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What does tuberculosis mean?

Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Tuberculosis may invade various organs of the human body, but it mainly invades the lungs and is called tuberculosis. Tuberculosis, also known as consumption and' white plague', is an ancient infectious disease, which has existed since human beings. Historically, it was widely popular all over the world, and it was once the main killer of human beings, killing hundreds of millions of people. 1882, Koho found that the pathogen of tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but it is still widely popular in the world because there is no effective therapeutic drug. Since 1950s, effective anti-tuberculosis drugs have been continuously discovered, which has brought the epidemic situation under control. However, in recent years, due to the neglect of tuberculosis in many countries, financial investment has decreased, coupled with population growth, floating population has increased, and AIDS infection has spread. The epidemic of tuberculosis has slowed down, and some countries and regions have rebounded. Therefore, the World Health Organization declared a "global tuberculosis emergency" in 1993, and designated March 24th every year as "World Tuberculosis Day". Tuberculosis is also the main disease leading to poverty and returning to poverty due to illness. Tuberculosis is also an animal infectious disease. Tuberculosis is not only a public health problem, but also a socio-economic problem. Control work has a long way to go. Tuberculosis can be cured and controlled as long as the government attaches importance to it, increases investment, implements modern and scientific prevention and control strategies and carries out long-term and sustained prevention and control. Tuberculosis, commonly known as "consumption", is an infection caused by the invasion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis into the body. It is a chronic and slow-onset infectious disease, which occurs in young people. It can occur all year round.1Teenagers aged 5 to 35 are the peak age of tuberculosis. The incubation period is 4 ~ 8 weeks. 80% of them occur in the lungs, and other parts (cervical lymph, meninges, peritoneum, intestines, skin and bones) can also be infected. Respiratory transmission between people is the main mode of transmission of this disease. The source of infection is tuberculosis patients who are exposed to bacteria. After liberation, people's living standards have been continuously improved, and tuberculosis has been basically controlled. However, in recent years, with the spread of environmental pollution and AIDS, tuberculosis has made a comeback and the incidence rate has intensified. Tuberculosis can involve multiple organs of the whole body; But tuberculosis is the most common. Sterilized patients are the source of social infection. People infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis may not get sick, but only when their resistance is low. The pathological features of this disease are tuberculous nodules and caseous necrosis, which are easy to form cavities. Except for a few cases that may be acute, the clinical process is mostly chronic. There are often systemic symptoms such as low fever and fatigue, and respiratory manifestations such as cough and hemoptysis. Infectious nature of tuberculosis: Not all types of tuberculosis are infectious. Not every tuberculosis patient is contagious when he lives during his illness. Relatively speaking, some types of tuberculosis are often infectious, while extrapulmonary tuberculosis (such as bone tuberculosis and meningeal tuberculosis) is not. Because the lung is connected with the outside world, when tuberculosis develops, worsens or forms cavities, the mycobacterium tuberculosis in the focus multiplies and is excreted through the bronchus, resulting in the spread of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Such tuberculosis patients are contagious. But when the patient is cured, it is no longer the source of infection. The simplest and most reliable way to measure and judge whether a patient is infectious is to put the sputum smear of the patient under a microscope. If acid-fast bacilli are positive in smear examination, they are considered infectious or called "sources of infection". Infectious tuberculosis is most easily transmitted before it is found and treated. Therefore, attention should be paid to early detection and correct and timely treatment of the source of infection. The basic pathological change of tuberculosis is 1. The main lesion is exudation, which occurs in the early stage of tuberculous inflammation or when the body's resistance is low, bacteria are abundant, virulent or allergic reaction is strong, mainly manifested as serous or serous cellulitis. At the early stage of the disease, neutrophils infiltrate and then are replaced by macrophages. 2. There are few proliferative pathogens, low toxicity or strong immune response, and proliferative pathogens form tuberculosis nodules. Tuberculosis nodules are composed of epithelioid cells, Langerhans giant cells, plus peripheral lymphocytes and a small number of reactive fibroblasts. There is caseous necrosis in the center of the nodule. 3. Most pathogenic bacteria are necrosis, and the lesions mainly exudation or proliferation are secondary to caseous necrosis (tuberculosis necrosis lesions are mostly yellow, uniform and delicate, with solid texture and cheese-like). How tuberculosis is spread: Only people with positive acid-fast bacilli in sputum smear are contagious and are the source of tuberculosis infection. In the focus or cavity of tuberculosis, there are a large number of multiplied mycobacterium tuberculosis. These tuberculosis bacteria are excreted with destroyed lung tissue and sputum through bronchioles, bronchi and large trachea. Sputum containing a large number of tuberculosis bacteria is sprayed out of the body through the nose and mouth by coughing, sneezing and talking loudly. , forming aerosols (or droplets) in the air. Larger droplets quickly fall to the ground, while smaller droplets quickly evaporate into' droplet nuclei' containing mycobacterium tuberculosis, which are suspended in the air for a long time. If the air is not ventilated, droplets containing bacteria will be inhaled into alveoli by healthy people, which may cause infection. From this point of view, infectivity is related to the severity of the patient's illness, the amount of bacteria discharged, the frequency of coughing, the ventilation of the patient's house, the closeness of contacts and resistance. The above is called' cough infection', and scientific experiments have proved that it is the most important mode of transmission. It is also possible to form a' dust infection' by spitting, but this is a secondary mode of transmission. Occurrence and development of tuberculosis: Mycobacterium tuberculosis invades the human body for the first time, mainly through the respiratory tract into the alveoli, and reproduces here, which is called "primary infection". The primary infection site forms a primary focus, and tuberculosis enters the blood stream from the primary focus along lymphatic vessels, which is called "blood-borne dissemination". Tuberculosis spreads to various organs through blood, and some of them get sick immediately, leading to severe miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis. Some tuberculosis bacteria lurk in various organs and become ill when the immunity of the standby body decreases, which is called "secondary tuberculosis" and also called "endogenous disease". However, in recent years, it has been confirmed that "exogenous diseases" can also be formed if tuberculosis is infected in large quantities for many times. Therefore, actively seek and cure the source of infection and reduce the chance of tuberculosis transmission; Always keep indoor ventilation; Keep healthy and enhance immunity. Newborns should be vaccinated with BCG. You can reduce the chances of infection and illness. Early tuberculosis or mild tuberculosis, without any symptoms or mild symptoms, can be ignored. If the lesion is in an active and progressive stage, the following symptoms may appear: 1. Fever: manifested as low-grade fever in the afternoon, and the body temperature rises at 4-8 pm, generally between 37-38℃. At this time, patients are often accompanied by general weakness or emaciation, night sweats, and women may cause irregular menstruation or menopause. 2. Cough and expectoration: It is the most common early symptom of tuberculosis, but it is also the most easily mistaken for "cold" or "tracheitis" by patients or doctors, leading to misdiagnosis. 3. Blood in sputum: there are bloodshot or small blood clots in sputum, and blood in sputum is mostly caused by tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is divided into five categories: 1, primary tuberculosis (code-ⅰ), including primary syndrome and intrathoracic lymph node tuberculosis; 2. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (code-II), including acute miliary, subacute and chronic disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis; 3. Secondary pulmonary tuberculosis (Code-Ⅲ) is the main type of pulmonary tuberculosis, and the focus may include hyperplasia, infiltration, caseation, cavitation and other pathological changes; 4, tuberculous pleurisy (code-Ⅳ), including tuberculous pleurisy sicca, exudative pleurisy and tuberculous empyema; 5, other extrapulmonary tuberculosis (code-ⅴ), named according to the location and organs, such as bone tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis, renal tuberculosis, etc. The principles of tuberculosis chemotherapy are: early, combined, appropriate, regular and full-course medication. Tuberculosis can be cured as long as we cooperate with doctors. At present, the anti-tuberculosis drugs widely used in China are isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z), ethambutol (E) and streptomycin (S). Almost all drugs were used in the intensive period, and 2-3 drugs were selected in the continuation period. During the treatment, it is used to supervise the implementation of chemotherapy every other day, so that patients can continue to take drugs and improve the cure rate. Diet of tuberculosis patients: mainly to adapt to the diet of tuberculosis patients. Instruct patients to increase nutrition and eat more chicken, fish, lean meat, eggs, milk, bean products and fresh vegetables and fruits rich in animal protein. High-quality animal protein food accounts for 50% of protein's intake. A reasonable diet can not only ensure the rehabilitation needs of tuberculosis patients, but also avoid excessive intake of nutrients and increase the burden on the liver. Patients with drug-induced liver disease caused by the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs should be instructed to avoid eating high-calorie foods, such as fried food and chocolate, so as to prevent fatty degeneration of liver and hinder the repair of liver cells. For patients who eat less, albumin, heparin, amino acids, glucose and vitamins are added intravenously.