. Friends are like quilts. What really warms you is your own body temperature, which is like fashion. It's not your clothes that are easy to fall behind, but your thoughts and abilities. Affection is a kind of depth, friendship is a kind of breadth and love is a kind of purity. Lan Zhi was born in a deep forest, and no one is fragrant. Xiu De, a gentleman, is not for money. When you fall, don't climb the furthest distance in life empty-handed, not for the ends of the earth, but for standing in front of the mirror. Besides cutting toenails and wearing shoes, don't bow your head easily when you look at yourself. All people are ordinary. Some people have become extraordinary people because they know this. We often can't do great things, but we can do small things with great love. Maturity has nothing to do with how many birthdays you have had, but with your experience and what you have learned from it.