Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Lou Zhaojun: The most fertile queen in history, eight children are all characters.

Lou Zhaojun: The most fertile queen in history, eight children are all characters.

Dear friends who are very interested in Lou Zhaojun, I have brought a detailed article for your reference.

In ancient China, the empress was called "the mother of a country", which was a model for all women in the world and the only woman who could compete with the emperor. Therefore, all the concubines in the harem hope that they can rise to the next position one day. But being a queen is a very difficult thing. It requires not only a distinguished family background, but also beauty and wisdom. The most important thing is "birth". There was once a queen who was the most "born". She was pregnant eight times in a row and had strange dreams every time. Finally, she successfully gave birth to two queens and four emperors.

The big queen is Lou Zhaojun. Born in a noble family building, I grew up with a very beautiful family and great wisdom and vision. When she grew up, many prominent families came to ask for relatives, but she refused, and finally chose Gao Huan, a soldier guarding the city gate, as her husband. Many people didn't understand what she did, but it turned out that her eyes were really unique. After marriage, her husband founded the country and became an emperor, and she also became a queen.

What is even more surprising is that she is still very "fertile". Every time she is pregnant, she will have some strange dreams. When the child grows up, she will have twins. It is said that when she was pregnant with her eldest son Gao Cheng, she saw a dragon in her dream. This dragon is very powerful, but its body was cut off. Then her eldest son was born, and she was really smart. When he was a teenager, he became a prime minister and became a real power in the court. It's a pity that this son of hers was assassinated by the servants around him before he could ascend to the throne, and was finally named "Wenxiang Emperor".

When Lou Zhaojun was pregnant for the second time, she dreamed of a magnificent dragon. The dragon was so huge that it could connect heaven and earth from beginning to end. Later, her second son, Gao Yang, became emperor and took "Beiqi" as his country name. At the beginning of her second son's accession to the throne, she implemented many policies to improve people's lives. But the emperor was very cruel in the later period and eventually died of excessive drinking.

When Lou Zhaojun was pregnant with her third son, she dreamed that there was a crawling dragon lying on the ground, which looked very comfortable. When she gave birth to her fifth son, she dreamed that there was a dragon churning in the sea, which set off stormy waves. Later, her two sons became emperors, one was Xiao and the other was Wu Chengdi. However, before the fourth and youngest sons were born, she dreamed that a mouse got into her clothes. Later, both sons only became princes.

When she was pregnant with her daughter, she had the same dream twice in a row, in which she saw the moon fly into her arms. Later, when her daughter grew up, the eldest daughter married to the Northern Wei Dynasty and became the "Queen Yongxi". The youngest daughter married the Eastern Wei Dynasty and became a queen. After knowing the birth history of Lou Zhaojun, I have to feel that she is really the most fertile queen. I'm afraid there is no other queen like her.