Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How does 12 constellation chase boys?

How does 12 constellation chase boys?

How does 12 constellation chase boys?

How does 12 constellation chase boys? Every boy in the twelve constellations has different personality characteristics and tastes. If you want to pursue one of them, you must first understand them and make a good strategy. So how do you chase the boys in 12 constellation?

How to chase 12 constellation boys 1 Aries

It's easy to attract the attention of Aries boys. A little action that tickles their hearts can get them hooked. They are serious on the surface, but there are many flowers in their hearts. Of course, if you let them try something they can't get, so much the better. Playing hard to get is to deal with them!

Taurus constellation

Taurus boys seem to be honest and sincere when talking to people, but don't forget that earth signs are dominant in men's shows. They actually like that kind of slut. Of course, if you can find such a girl when you are in love, you still have to work hard to get married!


It seems that Gemini boys like the gentle, lovely and fresh girls in their first love. Of course, they are also a way to satisfy their ideal life. They are still eager to have someone to chat with!

Cancer constellation

Cancer boys can be said to be particularly considerate and take care of each other in love, so Cancer is really suitable for dating, but their favorite object is also that kind of innocent girl. The more sensible, the more cancer likes it!

Le Signe du Lion

Leo boys and girls have strong heroism, so they are love rat love rat Harvesters. Leo boys are easily caught by girls, commonly known as green tea bitches, and they can't tell the girls' thoughts themselves!


Virgo is a person who pays special attention to getting and giving balance. Nobody wants to use them. Of course, girls who can be seen by them must be potential stocks. Why? It's just that Virgo has a pair of eye-catching skills, and there is no way to avoid losing money!


Libra is the most versatile person in the twelve constellations, because they can go anywhere with anyone, and they really adjust themselves with the changes of their objects and keep up with each other's footsteps. They are really versatile and perfect. That's great.


In fact, nine out of ten boys in Scorpio are male chauvinists, which may be beyond everyone's expectation. It's not that they are too hidden, but that you haven't observed enough. They especially attract girls in fire signs, such as Leo and Aries. Of course, I also have an inexplicable affection for them!


Sagittarius is a philandering and promiscuous person, but they are single-minded and like only one person at a time. This is Sagittarius who disdains cheating, but they have great ability to find new lovers. Their desire to conquer in their bones is more inclined to that kind of cold goddess!

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Capricorn may be the only person in the zodiac who likes someone. They never regard poachers as a third party. Most of their love for a person will be hidden in their hearts, which is difficult to express, but it is also absolutely guarded. Once they find the enemy, they will take the initiative to attack. They like girls who can live at home and earn money to support their families!

Aquarius constellation

Aquarius is similar to Libra in general, but they really have their own preferences. If you are shy and introverted, you are likely to like girls who are lively and sunny. If it is humorous, I prefer gentle and kind girls.


Pisces men care about family values, and they may really investigate your family in all aspects at the beginning of love, so as to attack you according to the survey results. Young Pisces are likely to like girls with a strong student atmosphere, but mature Pisces men are more concerned about whether their three views are harmonious and have a girl consciousness!

How to pursue 12 constellation boys 2 how to pursue Aries men

As an Aries man, he naturally likes to accept challenges and enjoy conquest. His straightforward personality will let you know clearly whether he loves you or not, but if you meet a sheep who doesn't understand amorous feelings, you should use some thoughts to give him some electricity!

Suggest that Aries men don't need to be too secretive. It will be more effective to be brave and understand. You might as well find an appropriate opportunity to fall on him intentionally or unintentionally, but the person who is afraid of injury will use the trick of "throwing something on him carelessly" instead, and the clever Aries man will understand what you mean. But remember to try not to use hot water or hydrochloric acid.

How to pursue Taurus men

Do you have a crush on a Taurus man now? I believe that the slow response of Taurus men will make your love very hard! But on the other hand, congratulations. From a practical point of view, you have a great chance to be a lady!

A practical and planned Taurus man will definitely let his wife and children have a house to live in and a car to drive and live a happy life. How's it going? My heart is starting to itch! Then give Taurus a hint quickly!

First, find out where he works, and show it to him carelessly at lunch, or follow him when he is at leisure, and appear in front of him like a superwoman when necessary, and show it to him carelessly, which is a little tired. But for the future "money", just be patient!

How to pursue Gemini men

Gemini men are really cute, their minds are full of whimsy and their words are humorous. If you like a happy life, you should take good care of Gemini men. Have you ever met a Gemini man who made you doubt whether he loves you or not?

If that's the case, you must hint to him in a wise way that you can deliberately block his car with your car and then leave a note stating that you parked temporarily. If he wants to take the car, he will call you, and then you should know how to do it!

How to pursue cancer man

Good men are hard to find these days! But don't be too discouraged. Cancer patients give you another life. If you are not a good man and don't get married, you might as well try the male crab to make sure it is delicious.

Cancer man is born with a little Oedipus complex, and he likes to hold a bottle since he was a child. You are smart and know how to hint at your cancer man! Yes, "hold your head up and hold your chest high" is very useful. You'd better tell him with a little concerned eyes, and you will give him enough security!

Just like sucking the mother's initial warmth when I was a child. Really, crabs will take the bait.

How to pursue the lion man

As long as you have been to the zoo, you must know that the lion is the king of all animals. You should be careful to serve this man who eats people. But if you are really careless and have a crush on a Leo man, either you devote yourself wholeheartedly to him or you train yourself to be a wise "animal trainer".

Leo men often become foolhardy after drinking two glasses of yellow soup. You should seize the opportunity, whisper a few sweet words in his ear and learn two meows to tell you that no Leo man can get away with it, but you must take responsibility after using this trick, so that you can have professional ethics.

How to pursue a virgin man

Don't touch a Virgo man unless you are patient, gentle and able to withstand repeated fatigue bombing. Virgo men are famous for their "turtle hair"! But on the other hand, Virgo men will love you to death as long as the tortoise is alive.

If you must secretly love a Virgo man, find a way to let him know! However, this move may be a bit hard, but it is guaranteed to be effective. Just let him know that you change three sets of clothes and take a bath three times a day. The smell of disinfectant and shower gel will let your Virgo man know that you are the one he is looking for.

How to chase 12 constellation boy 3 Aries


Girls with strong independence attract him most. They appreciate girls who can handle things by themselves, instead of relying on him and young women who have no opinions. If you want to chase Aries, you'd better make it clear, so as not to waste energy on your image.

Taurus constellation

A good helper in life

Pragmatic Taurus, for girls who can help him, will love because of gratitude. If you want a Taurus man to have a good impression on you, print a note for him, or hand him a cup of hot tea when he is busy, Taurus boys can best understand this unconscious but gentle and warm feeling.


Verbal teasing

The ever-changing Gemini is most interested in girls who are good at talking and not telling the truth. You can't be seen through by them at once. You should first throw a bait to arouse curiosity, and then wait for him to respond. If Gemini will take the initiative to call and find a topic to chat, it means that you can rest assured.

Cancer constellation

Careful unloading

There is no need for fanfare or bold confession. The love game with Cancer is the most confusing. A word and a look can push your relationship forward or backward, so observation is necessary to prevent them from suddenly "changing their faces".

Le Signe du Lion

You can't be too opinionated

In the kingdom of love, the lion man is the king. What they need is to submit to his concubine, not a strong woman who competes with him. It's a good idea to "play dumb" when necessary, and they will feel more sorry for you.


An intellectual victory

Enthusiastic offensive will make him afraid, Virgo is the kind of pursuit, and it is the only thing that can make him interested in you.

Just don't let him think you're stupid. It is a good way to talk about what good books you have read recently. He was fascinated by the charm of knowledge.



Don't expect a hesitant and gentle Libra man to take the initiative to find you. Most of them stay in the stage of words and eyes. The next step is to see if you can "pass it on from generation to generation". If you don't take the initiative, he belongs to another active girl.


Watch it attack again.

If you attack if you make a mistake in calculation, you will definitely encounter a rebuff. Scorpio has a clear distinction between love and not love. If there is no interaction, it is useless to chase again. On the contrary, lightning can hit a fire quickly without much effort.


Direct confession

Sagittarius is a thick line. Hints are useless. You will find that he is really stupid. If you don't want to turn his attention to others, it is better to speak clearly and directly, and the effect is direct.

Capricorn palace. Compare CAPRICORNUS

Reduce 30 years of struggle

The purpose of communication is to marry. A wife must be able to help her husband. Capricorn's personality is practical. Even if you have a girlfriend, you are cautious and shop around. To attract him, you have to study hard and cultivate your own value.

Aquarius constellation

Fight hard and win a surprise victory.

Obviously, it takes patience and cleverness to catch Aquarius man. Sometimes he is as elusive as a naughty boy, and sometimes he becomes a mature big brother. The rules are difficult to control, so you have to change according to the situation!


Hypnotize him

They are big boys who love to dream. The only way to catch him is to make him get used to you and often appear around him. One day you suddenly disappear, they will immediately realize your existence and be prepared for a long-term battle.