Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The dog's shape description composition is 250 words.

The dog's shape description composition is 250 words.

1. The appearance of the puppy is more than 250.

My family has a little white dog. It is covered with snow-white fur and feels soft, like wearing a clean white sweater. A pair of big eyes turn straight, like two black gems; There are small ears on the top of the head, and the nose is flat and often wet. Grandma said that this is a sign of dog health; The pointed tail is very flexible and often swings from side to side, but if you hurt the little white dog, it will bark with its tail between its legs, which is a bit like "running away with its tail between its legs" in the book.

I like watching little white dogs eat best. One day, I took a piece of meat.

The little white dog saw it and ran around me. I spit out the meat, and the little white dog jumped up and bit with his mouth open. Then it presses the meat with its front foot and tears it bit by bit with its teeth. It was really delicious, and it soon fell down.

After eating, it licked its mouth with its tongue, as if remembering the delicious meal just now. Little white dog is also very interesting to sleep. When the weather is warm, the little white dog likes to sleep on the ground, with his front legs extended forward and his hind legs extended backward, or lying comfortably with his feet pointing in the same direction.

When winter comes, the little white dog is afraid of the cold. He buried his head tightly between his legs and curled up to sleep. If the little white dog is happy, he will sleep on all fours and his stomach will swell with breathing.

The little white dog woke up and stretched himself. It stretched out its front feet very long, took a deep breath and arched itself. It's very cute.

Mother sometimes sits in the living room knitting a sweater. When she was not careful, the wool ball rolled to the ground. When the little white dog's ears move, it rushes over like lightning, and its flexible big eyes keep looking for it. Then, when he jumped, he held the ball tightly and played happily. It jumps over, jumps over, rolls the ball to the left, rolls it to the right, and slaps it with its front paws, just like a child playing with a ball. It's really interesting.

2. A 200-word composition describing the puppy's appearance.

My mother bought me a puppy. It's cute. I named it Nana. It has a pair of big black eyes and two big ears, which look like pig ears. When you shake your head, your ears are popping, which is very beautiful. It has a khaki fur and is bare. Touching hands is very comfortable. The small tail is so thin that people like it at first sight. My mother said its name was sausage. It likes eating meat and wolfs it down, as if it hadn't eaten for days. When I see people, I always follow them. Sleep on the sofa, don't let it go to the sofa, it whines like a child, there is no way but to let it go.

I love Nana because it brings endless fun to my life. What about you?

3. The puppy's appearance composition is above 250.

My family has a little white dog. It is covered with snow-white fur and feels soft, like wearing a clean white sweater. A pair of big eyes turn straight, like two black gems; There are small ears on the top of the head, and the nose is flat and often wet. Grandma said that this is a sign of dog health; The pointed tail is very flexible and often swings from side to side, but if you hurt the little white dog, it will bark with its tail between its legs, which is a bit like "running away with its tail between its legs" in the book. I like watching little white dogs eat best. One day, I took a piece of meat. The little white dog saw it and ran around me. I spit out the meat, and the little white dog jumped up and bit with his mouth open. Then it presses the meat with its front foot and tears it bit by bit with its teeth. It was really delicious, and it soon fell down. After eating, it licked its mouth with its tongue, as if remembering the delicious meal just now.

Little white dog is fun to sleep. When the weather is warm, the little white dog likes to sleep on the ground, with his front legs extended forward and his hind legs extended backward, or lying comfortably with his feet pointing in the same direction. When winter comes, the little white dog is afraid of the cold. He buried his head tightly between his legs and curled up to sleep. If the little white dog is happy, he will sleep on all fours and his stomach will swell with breathing. The little white dog woke up and stretched himself. It stretched out its front feet very long, took a deep breath and arched itself. It's very cute.

Mother sometimes sits in the living room knitting a sweater. When she was not careful, the wool ball rolled to the ground. When the little white dog's ears move, it rushes over like lightning, and its flexible big eyes keep looking for it. Then, when he jumped, he held the ball tightly and played happily. It jumps around, rolls the ball to the left, rolls it to the right, and slaps it with its front paws, just like a child playing with a ball. How interesting!

4. Composition describing the puppy's appearance, with more than 200 words and less than 300 words.

I have a very cute puppy.

It has snow-white hair; A thin, short tail is constantly shaking; Two big round eyes reveal soft eyes; Shining like a sparkling pearl; A pair of beautiful ears stand on its head like two mountains. The puppy is not only cute, but also a dutiful patrolman.

One night, we all entered a sweet dream. Since the dog closed his tired eyes and had a good sleep, suddenly, the sound of stones rolling came from the window. The puppy pricked up its ears, opened its bright eyes, stood up and shouted out of the window, "Woof ……" Its loud bark was like a powerful hand, which pulled us back from our dreams. Mother got up anxiously and opened the curtains. It turned out that a lovely stray cat was foraging, and immediately ran away in fear when it saw the light.

We are both ridiculous and exasperating. Isn't he a loyal soldier? My relationship with the puppy is unusual! Every day when I come home from school, it will come out to meet me happily.

The dog followed me for a while, circled around my feet for a while, and led me ahead for a while. Whenever I am unhappy, it always gently bites my foot with its teeth.

Although I didn't feel pain, the answer seemed to make me stop worrying and play with him happily. Because it always makes me throw unhappy things outside the cloud nine and suddenly see the light, so the puppy is my best friend.

5. Describe the dog in about 200 words.

You can kill a big mouse with your mouth! This puppy has strong limbs. It runs fast. It can run two or three miles a minute! The puppy's eyesight is not very good, and he can only see a distance of about a mile.

So, why can it see clearly? Mainly look at its nose. The dog's claws are very sharp, and it won't be long before it can dig a big and round hole.

When the puppy was born, its hair was brown. When it grew up, it was no longer brown, but became dark yellow. This puppy has a very gentle personality.

If you treat it well, it will use your head and legs, as if it were coquetry to you; But if a stranger comes to his house, he will still bark and even jump on you and bite you. It's summer, and on a hot day, dogs can often be seen sticking out their tongues instead of sweating. The reason is simple, that's because the dog's sweat holes grow on the tongue.

Puppies are really loved by everyone and bought with real skills.

6. A composition of 200 words describing the shape of small animals.


Its hair is as soft as a mass of white satin, thin and dense, and it looks like wearing a white fur coat. In the bright sunshine, it looks like a pile of sparkling white cotton balls, very beautiful! The chubby tail is hidden in the fluff, and it is not easy to find it if you don't look carefully. Its head is very small, and its two long ears stick to its head like two big fans. As long as there is any movement, those ears will keep swinging back and forth. Its eyes are particularly beautiful, the size of a small glass ball, and the red light is shining, just like a ruby embedded in white jade; It also has a lovely three-petal mouth, two on the top and one on the bottom. There are two front teeth in your mouth, which will bite badly. There are several thin beards on both sides of the mouth, which always make those two long ears stand straight and look proud.

7. Words describing the appearance of animals (250 words)

Grandma keeps a lot of tropical fish. They come in different shapes and are very attractive.

These tropical fish have their own characteristics. Little Lili fish wears a diamond-encrusted coat, like a beautiful princess, which is very eye-catching; The peacock fish is wrapped in silver and glittering; Kissing fish is always mouth to mouth, in pairs, kissing. There are designs such as snakeskin, tails such as torches, and vendors who are half red and half black. The most interesting thing is the rat fish, with a flat round body, depressed eyes smaller than rice grains and a long black beard on its mouth. Although it is not beautiful at all, it is a veritable "cleaner". It shakes its beard and sweeps around leisurely every day, and swallows a little leftover food when it finds it. Oh, what an idiot! Why not eat delicious food, but eat garbage? This is ridiculous.

What a lovely tropical fish!

8. Pupils write a 200-word composition, describing the puppy's appearance and life habits.

Puppy's appearance: Grandma keeps a lovely local dog at home. Its eyes are as black as ink and watery as two sparkling black gems; Its hair is charming brown and soft to the touch; And those erect triangular ears, as if to say, "No one wants to ruin my home!" " "Never give others trouble, very obedient, but don't be fooled by its superficial phenomenon!

When the puppy was angry: I remember once, it grinned at me, frowned and gasped, and looked at me fiercely, with a terrible hiss in its mouth and weak legs. It came towards me step by step, and I was too scared to move. It growls at me, its tail is still high, and its hair sometimes stands on end, which is a warning. At this time, others should be careful. This is anger. If its forelimbs lie down and its body sits back, it means it is going to attack you.

9. Describe the puppy's appearance+feature fragments of 300 words

A fluffy as snow, a pair of round eyes, always looking around, a wet nose, smelling this and that for a while, as if looking for something, four calves love to run around, busy, it is my neighbor's puppy-Want Want.

Want Want is like a brave security guard. He often stands in front of his house, guarding the gate. Whenever a stranger walks by, the security guard barks, follows the stranger and waits until the stranger leaves before running back. In summer, it sometimes leaves the door open and goes under the big tree to enjoy the cool.

In winter, it lies lazily in front of the house, basking in the sun! Wangwang may have eaten it. It eats everything in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon and at night. Once it ate a few small flowers! That day, my father and I enjoyed the cool in front of our neighbor's house. Suddenly, the puppy barked and ran out. It lay there enjoying the cool. I saw some small flowers in front of me, so I went over and picked them. Seeing Wangwang on the ground, I threw a small flower. It went over to smell it, then ate it, and I threw them away one by one. I touched its head and went back to enjoy the cool.

This is my neighbor's puppy-Wang Wang, an obedient and greedy puppy. Who wouldn't like to see this lovely puppy?

10. Composition describing dogs in summer 250?

Dogs are friends of human beings, representing selflessness, loyalty and loveliness.

"Look, look, how cute that brown puppy is!" I went home with the coffee I just bought, and as soon as I went upstairs, I heard the young lady next door shouting so happily.

Coffee, that's what I call my puppy. Look at it. It is covered with brown hair and red small tongue, and its big eyes are always going round and round.

Do you know that?/You know what? Do you know that?/You know what? The dog's mood is also divided into good and bad! Just say coffee, it will wag its tail at you when it is happy; When it is depressed, it will pull its tail. No matter what you call it, it will simply ignore it. It will really irritate it, and it will keep barking at you!

Coffee hates people stepping on its tail. I remember once, an uncle accidentally stepped on a coffee-sleeping tail. Coffee was very angry and kept yelling at uncle. We coaxed him for a long time and put a ham sausage on him, then he calmed down and hid aside to taste the ham sausage slowly. Do you think the coffee tail can be touched?

Coffee is not only lovely, but also clean. At home, the floor is covered with a layer of white glass brick. When I take coffee out for a walk, I walk on the concrete floor. Coffee has to stand on tiptoe to walk on my toes! Coffee not only likes to walk on tiptoe, but also likes to pee on the road. When I come back, I won't be holding it, because it always runs in front of me, looking for the way home according to its smell!

Some dogs only get close to people they know, but coffee is different. It even wants to say a few words to strangers. As long as someone knocks at the door, the first thing to go is coffee. It will also stand on the shoe rack and "chat" with the guests twice!

I love coffee because it's cute, because it's lively, and maybe because I'm also a dog. I have special feelings for puppies.

But coffee was delivered to my grandmother's house just three months after I arrived at my house. Maybe it's inconvenient because I live on the seventh floor. Maybe …

Although the coffee is no longer in my house, I will go to see it with my parents every three to five days. Now, it can play in the yard and with the neighbor's kitten. In everyone's memory, after going to grandma's house, it always wags its tail happily. ...

How's it going? Is my puppy cute?