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Gyroscope development history

What is the history of China gyro? Although the top is small, it has a long history as a toy. As early as 1926, a small ceramic gyro was unearthed at Yangshao Cultural Site in Yin Xi Village, Xia County, Shaanxi Province. It can be seen that gyroscopes have a history of at least four or five thousand years in China. In the Song Dynasty, a game called "Qian Qian" was popular among concubines and ladies-in-waiting, which was a noble game similar to a hand-cranked gyro. Qian Qian is a needle-like object, about three centimeters long. It is placed in a disk made of ivory and rotated by hand. Whoever turns Qian Qian for a long time wins. This is an early hand-cranked gyro. At present, some hand-spun gyroscopes are made of acorns Insert a straight thin stick in the center of the acorn cover, hold one end of the thin stick with your thumb and forefinger, and twist it quickly to make it fall on the plane and rotate to see who rotates for a long time. In the Ming Dynasty, Liu Dong recorded a nursery rhyme in Scenery of the Imperial Capital: "Willow bells are empty; Willow is alive, spinning top; Liu died and kicked the shuttlecock. " And the specific gameplay. It can be seen that gyro has become a very common toy at that time, and it is no different from the current whip gyro.

Introduction to Gyroscope Introduction to Gyroscope [Edit this paragraph] A rigid body rotating at high speed around a fulcrum is called a gyroscope. Usually, the gyro is a symmetrical gyro, which is a rigid body with uniform mass distribution and axisymmetric shape, and its geometric symmetry axis is its rotation axis. It is bionic from the back wing of a fly (specially used as a balance bar). Under certain initial conditions and certain external torque, the gyro will keep rotating around another fixed axis at the same time, which is the precession of the gyro, also called gyro effect. It is a common phenomenon in daily life that many people play gyro when they are young. Gyroscope is a kind of gyro device with various functions, which is widely used in science, technology, military and other fields. For example: gyro compass, direction indicator, capsizing of shells, nutation of gyroscopes, precession (precession) of the earth under the gravity of the sun (moon) and so on. The principle of gyroscope [edit this paragraph] The principle of gyroscope is that the direction of the rotating shaft of a rotating object will not change when it is not acted by external force. According to this truth, people use it to keep their direction, and what they make is called a gyroscope. This principle is actually used when we ride bicycles. The faster the wheel rotates, the less likely it is to fall off, because the axle has the force to keep level. When the gyroscope works, it should be given a force to make it rotate quickly, which can generally reach hundreds of thousands of revolutions per minute and can work for a long time. Then the direction indicated by the shaft is read by various methods, and the data signal is automatically transmitted to the control system. Modern Gyroscope [Edit this paragraph] Modern Gyroscope is an instrument that can accurately determine the orientation of a moving object. It is an inertial navigation instrument widely used in modern aviation, navigation, aerospace and national defense industries, and its development has important strategic significance for the development of a country's industry, national defense and other high technologies. The traditional inertial gyroscope mainly refers to mechanical gyroscope, which has high requirements for process structure, complex structure and limited accuracy in many aspects. Since 1970s, the development of modern gyroscopes has entered a new stage. 1976 and others put forward the basic idea of modern fiber optic gyroscope. Since 1980s, modern fiber optic gyroscopes have developed very rapidly, and at the same time, laser resonant gyroscopes have also developed greatly. Because of its compact structure, high sensitivity and reliable operation, fiber optic gyroscope has completely replaced the traditional mechanical gyroscope in many fields and become a key component in modern navigation instruments. With the development of fiber optic gyroscopes, there are not only ring laser gyroscopes, but also modern integrated vibrating gyroscopes with higher integration and smaller volume, which is also an important development direction of modern gyroscopes. Modern fiber optic gyroscopes include interferometric gyroscopes and resonant gyroscopes, both of which are developed according to Segnik's theory. The main point of Segnik's theory is this: when a light beam propagates in an annular channel, if the annular channel itself has a rotating speed, then the propagation time of the light beam in the rotating direction of the channel is longer than that in the opposite direction. That is to say, when the optical loop rotates, the optical path of the optical loop will change in different directions relative to the optical path of the loop at rest. Using this change of optical path, if the rotating speed of the loop is measured by interfering with the light traveling in different directions, the interferometric fiber optic gyroscope can be manufactured. If we use this change of optical path, that is, by adjusting the resonant frequency of the light in the optical fiber loop and then measuring the rotating speed of the loop to realize the interference between the circulating lights in the loop, we can manufacture the resonant fiber optic gyroscope. From this simple introduction, we can see that the optical path difference of interferometric gyroscope is small, so the light source it requires can have a larger spectral width, while the optical path difference of resonant gyroscope is large, so the light source it requires must have good monochromaticity. Use of Gyroscope [Edit this paragraph] Gyroscope is an ancient and vital instrument. It has been more than half a century since the first truly practical gyro instrument came out, but until now, it is still attracting people to study it, which is determined by its own characteristics. The most important basic characteristics of gyroscope are stability and precession. It has long been found from the ground gyroscopes played by children that the high-speed rotating gyroscopes can keep vertical and vertical to the ground, which reflects the stability of the gyroscopes. The theory of studying the motion characteristics of gyroscope is a branch of the dynamics of rigid body moving around a fixed point, which studies the dynamic characteristics of rotating objects based on the inertia of objects. Gyro instrument was first used for navigation, but with the development of science and technology, it is also widely used in aviation and aerospace fields. Gyro instrument can be used not only as an indicator, but also as a sensitive element in automatic control system, that is, as a signal sensor. Gyro instruments can provide accurate signals such as azimuth, level, position, speed and acceleration according to needs, so that pilots or automatic navigators can control aircraft, ships or space shuttles to fly along a certain route. In the guidance of missiles, satellite carriers or space exploration rockets, these signals are directly used to complete the attitude control and orbit control of the navigation body. As a stabilizer, gyro instrument can make the train run on the monorail, reduce the swaying of the ship in the wind and waves, and stabilize the camera installed on the plane or satellite relative to the ground. As a precision testing instrument, gyro instrument can provide accurate azimuth reference for ground facilities, mine tunnels, underground railways, oil drilling, missile silos and so on. It can be seen that gyro instruments have a wide range of applications and play an important role in modern national defense construction and national economic construction. The basic component of the gyroscope [edit this paragraph] When the motion of the gyroscope is approximately analyzed from the mechanical point of view, it can be regarded as a rigid body.

What is the history from compass to modern gyro compass? China invented the compass in the era of the Yellow Emperor more than 4,000 years ago, and began to use Sina during the Warring States Period. Around 1 century BC, the wizard of China used a spoon made of magnetite in the shape of the Big Dipper, which was placed on a smooth copper sky disk to indicate the North Pole. Around A.D. 1090, China navigators applied the compass to navigation practice. Europe didn't learn how to make a compass until 1 1 century. In A.D. 1 190, Italian navigators began to lift an iron needle with a bowl of Shui Piao, magnetize the iron needle with magnetite or natural magnets, and check whether their estimation of the direction is correct according to the direction of the iron needle deflection. By about 1250, this kind of thing has developed into a navigation compass, which consists of scales in a glass box and hands in a balanced state on a supporting shaft. Indicate the horizontal direction during the day and put it in a lighted compass cabinet at night. /kloc-At the beginning of the 4th century, Gioia, an Italian, first connected the paper directional dial with the magnetic needle for transmission. This is a leap in the development of magnetic compass. From then on, the ship doesn't have to turn the compass manually. /kloc-in the 6th century, Italian Kalden made a balance ring, which can keep the magnetic compass horizontal when the ship shakes. Gyro compass, also known as gyro compass, is a pointing instrument that provides true north reference. It is made according to the principle of using gyroscope as pointing instrument proposed by French scholar Foucault 1852. Gyro compass has two advantages: it will not deflect because it is close to metal, and it points to true north instead of magnetic north. Modern gyrocompass, consisting of main compass and auxiliary instruments, is developing in the direction of small size, light weight, long service life, convenient maintenance and simple operation, and is suitable for large, medium and small ships. Its sensitive parts are generally made into sealed spheres and supported by special liquid to improve its accuracy and reliability. Whether it is its reliability in harsh environmental conditions or its accuracy, it is far beyond the compass of that year.

There are no detailed records about the origin, history and development of gyroscopes, but they have been unearthed in Neolithic sites, such as the Neolithic Majiayao cultural wooden gyroscope unearthed in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province and the ceramic gyroscope unearthed in Longshan cultural site in Shanxi Province. At present, most of the literature and history records begin with a toy similar to a gyro that appeared in the Song Dynasty, called "Qian Qian" (or Qian Qian car); It's a disc-shaped object. The central shaft (made of iron) is about one inch long (about four inches in diameter). It is twisted in the disc by hand to compete for a long time. This was one of the games used by concubines and maids in the backyard of the palace to pass the lonely time. Su Hanchen's Baby Plays in the Song Dynasty (Kaifeng, who was a waiter in Xuanhe Painting Academy in Hui Zong in the Northern Song Dynasty, studied under Liu Zonggu, who was good at explaining Taoist figure paintings, especially baby plays) in the Palace Museum in Taiwan. There were two children playing with a gyro in front of the picture, which also confirmed that there was indeed an inverted bell-shaped gyro at that time. From the picture, the gyro at that time should be made of wood, like a cone, used. When it slows down, beat its side constantly with the rope so that it can keep turning. Today, children in the north of the mainland are still very popular in winter and early spring, especially throwing and playing on the thick ice, which is more fun. In Su Hanchen's another work "Playing Baby in Autumn Court", there is a prop to push the jujube mill. This is a game of rotation and balance. Whoever can keep the jujube mill in balance and turn it for a long time will win. This painting can also prove that there were many types of gyro toys at that time. According to the Ming Dynasty's "Scenery of the Imperial Capital", the gyro is like a small empty clock, wooden, solid and handless. It is wrapped with a whip rope without a bamboo ruler, which protrudes underground, and its whip jerks. When you press the button, the top turns and there is no sound. Take a whip slowly and there will be no turning back. Turning sick, just like the ground in Li Zhuo, the top light rotates and the shadow does not move. The description of its small bell shape, no handle in the middle and rope winding on the whip proves that the gyro in the late Ming Dynasty is no different from today's whip gyro. Liu Dong wrote in the poem "Yangliuhuo": Yangliuhuo, whipping sudra, and the word "gyro" officially appeared in this period. Also known as "traitors"

With regard to the origin, history and development of gyro, due to its long history, there is no detailed information record for further consideration. Gyroscope first appeared in the historical records of the post-Wei period, which was called solo music at that time. In general books or online information search, we can know that in the Song Dynasty, there was a gadget similar to a gyro game, named Qian Qian, which was similar to today's hand-twisted gyro modeling. It is made of ivory, the diameter of the disc is about 4 inches, and an iron needle is inserted in the center as the axis. This is an aristocratic game used by ancient maids to pass the time. Its play is to put a needle-like object about 3 cm long into an ivory dish and twist it by hand.

The development history of gyro, also known as sudra, is a very popular children's toy. Its basic form is to cut the wood into a conical surface with a flat bottom and a sharp point. More elegantly, a steel ball is installed at the sharp foot. The common way to play is to wrap the tip of a small whip around its waist, then pull it hard to make it rotate, and then whip it constantly to make it rotate. Therefore, whenever people call this game spinning top or whipping top, there are some common names with evil meanings in the mouths of urchins in urban and rural areas in the north and south, such as "whipping cheap bones", "beating lazy wives" and "beating ice monkeys".

In contrast to the colorful nickname of gyro, there are many opinions about the time and evolution of this game.

Some people speculate that the invention and development of gyroscopes have gone through three stages: hand-spinning gyroscopes, whip-spinning gyroscopes and bell-ringing gyroscopes (that is, "empty clocks"). A rotating gyro is a disk, the center of which passes through the shaft, and then the rotating shaft is rotated by hand, which is the "Qian Qian cart, roulette wheel" and other "child's play things" contained in Old Wulin in Song Dynasty. According to Hang Shijun's Collection of Daotang, this kind of hand-cranked gyro became a favorite game of the imperial court in the Ming Dynasty, and it was called "dressing field". In addition to making it more elegant, there is a new way to play it: when it slows down and is in danger of stopping or tilting, it is allowed to wipe it with sleeves, that is, to remedy it with external force. Whoever turns for a long time wins, and the rules of the game are that it is not allowed to turn out of the pre-defined boundaries. This "sleeve strike" action later became a small rope whip. Written in the late Ming Dynasty, A Brief Introduction to the Scenery of Jingshi once recorded a popular nursery rhyme in Beijing at that time: "Liu Yang painted a gyro with two vivid pictures", and introduced the specific playing method, which is exactly the same as the modern whipping gyro. Based on this, it can be inferred that the hand-cranked gyro was produced in the Song Dynasty, and finally developed into a whip gyro after the transition of the dressing field in the Ming Dynasty, and its specific time was about the middle of the Ming Dynasty or later.

Another person quoted "Evil Circle" written by Jie Yuan, a writer in the Tang Dynasty: "There is a wet nurse in Zi Yuan's family, who is a spinner to coax the baby, and the baby is happy. Mothers gather their children together to help babies enjoy life ... "This" rotating device "can produce the effect of" gathering children and gathering women ",which shows that it is very attractive to play, and it is estimated to be a spinning top or something. In this way, the production time of hand-spun gyro can be pushed forward for hundreds of years.

Others pointed out: "sudra was very popular in the Song Dynasty at the latest, and sudra and Xiao Bian can be seen in the paintings left by the Song Dynasty, which proves that the shape of sudra was basically the same as it is now" (Wang Lianhai's A Brief History of China Folk Toys, Beijing Arts and Crafts Publishing House, 1997). Unfortunately, the critics did not give a specific explanation about the paintings on which they were based.

In addition, some people think that the invention and development of gyroscopes should have whipping gyroscopes first, then hand-spinning gyroscopes and sounding gyroscopes, and whipping gyroscopes have appeared as early as primitive society, based on an archaeological report entitled "Prehistoric Remains of Yin Xi Village" put forward by Li Ji and Yuan Dunli in the 1920s. It is reported that a small ceramic gyro was unearthed at Yangshao Cultural Site in Yin Xi Village, Xia County, Shaanxi Province. Whether the shape and use of this "small ceramic gyro" can be applied to the concept of toy games seems to be difficult to find the answer because of the loss of physical objects. If this is realized, the production time of gyro can be pushed forward for at least 4 thousand years. As for the hand gyro, critics believe that it was developed on the basis of the whip gyro in primitive society. The initial manufacturing method is to select a square hole with a large weight and fix a bamboo handle with a length of about one minute in the hole. Although there is no record of this kind of game in China literature, there is no doubt that this kind of game must have appeared after the appearance of coins. Finally, the singing gyro was invented, but not later than five generations. Japanese historical materials prove this point: the author of Japanese games found that "Niandule" came to Japan "from China via Korea". The so-called "solo" is the top of singing, "reading" is singing, and the sound of "solo" is similar to that of "top"; According to the records of Japanese Names Collection, its original translation is Color Discrimination. The book was published in the Japanese Chengping period (93 1-938), so it is inferred that the singing gyro exported to North Korea and Japan in China was before 93 1 year (two years after Tang Ming Emperor Changxing). In a word, these materials can make up for the loss of documents before the Song Dynasty in China (Di Hua's Gyro Games Going Abroad to China and Japan, Reference to Sports History in South, No.6, 1958).

What is a gyroscope? Gyroscope is the core guidance equipment of aircraft, and its principle is similar to that seen in daily life. No matter how the carrier moves, the gyroscope can keep balance. Modern gyroscope is an instrument that can accurately determine the orientation of moving objects. It is an inertial navigation instrument widely used in modern aviation, navigation, aerospace and national defense industries. Its development is of great strategic significance to a country's industry, national defense and other high-tech development. The traditional inertial gyroscope mainly refers to mechanical gyroscope, which has high requirements for process structure, complex structure and limited accuracy in many aspects. Since 1970s, the development of modern gyroscopes has entered a new stage. 1976 and others put forward the basic idea of modern fiber optic gyroscope. Since 1980s, modern fiber optic gyroscopes have developed very rapidly, and at the same time, laser resonant gyroscopes have also developed greatly. Because of its compact structure, high sensitivity and reliable operation, fiber optic gyroscope has completely replaced the traditional mechanical gyroscope in many fields and become a key component in modern navigation instruments. With the development of fiber optic gyroscopes, there are not only ring laser gyroscopes, but also modern integrated vibrating gyroscopes with higher integration and smaller volume, which is also an important development direction of modern gyroscopes. Modern fiber optic gyroscopes include interferometric gyroscopes and resonant gyroscopes, both of which are developed according to Segnik's theory. The main point of Segnik's theory is this: when a light beam propagates in an annular channel, if the annular channel itself has a rotating speed, then the propagation time of the light beam in the rotating direction of the channel is longer than that in the opposite direction. That is to say, when the optical loop rotates, the optical path of the optical loop will change in different directions relative to the optical path of the loop at rest. Using this change of optical path, if the rotation speed of the loop is measured by the interference between lights advancing in different directions, an interferometric fiber optic gyroscope can be manufactured. If we use this change of optical path, that is, by adjusting the resonant frequency of the light in the optical fiber loop and then measuring the rotating speed of the loop to realize the interference between the circulating lights in the loop, we can manufacture the resonant fiber optic gyroscope. From this simple introduction, we can see that the optical path difference of interferometric gyroscope is small, so the light source it requires can have a larger spectral width, while the optical path difference of resonant gyroscope is large, so the light source it requires must have good monochromaticity. .

What is the development history from compass to modern gyro compass? China invented the compass more than 4,000 years ago in the era of the Yellow Emperor, and used Sina in the Warring States Period. Around 1 century BC, the wizard of China used a spoon made of magnetite in the shape of the Big Dipper, which was placed on a smooth copper sky disk to indicate the North Pole. Around A.D. 1090, China navigators applied the compass to navigation practice.

Europe didn't learn how to make a compass until 1 1 century. In A.D. 1 190, Italian navigators began to lift an iron needle with a bowl of Shui Piao, magnetize the iron needle with magnetite or natural magnets, and check whether their estimation of the direction is correct according to the direction of the iron needle deflection. By about 1250, this kind of thing has developed into a navigation compass, which consists of scales in a glass box and hands in a balanced state on a supporting shaft. Indicate the horizontal direction during the day and put it in a lighted compass cabinet at night.

/kloc-At the beginning of the 4th century, Gioia, an Italian, first connected the paper directional dial with the magnetic needle for transmission. This is a leap in the development of magnetic compass. From then on, the ship doesn't have to turn the compass manually. /kloc-in the 6th century, Italian Kalden made a balance ring, which can keep the magnetic compass horizontal when the ship shakes.

Gyro compass, also known as gyro compass, is a pointing instrument that provides true north reference. It is made according to the principle of using gyroscope as pointing instrument proposed by French scholar Foucault 1852. Gyro compass has two advantages: it will not deflect because it is close to metal, and it points to true north instead of magnetic north. Modern compass, consisting of main compass and auxiliary instruments, is developing in the direction of small size, light weight, long service life, convenient maintenance and simple operation, and is suitable for large, medium and small ships. Its sensitive parts are generally made into sealed spheres and supported by special liquid to improve its accuracy and reliability. Whether it is its reliability in harsh environmental conditions or its accuracy, it is far beyond the compass of that year.

Does anyone know the historical process of inertial navigation technology development? Broadly speaking, the process of guiding the navigation carrier from the starting point to the destination is called navigation. Narrow navigation refers to the technology and method of providing real-time attitude, speed and position information to navigation carriers. In the early days, people relied on astronomical and geographical methods such as geomagnetic field, starlight and solar height to obtain positioning and orientation information. With the development of science and technology, radio navigation, inertial navigation, satellite navigation and other technologies have come out one after another and are widely used in military and civilian fields. Among them, inertial navigation is a technical method to determine the attitude, speed, position and other information of the carrier by using the gyroscope and accelerometer loaded on the carrier. The hardware and software equipment to realize inertial navigation is called inertial navigation system, or inertial navigation system for short.

Strapdown inertial navigation system is to install accelerometers and gyroscopes directly on the carrier, and calculate the attitude matrix in real time in the computer, that is, calculate the relationship between the carrier coordinate system and the navigation coordinate system, so as to convert the accelerometer information in the carrier coordinate system into the information in the navigation coordinate system, and then carry out navigation calculation. Strapdown inertial navigation system has become the mainstream of inertial navigation system because of its high reliability, strong function, light weight, low cost, high precision and flexible use. Strapdown Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is the core component of inertial navigation system, and the accuracy of IMU output information largely determines the accuracy of the system.

Gyroscope and accelerometer are indispensable core measuring devices in inertial navigation system. Modern high-precision inertial navigation system puts high demands on gyroscope and accelerometer, because the drift error of gyroscope and the zero bias of accelerometer are the most direct and important factors affecting the accuracy of inertial navigation system. Therefore, how to improve the performance and measurement accuracy of inertial devices, especially the measurement accuracy of gyroscopes, has always been the focus of research in the field of inertial navigation. The development of gyroscope has gone through several stages. The drift rate of the original ball bearing gyroscope is (L-2)/h, and the accuracy of the air-floating, liquid-floating and magnetic-floating gyroscopes developed by overcoming the inertial instrument support technology can reach 0.05°/h kloc-0//h h, while the accuracy of the electrostatically supported gyroscopes can be better than 0.0001/h ... Since the 1960s, the research and development of flexible gyroscopes. ..

The first successful development of 1960 laser gyro indicates that optical gyro has begun to dominate the gyro market. At present, the maximum zero-bias stability of laser gyro can reach 0.0005/h, but the biggest problem of laser gyro is that its manufacturing process is complex, which leads to high cost, and its size and weight are too large, which limits its development and application in some fields to some extent, and also promotes the development of laser gyro in the direction of low cost, miniaturization and three-axis integration. Another kind of optical gyro-fiber optic gyro not only has many advantages of laser gyro, but also has the characteristics of simple manufacturing process, low cost and light weight, and is becoming the fastest developing optical gyro at present.

Development of China


China's inertial navigation technology has made great progress in recent years. The inertial navigation system of liquid floating gyro platform and the four-axis platform system of dynamically tuned gyro have been applied to the Long March series of launch vehicles. Other kinds of miniaturized strapdown inertial navigation, fiber optic gyro inertial navigation, laser gyro inertial navigation and GPS improved inertial navigation devices have also been widely used in tactical guidance weapons, aircraft, ships, launch vehicles, spacecraft and so on. For example, a new laser gyro strapdown system with a drift rate of 0.0 1 ~ 0.02/h was tested on a new fighter, and the performance of our military equipment was greatly improved by the application of fiber optic gyro with a drift rate lower than 0.05/h, strapdown inertial navigation on ships and submarines, and the application of miniaturized flexible strapdown inertial navigation on various missile-guided weapons.

According to the domestic literature in recent years, the gyroscopes used in inertial navigation research in China can be roughly divided into three types according to their structures: mechanical gyroscopes, optical gyroscopes and MEMS. Mechanical gyro refers to an angle sensor that uses the stability of high-speed rotor shaft to measure the correct orientation of the carrier. 19 10 years, people have explored a variety of mechanical gyroscopes. Liquid floated gyroscope, dynamically tuned gyroscope and electrostatic gyroscope are three kinds of mature rigid-body rotor gyroscopes, and their accuracy ranges from 10E-6 degrees/hour to 10e-4 degrees/hour, reaching a high level in the field of precision instruments. 1965, China Tsinghua University first began to develop electrostatic gyroscopes, and the application background was "high-precision marine INS". 1967- 1990, Tsinghua University, Changzhou Navigation Instrument Factory, Shanghai Jiaotong University, etc. An engineering prototype of electrostatic gyro has been successfully developed, with a zero bias drift error of less than 0.5/h and a random drift error of less than 0.001h h, and China, the United States and Russia rank as countries that master electrostatic gyro technology in the world. With the development of photoelectric technology, laser gyro and fiber optic gyro came into being. Compared with laser gyro, fiber optic gyro has lower cost and is more suitable for mass production. The research on fiber optic gyro started late in China, but many gratifying achievements have been made. Aerospace Science and Industry Group, Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Zhejiang University, Northern Jiaotong University, Beihang University and other units have successively carried out research on fiber optic gyroscopes. Judging from the information currently available, the development accuracy of domestic fiber optic gyroscopes has reached the requirements of medium and low accuracy of inertial navigation systems, and some technologies have even reached the level of similar products abroad. Since the 20th century, MEMS gyroscope has become a reality due to the development of electronic technology and micromachining technology. Since 1990s, MEMS gyroscopes have been widely used in civil products, some of which are used in low-precision inertial navigation products. The research of MEMS gyroscope in China began with 1989, and now several hundred micron electrostatic motors and 3mm piezoelectric motors have been developed. The gyro technology of Tsinghua University Navigation and Control Teaching and Research Group is very mature, and it has mastered micromachining and optical waveguide gyro technology. At present, the micro-gyroscope prototype has been made and some data have been obtained. The Scientific Research Center of the Department of Precision Instruments and Machinery of Southeast University has been developing and researching key components, micro-electromechanical systems, new inertial devices and GPS integrated navigation systems to meet the needs of the military-civilian dual-use market. In a word, with the development of science and technology, the precision of fiber optic gyroscope and micro electro mechanical systems is getting higher and higher compared with the high cost of electrostatic gyroscope, which is the general trend of gyroscope technology development in the future. .