Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What is Constellation Obeying Desire _ Constellation Obeying

What is Constellation Obeying Desire _ Constellation Obeying

12 constellation sexual desire ranking! First, it's him, okay?

Written by: Smile.

"Sexual desire" is a person's desire to have physical contact or sexual relations with another person. Everyone has different factors or opportunities for "sexual desire", which is really wonderful. Sexual desire is an instinctive desire, and most people will start to find out that they have this desire because they like someone in adolescence. However, most people are ashamed to mention such a topic. But people are also very curious, so people will learn about this knowledge by asking others or searching for information on the internet themselves. However, due to the uneven knowledge on the Internet, we will also see many unscientific views leading to confusion.

Everyone has a different sexual desire. There is no need to feel ashamed, embarrassed, humiliated or inferior because of strong sexual desire or insufficient sexual desire. Just look at it with your usual eyes. Explain that everyone's appetite is different and the same, so don't worry at all. However, if everything goes too far, it needs to be controlled, especially the exuberant desire that affects your daily life. If you are worried about lack of sexual desire, then you should seek help from a professional psychologist. Tell yourself that it is normal to have sexual desire at any time.

Aries sexual desire ranking

Aries constellation

Aries people can rank first in sexual desire. Because Aries people are extremely energetic, no matter what they do, they always look forward to it. No matter what obstacles are in front of them, they will go straight for it, and they are not afraid of being hit by a wall. They just do what they want, without any unnecessary worries, and they act very quickly.

Besides, they like to challenge and try all kinds of exciting things, and the more difficult things are, the more exciting they are. Therefore, it is not surprising that they have a strong sexual desire. They will not hide or conceal their desires, but will directly face their desires, even sexual desire. When they are excited, their sexual desire will be more vigorous.

Taurus's sexual desire ranking

Taurus constellation

Taurus people tend to value money desire and material desire more than sexual desire. If you want to rank these three, it must be that money desire is greater than material desire, and material desire is greater than sexual desire. Taurus people with stable and mature personality will always be prepared for danger in times of peace, because they are based on a stable economic foundation and adequate material security as a source of security.

Only when they have a strong economic foundation will they consider other desires. Of course, they also have sexual desire, but they don't pay much attention to it. Because they try their best to make more money, they always consider the interests in advance, always take the interests as the premise and purpose, and never do anything that is unfavorable to them.

Gemini's sexual desire ranking


Gemini people have a strong sexual desire and can rank in the top four. Gemini people are lively, outgoing, cheerful, positive and curious. They like to explore and try all kinds of things, especially to have fun, especially to communicate with people around them, especially to try unknown things and learn about areas they have never set foot in.

Their sexual desire is strong because they especially want to unlock various postures with someone, experience different feelings and know how many ways there are. But because of their personality, it is easy for others to misunderstand that they are playboys. In fact, most of them are eager to know their feelings, so they want to keep trying their feelings about sex.

Cancer's sexual desire ranking

Cancer constellation

Cancer people's sexual desire ranks lower because they really have low sexual desire, but not because they are cold-blooded, but because they think this kind of thing doesn't make much sense. If a partner asks for love, then they won't refuse. But if partners keep proposing, they will choose to refuse each other, and they will not be as sexually active as each other.

In their view, sexual desire is indeed a very normal thing, but there is no need to be satisfied often. Because there are many other things to do in life, it is really a waste to spend only time and energy on it. Moreover, they always focus on family-related things and rarely consider their sexual desire, so their desire is relatively low.

Leo's sexual desire ranking

Le Signe du Lion

Leo's personality is confident and proud, with strong self-esteem. He likes to be competitive and looks extremely good. At the same time, they also have heroic plots in their hearts. When they see the bumpy road, they like to help each other. They like to be expected, praised and watched by others. Once ignored or ignored by others, they will feel very unhappy.

And such Leo people can rank second in sexual desire, because they especially like to conquer others in some ways, make others submit to themselves and make others worship themselves. And the way related to sex is the most ideal way for them to show their fragile side under their own bodies. Isn't that the best thing? They love this way and have a strong sexual desire.

Virgo's sexual desire ranking


Virgo people are mature, calm and rational, and tend to pursue perfectionism. Even the smallest thing wants to be perfect and will not let go of a little detail. They have high expectations of themselves and are extremely demanding of others, so they often give people a harsh and cold impression. But in fact, they just have an obsessive-compulsive disorder that wants to make things perfect, which is also a habit.

Sexual desire is not an important desire for them, because they are more eager to improve their skills and knowledge through various ways or channels, and do not want to lag behind others because of slack. Instead of spending time and energy on satisfying sexual desire, it is better to spend time on study, which is the truest idea in their hearts.

Libra's sexual desire ranking


Libra's sexual desire is not ranked first, but at most it is in the middle. Instead of combining with others or asking others to solve their sexual needs in some way, they prefer the atmosphere before sex. Because they are the type that values atmosphere, not feeling sexy and ambiguous will make them lose interest and lose sexual interest at the same time.

In their view, it is very important to do some foreplay with your lover to adjust the atmosphere. From this point of view, their sexual desire is not strong. They do those things not to solve their physical needs, but more to get closer to their loved ones and have new experiences with each other. After all, in their minds, sex is a very pure and solemn thing.

Scorpio's sexual desire ranking


If you want to ask who can rank first in sexual desire, it must be Scorpio. Because scorpions are loyal to their desires, they will feel very angry if their desires are not satisfied. Although Scorpio always gives people a feeling of ruthlessness, it is actually very hot and crazy inside, not the type that others see as wanting nothing.

In their view, sexual desire is a normal human desire. There is no need to be ashamed of sexual desire or exuberance, and there is no need to be embarrassed by talking about sexual desire. However, they prefer to satisfy their desires with the people they love most, rather than finding someone to solve them casually. After all, although they have strong sexual desire, their endurance is still extremely strong.

Sagittarius's sexual desire ranking


If you want to say what is the ranking of sexual desire, then Sagittarius can definitely rank in the top three. Most Sagittarius people are enthusiastic, cheerful and positive, and have an open attitude towards sex. Because of their exuberant optimism, they can always look forward and think positively, and often enjoy life with the attitude of living in the present.

They feel that it is not good to suppress their desires, and everything should be sparse and not blocked. Besides, Sagittarius, who always advocates and pursues freedom, is the last person who likes to be bound by anything. They want to do what they want to do and live a leisure life. So, as long as they want to do it, they will do it.

Capricorn's sexual desire ranking

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Capricorn's sexual desire is not dispensable, but slightly stronger than others think. Capricorn is mature and quiet, and is not good at expressing himself in words, so he often uses actions to express his thoughts. In addition, although they always show a strong and independent appearance, they are actually fragile and afraid of harm.

They are eager to be needed, understood and recognized by others, and they are very masculine. Although they won't say what they want, their eyes have long been betrayed. When in love, if the other party says that they want to go further with themselves, most of them will accept the other party's proposal. Even if the frequency is frequent, they are happy.

Aquarius sexual desire ranking

Aquarius constellation

Aquarius's sexual desire is actually quite strong, not because of lust, but because they want to explore the mystery of sexual desire and understand the knowledge of unknown fields. After all, Aquarius's favorite thing in life is to explore and study, explore the magical life, and study the influence of sexual desire on people. These are what they want to know most.

It is because of this idea that their sexual desire will be strong. Unknown knowledge always excites them. If they are not interested in something, they will not waste time exploring it. Exploring sexual desire is actually very similar to exploring human nature. So their sexual desire will be stronger than others think.

Pisces' sexual desire ranking


Pisces' sexual desire is not high or low in the twelve constellations, and everything depends on whether they love each other or not. If they are in love, their sexual desire is much stronger than others think. After all, Pisces people regard love as their spiritual food and source of strength. Losing love is like a fish without water

Since we are in the process of falling in love, of course, we are more eager to have a blind date with each other's skin, which can further narrow the distance between us and understand more secrets of each other's bodies. When they are together, they want to touch each other all the time and often want a proof that the other person really belongs to them, so their sexual desire is very strong.