Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How to draw Chinese zodiac animals?

How to draw Chinese zodiac animals?

Because painting is intuitive, it has become the primary way for many children to learn. This is true for the familiar Chinese zodiac. With the help of parents or teachers, they can learn about traditional culture by learning the animal stick figures of the zodiac, and at the same time they can increase their knowledge. Of course, the paintings of their age are not complicated, they are all simple stick figures. So, how do you draw animals of the zodiac? Let's take a look at the method!

The animal stick figure mouse of the zodiac

The mouse is a very cute little animal. Although it has a bad reputation, it is very popular among anime characters. When drawing a mouse stick figure, you must pay attention to its slightly larger ears, which can highlight the cuteness of the mouse. Eyes, nose and mouth should be coordinated, so that we can see at a glance that our stick figure is a mouse. Finally, don't forget its tail.


Diligence and hard work are the evaluation of cattle. When we draw a stick figure of a cow, we should incorporate cartoon elements. Cows have bigger noses. When drawing its eyes, you must pay more attention. Eyes can highlight the cuteness of cattle.


As the king of the deep forest, the tiger must highlight its own characteristics as the king of the forest. When we draw a tiger stick figure, we should pay attention to the word "Wang" on the tiger's head. At the same time, it can be integrated with animation elements, which is both cute and dignified.


Bunny is relatively simple. Pay attention to two points when drawing a rabbit stick figure. First, big ears, pay attention to the rabbit's ears when drawing. Second, the tail is short. The tail must be short.

How do small animals draw dragons?

The dragon is more sacred, it is our fantasy. So when we draw the dragon stick figure, we just need to grasp the characteristics of the dragon to draw. When we draw a dragon stick figure, we should pay special attention to the horn and body of the dragon.


I think we are all afraid of snakes. But the snakes in anime characters are very cute. When we draw snake stick figures, we can make snakes more lovely by incorporating cartoon elements. Note: A snake's tongue is slender and usually exposed outside its mouth.


Horses are ancient means of transportation, and swift horses are an evaluation of good horses. So when we draw a stick figure of a horse, we should pay attention to the strength of its limbs.


Sean the lamb gave the children a good understanding of sheep. We are drawing a stick figure. We can draw the shape of a sheep according to Sean's shape.


The Monkey King is a monkey, which makes us love monkeys very much. When we draw stick figures of monkeys, we can imitate the Monkey King.

chicken (as food)

In the past, the rooster was always the first to get up and crow to tell people that it was morning! When we draw a chicken stick figure, we can start from here. Draw a cock crowing.