Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Which dynasty was crowded?

Which dynasty was crowded?

1, eunuch used to be called eunuch. The eunuch system originated in the pre-Qin period, and there are records about eunuchs in The Book of Songs, Zhou Li and Li Ji.

2. Eunuch used to be called Eunuch, and the constellation name is "Eunuch". There are four stars on the west side of the throne, because they are used as the names of lucky people close to the emperor. Also known as eunuch (election), eunuch, official, middle official, internal official, internal minister, internal servant, internal supervisor and eunuch. Eunuch, also known as eunuch, father-in-law, temple man, eunuch, inner official, inner servant, middle official, middle Juan, middle upright and middle noble in Beijing, refers to the man who served the royal family and castrated the external genitals in ancient courts. Eunuchs are slaves in charge of court chores and are not allowed to participate in state affairs. But because they live with the royal family in Beijing day and night, there is still a chance to gain trust. So in some dynasties, eunuchs held the power of state affairs. Not all eunuchs in early China were eunuchs. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs were completely used as eunuchs. Today, eunuch culture has become a major feature of China's capital, which is no less than calligraphy, Peking dialect and other cultures.


China appeared in the early Zhou Dynasty, and Zhou Gongdan used eunuchs in the court for the first time. In the Romance of the Gods, there is a case in which the service staff in the palace messed up the harem.

% The methods of the Qing Dynasty and the previous dynasty may be different.


"The second is to cut the scrotum with a sword and strip the testicles. Obviously, this method of castration does not need to completely remove the reproductive organs, # but it can also achieve the goal. Hong Mai recorded this method in Volume 8 of Jian Yizhi. According to another record, there were so-called "binding method" and "kneading method" in ancient times. The former is that when a boy is young, he is tied to death from the root of the genital "testicles" with hemp rope, which neither affects urination nor hinders the normal development of the genitals. Over time, the boy's genitals will lose their function. The latter was when the boy was young, and a man who knew this way gently pinched his testicles every day. After getting used to it, he will increase the strength of his hands until his testicles are crushed. However, if the testicles are cut off or crushed, if they have developed, although insemination can be completely avoided, their sexual desire and ability to fornicate with the court will still exist for a certain period of time, and even some people will be stronger and more lasting. "

See also:

Male castration is generally understood as the penis being cut off by roots, but according to ancient records, there are also people who destroy scrotum and testicles. For example, the book "Rhyme" said: "The external kidney is the potential, and the eunuch cuts the potential. . External kidney refers to scrotum and testis. If it is destroyed, people's gonads will no longer develop, and the penis will not be able to erect, thus losing sexual ability.

See also:

"In addition to openly marrying, concubinage and eating, fornication between eunuchs and ladies-in-waiting, eunuchs and queens is also common. When Emperor Xiaowen was in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the empress Feng was lustful, and when Hong led the army south, Feng had fornication with the senior official Bodhisattva. Hu, Queen of the Northern Qi Dynasty, was also insulted by the internal prison. These are recorded in the official history. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, eunuch Liu Rong committed adultery with several maids. After this incident was exposed, he was dismissed. During the Apocalypse period, eunuchs Wei Zhongxian, Zhao Jinjing and Xu Yingyuan became whoring friends and had fornication with the imperial court. Wei Zhongxian and another eunuch, Wei Chao, had an affair with Hakka, a wet nurse who lived in Zhu Youxiao, which was even more ugly.

In the Ming Dynasty, eunuchs raped women from time to time. At the end of Hongwu, when Shi Yun was resident in Henan, he made a private visit incognito and heard a sad cry of a family. When asked, it turned out that the daughter of this family was raped by eunuchs and committed suicide because of humiliation. Shi Yun often reported this matter to the imperial court, and Zhu Yuanzhang allowed him to report it and arrested eunuchs for capital crimes. In the first year of Jingtai (1450), Xu Gui, the right general of Datong, said that Wei Li, an army eunuch, raped the wife of a dominant officer and her wife refused to accept it, so Wei Li killed the officer's staff. Zhu Qiyu, a generation of Emperor Zong, asked the patrol for advice, but there was no result. In the first year of Tianshun (1457), Huo Xuan, the right assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry, said that whenever Wei Li gave a banquet, he would find a prostitute to accompany him and force him to marry the daughter of this official. Yingzong was very angry and sent someone to arrest Wei Lizhuan and punish him according to law.

Eunuchs who can marry, marry, eat, have an affair with concubines or bully women are mostly eunuchs with certain status and power. Those eunuchs with lower status, or eunuchs with lower officials in the palace, often go out to sell themselves. In the Ming Dynasty, there was a place called "West Courtyard" in the brothel teaching workshop in Shi Jing, which specially received eunuchs in the palace and generals. Such prostitutes are despised by fireworks colleagues. Most of the eunuchs who come here are young eunuchs who have been detected. Eunuchs with certain status not only refused to go to the "West Courtyard", but also heard that any eunuchs were going to go whoring, and they would be severely punished, and some would even be tortured to death. After the palace became popular, some eunuchs fell in love with a prostitute outside and officially married her home. During the Wanli period, a woman disguised as a man was found in the Heavenly Palace, acting suspiciously, and was taken for interrogation. Turned out to be a prostitute. A eunuch took her away, but didn't pay her the full amount for the night. She was afraid to go out again in the palace, so the prostitute had to sneak into the palace and ask the eunuch for an explanation. God lives in Zhu Yijun and knows this. He ordered the eunuch to be handed over to Li Si prison and the prostitute to the Ministry of Justice for investigation, but I don't know what the result was. During the Chongzhen period, the imperial court issued an imperial edict prohibiting marriage and prostitution outside prison, but it failed to ban it in the end.

Some eunuchs are even more obscene and even have anal sex with other men. When the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were totally clean before entering the palace, they only removed their testicles, not their penises. In Wanli, there was a eunuch and a singing boy. In the play, the penis that cannot be erected is stuffed into the boy's anus, but it can't be pulled out. The penis swelled inside, and the boy died of extreme pain. Eunuchs were also sentenced to death. The Qing dynasty accepted the lessons of the Ming dynasty, and when the eunuch was cleaned before entering the palace, his penis and testicles were cut off at the same time. During the Qianlong period, an official reported to Emperor Gaozong Li Hong that although the eunuch's penis was cut off, it would grow to a certain length in many cases. Therefore, he suggested that a comprehensive examination should be conducted immediately and eunuchs with long penises should be eradicated again. Emperor Gaozong agreed to his suggestion, so many eunuchs were forced to go to prison for the second time. It is said that the suggested official came up with this way to retaliate because the eunuch offended him. "

It can be seen that the thorough and clean total cutting, annual inspection, reexamination and stubble washing began in Qianlong period, and the methods after Qianlong were recorded by foreigners. In history, only the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty can strictly control and restrict all aspects of the country's social life. The newly discovered data show that when compiling the twenty-four histories, the Qing Dynasty made a lot of revisions to the historical materials since the Jin Dynasty, and destroyed a large number of original folk books through the literary inquisition, such as some # Yongle Dadian, Tiangong Wu Kai, and the general compilation of martial arts classics. Another example is the slander that there are 100,000 eunuchs in Ming Dynasty (there are only 99% and 99.5 rooms in the Forbidden City, so it is impossible to keep the royal family, maids and official posts) and Zhang killed 100 million people in Sichuan (what was the population of China at that time? ), as well as the Qing emperor's arbitrariness of history books (the emperor must not read history books, nor can he change them, because history books are as iron as a pen. The first emperor to read the memoirs was Li Shimin. Li Shimin killed his brother and forced his father to abdicate, so he read the memoirs. But he didn't dare to change after all, just looking for someone else to greatly beautify him. So there are two Tang Shi in the twenty-five histories, and they are completely different. The first one is Judy, whose name and words are not as good as Li Shimin's, so the record was changed, but the birth mother # didn't want it, and the next Ming Chengzu didn't change it. He didn't want to, but he didn't dare. A large group of civil servants are staring at # Now, it's just an expression. # It's very different if you really want to use your head to scold $ Qing Dynasty. The emperor is the master and all officials are slaves. Look at the books of Emperor Kangxi and Yong Zhengdi. The emperor often said, "Don't record this #, just tick $ from the file $." What is this document? Record).

Author: Qianya

Ancient eunuch # castrated $% where?

Eunuch # culture is a special culture in ancient China. I won't say much about the rest. I think what everyone is interested in is which part of the eunuch was castrated. Qian Ya looked up a lot of information and sorted it out. Interested brothers have a look. Ha ha.


It was the ancient eunuchs who spoke more uniformly. When castrating, JJ and Bowles are mostly castrated together. Just like it said.

However, the above situation is aimed at the eunuchs of the Qing Dynasty.

Ha ha.

Qianya will summarize it for you.

In fact, the methods and parts of castration in different dynasties are different. It varies according to the age of the castrated person.

Generally speaking, few people castrate JJ without castrating the ball. Castration of balls without castration of JJ was more common in previous dynasties. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the technology of castration had made progress, and it was basically a castration.

Eunuchs are usually teenagers or children. If you only castrate JJ, you will be incontinent and stink. If you just castrate your balls, this is more common. First, the penis will not grow up, and second, it will not affect urination. The only drawback is that it affects life. As for castrating the balls together with JJ, it is abnormal and the mortality rate is extremely high. By the Qing Dynasty, the technique of castration had reached a certain level, and there were endless examples of eunuchs promiscuous harem, so they implemented the castration system together.