Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Inspirational story of youth struggle

Inspirational story of youth struggle

Youth needs to fight for our dreams. What inspirational stories of youth struggle moved us? Let me introduce you to the inspirational story of youth struggle, hoping to help you!

Inspirational story of youth struggle 1 In Kilauea, there was a little girl who liked surfing very much. She struggled with rough waves on the sunny coast of Hawaii since childhood, but a sudden disaster almost killed her.

On the morning of June 365438+1October 365438, 2003, she and her friends went surfing in the bay. After washing for about half an hour, she began to rest on the surfboard and put one arm into the water to play. Unexpectedly, at this happy and carefree moment, a huge tiger shark suddenly jumped out of the sea, and she immediately felt a tearing pain in her arm. ...

She looked down and saw that the blue water beside her had already been dyed red. Looking at the arm bitten by the shark in an instant, she didn't panic and despair, or even struggle excessively, because she would fall into the sea as soon as she turned around. She calmly rowed to the shore with her only right hand, and friends who witnessed all this quickly tied her stump with a rope to stop her bleeding. When she was taken to the nearest hospital by ambulance, she had lost 70% of her blood and was dying.

After emergency blood transfusion, the little girl finally struggled back from death, which was tantamount to rebirth after a nightmare.

But she just woke up from a nightmare and asked the doctor at the first time, "When can I go surfing again?" The doctor was shocked by her courage and comforted her that she could go when the injury on her arm healed.

A few weeks later, when the bandage wrapped around her arm was slowly removed, a long wound appeared. Her brother suddenly turned pale and her mother almost fainted. Her grandmother walked out of the ward alone, hiding her face and crying. No one wants to accept this cruel reality, because this year, she was only 13 years old! Only the girl herself seemed unusually calm.

When everyone was puzzled by her age-old composure, she said something that shocked everyone: "There is no machine in the world that can make time to go back, and I can't change the reality. This is the fate that God has arranged for me, and I will face it bravely. I look forward to returning to the sea one day. "

More than a month later, people were surprised to see her again on the beautiful coast. She told people that she would continue surfing. Although people smile and bless, most people think it is impossible. Surfing is a sport that requires skill and balance. How do people with broken arms find balance in the rolling waves?

But it turns out that she can do it! She began to train hard in order to recover. When she boarded the surfboard again, she quickly fell into the salty sea, but she immediately stood up and boarded the surfboard again. ...

People kindly advised her to stop her useless efforts, but she insisted on continuing. She told People: "My soul belongs to surfing, my surfboard is my ship of life, and my arms are a pair of paddles. I used to swim in the sea with two paddles, but now I accidentally broke one. Fortunately, I still have one. As long as I have an paddle, I can swim in the sea. "

In this way, she fell off the surfboard again and again and boarded it again and again.

Finally, after a long and arduous training, she not only recovered her original surfing level, but also made continuous progress and unexpectedly became the champion of a series of events.

A year later, she won the 15 American surfing champion. Soon, she joined the national surfing team, ready to attack the throne of the world surfing champion.

Her positive attitude towards life and indomitable spirit have always been admired and appreciated by people, and everyone calls her a "little hero".

This little girl, who is only 16 years old, tells everyone again and again in a firm tone: "When one paddle of your destiny boat is unfortunately broken, don't lose heart and despair, because you still have one paddle, and you can swim across the sea with the other paddle to reach the other side of success!"

Inspirational Story of Youth Struggle 2 In Europe and America, if any Hollywood star or billionaire wants to buy a private island, the first thing that may appear in his mind is Mr. farhad Villadi's simple and honest smile. Because in the past 35 years, more than half of the world's private island transactions have come from him, from movie star mel gibson to Iranian prince shalom.

Over time, Villadi also changed from a teenager obsessed with islands to a well-known island broker, and eventually became an island owner himself. Villadi said that he wanted to help more people realize their island dream, because "if you can afford a car, you can afford an island".

The prince of Iran became the first customer.

Veradi looks ordinary, with thick white hair and a kind smile, without any domineering appearance. When he was a child, he was just an ordinary teenager with Robinson's dream, dreaming of becoming an island owner on an isolated island. Later, the teenager entered the University of Hamburg, chose the major of national economics, and even dreamed of becoming a photographer, but he did not expect to sell the island one day.

Back in 197 1, 25-year-old Villadi studied hard, got a doctorate in economics and worked as an intern at Deutsche Bank. "I came across a piece of news in the newspaper ―― a tropical island in the Indian Ocean was bought for only $2,000." Villadi said, "It was this moment that changed my life. I suddenly realized that I can afford an island! "

The island belonged to Seychelles at that time. At that time, the plane ticket was expensive and there was no direct flight. When Veradi transferred from Mumbai, India to his destination, he found that the cheapest island had been fired to $654.38 million+,which was far beyond his affordability. Veradi went home disappointed. In order to recover his economic losses, he contacted a well-known businessman in Hamburg and lobbied him to buy this small island named Cushing. Surprisingly, the businessman bought Cushing Island and two other small islands in one breath without personally landing on the island, and paid a commission of 5% to Villadi.

"I used photos of the island to convince him that I would never leave." Veradi always appears at cocktail parties with photos and related information of the island, approaches those successful people and asks them if they are interested in buying private islands. "I didn't have any resources at first, and word of mouth is the cheapest way to promote it." Veladi said. Soon, several hamburger merchants told Villadi that they were interested in buying the island. Veradi set out to conduct market research and found that many people have the desire to buy an island. So, he spent about the equivalent of the current euro, made a small advertisement in a newspaper to provide island trading intermediary services, and officially began his career as an island broker.

Coincidentally, James Mancham, a young Seychelles lawyer whom Villadi met when he completed his first transaction, was elected President of Seychelles soon. Villadi successfully became the agent of 15 local islands and successfully sold 7 of them. This is the first big business he took over. Among Villadi's clients, the most striking one is Iranian Prince Shalam. The prince actually built an airstrip on the island to facilitate the take-off and landing of planes taking off from the capital Tehran.

A global company with only 22 people.

Villadi soon made Europe his next goal. Scotland, Ireland and Brittany are not only free to buy and sell islands. And these islands often have a legendary history, and only those magnificent castles are attractive enough. The only problem Villadi has is to find out who owns these islands. He joined a flying club and persuaded the pilot to take him along the coastline. He carefully observed every building on the island from the mansion to the pier. Later, he started cycling along the coastline, chatting with every fisherman he met and collecting clues. Once the owner of the island is confirmed, the business will follow suit.

In Veradi's office, the filing cabinet covers a whole wall, which contains the information of Veradi's core resource-thousands of islands around the world. The information of each island occupies a space: maps, photos, survey data, transaction history, information of previous island owners, relevant newspaper clippings, real estate and even tax payment certificates ... The filing cabinet is simply an encyclopedia of the islands of the world. In order to collect these materials, Villadi traveled all over the world, constantly taking photos along the island, getting to know the owners of the island and learning about policies from the local government. "Once I get the information that the island owner intends to sell the island, I will appear as soon as possible. Help him predict the market prospects and find buyers. " After becoming famous, many sellers and buyers will take the initiative to come to the door, but until today, Veradi has to fly in the sky for three to four months a year.

"Now I have 126 islands waiting to be sold, which is similar to usual. On average, about 30 transactions can be reached every year. " Veladi said. Today, the company's annual operating income has reached 20 million to 30 million euros, becoming a veritable industry leader. The island leasing business is booming, reaching 654.38+10,000 person-times every year. Interestingly, such a well-known company has only 22 employees, and its work efficiency is amazing.

1500 can also make an island dream come true.

"Although there are so many billionaires buying islands, our main transactions are between 200,000 and 800,000 US dollars, and the average price of islands is 300,000 US dollars." Villadi explained, "As long as you can afford a car, you can afford an island." Besides celebrities, Villadi's customers are ordinary people, and Ronald, a German, is one of them. He is a computer programmer in a computer company in Hamburg. Because he loves sailing, he spent $55,000 to buy an island in Sweden, and spent 654.38+10,000 euros to build a villa of 654.38+10,000 square meters, and lived a real island life. In fact, not every one of the thousands of private islands scattered around the world is expensive. The cheapest island sold by Villadi is in Canada, an island in a lake, 500 square meters, as long as 1.500 US dollars. "I once helped a German worker with a budget of only $50,000 to buy a small island in Canada, and also helped another customer to buy a mini island in the same area for $6,000. Therefore, you don't have to wait until you become a millionaire or encounter a shipwreck like Robinson. "

"Now more and more serious environmental problems, daily work pressure and crowded population have also prompted more people to have the desire to buy an island. Besides, technically speaking, it is much more convenient to live on the island now. Three months is enough to build enough hydropower facilities on the island. " Villadi said, "I might as well rent an island to experience it first and then buy an island." Now all kinds of islands have different facilities to choose from, and people who like camping can rent primitive islands for only tens to hundreds of dollars a day. Those who like to engage in collective activities can rent a well-equipped tourist island for several thousand yuan a week. Through practical experience, you will understand the life on the island and know more about what kind of island you are suitable for. "

In one of Veradi's favorite photos, he is wearing casual clothes and a sun hat, holding a sign that says "for sale" in his hand, and there is a very, very small island at his feet. This photo shows Veradi's attitude-private islands are not about size and price, but about what you like. "I'm running a dream. I realized my childhood dream and owned my own island. " Villadi said, "Although I am a businessman, I have been doing what I like and helping others realize their dreams."

Inspirational story of youth struggle 3 people are often addicted to various online games and go back and forth in emptiness and confusion. However, the goshawk wants to fight the sky and laugh at the sky; Wang Yang should attack the rocks and enlighten the morning light. The melody of youth, high and low, ups and downs, sometimes stings you all over. Ignorance, irritability and confusion will haunt you like a witch, but you must have a clear goal. Whether you are aggressive in your studies, striving for perfection in your work, or at the beginning of social practice, you should be far-sighted, learn to take care of the overall situation, adjust your mentality, adjust your strategic policy, and achieve your expectations. Never think that you will reap the crops you want on the smooth road, because all kinds of challenges, difficulties and setbacks will come to you, so don't hide it, learn to face it bravely.

Mr. Lu Xun said: "great achievements are directly proportional to bitter labor, and every labor has gains;" Over time, miracles can be created from small to large. "Young people should have indomitable tenacity. As long as we persist, small bamboo shoots can eventually overthrow the stones on our heads. We should have the courage to shake hands with our dreams. Dreams are the soul of life, the beacon of the soul and the guide to success. A philosopher once said that the most important thing for a person to live in this world is to live on the road of dreams forever. Even if the steps under his feet are made of gold, he should not stay. Hemingway warned us in The Old Man and the Sea, "Man is not born for failure. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. "Struggle is hope, and fate is fighting. We should let ourselves grow up faster, instead of always relying on the blood and sweat of our parents and the help of society, stand upright and do what we should do, and do everything wholeheartedly, firmly believing that what we pay now is what we will gain in the future.

Ideal, no fantasy, passion, no affectation. Inspiration and growth will not be a blank check. But it depends on what attitude you will take to make yourself stronger, different and more meaningful. You put a passion, a leap, a surge, a cry, a struggle, a perseverance and a tough attitude into it, and you will slowly immerse yourself in this attraction of encouragement and growth, because there is will, belief and hope in it. Inspirational motivation is created by a spirit. People only live once, and they deserve to be bossy.

Youth, ambition, passion for dreams, efforts in prime time, we should struggle. We should learn from Paul's "iron spirit", which is an invincible force that can control your life and achieve your glory. Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement; The capacity of the earth is limited, so a gentleman must constantly cultivate his own virtue to undertake the world. You can save knowledge and friendship with struggle; You can write impossible stories with struggle. But practice produces true knowledge, and inspiration and growth depend more on practice. Youth and inspiration inject fresh blood into it and make it dance lightly. When you stand at a certain height one day and look back, these unforgettable inspirational growth stories will sink into a dignified, beautiful and meaningful treasure, which will never disappear and be treasured forever.

Inspirational Story of Youth Struggle 4 There is almost no audience who has seen Struggle who doesn't like Millay-infatuation with love. Wang, the actor of Milai, is called "Milai" by enthusiastic fans wherever he goes.

Wang, 25 years old, has the enthusiasm, frankness and directness of Mongolians. After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, she was once an unknown grass because of her poor appearance. However, although life depends entirely on her mother's "relief", she is extremely colorful and picky. I don't like the script, I don't like the role, and I refuse to shoot.

One day, the director contacted Wang by phone and said, "The Struggle crew wants you to play Lulu." Wang, who has been idle for more than four months, immediately said, "I'm sorry. I don't like this role and I don't play it. " Zhao Baogang said, "Well, I hope we can cooperate next time." Zhao Baogang is called "Star-making Machine" by the industry. What unknown little actor doesn't want to work with him? Wang Rodin, whose name is unknown, actually pushed it away.

After a friend's article, zhuyuchen and David knew about it. They both gave her an evaluation: "You have a long head!" Just when she was a little shaken and regretful, the phone call from the deputy director of Struggle arrived, saying that Director Zhao had agreed to let her play Mi Le.

It turns out that Zhao's father is a polite and successful businessman, but should be a fat rich girl in vain. And the king's appearance, nothing like it. Coincidentally, Zhao Baogang has never found a girl like Sister Bao. Just when he was a little depressed, he suddenly found that Wang was very interesting and dared to "play big cards" with him and refused to play. I want to see how much this little girl weighs. So, I decided to let Wang play Millai instead. Moreover, in order to match the image of Wang, Mi Rong's elegant and intellectual father was specially replaced by a local tyrant doing building materials business. This is often the fate. You gave in and got what you didn't want, but what you insisted on was the result you expected.

After the broadcast of Struggle, Wang won many fans and the film contract continued. But most directors position her as "Millay". So, Wang Yiyi turned them down. Stay at home for another four months. Until one day, I got the synopsis of My Youth is My Master. In the meantime, she has four scripts in hand. After some comparison, she chose the female number one "Qing Chu" in My Youth. Unexpectedly, Zhao Baogang asked her to play the female No.2 Qian Xiaoyang. Wang hesitated again. Decline: "I like Qing Chu ... the role of demo is too noisy, and I'm afraid the audience can't accept it." Director Zhao said: "When the script is written, it won't be so crazy. Think about it. " A few days later, Wang got a detailed script, fell in love with it, and called every day: "Director, director, when will we start shooting?" I'm free, I have a timetable ... "

However, after reading the script carefully, Wang found many similarities with Millai. For example, I speak straight, have no purpose, and love someone persistently ... How can I not let myself, I repeat Millay? Thinking about this matter, Wang gradually discovered that everyone's heart is different under the appearance. After graduating from Milai University, he was a fashionista. He has money, a house and a big business, and his voice is different from others. Compared with Millay, Qian Xiaoyang graduated from technical secondary school, with no money at home and no experience of the world. Is a "bumpkin"; For example, "Chen Huansheng Going to the City" can inject some comedy colors appropriately; Treating feelings, Millay is passive and the sample is active. ...

Finding the gap, Wang designed clothes for himself, a simple, silly smile, and a ridiculous gesture of bending over slightly. "Like a big clown, I often play there. Director Zhao laughs wildly behind the camera and often makes me ng." As a result, as soon as the TV was broadcast, she was completely angry. Fans no longer call her "Miley", but Wang. This makes her very proud and proud. After all, more people like herself than appreciate and support her role.

Nowadays, Wang Zai's movies are like snowflakes. However, after reading the script carefully, she refused one by one. She said, "Some scripts are terrible. I can't watch it myself, and the audience won't like it. Yes, I'm repeating Millay and Qian Xiaoyang. I don't want to repeat the same mistakes. " After another four months, she was in no hurry. She wants to stick to her insistence, as usual, just like small money. Her goal is to be a "thousand-faced girl" who has played various roles and never compromised for fame and fortune.