Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Four narratives about taking responsibility

Four narratives about taking responsibility

Narrative article 1 on liability

It is said that women are water, too soft to have strength; He said that the woman is a dodder, so soft that she can't even bear a little weight.

However, in winter, even the softest water freezes three feet; After a lot of tempering, fingers can be turned into steel. Who says a weak woman can't take it?

? Join the army for your father, don't let a man; It's better to defend our country and go to Xinjiang. ? From Mulan, who joined the army for her father, to Liang Hongyu, who played drums for her husband, the female generals in ancient China galloped on the battlefield and never lost their scenes. Although? How strange are Chinese children? Don't they love red clothes, but arms? But every woman loves beauty. I believe that no girl is willing to slash with her hands on the ground, and no girl is willing to waste her youth on the battlefield. It's the little girl's responsibility to support them? Whether out of filial piety to their father or love for their husbands, they all bear the burden of the family. Real armor covers their beautiful appearance and enchanting figure, filled with smoke and blood eroding the original delicate skin. ? After traveling together for twelve years, I didn't know Mulan was a girl. ? How many twelve years are there in life? So the best years of youth dissipated outside Yumenguan. This kind of love has no regrets, although it is loaded with too much bitterness and tears.

Along the winding mountain road, we arrived at the palace nearest to the sky? Potala Palace. Statues of Princess Wencheng and Songzan Gambu are still preserved in the French King Cave, and the murals also record the wedding events of that year. However, behind the glamorous aura lies the suffering of a weak princess: on the one hand, it is completely different from the hard life of Datang, on the other hand, it is the mission of being a princess. Let's put ourselves in others' shoes. Who wants to live in the middle of nowhere if they are pampered from childhood and used to living in luxury? And Princess Wencheng's trip to Tibet, I'm afraid no man in the world can match. No wonder even Emperor Taizong said so? A marriage is worth a hundred thousand soldiers? . Princess Wencheng built a bridge of friendship between Tibetan and Chinese nationalities with her delicate body. Throughout history, it is not difficult to find that many peace were brought by women? From Wang Zhaojun to Princess Gloria in Rome, countless peace agreements are printed with bright red lips. This decisive sacrifice is also a responsibility, a national responsibility. They drowned their personal bitterness and sacrifice in endless desolation, and wrote the responsibility of women with persistence!

? If I can live to be 200 years old, the whole of Europe will crawl at my feet. ? At first reading this sentence, it is hard for people to believe that it comes from a woman. From a foreign girl to an iron fist? A noble queen? Catherine II reached the peak of power and shouldered the heavy responsibility of revitalizing czarist Russia. Destroy Poland and annex the Ottoman Empire? Under her rule, Russia spanned Eurasia and was politically enlightened. As an emperor, her iron fist style left many men behind. Such a strong style reminds me of Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in China. As emperors, they are all successful, and they also shoulder the historical responsibility; However, as historical figures, they have also endured different evaluations from later generations, and they have also endured the loneliness of being uncontested. How many men can stand the biting cold? Great women, with their own responsibilities, cast brilliance on the curtain of history!

Ancient women can still do this, but today's women have fully demonstrated their wisdom and talent in this world: Germany has? Iron lady? Merkel, Ukraine has? Beauty? Tymoshenko, Margaret Thatcher in Britain, Hillary Clinton in the United States? Modern women have the ability to hold up half the sky.

Perhaps compared with men, women are more regretless, tougher and more forbearing. As long as you have the ability, why care about whether it is a man or a woman? I never believed that women were just made of men's ribs by God. I believe that it was Nu Wa who created the earliest men and women in the world on the same land. In the vast sky, women have been in charge for a long time.

Narrative Article 2 on Responsibility

? Take responsibility? , is the expression of lies, is the villain's mantra: responsibility, is the embodiment of commitment, is the habit of a gentleman: take responsibility? It's a strange word and an unpleasant smell: responsibility, a word full of responsibility, and a feeling of peace of mind.

Take responsibility; Accept and take responsibility. ? Take responsibility? I took an oath and ended up being nothing.

So this? Take responsibility? Not the responsibility we need in our hearts.

I bullied you in the streets full of neon lights. ? I'll take care of it, okay Do you believe me? Can I help you solve it? This seemingly reassuring statement can be seen everywhere, but these seemingly firm? Take responsibility? This is by no means the responsibility we believe in.

In ancient times, the unity and cooperation of human beings, the division of labor and the integrity of human beings prompted them to survive in this predatory living environment. Why are they so United and so trusting? Because they all know the true meaning of the word "forbearance" and the importance of honesty. On his deathbed, Liu Bei told Zhuge Liang to manage Shu well and help Liu Yuxin get married. Zhuge Liang, who knew the importance of honesty and responsibility, did not break his word after Liu Bei's death, thus making Shu three parts of the world. However, this is not a responsibility, or what?

What has happened since ancient times? Take responsibility? Has a lot to do with it. However, if dialectical from ancient times, there may be some unconvincing feelings, so let's start with modern history.

Yuan Shikai, a household name. At the beginning, he may still be a person loved by the people. He also promised people that he would bring them light. However, his book was covered up? Meng? It is also gradually revealed with the promotion of status. Not only betrayed the country, but also broke the promise. Obviously, this original responsibility has become? Take responsibility? .

Grandpa Deng Xiaoping, the revolutionary pioneer, went abroad to explore the road of saving the country at the time of the Chinese nation's crisis, and finally returned to China to lead the people to achieve one successful milestone after another on the revolutionary road. When he died of old age, he was still thinking about the important task of life development entrusted to him by the people. Take this word for example, Uncle Deng has no regrets.

Obviously, from the above discussion, we can know that the word "responsibility" has become an important part of today's society, so we should understand that we should be responsible for what we promise, whether in life or in study, because then we will have no regrets in life.

Narrative Article 3 on Responsibility

When I was a child, I often went to my grandfather's house to play. As far as I can remember, my grandfather was always busy, washing and cooking, and even repairing doors and windows. Grandma is used to sitting on the sofa watching TV, or going downstairs for a leisurely walk in the yard and chatting with other old people. The days are dull and quiet. Every time I see such a scene, I am always puzzled. When I was young, I was secretly wronged by my grandfather. How hard it is. I walk around my grandma like a nanny every day, and grandma is often dissatisfied. But when I express my thoughts, my grandfather often laughs foolishly, touches my head with his hand and says with a smile. What's the big deal? This is what I should do! ? At this point, my grandmother had already put away her nagging words and watched TV motionless with girlish shyness, as if absorbed. But I know she didn't see anything.

Over time, I can feel grandpa's deep and persistent feelings for grandma, which is not only the affection between husband and wife, but also the heartfelt care for relatives. Grandma had a heart attack before she was 40. Since then, she has been with the medicine, sitting more often than moving, and taking oxygen to measure her blood pressure from time to time. My grandfather handled all this by himself, and he seemed to get a lot of happiness from it. Like a young man, he is busy all day, buying vegetables and riding motorcycles, making light recipes for grandma, and treating hypertension and hyperlipidemia. When grandma takes a lunch break at noon, he will sit and read the newspaper, and his head will droop. I can't help laughing. He suddenly woke up, patted me, and lowered his voice to scold half-jokingly. Let's go and play somewhere else! ? It turned out that he was sitting there to keep me quiet. High school composition

Grandpa is a dog. Everyone says that grandpa is as tired and hard as a dog. It was suggested that he take a rest and ask a nanny to serve his grandmother. He doesn't agree at all. He does everything by himself. Later, grandma's condition suddenly deteriorated and she finally hired a nanny. It's a pity that the nanny who entered my grandfather's house changed one after another, and none of them could stay long. I didn't know until I asked, but my grandfather scolded me and drove me away. My grandfather is still very reasonable. They are not worried! ? In fact, he didn't want to worry about it himself, so he took care of the nanny's work, stayed at home as an outsider for nothing, and was distressed by money, so he simply dismissed.

Grandpa has worked hard all his life and has been responsible for it all his life. With his own actions, he propped up a sky of love for grandma and made the rest of her life easy and comfortable. I sincerely admire my grandfather. He is an ordinary man, but he has a firm and brave heart. Although the years passed, he was consistent, which made me realize the beauty and wordlessness of great love. Hold your hand and grow old with your son? Sincerity.

Narrative article 4 on liability

It's misty and rainy, and the sound of reading floats in the depths of the mountains, which is particularly clear and bright in the silent mountain village?

This is an isolated mountain village. It has been isolated for a hundred years. No one has ever been here, and no one has ever walked out of the mountains until a different young man came a few years ago?

People in the village call him affectionately? Miss Li? No one seems to know his full name, but everyone knows that this is a scholar from the provincial capital and the only teacher in the village.

Miss Li is a gentle person, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and clean clothes. Mountain people can't figure out why this young man gave up his good life in the provincial capital and ran to this backward mountain village.

At first, the parents in the village were reluctant to give their children to Mr. Li, and there was still a lack of helpers to do farm work at home. How can they let their children waste their time? Teacher Li went door-to-door to find children and persuaded their parents to give them education.

The villagers will doubtfully ask their children to follow Mr. Li to the temporary primary school in the village, but they are only allowed to go in the afternoon and help at home in the morning. Learning is not ineffective. Children begin to know the outside world and learn to identify constellations by pointing to the stars in the sky. People in the village gradually accepted this silly stranger, and they would ask him for help when they were in trouble at home. After all, he has seen a lot. Teacher Li became the second village party secretary in the village.

Teacher Li also lived up to the expectations of the villagers. She comes and goes in the rain every day, walks through mountains and rivers and sends her children to school. There are no books in the village. He copied some poems and essays with his own pen and paper, bound them into volumes and distributed them to the children, teaching them word by word.

When the villagers get together, they always talk about Miss Li. ? The song he taught my son to sing last time was very nice. ? Isn't it? It rained heavily the other day, and he sent my daughter home. ? My son is very clever now. He has learned a lot from Mr. Li.

As the days passed, after two years, the old people in the village began to worry about Miss Li's marriage. Miss Li smiled shyly when three aunts and six grandmothers nagged. I'll ask my girlfriend to come and have a look in a few days.

A few days later, a beautiful girl really came to the village. The old people were deeply impressed. The children began to feel uneasy. There are always people poking around Miss Li's window, trying to stop. Miss Li called them in and asked softly what happened. The child suddenly? Wow? Cry loudly: Miss Li, I heard that you are going back to the provincial capital with your daughter-in-law, so you won't teach us? Miss Li looked at her girlfriend reluctantly, but turned away silently.

A few days later, the girl left with her luggage. The villagers asked Mr. Li doubtfully. Miss Li just smiled helplessly. She won't stay, and I can't leave?

The story doesn't seem to be over. Miss Li still stayed in that remote mountain village and sent the children out of the mountain.

This is his responsibility, responsible for the growth of children and the development of a village.