Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Ways to overcome psychological inertia

Ways to overcome psychological inertia

Be sure to distinguish the timing of going or staying. When trapped in psychological inertia, many women can't tell when to get rid of the status quo decisively and when to wait patiently for the opportunity, so they often do absurd things such as giving up hard-won jobs easily or blindly divorcing their other half. We should not mistake the caution of waiting for the opportunity for psychological inertia and make hasty decisions.

Only by carefully analyzing the current situation can we distinguish between the time to stay and the time to go. When you feel sorry for your boyfriend's romantic nature, if you don't want to break up, you should try to change your boyfriend's personality. If you continue to maintain the status quo under the premise that your boyfriend has not changed, then you will fall into psychological inertia, just like giving up the job opportunity that you finally found without careful consideration. This is not to break the psychological inertia, but to lack patience.

In fact, anyone has the ability to distinguish psychological inertia. When you have the idea that "this is not the result I want", it means that you have realized the unsatisfactory situation. At this time, if maintaining the status quo is tantamount to painting firmly, then we must find ways to get rid of the status quo. Women with psychological inertia actually want to get rid of it early, but they always doubt their ability and don't have enough confidence to face the result after breaking the inertia. The situation after breaking inertia may not be better than today, so many people will stagnate and take a wait-and-see attitude. They believe that maintaining the status quo will at least not lead to the deterioration of the situation, and there may be a turn for the better. But the result of standing still is often worse. If you don't work hard and have a firm will, you will never break the inertia of thinking.

If you can't bear the current pressure, you must adjust yourself in time and change the status quo. For example, improve the relationship with colleagues and change the frivolous attitude towards work. If your efforts still have little effect, you should get up the courage to break the status quo. Remember, you must never ask friends in the same situation for help.

When Pei Jing's mother was in hospital, the patients in the same ward also put forward many absurd suggestions. Although they all complained about the poor service in the hospital, they found it difficult to transfer to another hospital, so they asked Pei Jing to give up her plan to leave the hospital. Even when Pei Jing actively went through the discharge formalities, these people suddenly changed their attitudes and began to put in a good word for the hospital.

Another feature of psychological inertia is to do everything possible to keep others in the status quo. Mentally inert women are always uneasy when they know that the status quo is unfavorable to them; Most people in the same environment will hesitate to give up and instinctively retain people in the same situation. Asking for help from people in the same boat is like asking an insurance salesman if he should buy insurance. Of course, not all patients in the hospital have bad hearts. It is suggested that Pei Jing's mother continue to be hospitalized, because they suffer from inert diseases and are worried that changing the status quo will only bring worse consequences.

If you feel that life is not satisfactory, you should find a place to change. As the saying goes, "the former officials were honest officials." But I don't think so. Although former officials may be honest officials, honest officials can't prove their integrity just by leaving their posts. There is no direct relationship between incorruptibility and resignation, and incorruptibility depends on the quality of officials themselves. Therefore, in life, we should boldly replace those "incompetent officials."

How to overcome psychological inertia

Inertia and balance

Standing on the bus, it is difficult for us to keep our balance, which is very similar to our situation in the stock market.

For example, cars accelerate, just like the stock market rises; Cars slow down, just like the stock market falls. When the car accelerates, we always lean back; When the car slows down, we always lean forward, and it is always difficult for us to keep our balance. Why? Because of the inertia of the body Our bodies are affected by physical inertia. What about our psychology? Is there psychological inertia? The answer is yes.

When the stock market rises from the bottom, we are always afraid to buy because of previous losses and fears; When the stock market fell from the top, we kept buying because of the previous profit and optimistic atmosphere. This is the result of our psychological inertia. Because of psychological inertia, we will remain optimistic in an optimistic atmosphere and pessimistic in a pessimistic atmosphere.

So how can we overcome psychological inertia? Just think about what we did on the bus. When the car accelerates, we actively lean forward; When the car slows down, we take the initiative to lean back, thus overcoming inertia, and we can keep the balance of our bodies.

Similarly, when the stock market rises, we should overcome psychological fears and take the initiative to increase positions; When the stock market falls, we should overcome our own greed, take the initiative to reduce or even short positions, and maintain our psychological balance in the stock market. Therefore, when the stock market is at a high level, we should be more cautious and less optimistic and blind; When the market is at a low level, we should be more optimistic and less afraid. It is not easy to do this, which requires us to have an absolute understanding of ourselves and overcome our demons. When we are afraid, we will lose our reason, and our feelings will overcome our reason. At this time, what we want to do most is to escape from the battlefield, not to work hard, so the few people who make money in the securities market will always be prisoners of their own psychology. To make money, you must conquer yourself and your emotions.

Combined with the current market, the market is in an accelerated rising period due to the ideal combination of quantity and price. At this time, investors may be afraid to intervene because of the large losses in the early stage, or want to intervene after the market correction. This is what I call the backward effect of psychological inertia. So now we must establish such a concept that the market has reversed and we must take the initiative to add positions. However, due to the financial pressure at the end of the year and previous statistical experience, the probability of a big market at the end of the year is extremely small, and it is not appropriate to enter the market in full position at present. It is necessary to keep half the warehouse. In addition, although the market is reversed, we still have to establish the concept of not buying stocks and not stopping losses. Stop loss is equivalent to our hands. If you really can't keep your balance on the bus, you can grab the handle with your hands, or you will fall down. In the stock market, we all make mistakes sometimes. We are human beings, not gods. We should have our own stop-loss methods to prevent ourselves from being completely eliminated by the market. The author has a very simple stop loss setting method, which is based on the 30-day moving average. As long as the market or individual stocks break through the 30-day moving average, it means that the market or individual stocks have gone bad and must stop.

When everyone is pessimistic, we should keep an optimistic attitude. Night has come, can dawn be far behind?

Stop bad psychological inertia

I have a comrade-in-arms, Mr. Chen, who has been depressed and disheartened for several days because of his unsatisfactory work recently. As a friend, I am very worried about this. So, on a rest day, I hung him up and asked him to climb the Phoenix Mountain. That day, it was raining in Mao Mao, and we gasped and climbed to the top of the mountain, looking at the quiet Putian City at the foot of the mountain, letting the rain drench our faces. It feels so good.

Therefore, I attach an ancient poem by China: "Reach the peak, the other mountains all appear dwarfs under the sky.." Unexpectedly, he spat at Miao Yan: "Alas, it's time for me to stop my bad psychological inertia."

It is a good saying to stop bad "psychological inertia". In our real life, there are indeed many such people: after encountering difficulties and setbacks, they always think that they are the most unfortunate people in the world, and slide in bad "psychological inertia" such as depression for days or even months, which seriously affects the quality of life. In fact, this is completely unnecessary.

When it comes to misfortune, only one person is the most unfortunate. He is fifty years older than him. When he was young, he lived in the streets and made a living by working as a coolie. He was heavily in debt and had an ill-fated life. Although he has been fighting, he is always defeated. He was injured three times on the battlefield and his left hand was amputated. In his later years, he got an incurable disease-edema disease. It was not until he was forty years old that he got a small job as a tax collector, but he was repeatedly framed and imprisoned by the authorities on trumped-up charges. He was sad for this, but he soon broke the bad "psychological inertia" and did not languish for a long time. In prison, somehow, he had a whim-"I want to write a book!" " "Later, his books swept the world. The author of this book is Cervantes, an unfortunate ex-prisoner. This immortal masterpiece is Don Quixote.

The French writer Balzac once said, "Suffering is the teacher of life." Indeed, in the long run, difficulties and setbacks are not necessarily bad for life. We don't have to let bad psychological inertia lead us by the nose at all. When encountering difficulties and setbacks, create some conditions for yourself, such as using leisure time, climbing mountains and overlooking the sea, listening to music and splashing ink. And stop the bad "psychological inertia" in an appropriate way, solve the depressed emotions in time, so as to relax yourself, stabilize your emotions, balance your mentality, restore your reason, retreat for progress, accumulate strength and find a new road to success. In this sense, stopping bad "psychological inertia" is not

It means avoidance, but a turning point for a person to regard difficulties and failures as stones to temper his will and transform his character, face reality squarely, rationally analyze subjective and objective reasons, and move towards new victory.