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Books on blood types and constellations

Blood group personality theory

Blood group science research on blood group personality theory196465438+February, famous psychologist Raymond? R.B.Cattell and others published a paper entitled "Blood Type and Personality Traits" in the famous academic journal American Journal of Human Genetics. They tested 568 Italians or Italian-Americans with Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (abbreviated as 16PF), and found that one of them (meekness-firmness) was "significantly" related to ABO blood group: Type B was more meek than Type A and Type O (this result was just the opposite of what hematology said). [4] After a lapse of 16 years (1980), D.A. Swan and others published a paper in the anthropological magazine Human Quarterly. They used the same psychological test to investigate 547 children in Mississippi white school in the United States. In the 15 cartel index, only one is found to be related to blood type, but it is the other ("relaxation-tension"): type O is more nervous than type A or B, and type AB is the most nervous. 1973, another famous academic journal Nature published a short article written by researchers from Oxford and Cambridge universities. According to their survey results of 534 people in villages around Oxford, it was found that the IQ was related to ABO blood group, and the average IQ of type A2 was slightly lower (116). In 1975, two other researchers from Oxford University wrote that this is an illusion caused by stratified sampling, and there is no significant difference after correction. 1983, two researchers from Swansea University published a paper in Nature. They studied the relationship between blood type and socioeconomic status of blood donors registered in British blood transfusion centers, and concluded that type A has more opportunities (about 15%) to appear in the first and second social classes (Britain divides social occupations into five classes). From 65438 to 0977, psychologist Eysenck found that people with type B blood are prone to emotional behavior, and people with type AB blood are more introverted than people with other blood types. 1982 he looked up some research done by researchers in more than 20 countries in the past, and found that the level of anxiety and neuroticism was consistent with the proportion of people with type B blood in that country, while the level of introversion was consistent with the proportion of people with type A blood in that country. During the period of 1990, three researchers from Britain and Ireland investigated the blood banks in Ireland, but failed to find that ABO blood type was related to social and economic status. They believe that Swansea University researchers may find this correlation, because since 150, British immigrants (generally engaged in low-status jobs) have come from areas with low frequency. It can be said that it is also a statistical illusion. Because the ethnic composition of the Irish population is more unified than that of Britain, the results are more credible. In 2002, 2003 and 2005, three papers published in the famous psychological magazine Personality and Individual Differences were tested by the Big Five Personality Test (NEO-PI), and no correlation between blood type and personality was found. Five-factor model is a personality theory generally recognized by psychologists at present, and it is supported by empirical research.

The theory of blood type and personality was discovered in 1902 by Karl Landsteiner, a pathologist at the University of Vienna. He found that the reason for the failure of blood transfusion was that some people's serum caused others' red blood cells to agglutinate, but this did not happen in some combinations. Later, he and his students discovered four blood types: A, B, O and AB. Because of this discovery, Rand Steiner won the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. This important medical discovery was later abused as a reason to support racism.

The development history of blood type personality theory Later, a Japanese named Takeji Furukawa obtained a philosophy degree from the University of Tokyo, and went to Tokyo Women's Normal School (now Imperial Tea Women's University) as a lecturer after graduation. During this period, he investigated 1245 subjects, and published a series of papers entitled "Research on Blood Type and Personality" in the journal Psychological Research on 1927. With the defeat of Japan, this blood type craze gradually subsided. The 1950s and 1960s were the periods when blood group theory was relatively calm. At that time, the main advocates were Hiroshi Muping and Akiko Muping, the president of Japan Modern Psychology Research Association, and they organized some people to specialize in this research. 197 1 year, a reporter named Li Neng Zhifugu wrote the book Understanding Fate through Blood Type, which once again set off a blood type craze (this book has been printed for more than 200 times and distributed in millions). It can be seen that he is not from a medical background, his books are more like anecdotes, and his research methods are not scientific enough, so he was criticized by Japanese psychologists. A-type advantage is creative and rational, B-type advantage is too serious, B-type advantage is positive, doer is selfish and irresponsible, O-type advantage is sociable, optimistic and conceited, and rude AB-type advantage is indifferent, restrained and rational, indecisive and critical.

The blood type theory of Japanese blood type personality theory is like the worship of constellations in the west. In Japan, from falling in love to looking for a job, the Japanese attribute all problems to the same factor-blood type. According to the statistics of Dong Fan Group, the largest distribution company in Japan, four of the top ten bestsellers at the end of 2008 talked about how blood type determines personality. The literary society that published these four books said that each of the four blood types produced a book, and each set has sold more than five million copies. Most Japanese choose their spouses and make friends according to their blood type. Many Japanese companies, including large international companies, recruit people according to their blood types, and even clearly stipulate in job advertisements that only people with blood types can apply. Japanese anime games king of fighters, Final Fantasy and metal gear will also introduce the blood types of anime characters. Even Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso knows the importance of blood type. In his own official website, he announced that his blood type is A, while his opponent, the chairman of the opposition party, is B. The blood type trend also blew into Nintendo DS games and became the protagonist in the female jewelry "Lucky Bag" specially designed for blood type. A TV station will also broadcast a comedy about girls looking for husbands according to their blood type. It sounds ridiculous that marriage companies provide blood type matching tests, and some companies also look at employees' blood types when assigning jobs. Some kindergartens even divide classes according to blood type, and Japanese women's softball teams also use blood type theory to tailor training plans for players. Blood type personality theory is also very popular in Korea. Type B boyfriends in Korean dramas are a good example. A Korean named RealCrazyman posted a "blood type cartoon" on his website. In just a few days, it was translated by the netizen Bunny and put on the Chinese website.

Is there a relationship between blood type and personality? The blood type of red blood cells is classified according to the apparent antigenicity of red blood cells in blood. According to different antigen types, there are more than 20 common classification systems, and ABO blood group system is only one of them, but it is widely known because it was discovered the earliest and has the closest relationship with blood transfusion. Before the twentieth century, western doctors tried to transfuse blood to patients who had lost too much blood, but this often led to death. 1900, Karl Landsteiner, a researcher at the Austrian Institute of Pathology, found that the failure of blood transfusion was due to the agglutination of red blood cells in some people's serum, but this did not happen in some combinations. The next year, he collected blood samples from his colleagues, tested red blood cells and found that they had two antigens, which he named A antigen and B antigen respectively. Blood with A antigen is called type A, blood with B antigen is called type B, and blood without both antigens is called type C or type zero (later renamed type O). Another year later, two of his students collected more blood samples and found that some of them had both A and B antigens, namely AB type. Plants and microorganisms also have A and B antigens. If there is no antigen in the human body, antibodies against this antigen will appear in the serum after inhalation from food or infection by microorganisms. Therefore, there are anti-B antibodies in type A serum, anti-A antibodies in type B serum, two antibodies in type O serum and no antibodies in type AB serum. The reason of blood transfusion coagulation is that an antibody (anti-A or anti-B) in one serum meets the antigen (A or B antigen) of another red blood cell with different blood group. Therefore, Type A can derive Type A and AB, but only Type A and Type O can be accepted; Type b can be exported to type b and AB, but only type b and o can be accepted; O type can be input to any type, but only O type can be accepted; Type AB can only be lost to type AB, but any type is acceptable. Before blood transfusion, the blood types of blood donors and recipients should be identified, and the blood types without agglutination should be tested in vitro to avoid life-threatening caused by agglutination reaction of blood transfusion. Because of this discovery, Rand Steiner won the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. 1924, F. Bernstein discovered the genetic mechanism of ABO blood group. It is controlled by a pair of alleles (one for each parent) and inherited strictly according to Mendel's genetic law. Alleles A and B are dominant genes, and O is recessive gene, so genotypes AA and AO both show type A, BB and BO show type B, AB shows type AB, and OO shows type O. The blood type of children is not necessarily the same as that of parents, but the blood type of parents determines the only possibility of children's blood type. For example, a type A father and a type A mother can only have one type A or O child. If their children are type B or AB, we can infer that at least one of their parents is not biological, that is, we can exclude the biological father or mother according to the blood type (but we can't confirm it), which is a means for forensic doctors to do paternity test. Later, it was found that genes A, B and O had different variations. At present, 14 A gene (A 1, A2……) 14 B gene and 8 O gene have been found. This important medical discovery was quickly abused. 19 10, Emil von Dungern, Ph.D., University of Heidelberg, Germany, first used blood type as the basis of racism. He claimed that the blood type of pure Europeans is type A, that of pure Asians is type B, or that those Europeans with type B blood are not pure Europeans. 19 19 during the first world war, two polish researchers investigated soldiers and prisoners of different nationalities in Britain and France and found that their blood types were different. On this basis, human beings are divided into three types: Europeans with type A majority, Asians with type B majority, and transitional types. They also painted a picture of human evolution: human ancestors originally had only O-type blood, and later they divided into two different races, A and B. According to this idea, anthropologists who are struggling to find objective standards for dividing races immediately took the investigation of blood group distribution as a lifeline. 1930, at the ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize to Rand Steiner, the chairman of the Nobel Committee praised Rand Steiner's contribution in this way: "Rand Steiner's discovery opened up a new field for studying the certainty of a nation's racial purity." But in the future, all attempts to classify people according to ABO blood type failed. No ABO blood group gene is some kind of > >: >;

What are the characteristics of the four blood types? Type A: Pay attention to family.

Type A people want to live a solid, stable and stable life. Therefore, Type A people will attach great importance to family life and ensure that everyone in the family can live a stable life. Type A people attach great importance to feelings, which is why they attach importance to their families, but they are often troubled by feelings. Type A people suppress their emotional development on the surface, but their hearts are pure. Emotional ups and downs, slow recovery from trauma, but sometimes become very calm when hit, and the feeling of cold and hot is also one of its characteristics.

Type b: strong vitality

Type B people have poor adaptability to social environment, but strong resistance to society. No matter how the social environment changes and how complicated it is, he can cut himself off from society in time and continue to survive without social influence. Type B people often judge another person's bad through their own intuitive reactions, and their views on things are completely based on their own judgments, which are often ingrained and not easy to change.

Type o: energetic

Once faced with things, O-type people often instinctively exert their stored energy in the body. When doing things, type O people will go all out. The more difficult it is, the more challenging it will be, the more energetic it will be to do it, and it will not get stuck in emotional stereotypes. O-type people have high judgment, positive attitude towards things and cheerful personality, but their views on things will not be accepted immediately. Only through objective judgment or verification will they change their original distrust attitude. As for the O-type man, the reason why he looks stubborn is that he has made theoretical analysis and comments on unconfirmed things with an objective attitude, which may not be in line with the truth and is mistaken for being too stubborn.

Type AB: superiority

AB-type people are strong, confident, decisive, quick and optimistic, and belong to action-oriented people. I often stand in the leading position in the group, I can take everyone's intentions as my own, respect everyone's decisions and put my ideals into action. But when encountering setbacks or failures, he will pass the buck and blame others for the failure. Only when he is alone with others will he restrain his sense of superiority, talk harmoniously and try his best to make the atmosphere harmonious. Type AB people are not easy to accept rules, regulations and other forms, behave informally, pay little attention to others' corrections, and even have strong resistance. Before starting to do something, AB people will make a careful investigation and make full preparations. This is not to say that he can respect others' past experience, but that he wants to try to deal with it in his own way.

Is there a relationship between blood type and personality? Blood types of red blood cells are classified according to the apparent antigenicity of red blood cells in blood. According to different antigen types, there are more than 20 common classification systems, and ABO blood group system is only one of them, but it is widely known because it was discovered the earliest and has the closest relationship with blood transfusion. Before the twentieth century, western doctors tried to transfuse blood to patients who had lost too much blood, but this often led to death. 1900, Karl Landsteiner, a researcher at the Austrian Institute of Pathology, found that the failure of blood transfusion was due to the agglutination of red blood cells in some people's serum, but this did not happen in some combinations. The next year, he collected blood samples from his colleagues, tested red blood cells and found that they had two antigens, which he named A antigen and B antigen respectively. Blood with A antigen is called type A, blood with B antigen is called type B, and blood without both antigens is called type C or type zero (later renamed type O). Another year later, two of his students collected more blood samples and found that some of them had both A and B antigens, namely AB type. Plants and microorganisms also have A and B antigens. If there is no antigen in the human body, antibodies against this antigen will appear in the serum after inhalation from food or infection by microorganisms. Therefore, there are anti-B antibodies in type A serum, anti-A antibodies in type B serum, two antibodies in type O serum and no antibodies in type AB serum. The reason of blood transfusion coagulation is that an antibody (anti-A or anti-B) in one serum meets the antigen (A or B antigen) of another red blood cell with different blood group. Therefore, Type A can derive Type A and AB, but only Type A and Type O can be accepted; Type b can be exported to type b and AB, but only type b and o can be accepted; O type can be input to any type, but only O type can be accepted; Type AB can only be lost to type AB, but any type is acceptable. Before blood transfusion, the blood types of blood donors and recipients should be identified, and the blood types without agglutination should be tested in vitro to avoid life-threatening caused by agglutination reaction of blood transfusion. Because of this discovery, Rand Steiner won the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. 1924, F. Bernstein discovered the genetic mechanism of ABO blood group. It is controlled by a pair of alleles (one for each parent) and inherited strictly according to Mendel's genetic law. Alleles A and B are dominant genes, and O is recessive gene, so genotypes AA and AO both show type A, BB and BO show type B, AB shows type AB, and OO shows type O. The blood type of children is not necessarily the same as that of parents, but the blood type of parents determines the only possibility of children's blood type. For example, a type A father and a type A mother can only have one type A or O child. If their children are type B or AB, we can infer that at least one of their parents is not biological, that is, we can exclude the biological father or mother according to the blood type (but we can't confirm it), which is a means for forensic doctors to do paternity test. Later, it was found that genes A, B and O had different variations. At present, 14 A gene (A 1, A2……) 14 B gene and 8 O gene have been found. This important medical discovery was quickly abused. 19 10, Emil von Dungern, Ph.D., University of Heidelberg, Germany, first used blood type as the basis of racism. He claimed that the blood type of pure Europeans is type A, that of pure Asians is type B, or that those Europeans with type B blood are not pure Europeans. 19 19 during the first world war, two polish researchers investigated soldiers and prisoners of different nationalities in Britain and France and found that their blood types were different. On this basis, human beings are divided into three types: Europeans with type A majority, Asians with type B majority, and transitional types. They also painted a picture of human evolution: human ancestors originally had only O-type blood, and later they divided into two different races, A and B. According to this idea, anthropologists who are struggling to find objective standards for dividing races immediately took the investigation of blood group distribution as a lifeline. 1930, at the ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize to Rand Steiner, the chairman of the Nobel Committee praised Rand Steiner's contribution in this way: "Rand Steiner's discovery opened up a new field for studying the certainty of a nation's racial purity." But in the future, all attempts to classify people according to ABO blood type failed. No ABO blood group gene is some kind of > >: >;

AB blood type personality analysis 40 points AB people have a mild attitude, can live in harmony with others and pursue rationality; People who hate duplicity have a strong critical spirit: the brain is easily tired, and some people are weak when they are tired.

1, self-enclosed, keep people away.

Type AB is beyond the category of o family, and type AB people have no o temperament. Most people who are active in important positions in society are members of the O family, which is only in terms of quantity, not quality. Although the number of AB type people is less than O type people, their quality is much better than O type people. But AB is also a compound temperament, so it has the same characteristics as AO and BO, but it is completely different from AO and BO in performance.

Just like the opposite of addition and subtraction, this truth is very simple and can be understood with a little brain. For another example, the opposite of positive action is reaction. In short, this wonderful law of relativity is embodied in everything (except O family). If O temperament is suppressed and cannot be expressed, then according to the law of relativity, something should be expressed relatively.

First of all, AB people are very good at doing transactional work (including dealing with people). Most of them are always kind to others. If you pay attention to the observation, you may find that they seldom show excitement.

Secondly, type AB people don't want to talk more about themselves, not because there is nothing to talk about, but because they can't find the common language they need to talk to other types of people. For example, the general O people think that order is a manifestation of character. Type AB people who have no O temperament think that keeping order can't show their character. Their reason is that the so-called order is completely realized under the control of their own thoughts, that is, when they feel that order is needed, they should do things in an orderly way, and when they don't need it, they don't have to force themselves to do that. Therefore, keeping order is only the embodiment of one's will, not one's character. The same is true of the understanding of "sincerity". Type AB people believe that they should be honest when they should be honest, and there is no need to be honest when they should not be honest. In other words, people can be honest or dishonest, which is completely dominated by their own will at that time, not their personality.

Therefore, AB people hate topics such as "theory of human feelings" and "theory of love". For them, the so-called "love" is just a question of "like" and "dislike". Today, I like you. Even if I have love for you, I don't like you tomorrow, and love will vanish. The problem is as simple as that, far from being as complicated as people describe. As for "human feelings", for them, it is simply an annoying topic. Imposing these topics on themselves is undoubtedly a kind of torture for them, and they find it unbearable ... because of this, they hate endless and crying love and human feelings.

To sum up, we can draw a conclusion that ――AB people are heartless. Thousands of years before the word "cold" appeared in the world, AB people had this cold character.

AB people are cheerful when they are happy, just like the blue sky on the plateau, which makes people feel comfortable and can show extraordinary talents at work. Maybe it's because they are absorbed in their work.

Type AB people can generally create amazing achievements in their work. It can be said that AB type is the type that produces genius.

Type AB people also have distinctive temperament. If people misunderstand them, it will be in trouble. This temperament is cynicism. Talented AB people are smart, but they don't show their talents, but secretly show their ruthless constants and have fun with them. Of course, in most cases, this is not malicious, but a perverted critical spirit.

2, lovers chat more than half a sentence

Type AB's cheerfulness and ability are not often shown, and I don't know why. Type AB seems to be slow to move. Specifically, people of AB type are procrastinating and slow in everything they do, which is similar to neurasthenia of O family. They were born with this characteristic. Type AB is prone to physical fatigue and often looks exhausted on the surface. In fact, they are not really physically tired, but psychologically in a state of not wanting to do anything. ......& gt& gt