Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Bing Xin has a famous saying that reading is good.

Bing Xin has a famous saying that reading is good.

Bing Xin has a famous saying that reading is good.

Bing Xin, China poet, modern writer, translator, children's literature writer, social activist and essayist. The pen name Bing Xin is taken from A Piece of Bing Xin in the Jade Pot. Below, I compiled Bing Xin's famous words for you. I hope it helps you.

1, read, read, read. Source: Memory Reading

2. Fate is like a sea breeze-it floats across the ocean of time in a canoe of youth. Source: spring water

3. Little pine tree, let me accompany you to complete the picture of "nature". Source: the stars in the spring

Sunflower admits to those who have never seen Bai Lianhua that he is the best friend. Bai Lianhua is out of the water. Sunflowers bow their heads, and elegant pride has separated their source: stars.

Never have hope, never be disappointed, never have hope for what you can't hope, and never be sad. Source: The Past

6. A meteor, flying out of the sky, may stare for a second? However, this glimmer of light has long been left in people's hearts. Source: Stars in the Spring

7. If there were no wind and rain in the world, where would the flowers on this branch go? It's just annoying. Source: the stars in the spring

8. Love is on the left, sympathy is on the right, walk on both sides of the road of life, sow seeds at any time, blossom at any time, decorate this path with fragrant flowers for a long time, so that pedestrians covered with branches and leaves will not feel pain when they step on thorns; I don't feel sad when I have tears to shed. Source: For Young Readers

9. If your heart is simple, then the world is also simple.

10, the heart is cold, the tears are hot-solidified the tears of the world-softened the world source: The Stars in Spring.

1 1, love is on the left and compassion is on the right. Walking on both sides of life, sowing flowers at the same time, this long road is filled with fragrant flowers, so that pedestrians who wear branches and brush leaves can step on thorns without feeling pain, and tears can flow, but they are not sad.

12, my heart! You told me yesterday that the world was happy, and today you told me that the world was disappointed. Have something to say tomorrow to teach me how to trust you!

13, dusk deep in the forest, is this the first time? It's like going through. Source: Stars

14, flowers in the corner When you are narcissistic, the world is really small.

15 However, I dare not say the afterlife, and I can't believe the source of the afterlife: talking about life.

16. For future memories, carefully describe your current picture source: Bing Xin's essays.

17, you and I are an encounter in infinite life and a farewell in infinite life; When I come back, where will I find more of you among thousands of similar people? Source: the stars in the spring

18, star-can only make young people's hair white, but not young people's hearts gray. Source: the stars in the spring

19, where will you go-a hazy moon, parting from death-is a haggard fallen flower. Source: Fan Xinquan Water

20. Castle Peak after rain is like a conscience washed by tears.

2 1, the lamp of the soul, bright in silence and extinguished in excitement. Source: the stars in the spring

22, fluffy snow, very neat and clear engraved with our footprints. On the way back, a person occasionally lowers his head and sees white or even snowflakes. It's just that this moment has gently covered up the traces of our going. -on the white earth, who else knows that under this snow, a moment ago, there was a colleague and a farewell? Source: The Past

23. Love is on the left, sympathy is on the right, walking on both sides of life, sowing and flowering at any time.

24, Nianguang is really a strange thing! My mood changed once, but what happened later? Perhaps the sea is taking this opportunity to refuse me, a naive person, and not to let me come again.

25, one knife and one horse, you can live for a lifetime! Source: Dream

26. If life is boring, I am afraid of an afterlife! If life is interesting, it is enough. Source: The Past

27. Praise the beauty of darkness! Praise the darkness! Only darkness can eliminate all this and reconcile it with emptiness and chaos; No one, no me, no world! Source: The Past

28. Silence! In this infinite world, I should just smile and say nothing. Source: spring water

29, in the fuzzy' world'-I forgot the first sentence, and I don't know the last sentence. Source: Stars in the Spring

30. Walk on both sides of life, sow and blossom at any time. Let pedestrians who wear branches and brush leaves step on thorns, without feeling pain and tears, but not sad. Source: "To Gro"

3 1, the thorn of the rose is the hatred of the climber and her own comfort. Source: Stars

May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful evening. May there be enough clouds in your life to create a beautiful night. Source: Talking about life

33, he melted, naturalized, unhappy, not sad! Maybe one day, he will rise from the bitter raindrops on the sea, fly to the west, form another river, then wash down the stone walls on both sides, and then look for peach blossoms on the shore. However, I dare not say the afterlife, and I can't believe it! Source: Talking about reading.

34. Crown? It is a temporary glory and a permanent bondage. Source: the stars in the spring

35. How real and erratic is life? Like the north wind blowing head-on, when she threw herself on her face, she felt cold all over. She hurried past, whispering into the Woods and into the sky, without any cause and effect, riding a fast horse and having nowhere to chase. Source: The Past

May there be enough clouds in your life to create a beautiful night. Source: Bing Xin Prose Collection

37. Why are you standing by the river alone? Is this hazy sky dawn or dusk? Where to ask, I just feel that the world of flowers is in front of me. There are a few white roses in the middle. Source: Bing Xin Prose Collection

38, the flower of success, people only admire her present glory! However, at the beginning, her bud was soaked with tears of struggle and shed blood rain of sacrifice. Source: the stars in the spring

We are babies born on a ship, and we don't know where we came from first and where we are going.

40. Happiness is a touch of Wei Yun, and pain is a dark cloud hanging over the city. These different clouds overlap on the horizon of your life. When you are "looking at the sun, although it is glorious", it will create a beautiful dusk for you. Source: Xia Xia

4 1, the stars shine-the deep blue sky, have you heard their conversation? In silence, in the twilight, they deeply praised each other. Source: the stars in the spring

42. Is time just passing by? Nothing can be done except ethereal thoughts! Source: the stars in the spring

43. Poems are just a little spray in the ocean of knowledge. However, they are bright and twinkling, embedded in the sky of the soul like stars. Source: the stars in the spring

44. I hope I will never be tempted by anyone, and I will never dream of anyone. I will never be disappointed if I have no hope, and I will never be sad if I have no hope! Source: Lighthouse

May there be enough clouds in your life to create a beautiful night. Source: Talking about life

46. Flowers in the corner! When you admire yourself, the world becomes smaller. Source: spring water

47. I'm so sorry for you now, but what I left behind is temporary, and what I am looking for is forever.

48. The stars in the sky fell on the sea like showers, making a sneering noise. The waves are as rough as mountains, all the buildings are spinning on the ground, and the sky is like a blue paper roll. Leaves are flying in the air, birds return to their nests, and animals hide in their caves. In the chaos of Vientiane, as long as I can find her and throw myself into her arms ... everything in the world believes in her! Her love for me will not change because of all the destruction! Source: For Young Readers

49. The way in the world is the way back, and the way back is also the way back. Source: "Spring water. Welcome to divine comedy

50, the wind and rain in the sky came, the bird hid in its nest, and the wind and rain in its heart came, and I only hid in your arms. Source: the stars in the spring

5 1, the greater the flower of speech. The smaller the fruit of behavior, the smaller it is. Source: Stars

52. Friends are embedded in a person's heart, just like constellations in the blue sky. If a star falls, you can't move another star to take her place.

53. A successful flower, people only know its beauty, but they don't know that its bud is bathed in tears of struggle and shed blood rain of sacrifice.

54. The poet dripped the blood of happiness and sadness from her heart. Unconsciously, it has become the flower of sympathy in the world. Source: the stars in the spring

55. I can't play the piano/I just listen quietly/I can't draw/I just watch quietly/I can't express all my love/I just pray devoutly ... Source: Quanshui.

56. My flying mind has fallen into a painful body again. I suddenly remembered Lao Tzu's words: I survived, I have a body; I have no body. What's wrong with me? At this time, I felt the pain that the body brought to mankind. Moreover, human beings also have mental pain: from worrying about their country and family, where will you go ... to worrying about the spring and mourning the autumn ...-Everything in the universe is merciless: the sun, the moon, the rivers, the spring in Qiu Lai, the flowers and the flowers all follow the laws of nature. Only one person in the world-the spirit of all things, will give their feelings to ruthless things! The phrase "Petals fall like tears, and lonely birds sing their sorrows" is unknown to Qian Qian at all times and all over the world. In short, it is precisely because of people with thoughts and feelings that there will be joys and sorrows. "War and peace" and "Love and death are eternal themes". Source: Sick Bed

57. Returning from this battle is a kind of peace of mind.

58. A wise man has empty words and hypocritical words; You should guide your friends, only in your natural behavior.

59. I am a mortal myself, and I only seek the happiness of mortals.

60. Leaving this world and becoming a monk is something I despise. How can I become a promising young man and get support from all directions?

6 1. White flowers are better than green leaves. Strong liquor is not as good as light tea. Source: the stars in the spring.

62. Flowers stick to branches, birds fly away and scatter red everywhere. Is this a glimpse of life? ﹏

63. The act of not liberating creates a free mind. Source: spring water

64. A corner of the city wall, blue sky, boundless purpose-this is the sky-the source of the world: The Stars in Spring.

65. A calm heart can build a deeper world in any environment.

66. The yard was quiet. The pillow is cold. The warm sunshine shines on the pale yellow wall through the reed curtain. The thick shadows of trees swayed slowly in the breeze. There are good birds singing outside the window from time to time. Everything in this world has abandoned isolation. One room is the universe, and the sounds of flowers, shadows and trees are full of mystery. Source: Leisure

67. Humans! Love each other, we are all long-distance travelers, heading for the same destination. Source: the stars in the spring

68. Mom! You are a lotus leaf, I am a red lotus, and the rain in my heart is coming. Except you, who is the shade under my unobstructed sky?

69. Young people! Believe in yourself! Only you are real, only you can create yourself. Source: Stars

70. People break flowers from branches and put them in bottles. Speaking of the result, I sighed at the empty branches. Source: Fan Xinquan Water

7 1, true sympathy, when you are sad, not when you are happy.

72. I hope that the hopeless fact and the difficult problem can be solved, that is, young people's suicide! Source: the stars in the spring

73. Childhood is the truth in dreams, the dream in reality, and the tearful smile when recalling.

74. The rain gradually died down, and clear light came through behind the curtain. Open the window and have a look, ah! The clouds are gone, and the residual water droplets on the leaves reflect the moon, flashing and moving like a thousand fluorescent spots.

75. Put pen in the middle of the night.

76, draw a sword and look around, has been famous for half a lifetime, and is a safe place to return from this war! Source: defected to the enemy

If life is boring, I don't want an afterlife. If life is happy, this life is enough. Cherish the present and be true to yourself.

78. A person should be like a flower, regardless of gender. Flowers are colorful, fragrant and fragrant, and people are talented, affectionate and interesting, and they are indispensable.

79. Where there is love, there is everything.

80. Darkness is not haze. I hate haze, but I love darkness. Source: The Past

8 1, mom! Can you read this fragmentary article? These words were hidden in your heart before I appeared. Source: the stars in the spring

82. Weak grass! Be proud, only you have decorated the world. Source: Stars

83. father Come out and sit in the moonlight. I want to hear about your sea. Source: the stars in the spring

84. Wind! Don't blow out the candle in my hand, my home is far away in the dark.

85. Xishan! Farewell! I can't bear to leave you, but I miss my mother. Source: the stars in the spring

86. The prancing horse with a horizontal knife and her pen Zen were originally one person, but the times separated these things. Source: Dream

87. Without gathering dust, all beings can go home; In the world, the route is the way home, and the way home is also the route. Source: the stars in the spring

88. Teenagers' dreams are dreams of the wind, and teenagers' thoughts are long thoughts.

89. The green bud said to the youth, "Develop yourself!" Pale flowers, and the young man said, "contribute yourself!" " The crimson fruit said to the young man, "sacrifice yourself!" "Source: Stars

90. Walk on both sides of life, sow seeds at any time, bloom at any time, and decorate this long journey with flowers, so that pedestrians who wear branches and brush leaves will not feel pain and tears, but they will not feel sad.

9 1, the cultivated flowers have passed in silence, and the successful fruits will blossom and bear fruit in the light.

92. Fatherly love is silent. If you feel it, it's not paternal love!

93. Not every river can enter the sea, and those that don't flow will become dead lakes; Not every seed can become a tree, and those that don't grow will become empty shells! Source: Talking about life

94. A baby is a great poet who utters the most complete poem in incomplete words: the stars in the spring.

95. Xiaohua also wants to look up and thank the love of spring. However, deep kindness made him finally silence his mother! Were you that spring?

96. When the thin paper still exists, or it lasts longer than the sunny, fast snow-in the soft sound of pines and on the mountain pavilion where the wind is everywhere, I began to write about the past. The history of life is turning from page to page, the pages are getting closer and closer, and the colors of the picture are doubly bright, which shocked my heart and eyes. These are the handwriting of the creator. He unfolded before my eyes in an understatement. I looked at it and added one or two decorations. After retouching, I looked at it myself, as if I felt something. How many times can life stand to write about the past? Life is spent in the moment of writing ... at this time, the spring rain of Qingshan has been sprinkled on the pine tip! Source: The Past

97. childhood It is the truth in the dream, the dream in the real world, and the tearful smile when recalling. Source: the stars in the spring

98. Entertainment is at least as valuable as work, or entertainment is part of work.

99. The sword is drawn out of the sheath under the lamp, and when you look closely, you think that there is only a cavity of heroism. I forgot that blood beads are bright red and tears are crystal white. Source: the stars in the spring

100, my heart, like a boat, crossed the fluctuating sea of time. Source: the stars in the spring
