Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Female facial features, three-dimensional voice, soft face

Female facial features, three-dimensional voice, soft face

Children can see a person's fate and judge the innate physical endowment through physiognomy, so what will happen to a woman's stereo voice? Next, I will tell you whether the life of a woman with three-dimensional facial features is good.

Soft-face analysis of stereo sound of five senses 1, look at the forehead

The forehead is low, narrow and sunken, but what should I do if the forehead is high? It's still bad for her husband. Only the forehead is round and full, the forehead has hair, the forehead has no eyebrows, messy essays, bad moles and scars. The color is bright yellow. This is the standard forehead and face of Wang Fu women.

2. Look at your ears

For Foucault, the ears are thin and drooping. On the contrary, the ears are big and thick, lifted upward, white and chiseled, and the ears are attached to the head. This kind of woman's ears and face belong to Wangfuxiang's ears in physiognomy.

Step 3 look at the eyebrows and eyes

Eyebrows are courtiers representing women themselves, and eyes are monarchs representing husbands. If the eyebrows press the eyes, it is considered that the minister bullies the monarch. If the eyebrows are too high, it is arrogant and disloyal. Only when the eyebrows are constantly bent can you cover your eyes. Such eyebrows and eyes are affectionate and prosperous; The eyes are clear and bright, the eyes are slender, and the tail of the eyes is slightly upturned. This eyebrow eye belongs to Wang Fu Yoshiko's good face.

4. Look at your nose

The nose represents personality and ability. A woman with a high nose has a strong sense of self and works independently. If the nose is too high or knotted, it is loneliness. Then a woman with a low nose and a flat nose will be lonely all her life. The bridge of the nose is moderately high and fleshy, which is the standard Wang Fu stage. People with a high nose are super lucky, people with wings on both sides of the nose represent making money quickly, and people with a fleshy nose are naturally rich and prosperous.

5. Watch your words

Mouth represents a woman's material desire and enjoyment. Women with thick lips pay more attention to enjoyment, while women with thin lips pay less attention to enjoyment and are ungrateful. Only a woman with thin and even lips, slightly upturned corners of the mouth, rosy lips and moderate size is the standard Wang Fu photograph. A woman with a big mouth and a woman with a small mouth both married well, but they both had shortcomings in their lives at that time.

6. Look at your chin

Chin is a woman's wisdom and savings. A woman with a short chin has a shallow blessing, while a woman with a big chin has a strong personality and can't tolerate her husband's small mistakes. She is selfish and bossy. The chin size is moderate, and the cheeks are flat, which belongs to the standard chin face of women in Wang Fu.

The glossy surface of a woman's Tang Yin is based on the width of one and a half fingers or more, and the width of two fingers is better. Viewed from the side, Tang Yin is flat or slightly convex, and Tang Yin's slightly convex people have extraordinary talents. Tang Yin's skin colors are rose, yellow, bright and purple. If Tang Yin's skin color is red and purple, he will be promoted and rich in the near future.

If a female friend looks like this, it means that her husband's fortune is excellent. Female friends regard Tang Yin and Nose as their husbands' stars. If these parts look bright yellow, it also means that my husband's career is smooth and his fortune is good. On the other hand, if this part is dark blue, it means that the husband's career is not smooth and his fortune is not good. Dry black gas color has a serious illness.

Tang Yin is a small area between our eyebrows. It's sensitive here. We can point it out a few millimeters away. If we don't touch it, we will feel it here. We will feel dizzy after a long time.

Why is Tang Yin so sensitive? Because this area of Tang Yin is the meeting point of several major human meridians: the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang starts from the inner corner of the eye, and the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming starts from the nasal side, all of which pass through Tang Yin, and Renmai also passes through central Tang Yin. As we know, the Yang governing the bladder meridian is the Yin governing the pulse, and the stomach meridian is full of qi and blood; Moreover, the forehead directly corresponds to the acupoints of Foot Yangming Meridian. Not only Tang Yin, but also the whole forehead is an external sign of human qi and blood.

If a person's qi and blood are always abundant and unobstructed, then his forehead is shiny, bloody and full. Do people often say that? Full of heaven? This kind of appearance is a blessing. This kind of person must be very smart. On the contrary, his forehead will be dull and wrinkled more easily and need long-term aftercare.

You can see the short-term qi and blood condition from Tang Yin, and the long-term qi and blood condition from your forehead. When we are full of qi and blood, Tang Yin will also be full; When our qi and blood run smoothly, Tang Yin will turn slightly red.

On the contrary, when qi and blood are insufficient, our Tang Yin will sink slightly, and when qi and blood are not running smoothly, Tang Yin will become dark. Therefore, when the Tang Yin is dark, it is the time when the qi and blood in our body are insufficient or not smooth. Qi and blood affect our resilience, image temperament and mood, and then decide who we are. Lucky? Or? Bad luck? .

A woman with a good wife and mother, 1 face and a round forehead.

The forehead is a woman's? Fuxing? This is the field of wisdom and the level of life. Forehead circle is the first of women's nine virtues, that is, the forehead should be flat, the forehead should be miniature, the hairline must be appropriate, and it is not allowed to be too high (ambition) or too low (greed). There are no random lines (life stagnation) and bad moles (life twists and turns) on the forehead, which is the foundation of a good wife, a good mother and a woman.

2, gentle eyes, positive eyes

Eyes are where the soul belongs and where the wisdom lies. A woman with fierce eyes will suffer, but a woman with gentle eyes will be blessed. A woman with positive eyes, with strong principles, will never go with the flow, or easily believe the words of bad people, and can have her own opinions to do things, so that she can really be a good housekeeper and virtuous.

3. Red lips and white teeth

Women with rosy lips are full of human feelings and attach importance to family and popularity; Teeth are the flowers of the kidney. Women with white and neat teeth are born with sufficient kidney qi, strong fertility and high wisdom, and can give birth to healthy and intelligent offspring.

4. A strong nose

The nose protrudes slightly to both sides, and the edge is retracted. You can't lose sight of your nostrils or expose your nostrils. Such a woman with a nose is principled, introverted and restrained. She was rich before marriage, and she will be rich after marriage, and she will restrain herself in life. Whether I can do this or not, I will deal with it in an orderly way.

5. The palms are moist and thick

The palm ornament discussed here, as explained by Teacher Liu Heng, is that the color of a woman's palm should be Huang Ming, and the blue veins should not be exposed (the liver qi will hurt if it crosses the Sheng Qiang crossbow), but it is not important whether the palm is soft or not. What is important is the following. Palm thickness? This palm thickness refers to the sufficient grip strength of the palm, which is the premise for a woman to manage the family diligently and help her husband's career. A woman with a strong palm is capable of doing things and can honor her parents-in-law. Smooth and thick palms mean strong financial management ability, which means that she can help her husband's career.

6. Obviously, people have big eardrops.