Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What do the left and right brains control respectively?

What do the left and right brains control respectively?

What do the left and right brains control respectively?

The human brain has 200 billion brain cells, which can store 1000 billion pieces of information. The mind travels at a speed of over 300 miles per hour, and has a staggered loop of over 100 megabytes, generating an average of 4,000 thoughts every 24 hours. It is the most accurate and sensitive organ in the world. It is found that there are countless resources in the brain to be developed, and the average person uses less than 5% of his brain power. What remains to be developed is the key to the development of brain power and potential.

The structure of human brain is divided into brain and cerebellum. The brain consists of cerebral cortex (neocortex), limbic lobe (old cortex), brain stem and brain bundle. The cerebral cortex can be divided into frontal lobe, nie lobe and occipital lobe.

In addition, the brain is divided into left and right halves. The right hemisphere is the "right brain" and the left hemisphere is the "left brain". The left and right brains divide all the structures of the brain equally. The left brain and the right brain have the same shape, but their functions are quite different. Left brain language, that is, using language to process information, converts the information that enters the brain into language to convey, which is quite time-consuming. The left brain mainly controls knowledge, judgment, thinking and so on, which is closely related to self-consciousness.

The five senses of the right brain are hidden at the bottom of the right brain, which can be called "instinctive five senses". They control autonomic nerves and cosmic fluctuations and are related to the subconscious mind. The information received by the right brain through image processing can be processed instantly, so it can simultaneously process a large amount of information (mental arithmetic, speed reading, etc.). It is the performance of the right brain processing information). Most people's right brain senses are controlled and suppressed by the rationality of the left brain, so it is difficult to play the existing potential instinct. However, people who know how to use their right brain flexibly can distinguish colors or emerge images and smells by listening to sounds. Psychologists call this situation "feeling", which is the potential of the right brain.

If the right brain is given a lot of memories, the right brain will automatically process this information and derive creative information. In other words, the right brain has autonomy, can exert its imagination and thinking power, visualize creativity, and has the excellent function of storyteller. If it is the left brain, there is a limit to how hard you rack your brains. But as long as the memory and thinking ability of the right brain are combined, it can be connected with pure thinking and image thinking of the pre-language without language, and the original idea will be magically triggered.

198 1 year, Professor Roger Spencer, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Physiology, classified the functional differences between the left and right brains as follows:

Right brain (instinctive brain, subconscious brain)

1. Visualization function (planning, creativity, imagination)

2.* * * Functions that resonate with the universe (sixth sense, reading ability, insight, intuition, inspiration, dreams, etc.). )

3. Ultra-high-speed automatic calculus function (mental arithmetic, mathematics)

4. Ultra-high-speed mass storage (fast reading and memory)

Left brain (conscious brain)

Intellectuality, knowledge, understanding, thinking, judgment, reasoning, language and inhibition

Five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste)

What do the left and right brains control respectively?

Today, the brain is still a black box for human beings, but with the development of science and technology and the improvement of research methods, people's understanding of the brain has also made great progress. It has been found that people's left and right brains control body parts in opposite directions, that is, if you shoot with your left foot, then the manipulator at this time is your right brain; On the contrary, if you raise your right hand to salute, then the manipulator at this time is your left brain. Moreover, the left and right brains are also in charge of different aspects of thinking activities. The left brain is mainly responsible for language logic thinking such as logic, characters, numbers and analysis, while the right brain is mainly responsible for sensory image thinking such as color, music, imagination and daydreaming. However, the left and right brains are not absolutely separated. They transmit information through the middle corpus callosum. What the right eye sees can be transmitted to the left brain through the corpus callosum, and what the left eye sees can also be transmitted to the right brain through the corpus callosum (pictured). For us normal people, even if we only see an orange in the field of vision of the left eye, the information obtained from the left eye will be input to the right brain, which will quickly judge that it is an orange, and because the information obtained from the left eye will be transmitted to the left brain through the corpus callosum, normal people will quickly report that it is an orange. But for people whose corpus callosum is destroyed, because the information they get from their left eye can't be transmitted to their left brain through the corpus callosum, even if they know it is an orange, they can't say it.

What do the left brain and the right brain control respectively?

The right brain dominates the nerves and senses of the left hemisphere, such as the left hand, left foot and left ear, while the left brain dominates the nerves and senses of the right hemisphere. As shown in experiment 1, the right visual field is connected with the left brain, and the left visual field is connected with the right brain. Because the language center is in the left brain, which mainly completes the thinking and behavior of language, logic, analysis and algebra. The right brain is mainly responsible for intuition, synthesis, geometry and drawing thinking and behavior.

Right brain is the source of innovation ability

If you suddenly realize something that has been puzzling for a long time in your daily work and life, or suddenly become enlightened, it is actually the result of the right brain's potential.

What abilities do the left and right brains control respectively?

The right brain dominates the nerves and senses of the left hemisphere, such as the left hand, left foot and left ear, while the left brain dominates the nerves and senses of the right hemisphere. As shown in experiment 1, the right visual field is connected with the left brain, and the left visual field is connected with the right brain. Because the language center is in the left brain, which mainly completes the thinking and behavior of language, logic, analysis and algebra. The right brain is mainly responsible for intuition, synthesis, geometry and drawing thinking and behavior.

The human brain has 200 billion brain cells, which can store 1000 billion pieces of information. The mind travels at a speed of over 300 miles per hour, and has a staggered loop of over 100 megabytes, generating an average of 4,000 thoughts every 24 hours. It is the most accurate and sensitive organ in the world. It is found that there are countless resources in the brain to be developed, and the average person uses less than 5% of his brain power. The remaining part to be developed is the key to the performance of brain power and potential.

The structure of human brain is divided into brain and cerebellum. The brain consists of cerebral cortex (neocortex), limbic lobe (old cortex), brain stem and brain bundle. The cerebral cortex can be divided into frontal lobe, nie lobe and occipital lobe.

In addition, the brain is divided into left and right halves. The right hemisphere is the "right brain" and the left hemisphere is the "left brain". The left and right brains divide all the structures of the brain equally. The shape of the left brain is the same as that of the right brain, but the working top is quite different. Left brain language, that is, using language to process information, converts the information that enters the brain into language to convey, which is quite time-consuming. The left brain mainly controls knowledge, judgment, thinking and so on, which is closely related to self-consciousness.

The five senses of the right brain are hidden at the bottom of the right brain, which can be called "instinctive five senses". They control autonomic nerves and cosmic fluctuations and are related to the subconscious mind. The information received by the right brain through image processing can be processed instantly, so it can simultaneously process a large amount of information (mental arithmetic, speed reading, etc.). It is the performance of the right brain processing information). Most people's right brain senses are controlled and suppressed by the rationality of the left brain, so it is difficult to play the existing potential instinct. However, people who know how to use their right brain flexibly can distinguish colors or emerge images and smells by listening to sounds. Psychologists call this situation "feeling", which is the potential of the right brain.

If the right brain is given a lot of memories, the right brain will automatically process this information and derive creative information. In other words, the right brain has autonomy, can exert its imagination and thinking power, visualize creativity, and has the excellent function of storyteller. If it is the left brain, there is a limit to how hard you rack your brains. But as long as the memory and thinking ability of the right brain are combined, it can be connected with pure thinking and image thinking of the pre-language without language, and the original idea will be magically triggered.

198 1 year, Professor Roger Sperry, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medical Physiology, classified the functional differences between the left and right brain as follows:

Right brain (instinctive brain, subconscious brain)

1, 1. Visualization function (planning, creativity, imagination)

2.* * * Functions that resonate with the universe (sixth sense, reading ability, insight, intuition, inspiration, dreams, etc.). )

3. Ultra-high-speed automatic calculus function (mental arithmetic, mathematics)

4. Ultra-high-speed mass storage (fast reading and memory)

Left brain (conscious brain)

1, 2. Intellectuality, knowledge, understanding, thinking, judgment, reasoning, language and inhibition

Five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste)

What do the left and right brains control respectively?

With the development of intelligence more and more deeply rooted in people's hearts, more parents and friends began to realize the difference in the division of labor between the left and right brains. Today, everyone will come with me to understand this problem. The function of the left brain controls balance, language speed, conceptual memory, numerical judgment, analytical ability, logical reasoning, etc. The left brain controls the movements, immunity and dreams on the right side of the body, and the left brain feels what it sees and hears. In addition, logical thinking ability is also controlled by the left brain. As for the control of balance, the left and right brains are more developed. The function of the right brain The right brain mainly controls the perception of music, pictures, paintings and geometric figures, as well as the imagination related to them. Many people with artistic achievements tend to have developed right brains. The right brain controls the activities of the left side of our human body, and it is intuitive and quick, mainly controlling our conscious attention ability. These are the functions controlled by the left and right brain respectively. As parents, we must pay attention to the development of children's right brain in this early education era.

Does the left hand control the left brain or the right brain respectively?

The left brain focuses on language, logic and mathematics.

The right brain focuses on images, music and sports.

One of the methods.

Because the left hand is controlled by the right brain, as long as you exercise your left hand more, if you eat with your left hand and take things with your left hand, as long as you exercise more, your right brain will reach a high height in two days.

Method 2

listen to more music

Children with developed right brains don't like handwriting or reading word for word. Surprisingly, right-brained children have an unimaginable memory of the content when reading a book, just like taking pictures with a camera, they will store the corresponding content in their brains in the form of graphic images.

There are still many children who are not used to sitting and studying quietly. They will constantly move their bodies and make various movements, so as to obtain good learning results. Although in the eyes of parents, right-brained students seem to have an incorrect learning attitude and don't work hard, they are actually learning in their own way. Although this kind of children have outstanding imagination and creativity, their learning effect is also obvious. Want to know more, please log on to the right brain development network!

What is the difference between the left brain and the right brain? Control what separately?

About the reason why you use the left brain or the right brain, about whether you use the left brain or the right brain. Men use their brains according to the different division of labor between the right brain and the left brain; In contrast, women can use both left and right brains at the same time; Unfortunately, women who used to be able to use their left and right brains flexibly at the same time had to rely on the left brain to think gradually because they had to face the competition of men in the workplace and the drag of housework and children. Put the sensitive right brain into deep sleep. You must have heard: male brain = left brain, female brain = right brain. This is why men and women always think each other is an incredible alien, so it is sometimes difficult for male and female colleagues to communicate at work; In life, even a harmonious couple will have great contradictions. Ladies, who have always been able to use their left and right brains flexibly, why have they gradually become a single brain MM with only the left brain? This is because women in the workplace face the same work and social pressure as men, forcing them to use a more rational left brain. Besides, there is a flood of information everywhere. If the brain lacks three-dimensional function, it can't process a lot of surging information in a short time. Busy life makes it difficult for us to have a chance to calm down and feel everything around us. Intuition and inspiration are getting farther and farther away from us. Different brains? The biggest difference between male and female brains is mainly the structure of cerebral cortex. The left and right brain functions of human beings are different, and the right brain has curiosity and creativity. The left brain follows its own consistent principle and has three-dimensional function. The work of the brain is also divided into men and women. The communication ability of female brain is particularly developed. They are meticulous and sensitive, and they can understand each other's psychology by observing their words and feelings, and their intuition is also very sensitive. From the structural point of view, the brain wave bundles of the left and right brains of women are thicker than those of men, so the left and right brains can be used smoothly at the same time. Is there any difference in men's brains? This can be traced back to ancient times. When human beings were still in the flood era, men's main job was hunting, so men's brains gradually developed in the activities of adapting to hunting. Their brains develop spatial and directional cognitive abilities, which can judge the distance between prey, which is why men have a stronger sense of direction than women. Men should not be too happy! Because men habitually use one side of the brain for a long time, their language expression ability and understanding ability are far inferior to those of women. The ratio of memory ability is 1: 1 ten thousand. If we can know how to enhance memory and put it into practice, our use of the brain will also change, the brain will become more flexible, and the functions that were originally slow to respond will begin to accelerate. In this way, children with low learning ability can improve their memory; Adults, on the other hand, greatly reduce the risk of dementia and can keep sharp thinking for a long time. The human brain is divided into upper and lower parts. The upper part is controlled by surface consciousness, and the lower part is controlled by deep consciousness. The work contents of these two kinds of consciousness are completely different. People usually use external surface consciousness instead of deep consciousness, but excellent memory actually exists in our deep consciousness. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, with surface consciousness in the left hemisphere and deep consciousness in the right hemisphere. Usually, we think it is very important to achieve the purpose of understanding by reciting, but the act of understanding only uses our superficial brain. A lot of repeated reading and reciting can help us open the memory circuit from the surface brain to the deep brain, thus improving the quality of memory. Shallow memory occurs in the shallow brain and will soon disappear without a trace. And through the deep memory circuit, the quality of the brain will change. The deep memory circuit is connected with the right brain. Once this circuit is opened, it will be connected with the memory circuit of the right brain to form a "quality" memory. The memory circuit of the left brain is low-speed memory and the right brain is high-speed memory, which are completely different in nature. The left brain memory is a kind of "bad memory", while the right brain memory is amazing and has the ability to "never forget". These two kinds of memories are simply 1: 1 ten thousand! However, although we humans have such a magical right brain, ordinary people only use the left brain that works with "inferior memory". Their right brain has been sleeping, so people have been using their brains wrongly.

What do the left and right brains control respectively?

Develop the right brain

Division of labor between human brain and brain

In the United States, Dr. sperry, who won the annual medical biology prize 198 1, made a famous experiment. Dr. sperry cut off the patient's brain wave beam at the junction of his left and right brain, then blocked his left field of vision and put a picture or graph on his right field of vision for the patient to see. The patient can explain in words what the figure or thing in the picture is. But if numbers, words and objects are displayed in the left vision, even if the reading method is simple, he can't say their names in words.

Through experiments, the scene of division of labor between two human brains becomes clearer and clearer. The left brain has a language center to understand language, while the right brain has a corresponding music center to receive music. This is obvious from the shape difference between the left and right brains. Secondly, the left brain of the language center is connected with human consciousness. If you hit the left brain, people's consciousness will immediately become blurred.

The right brain dominates the nerves and senses of the left hemisphere, such as the left hand, left foot and left ear, while the left brain dominates the nerves and senses of the right hemisphere. As shown in experiment 1, the right visual field is connected with the left brain, and the left visual field is connected with the right brain. Because the language center is in the left brain, which mainly completes the thinking and behavior of language, logic, analysis and algebra. The right brain is mainly responsible for intuition, synthesis, geometry and drawing thinking and behavior.

Right brain is the source of innovation ability

If you suddenly realize something that has been puzzling for a long time in your daily work and life, or suddenly become enlightened, it is actually the result of the right brain's potential.

Most of the memories of the human brain are stored in the right brain in the form of blurred images, just like the working principle of video tapes. Information is recorded in the right brain in the form of pictures or images, just like film. The so-called thinking is the process that the left brain observes the image depicted by the right brain while symbolizing and linguistizing domineering. Therefore, the left brain has a strong tool, which is responsible for transforming the image thinking of the right brain into language.

Ains, known as a genius, once said, "When I think about a problem, I don't think with words, but with the image of jumping activities." When this kind of thinking is finished, I will make great efforts to translate it into language. "It can be seen that when we think, we first need the right brain to draw a specific image through nonverbal' information belt' (memory storage).

What is the innovative ability or creativity strongly demanded by modern society? In fact, it is to connect the intelligence information that is considered irrelevant in the mind. The ability to connect. The greater the distance between such irrelevant information, the more novel and strange the idea of connecting them. People can't create information, so creativity is the process of reprocessing existing information. Therefore, if the intuitive, comprehensive and vivid thinking function of the right brain itself plays a role, and the left brain cooperates well, new ideas can be continuously generated.

Left-brained people will be replaced by computers.

At present, the left brain of China people is overloaded, the right brain is idle and wasted, and their thinking tends to converge. What they do is either "rushing" or "across the board". This kind of left-brain thinking mode has produced adverse consequences such as repeated convergence and vicious competition on the industrial structure, productivity layout, investment direction and business model of enterprises or companies, and even everyone's mental model and lifestyle.

With the rapid popularization of computers today, what are the requirements for each of us in the era of knowledge economy? In short, he said, "everyone should be able to adapt to the way the brain is used in the computer age." As mentioned earlier, people have left and right brains, and computers can just replace the left brain, such as Windows95 system, which can organize words and edit articles well and replace some language functions of the left brain. Computers were originally made to replace human logic, calculation, language processing and analysis, which are exactly the work of the left brain. With the rapid development and upgrade of computer function and software technology, the function of computer will far exceed the function of human left brain.

In order to make a breakthrough in the fiercely competitive buyer's market, to stand out among talents, and to creatively open up new development paths for enterprises, everyone, especially managers, entrepreneurs, planners and salespeople engaged in mental work, must fully activate, develop and use their right brains, and must turn their brains to innovative planning, comprehensive judgment, planning, analysis and understanding that computers cannot do. It can be seen that whether modern people use computers in real life or not, they must pay attention to the development and use of the right brain. ......

What are the left and right brains responsible for?

The left brain is like an orator, good at language and logical analysis; Like a scientist, he is good at abstract thinking and complex calculation, but rigid, lacking humor and rich emotions.

The right brain, like an artist, is good at nonverbal thinking of images and intuition, and has extraordinary perceptual ability for artistic activities such as music, art and dance, and has a strong spatial imagination. Not good at words, but full of creativity, sensibility, humor and human touch.