Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - In Harry Potter, there are many basic common sense that fans should know. How many can you list?

In Harry Potter, there are many basic common sense that fans should know. How many can you list?

"Magic" has become a very popular word since the publication of Ms. JK Rowling's "Harry Potter" series. The recently published novel "harry potter and the half-blood prince" and the recently premiered movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" make this magic burn even more vigorously. However, even if you know what Dumbledore and Muggles mean, it can't prove that you have a complete understanding of the magical world of Harry Potter. To become an expert, you need to master at least the following interesting little common sense. 1. When Arthur Wesley took Harry and his friends into the Ministry of Magic building, they had to enter the password on the telephone keyboard. The password was 62442. If you compare the keyboard of your mobile phone, you will find that the letters represented by these five numbers can just spell the word "magic", which is "magic". 2. If a muggle accidentally walks to the location of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he will only see an ancient ruin marked with the words "Dangerous buildings, please stay away". 3. Natalie MacDonald, who appeared in the novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (English version) on page 159, is a real person. Her prototype is a nine-year-old girl in Duolun, Canada. She has leukemia and is dying. She wrote to JK Rowling asking about the plot of the next Harry Potter novel, because she might not wait for the new book to come out. Ms Rowling replied to an email, but Natalie died before that day. In order to remember this loyal little reader, Rowling wrote her as a freshman at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in her fourth novel, and sorting hat assigned her to Gryffindor, a college symbolizing inner courage. Since then, Rowling has also visited McDonald's home during her trip to Canada to promote her new book. Voldemort is definitely not Harry Potter's father! Someone once asked Rowling this question, and her answer was: "You must have watched too many Star Wars movies." Hermione's patron saint is the otter, because Ms. Rowling likes otters herself, and Hermione has many images of herself. 6. The driver and conductor of Knight Bus are Ernie and Stanley respectively, which are the names of Ms. Rowling's grandfather and grandfather.

The magician found that garden gnomes are harmful animals because they eat the roots of plants and dig holes like moles. 8. Quidditch originated from the Quidditch swamp in 1 1 century. This place name can't be found on the map of Muggles, because magicians have enchanted this place, so that it can't be marked on the map. At first, only one kind of ghost fly ball was played on the broom handle. 9. Naughty twin brothers Fred and George invented many strange magic toys, but their birthday is the stupidest day of the year-April Fool's Day on April 1. 10. Sirius Black, the godfather of Harry Potter, is named after the brightest constellation in the sky, also known as the "big dog" constellation. The name is perfect for him, because whenever he performs Ani maggs transfiguration, he always turns into a huge black dog. 1 1. Harry Potter's mother's name was Lily Evans before she married james potter. She has nothing to do with Mark Evans, another character in the book. 12. Peeves is neither a living person nor a ghost, but an immortal spirit. He likes to play some practical jokes, such as turning on the chandelier or throwing crutches for fun. 13. Dementors can't reproduce, but they can grow like mushrooms and of course rot. 14. Dumbledore means "buzzing bee" in old English. Ms. Rowling said that she thought the word was very suitable for the headmaster of Hogwarts, because "he loves music, and my imaginary Dumbledore is humming around."

15. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, students can accept at most 12 as an ordinary wizard. 16. Usually, children can go to Hogwarts at the age of 1 1. Before that, they can be educated at home, because children under this age are likely to use magic on Muggle students at school. For example, the Wesley brothers study with Mrs. Wesley at home. 17. The four schools of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry correspond to the four elements of nature, Gryffindor stands for fire, Ravenclaw stands for air, Hufflepuff stands for earth and Slytherin stands for water. 18. members of the order of the phoenix communicate with each other through their respective patrons, which was invented and taught by Dumbledore. The patron saint is a very convenient messenger, because it can effectively resist the dark magic and will not be hindered by any physical objects, and everyone's patron saint is unique, so there is no need to doubt who sent each patron saint. Dumbledore's patron saint is a phoenix. 19. Professor Flitwick is short because his family is descended from goblins, perhaps starting with his great-great grandfather. 20. dean thomas always thought he was a muggle, because he was raised by his mother and stepfather, and his father left home when Dean was very young. But he didn't know that his father didn't reveal his identity as a wizard to protect his wife, and later he was killed by Voldemort because he refused to join the ranks of death eaters. 2 1. There are about 3000 wizards in Britain. 22. Harry Potter didn't really understand the meaning of death until he was in the fifth grade at Hogwarts. Only then could he see a winged animal like a horse. Because when his parents died, Harry, who was still a baby, only saw the green light flashing. In the first grade, Harry had a fight with Professor Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, for the sorcerer's stone, but he didn't see Professor Quirrell faint and die. Only when cedric diggory witnessed himself dying under Voldemort's "Abada Death Curse" in the Triwizard Tournament did he experience death for the first time. 23. At Hogwarts, Colin Clive's camera is not powered by batteries, but by magic, and then the photos are developed with magic developer, so that people in the photos can come and go at will. 24. puffskein, a magical creature, likes to eat goblins best. Puffs look like a fluffy yellow ball. When it finds food, it will stretch out its long tentacles to hunt. 25. albus dumbledore has a brother named Aberforth, who is the owner of Pig's Head Bar in Hogsmeade Village. 26. There are ten kinds of dragons in Harry's magical world.

27. There are three currencies in the wizarding world, namely, 29 copper knuts for a silver tin (sickle) and 17 silver tin for a gold gallon, which is equivalent to about 5 pounds of Muggle currency, but the exchange rate is constantly changing. 28. Hermione's pet cat Crookshanks is not an ordinary cat. It's half cat and half raccoon. Cat raccoon is a very clever cat-like animal. It can quickly smell suspicious objects and make very fierce gestures to them. Once it has a deep affection with the wizard, it will be an ideal pet. 29. The Death Eaters used to be called knights of volpe Gith. 30. Harry Potter's middle name is James, Hermione's is Jane, and Ginny's is Molly. Like her mother's name, Ron's middle name is Bilius. 3 1. Hermione's wand is the tendon of the dragon's heart, Harry's wand is the tail feather of a phoenix (and it comes from the same phoenix as Voldemort's wand), and Ron's wand is the hair of a unicorn. In this way, the wands of the three of them include all kinds of wands in Ollivander's shop. Wizards also need to spend money, because the laws of the wizarding world stipulate what can and cannot be changed by magic, and the objects created by magic cannot last. Magic can't bring the dead back to life, so no matter how powerful a magician Harry becomes, he can't bring his parents back to him. 34. In the sixth novel harry potter and the half-blood prince, the Quidditch team of Gryffindor College recruited a new pursuer-Degmer Robins, whose name comes from Degmer Za Children's Hospital, which is popular with Daniel Reid Crever. 35. The birthdays of JK Rowling, her Harry Potter and Daniel Reid Clever, the actor of Harry Potter, are all on July 3rd1.

36. The founders of the four Hogwarts colleges Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are Godric, Helga, Tam and salazar, respectively. Hagrid, the doorman at Hogwarts, once enchanted his cousin Dudley to grow a tail before taking Harry to school. The Dursleys went to Muggle Hospital for help, but the doctor cautiously said that there was no rule of law for this tumor. 38. The animals transformed by the magician through Ani maggs's transfiguration often represent my own personality characteristics. "Nick with almost no head" is the resident ghost of Gryffindor. Was beheaded for "medical accident" That night, when he was walking, he met a lady Griff and asked her to help correct her teeth. As a result, she grew a fangs. Nick was punished. When he was punished, the executioner had to cut his head with a blunt axe because he couldn't find a sharpening stone. From then on, he was called "Sir Nick with almost no head". 40. Azkaban is a prison for guilty wizards. It is located on an island in the north of Beihai. It is closely guarded by dementors. Because dementors can absorb people's happiness, prisoners in Azkaban often go insane or even die. Sirius Black was the only prisoner who escaped from Azkaban alive.

4 1. Hogwarts' magic quill can sense the birth of every child with magical talent and record his or her name. According to this list, Professor McGonagall, vice president of Hogwarts, will send an owl to the child when he reaches 1 1 year old. 42. At the same time that mankind experienced the Second World War, a great war broke out in the wizarding world. 1945, Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, finally defeated dark wizard Grindelwald. In the same year, Hitler's Third Reich also ended in destruction. Ron was very surprised when he heard that tom riddle (Voldemort's name when he was at Hogwarts) had won the special contribution award from Hogwarts. He joked, "Maybe his contribution was the murder of' crying Myrtle', which really helped everyone." In fact,' crying Myrtle' did die at the hands of Voldemort, who killed her through the basilisk in the secret room. 44. Ron's little sister Ginny's name is not Virginia, but Ginef. 45. Penny of Harry Potter doesn't look like a simple person, but she is not a "dumb gun" (especially those who are born in a magician's family but can't use magic themselves). Harry has been told that he "inherited his mother's eyes". Lily potter's eyes are green with brown, and this facial feature of Harry will play a key role in the development of the story. When Dumbledore heard the news that Voldemort was resurrected by Harry's blood, there was a kind of "victory light" in his eyes, which might mean that the Dark Lord had personally branded his destiny. 48. If Ms. Rowling wants to write the eighth Harry Potter, she will write an encyclopedia of the wizarding world, with characters that have never appeared in previous books as the background. West Ham United is the only football club team mentioned in the Harry Potter series. This is a tribute to Rowling's old friend Troy, who likes this team best. In the fourth novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Troy and two other old friends, Moran and quigley, become Quidditch. 50.JK Rowling is one book short of finishing the whole Harry Potter series, but she has finished the last chapter ahead of schedule, and the last word is "scar".

Emma casting Emma. Guess what & lt Harry Potter >; The cast is coming to vote! Choose Hermione! "Emma's deskmate Bobby said in drama class. "Really?" Emma's eyes suddenly lit up. "Is that the little wizard Harry Potter? I have read every book by JK Rowling! When "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was first sold, my father went to the queue early in the morning to buy it! I just love it Are we going to make a movie now? Emma said happily, "Of course! "I'm auditioning at this moment ..." Miss Emma, you won the best recitation award at the age of seven. Can you recite one for us? " "Of course," Emma stood up and recited a poem by Shelley. She saw all the people in the office smiling. "So, can you perform this paragraph? "Emma took over the script." You just have to act it out in your own way. This is when Hermione cast a spell on Neville. Emma thought that when she played the witch on Halloween, she said "all petrified" with her wand in the air. Then she walked by reluctantly and said, "I'm sorry, Neville." Oh, very good. They say, wait for the notice at home. (Obviously, Emma passed the first round) At this time of the final-Emma was as calm as ever. "Miss Emma," director Columbus said after the test, "I have to tell you." Emma's heart seemed to jump into her throat. You won the role of "hermione granger". Congratulations on joining our magical world! "Emma Mimi shook hands with the director. After a while, she let out a scream,' I see!' Emma grabbed Lunge's hand and said, Yes, Mr. Columbus smiled and said,' It's you, little witch, scream loudly! Emma opened her mouth and couldn't scream, so she turned and ran out. Just like Hermione. You really picked the right one! The director said.

When I first met Daniel Rupert, Emma rushed out of the room and said to her mother and father,' I know! "Emma jumped again. The director came up to Emma's parents and said, "Excuse me, please allow me to let this little witch meet other little wizards. "Emma was taken to another room by director Columbus, and two boys were sitting on the sofa. (At this time, director Columbus whispered: Daniel was so excited that he cried when he learned that he got the role of Harry. As soon as he calmed down, Rupert knew that he had spent a long time talking while playing Ron. "Harry and Ron! "Emma shouted." "It seems that I have chosen the right person," shouted Columbus, the director. Please introduce me to each other. I'm going out for a while. "Hello, my name is Daniel Jacob Radcliffe, and I am 1 1 year old this year." Daniel said gracefully, "My name is Rupert Grint, and I am 12 years old." "Lu hurriedly said this is amazing! My god, it seems that magic really exists! Everyone nearby leaned in, and Mr. Columbus pointed to the children and said, "Look, they appear in the camera together, as if Rowling wrote according to their appearance!" Director Columbus was very excited.

3. That's how the movie was made! Emma thought that all the scenes of Hogwarts were shot in a castle, and it was not until the crew knew that it was actually a Hogwarts. The exterior of the castle and Quidditch were filmed in Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, and Gloucester Cathedral was used to photograph the corridors of Hogwarts. All kinds of courses are taken at Oxford University, and the infirmary at Hogwarts is built in the corridor of Oxford University. Harry released the giant in the reptile hall of the London Zoo in order to cooperate with the film promotion. The company also hung a chapter on platform 9 of Hogwarts train, which was conceived by our Ms. Rowling. In the scene with Voldemort, Dan (as people call him) wants to talk to a big balloon and then synthesize it.

4.3 The little actor met Rowling for the first time. "Who is that lady? She has been staring at us. " Emma saw a slim blonde standing not far from them and smiling at them. "oh! It's Ms. Rowling! " Dan exclaimed, she is; Author! "Emma is looking at the magic mother carefully. She has come over." We meet again, Daniel. "She touched Daniel's head." Rupert, you look taller again. "Rowling said to Rupert with a smile." It must be Miss Emma standing next to me. "Ms. Rowling said kindly to Emma." "I'm Emma," Emma said excitedly. I like reading your books. "Mr. Columbus," Rowling said to the director who came up, "it's amazing that you can find such a suitable child. ""Emma, "she looked Emma in the eye." Maybe someone said it, but I still want to say that you really look like Hermione, but you are cuter. Hermione was a little serious in the first film. I hope you can make our Hermione cute and use your magic well. """Emma paused." Can I do magic? ""Yes, every child knows about magic ... but they haven't found it. " Ms Rowling blinked naughtily.

5. Premiere 200 1 year 1 1 month 4, the much-watched premiere was finally held in London. The premiere was held in the famous "Leather Square" theatre in London. Because it was the world's first large-scale premiere after September 1 1. Emma \ Director Columbus \ Ms Rowling \ Daniel Rupert and other actors walked into the theater. The director told Emma that the premiere was broadcast on all radio stations in Britain at the same time. "So?" Emma said a little excitedly, "Yes," and Mr. Columbus laughed heartily. They have been waiting for us for a long time. "Emma wore a long gray dress and a fox shawl at the premiere. Daniel is wearing a black suit; Rupert dresses casually. " Oh, Madonna! Kate Winsky! "Emma couldn't help crying when she saw these big stars greeting the director." "Honey, you are the protagonist tonight," richard harris, who plays Dumbledore, said to Emma, but they are all big stars ... of course, I mean, you are also big stars, and we are just children ... Emma blushed. Mr. Harris smiled and took Emma's hand and walked side by side with her. "Son, you are not." ...........

6. Dumbledore in heaven (I want to cry, why grandpa Harris died, and so did Deng). Harry Potter 2 was edited in the autumn of 2002. It is planned to be held in London on1October 4th. 165438. Three young actors spent a long holiday at home. "Dan, did you go to see grandpa Harris?" In the lounge, Emma asks Dan. Mr Harris, who plays the principal of Dumbledore, was diagnosed with lymphoma by a doctor two weeks ago. He was treated in London. "I went with Mr. Columbus, and Mr. Richard was in good spirits. He didn't see anything wrong at all. " Dan thinks Grandpa Harris is as good as Fox. Cann't die "Did he say anything to you?" Rupert asked. He said, Daniel smiled awkwardly. If Mr. Columbus dares to replace it in the third episode, he will kill Mr. Columbus. "It is impossible to replace anyone else. Grandpa Harris signed a contract for seven movies in one breath (attention fans! Seven Harry Potter movies have been made back! He will always work for Hogwarts. The door opened with a bang and Mr. Columbus came in with a serious face. Children, I have some bad news for you. "Emma has never seen Mr Columbus so ugly." What happened? What's wrong with the press conference? "Mr richard harris passed away 20 minutes ago." Emma's eyes widened, Rupert's mouth widened, and Daniel blurted out, "Impossible!" " Dan, calm down. Director Columbus said, "Richard's son called me just now. Mr. Richard died before 7 o'clock." He left peacefully ... (I can't stop crying ...) Mr. Columbus kept talking, tears rolling in his eyes. Just as they were talking about Mr. Richard, he left quietly, which made everyone so suddenly. " He said he would always play Dumbledore. How could he leave? "Emma cried. She remembered what Mr. Harris said on the red carpet at the premiere, and tears made up her makeup. ....

8. Tom and Malfoy are completely different. He is an easy-going boy. He likes to throw fish. When filming Holiday, he also threw fish with Dan Emma Rupert. It can be said that their relationship is very good. Emma usually calls him "Brother Tom". Like movies, he and Crabbe Goyle are iron horns.

When the green light flashes, my life is haggard, and I hate that evil face. Who took the real horcrux and paid a lot of money? You frown and say that justice is hard to call back. Even though the world has been destroyed, my heart has not changed, like a crazy snake flying around, I just want the disaster to go forever. I only love your butterfly incarnate. You are as hot as snow. Who did you hurt when you left? The whole world is crying for you, dreaming under a spell, and you are as hot as fire. (Ginny) The burning tears hurt my heart, but I don't regret the burning sweetness in my memory. I will engrave the monument of eternal love for you without any regrets. I have understood the darkness behind the curtain of the sad world in the double mirror.

Liang Peishi (Liang Peishi)

Date of birth (place) Birthday and place of birth

12 April 1988 (1988 April 12)

England Scotland

Birth name: Birth name: Katie Liu Liang.

(Katie Liu Liang)

Nickname nickname: Katt

Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m) (I think she is very tall from the photos, but Dan doesn't seem to be very tall).

Eye color: Dark brown (why not black Ni) beat more than 3,000 girls and made her debut as "Zhang Qiu" in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (beat nearly 4,000 girls to win the role of Zhang Qiu).

Her parents are diverse. She lives with her father, two brothers and one sister in a high-end area of motherwell. (Her parents divorced, and now she lives in Scotland with her father, two younger brothers [not specified] and a younger sister [not specified]. )

Comprehensive report on Liang Kaidi

In Harry Potter 4, Harry fell in love with Zhang Qiu, a girl from China, and gave her first kiss. Some people say that Zhang Qiu will be an extremely important but risky character in Harry Potter 4.

In fact, Zhang Qiu should have appeared in the third episode, and knowledge was postponed to the fourth episode because it didn't find a suitable Asian girl to play. In order to find the actor Zhang Qiu, in February 2004, the producers organized a large-scale casting, and even turned to domestic TV stations for help. Finally, more than 4000 girls participated in the casting. This may be the biggest casting activity in the film industry after Vivien Leigh participated in Gone with the Wind.

At that time, Liang Kaidi, like other girls, had only one idea in mind: to catch the eyes and hearts of the judges. Finally, Liang Kaidi attracted the judges with her pure oriental looks and fluent English with a Scottish accent, and convinced them that she was Zhang Qiu.

Speaking of it, Liang Kaidi is still a rich girl, and her father Liang Bide is a Chinese food wholesaler in Britain. Liang Kaidi lives in Glasgow, England with his father, stepmother, sister and two younger brothers, and enjoys the middle class life in a villa worth 400,000 dollars. It is said that the school she once attended cost 5000 pounds a year.

Liang Kaidi's father and her biological mother met in Scotland. . Liang Bide, who was born in Hongkong, is preparing to open his own shop. 1986 after the divorce, Liang Kaidi's mother lived alone in Bateford, while her father married another woman from Sicily.

Liang Bide is a millionaire now, owning his own hotel and a wholesale company called Jasper Palace. But after seeing many big scenes, he still felt incredible about what happened to his eldest daughter.

"Katie and I didn't know the casting until we were watching China cable TV. In fact, I really don't understand why she went to the interview, because before that, she never told me that she liked acting, and she didn't even take any acting courses at school. In the eyes of most people, she is just a girl who focuses on the entrance examination and knows nothing about the future. "

"Now, I don't think she will go to college. Maybe she will choose acting career after graduating from high school. However, she is still a student, and even if she is filming, she still has a mentor. " Violette, a cousin four years behind Liang Kaidi, told reporters that Liang Kaidi is a kind-hearted person. "She always wears those very feminine clothes and never forgets to wear some jewelry when she goes out. She thinks I am a very annoying child, but I think she is just a boring and mature girl. "

The manager of a teahouse in Glasgow often asks Liang Jia's waiter to say "Katie is very beautiful" and "rarely talks", but "smiles beautifully. Long hair, big eyes and smart appearance. "

Goblet of Fire or Poisonous Goblet?

After the film started, Liang Kaidi bid farewell to the comfortable life of a rich girl for a while and devoted herself to her role. However, at the age of 17, she soon realized the unhappiness and danger brought by the role of Zhang Qiu. Although Daniel Jacob Radcliffe (the actor of Harry Potter) praised her as "beautiful and cool!" Although Jessica, an intern in Harry Potter 4, also said that "she is very friendly and beautiful, and it is so interesting to chat and joke with her. The photos we saw on the website really can't explain her essence". But this did not stop many "Harry Potter fans" from slandering and slandering her. This is something a rich girl has never met, just because she plays Harry's beloved girl. In this sense, the "burning cup" is more like Liang Kaidi's "poisonous cup". I don't know if Warner Company has long anticipated that Liang Kaidi may encounter such an embarrassing dilemma, so it has been hiding her in the official corner, preventing her from appearing in public, and there are no interviews and official stills about her. But even so, it has not stopped many "Harry Potter fans", especially primary school students, from attacking Liang Kaidi: "I hate you all my life!" "I love her because she is a fool and an idiot, because she can play Zhang Qiu and she will kiss Daniel Jacob Radcliffe (the actor of Harry Potter)!" Others said she was not beautiful and joked about her Scottish accent. In addition, there are countless fake websites that record her feelings when shooting in the form of diaries, and there are countless fake photos posted on the website-those girls want to take the opportunity to become famous. Therefore, 42-year-old Liang Bide is very worried about her eldest daughter. "I have seen those websites, every one of them. When I saw' I hate Katie', I was shaking all over. It's unbelievable. Katie is just a girl of 17 years old. She doesn't even have any acting experience. Others don't know what she said or did, and it's all on the website/more unfortunately, I know Katie has also seen these websites, and she is under great pressure. Katie is still filming in London, and it will be a long time before she goes home. Of course, she called me, but I don't know how she is now. Katie's life may have completely changed. "

"I can't believe what will happen when the movie finally comes out. Katie once told me that she didn't give any interviews or talk to anyone about her performance before the producer agreed, but everything developed too fast. "

However, nothing has erased the confidence of J.K. Rowling, the mother of Harry Potter. She supports Liang Kaidi, resolutely uses this unknown girl to play Zhang Qiu, and gives up those famous actors, such as Malaysian actress Michelle Ann and Korean singer Bao Er, who added this role in the famous Australian TV series Neighbor, because she thinks that Liang Kaidi is "a beautiful girl, I am very important, and she fits in well with Zhang Qiu, regardless of appearance or age.