Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 what kind of breakup does the constellation hate?

12 what kind of breakup does the constellation hate?

In sexual intercourse, a man's gentlemanly demeanor can be tolerant and forbearing to women to the maximum extent, but there are exceptions. When a woman's performance exceeds the bottom line of men's tolerance, then conflict is inevitable. Let's analyze first, what kind of women do men hate most in the zodiac?

Aries constellation

Keywords: verbose and trivial

Aries men have a strong subjective consciousness. They often follow their own set and pursue their own beliefs. Everything you say in front of them is just in vain before they wake up. And when I meet women who like to play princess, I like to boss around their ears all day, which is what sheep hate most. If you are more annoyed and grumpy, goat man will break out one day.

Taurus constellation

Keywords: vanity and snobbery

Taurus men are a group of gentle people. They never get angry easily, but they are also a group of down-to-earth people who are cautious about their lives. Many times, it is difficult for women to arouse their anger, but there is a special situation. Taurus can't stand it when this woman is too vain and snobbish. Once she loses her temper, the scene will be serious and creepy.


Keywords: too clingy

Gemini people are smarter and don't like being tied down. They always want to have a pair of flying wings and fly freely. For women, they are always outside, and it is difficult to devote themselves wholeheartedly. They have long been used to living alone. In their eyes, what they hate most is the woman who haunts them every day. This kind of woman will only become a passer-by in their lives.

Cancer constellation

Keywords: carelessness

Cancer man is very sensitive. They always unconsciously put a protective film on themselves. They are serious about life, and sometimes they are too persistent. A serious attitude towards life determines that they can't tolerate women's carelessness, which will be regarded as disrespect, contempt and blasphemy by them. Lack of enthusiasm is the biggest reason for their outburst.

Le Signe du Lion

Keywords: stingy

Leo men are kind and tolerant most of the time. Their generosity is obvious to all, but they can't tolerate those stingy women. Arrogance is their symbol, they have excellent face, love to enjoy, and can pursue life without reservation. For them, money is just a tool for enjoyment. And those stingy women will only make them feel as boring as flies on the cake and want to drive them away.


Keywords: no pruning

Virgo men are actually very weak, and it is hard for them to blame a woman. Generally speaking, they will only suffer sadness and injustice silently. But one thing they can't stand is a slovenly woman. Virgin men are usually neat freaks. They really can't stand a sloppy woman walking around them, which will make them feel sick.


Keywords: lack of education

Libra has always been known for its elegance, and Libra men have always considered themselves noble princes. They also hope that the women around them are well-educated and can live in harmony. But sometimes, seeing a woman pick up a toothpick and grandly pick her teeth, or plucking her ears and nose excrement in public, the scene really makes them want to turn around and leave.


Keywords: not special enough feeling

Scorpio is actually very fragile in its bones, and they always show a deep sense of defense. For those women who are full of amorous feelings and discharge everywhere, they are contemptuous, and they show their contempt and disdain on their faces generously. In fact, what they need are beautiful and intelligent women who can tolerate their willfulness and give them emotional sustenance, and will give their fragile hearts a harbor to settle down.


Keywords: four bodies are not diligent

Sagittarius men are decisive and full of action. Their attitude towards things is always full of passion and they are not afraid of any difficulties. On the contrary, those sedentary women are naturally lazy. They just want to look forward to others, but they can't hide when they encounter difficulties. Such a woman, in their eyes, is simply a useless waste. How can she be harmonious when she appears in front of them?

Capricorn palace. Compare CAPRICORNUS

Keywords: not enterprising

Capricorn can be regarded as the most ambitious group of people in 1 constellation. Their tenacity can withstand any difficulties and obstacles until there is a broad road ahead. In their minds, nothing can be gained for nothing. What bothers them most are those women who are not enterprising. They only know that their parents gossip about others all day, or they indulge in pleasure everywhere and make no achievements. When such women appear around, they usually end up in the cold shoulder.

Aquarius constellation

Keywords: gossip

Aquarius men are honest and frank, and it is difficult for them to live a lie. They don't want the approval of people around them, and they don't want the perfection of their feelings. They absolutely reject all hypocrisy, and they only ask for one word-truth. For those women who are good at gossiping, they are extremely disgusted and will not give any good looks. In their view, such women are like mulberry trees in the vegetable market, and they will never get close.


Keywords: selfish

Pisces man is sentimental. They often indulge in the sweetness of fantasy, but ignore the cruelty of reality, and often live in a fantasy world. They always imagine everything in the world is too beautiful, and think that everyone should take care of each other, like a family. But when you meet those selfish women who always put their own interests first, how can you understand the beauty in their minds? The situation is predictable.