Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What did Poerxiusi say?

What did Poerxiusi say?

Perseus is one of the most beautiful constellations near the Milky Way, located in the east of Andromeda and Cassiopeia. The most famous star in this constellation is called Da Lingwu (Perseus β), which is the brightest variable and has been attracting people's attention for a long time. I didn't know why it turned light before, so the ancients called it a "magic star". In fact, it is a typical eclipsing binary star: its two stars are 2? The 87-day cycle surrounds each other and sometimes covers each other, resulting in copulation. When the darker companion stars cover the brighter main star, the brightness of Da Lingwu changes from 2? 1 reduced to 3? Fourth class.

Perseus has an obvious bow, which is called "Pacius's Bow", extending from the top of Perseus helmet through the shoulder to the sword. There are eight stars here, which were called "heavenly ships" in ancient China. There are two binary clusters in the sword, each with hundreds of stars.

Every year, at 8: 00 p.m. on October 6th, 65438/kloc-0, Perseus transits, the right ascension range is 1: 26 ~ 4: 46, and the right declination is +3 1 ~+59, with an area of 6 15 square degrees. There are 122 stars above magnitude 6. Among them, there are 2 second-class stars, 3 third-class stars and 4 fourth-class stars 15. Perseus' star region is equivalent to the three star officials in our traditional constellation system: Daling, Tianchuan and Scrooge.

The brightest star in Perseus. The name among the stars is Tianchuan III, and the western name is Mirfac, which means "elbow". Is it brightness 1? Class 79 15 Supergiant star, the absolute magnitude is -4? 6 and so on. The luminosity is 5500 times that of the sun, the radius is 54 times that of the sun and the distance is 620 light years. It is located in an area rich in stars. Burnham, an American binary observer, once pointed out that this area is actually a highly dispersed open cluster, but it has no name. Perseids δ and ε belong to this cluster. The middle name of Perseus β is Daling V, which is a famous eclipse star with the brightest time of 2? 12 and so on. Perseus β' s name is "Algol", which means "devil". It gained this notoriety because its brightness changed and attracted the attention of ancient Arabs. The five tertiary stars are Perseus γ, δ, ε, ζ and ρ respectively. Perseus gamma star, known as Celestial Ship II in Chinese, is 1 with brightness of 2? 93 and other G8 superstars. The distance is 1 10 light years, and the absolute magnitude is 0? 3 Wait, the radius is 8 of the radius of the sun? More than twice as much. Perseus delta star, ship name five, brightness 3? 0 1 etc. Is 1 B5 a giant star with a radius of 2? Nine times, the absolute magnitude is -2? 2360 light years away, it is 1 variable star, and the brightness changes at 2? 99~3? Between 04 and so on, it belongs to Cassiopeia Y variable star, which is a kind of cataclysmic variable star with irregular light. Perseus ε star, named Curling II in the middle, is a BO5-type main sequence star with an apparent magnitude of 2? Wait, 360 light years, is it 1 binary star, the main star 2? 89 Wait, companion star 8? 1 etc. The angular distance between the two satellites is 8 "? 8。 The perseid zeta star, named Curly IV in the middle, is a B 1 Supergiant star with a distance of 1700 light years and an apparent magnitude of 2? 85, the absolute magnitude is -5? 7 and so on. The radius is 55 times that of the sun, and the luminosity is 15000 times that of the sun! Perseus ρ star, middle name Daling VI, brightness 3? The absolute magnitude of the red giant (M4 Ⅲ) with magnitude of 39 is -0? 5 and so on. The radius is 40 times that of the sun and the distance is 400 light years. It is a semi-regular variable star with brightness from 3? 30 down to 4? 0, etc.

In ancient Greek mythology, Poerxiusi was the embodiment of the hero Perseus. Pacius is the son of Zeus. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, asked him to try to get the head of the monster Medusa and promised to elevate him to heaven afterwards. Every hair of Medusa is a poisonous snake, and anyone who looks at it will turn to stone. Passieux took the shining shield given to him by the goddess of wisdom, struggled with Medusa, and finally took off her head. He rode a flying horse out of danger. On his way back, he turned a sea monster into a stone with Medusa's head, rescued Princess Moda of Andlau and married her. Finally, he dedicated Medusa's head to the goddess of wisdom. The goddess fulfilled her promise, lifted Pacius to the sky and gave him a glorious throne-Poerxiusi. Passieux in the sky, still holding Medusa's head, is full of heroic spirit.

Poerxiusi, whose Latin name is Poerxiusi, is the name of Pacius, a great hero in ancient Greek mythology. Pacius is the child of Zeus and Dinah, Princess of Argos. Because the king had been told by the Oracle that he would die at the hands of his grandson, the king learned that his daughter had a baby, so he put his mother and son in a big wooden box and threw them into the sea. Zeus, the main god, couldn't bear to watch his lover and children being swallowed up by the waves, so he let the wooden box drift to the island of Serifos and was saved by the people on the island. The king of the island adopted Passieux as his adopted son and cultivated him carefully. One day, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, suddenly appeared in front of Passieux, demanding that he kill Medusa, the witch, and bring her the head, and promised Passieux that Passieux would be promoted to be a member of the gods of the holy mountain of Olympus after the event. Medusa is one of the three demons in the gorgon. Anyone who sees her face and eyes will immediately turn to stone. Passieux first got the polished shield from the goddess Athena, with which Medusa could be seen from the shield without going to see her directly; He got a dog skin helmet from the ghost Hades, a pair of flying shoes with wings and a leather bag that won't break anything from the daughter of the father of many monsters, and borrowed a sword that can break all stones from Hermes, another son of Zeus. Passieux took these treasures and flew to Sanmo's residence in gorgon. Seeing the image of Medusa from the shield, I drew the witch's plate on the head of the viper with Hermes's sword. At this moment, 1 winged Pegasus jumped out of Medusa's neck. When Passieux hurriedly put Medusa's bloody head into her purse, it shocked the other two gorgons and came at Passieux. Passieux quickly put on his invisible helmet, flew into the air and rode on a flying horse, and set foot on his return journey. When he flew over Ethiopia, he suddenly found 1 girl tied to a rock by the sea. There are 65,438+0 sea monsters heading for Tacanasi. Passieux told the girls to close their eyes and hold Medusa's head high. Sure enough, the sea monsters immediately turned into a boulder when they saw the witch's head. Later, Passieux married the unfortunate girl Andlau Moda. In order to commemorate his son's great kindness, Zeus lifted the sea monster to the sky and turned it into a whale constellation. Passieux presented Medusa's head to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Athena embedded this terrible head in her breastplate. Passieux returned the baby to its original owner and returned to his country with his wife. When King Argos saw his grandson coming back, he remembered the terrible Oracle. He hid quietly in a neighboring country. Later, Passieux came to this country to look for his grandfather. In a sports competition, the discus thrown by Pacius hit the head of King Argos who came to watch the game. The goddess of wisdom fulfilled her promise, promoted Passieux to heaven, became Poerxiusi, and Andromeda became Andromeda.

The most famous celestial body in Perseus is the eclipse star Dalingwu. 1782, the British astronomer Goodrick first discovered that the brightness of Dalingwu changed periodically, and determined the period as 20: 45 on the 2nd. 1784 more accurately determined the light change period as 3: 49: 9 on the 2nd. Moreover, he correctly speculated that the periodic change of brightness was caused by 1 dark star orbiting 1 bright star and periodically blocking the bright star. 1880, American astronomer Pickering calculated the orbital size of binary stars according to this hypothesis. A few years later (1888), German astronomer vogel successfully confirmed that Daling V is a binary star through spectral analysis. This kind of star whose brightness changes periodically due to the mutual occlusion of two stars is called an eclipse star. The main star of Daling V is a B8 main sequence star with an absolute magnitude of -0? Class 4, mass 3? 7 mass of the sun, radius 0? 3; Undersun radius; The companion star is a G5 star with an absolute magnitude of 3? 1 etc. , the mass is 0? 8 the mass of the sun, the radius is equal to 3? The radius of the sun. When the companion emperor came between the main star and the observer, he covered the main star and reduced the brightness of Daling Five to 3? 39 and so on, lasting around 9? Seven hours. At the end of the eclipse, the brightness of Dalingwu returned to 2? 12 and so on. When the main star blocks the companion star, the brightness will darken slightly, and the brightness will drop by 0? 06 and so on. The distance of Daling V is 72 light years. 1906 found that it has a third star. The spectral type of the third star is about A7, and the absolute magnitude is 2? Third class, the quality is 1? 7 solar quality? The radius is 1? 5 the radius of the sun, in fact, Daling V is a triad star. 1975, the alpha-ray radiation of Dalingwu was detected by space observation, and the power reached the order of 1024 watts.

Zodiacal stars such as Daling V (or eclipsing binary stars) are called Ling Xing-type variables.

Perseus η (Celestial Ship I) is a visual binary star with a main star of 3? 8 Wait, companion star 8? 5 and so on. , angular distance of 28 "? 3. Actually, it is a triad star, and the apparent magnitude of the third star is 9? 8 and so on. The angular distance from the main star is 66 "? 6。 The perseid zeta star (tongue curl 4) is a quadrant star, and its main star is 2? 9. What is the magnitude of the other three sub-stars? 5 Wait, 1 1? Third class and 9? 5 and so on. Their angular distances from the main star are 12 "respectively? 9、32″? 8 and 94 "? 20. Northwest 40 of Tian Shu Instrument is the famous double star cluster, Perseid h(NCC 869) and Perseid χ(NCC884) double star cluster. The former brightness is 4? 4, the distance is 70 10 light years, the apparent diameter is 30', and there are 300 member stars; The latter is 8080 light years away from us, with an apparent magnitude of 4? 7, the number of stars is 240, and the apparent diameter is 30'. Perseus and two other celestial bodies are listed in the messier Cluster Nebula. One is M34(NCC 1039), an open cluster consisting of 60 stars, with a distance of 1390 light years and an apparent magnitude of 5? Second class. , the apparent diameter is 30'. The other is M76(NCC650), brightness 12? Category 2 dark planetary nebulae with an apparent size of 2 feet. 6× 1′? 5. The distance is 8,000 light years.

Every year from August 7th to15th, you can see the famous Perseid meteor shower, and its peak date is from August10th to August12nd. Because August 10 is a holiday in Saint Laurent, westerners call this meteor shower "Tears of Saint Laurent". The radiant point of meteor shower is near Perseid star, so it is called Perseid meteor shower. There have been grand appearances at 1779, 1834, 1836 and 1839. This meteor shower was caused by a comet (1862 Ⅲ) that appeared in1862. The comet scattered countless dust along its orbit. The earth passes through the orbit of a comet at the beginning of August every year. These dust substances enter the earth's atmosphere under the influence of the earth's gravity, and burn and glow due to the collision and friction with atmospheric molecules, so we see many meteors.