Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 constellation rival in love

12 constellation rival in love

12 constellation rival in love

Love between rival in love 12 constellation, constellation is an ancient and mysterious knowledge. The romance of the constellation is that it is the trace of the sun passing by. Constellations can reflect a person's personality to a great extent. This constellation is cold to many people. I have carefully sorted out my rivals in 12 constellation, hoping to help you.

12 constellation competitor 1 Aries

Aries is strong and straightforward, most afraid of meeting rival lovers who are good at intrigue. Aries will never back down, without fear. If you meet an opponent who can only stab you in the back, Aries will soon be defeated and there is no chance to turn over.

Taurus constellation

Taurus is stable, conservative and frank. When Taurus meets a romantic rival who can make small moves, Taurus will be completely defeated in an instant, because it is not a problem for Taurus to pay labor and money for lovers, but Taurus is really not good at romance with the other half.


Gemini naturally likes the wind, does not like being bound, is versatile and full of fresh ideas, and is usually not afraid of being eliminated by the other half, because Gemini usually eliminates the other half. However, when Gemini meets a faster, more versatile and more avant-garde opponent, Gemini will panic.

Cancer constellation

Cancer can't stand any rival in love. Cancer is super sensitive, and it is easy to hesitate and shrink back in the face of love. Even if there is no rival in love, a look and a word from the other side will make Cancer lose confidence, so Cancer will never dare to fight with rival in love.

Le Signe du Lion

When a lion is in love, he doesn't know much about how to play the role of lover, but he is good at being the leader of the other half. Overbearing lions are most afraid of meeting gentle opponents, because they have advantages that lions don't have. In the face of this opponent, the tyrant characteristics of the lion are more prominent.


When a virgin is in love, she constantly criticizes each other, like an expert who likes to express various opinions. If a virgin meets a tolerant rival in love, she will be more nagging and forced, but she can't restrain her poisonous tongue and will lose in front of the tolerant rival in love.


Libra is very demanding of lovers and has a lot of face. Frankly speaking, Libra is a bit vain. In fact, Libra is not afraid to meet an opponent who is stronger than herself, because Libra is afraid to meet an ordinary rival in love, and an ordinary and pragmatic rival in love is more lethal to Libra.


Scorpio loves like a madman, and the other half is crazy with him. Most people can't stand Scorpio's madness. Of course, there are also a few people who love Scorpio so much, so dare to love and hate Scorpio, but after a long time, they can't stand it. Therefore, Scorpio is most afraid of meeting a rival who is willing to accept a dull life. In front of that rival in love, Scorpio is simply mentally ill.


Sagittarius is used to freedom and careless when in love. He often ignores the feelings of the other half, either saying something wrong or doing something wrong. If the shooter meets a careful and patient rival in love, he will definitely lose, because in front of the careful rival in love, the shooter's heart and nerves are as thick as steel bars, and he can't stand it.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Capricorn is a workaholic, so you can put love aside for your career. If Capricorn meets a lover who knows how to fall in love, he will put his career aside and actively take time out to accompany his partner. Capricorn will definitely lose miserably.

Aquarius constellation

Aquarius's thoughts and behaviors are weird enough. When you are in love, the romance of Aquarius often makes the other half a little confused. It is normal for Aquarius couples not to catch water bottles. Therefore, Aquarius may lose as long as it meets a normal-thinking opponent.


Pisces likes to play poetic when they are in love, and sometimes the whole relationship is very dramatic. Being the other half of Pisces is really helpless. It seems that it is not enough to have someone to accompany you. It is too tiring to have someone to accompany you. Therefore, Pisces is most afraid of meeting a pure rival in love. Compared with that rival in love, Pisces is simply a grinding demon.

12 constellation 2 Aries rival in love

Being competitive, not giving up and possessive are the characteristics of Aries. If you and she fall in love with the same man, show her your determination to win, even if she doesn't love you deeply, she will fight you to the death, big deal. Coping tactics: never be humble, never give up, especially if you don't confront her head-on. You might as well be loose outside and tight inside, and pretend that nothing has happened on the surface is the best way.

Taurus constellation

Everything is slow and easy to face, so Taurus always gives people a sense of security. It is a good place for men to pursue a quiet harbor. Such a rival in love is the hardest to send away. How to deal with it: you can't give your rival a chance to play an advantage, nor can you give your lover room to choose slowly. Get rid of her before they have time to develop.


Gemini's mood swings are relatively large, and he is moody. Her inflexible personality made her write everything on her face, which was entirely the work of older children. How to deal with it: implement targeted strategies, collect all the information about her purposefully, and then show your cards to your boyfriend. But doing so will waste a lot of your time and make you a "villain". Even if you win in the end, is it worth it?

Cancer constellation

Cancer is very fighting, neither soft nor hard; Even if you are defeated, don't give up, pester your boyfriend and try every means to achieve the goal of "never giving up". Coping tactics: keep changing and let her "jump up and down". People who love you will eventually find your gentleness.

Le Signe du Lion

Leo is very domineering, doing things with a "king's demeanor", spending a lot of money, pursuing perfection in everything, and demanding of lovers is also extremely high. Coping tactics: confess her boyfriend's shortcomings, even disdain herself, and prepare to give up and let her do it herself.


Virgo has his own opinions and is not easily influenced by others; Once you meet a lover, you will take the initiative to pursue it. Coping tactics: in the face of aggressive rival in love, you have only two ways: one is more active and persistent than her; One is to put it down automatically, depending on your boyfriend's position in your mind.


Libra is cheerful, optimistic and open-minded, likes to make friends, is ready to help others, and often acts as a "good person" in the circle of friends. Coping tactics: A good rival in love only needs to threaten to spread "rumors" about her in social circles, and she will naturally surrender.


This constellation is full of emotion, competitive and must be the best in love. If you know there is a third party, you will completely overthrow the other party. Coping methods: avoid, fluky psychology. Why argue with her?


Sagittarius has only three minutes of enthusiasm for people, sometimes just for recreation or killing time, and feelings are no exception. How to deal with it: you don't have to worry about such a rival in love at all. Even if you do nothing, after a while, she will say "yes" to your boyfriend.

Capricorn palace. Compare CAPRICORNUS

Capricorn is like a politician in love. He will carefully analyze the situation on how to capture a man and keep his heart step by step. Coping method: cut the gordian knot and end the relationship clearly, otherwise you will be hurt by procrastination.

Aquarius constellation

There are joys and sorrows when you meet your rival in Aquarius. The good news is that they are more generous to their feelings. See if you accept sharing a man with you. But because of her generosity, it is likely to show your meanness. So as to win the respect of her boyfriend. How to deal with it: don't play tricks on this type of rival. You should pretend to be weak, make friends with her first, and then tell her the bad side of your boyfriend in front of her, completely changing his impression in her mind, inadvertently.


The most fatal weakness of Pisces is inferiority and cowardice, just like the image of a "little woman". Her feminine and submissive appearance can often arouse a man's natural desire for protection, so he is reluctant to let her go. How to deal with it: Since your boyfriend can't bear to part, you should make a determined effort, use the most ruthless language and the most evasive way to force her to leave and let her retreat. She usually plays the role of the victim.