Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Parents' horoscopes are the same _ Parents' horoscopes match the children's horoscopes.

Parents' horoscopes are the same _ Parents' horoscopes match the children's horoscopes.

Do you know your parents' horoscopes like the back of your hand?

I'm not sure about that. Because for China people, birthdays are usually celebrated in the lunar calendar, and there is no birthday in the solar calendar. Constellations are divided according to the solar calendar. I only know my parents' lunar birthdays, so I don't know their horoscopes very well. And this constellation should start to rise from around 80. For our parents, we should not know what these are, and we should not know what these are. At that time, the constellation was not up yet.

? But for my parents' personalities, I feel that I can still roughly match which one. For my father, I think it should be Leo. Not only do I want to take care of everything, but I want to do what he asks since I was a child, and because I am particularly cold outside and hot inside, I always don't smile. Even if it is concerned, it will not be expressed in words, but only in action.

? My mother is very cheerful and should be Aries. And the lunar calendar and solar calendar may only be worn for about a month. This will almost match, and my mother is like a good sister to me. She is very cheerful and has her own views on things and will not be attached to others.

But these are just guesses. Parents' love for us is absolute. At that time, constellations were really not popular, and western culture had not been passed down, or they were not as comfortable as we were at that time, and they didn't have much leisure time to learn about constellations. But we still have to honor our parents, know them better and care about them more.