Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Yin and yang master martial arts 3000 points blue lantern core speed control flow lineup sharing

Yin and yang master martial arts 3000 points blue lantern core speed control flow lineup sharing

The 3000-point Blu-ray core speed control lineup of Yin-Yang martial arts is shared. Do you want to know more strategies and related information shared by the 3000-point Blu-ray core speed control lineup of Yin-Yang martial arts? The following small series will give you detailed answers, and players who want to know will come and see!

The master of Yin and Yang scored 3000 points in martial arts, which was shared by the Blu-ray core speed control lineup. The experience of the speed control lineup with Blu-ray as the core brings you. Here, Sister Deng brought the Song House Imperial Soul, which is effective in use. Let's see what fighting skills are available.

Lineup selection:

1 speed: 246 pieces of 5-star pianist, 2-speed crit song house, 6-star lamp sister, 3-speed lucky 5-constellation application, 4-speed death for love, 5-star soldier doll, 5-speed raccoon 100 hit 5-star Prajna (6-star hidden wine swallow /5-star wooden charm old man /5-star clam essence Ichimoku Ren /5-star Japanese female snow girl).

Playing skills:

Double pull is faster than me: I will throw a 6-star mirror chicken on it, and the effect is wonderful!

Pull a double wave slower than me: hang.

Rain-proof, fire-proof, rain-proof, snow-proof, snow-proof, and constant-speed control of current;

Faster than you: I will take mussel essence to Ichimoku Ren. My pianist, soldiers and characters are all highly resistant, so the first wave can only be a gamble. Bringing mussel essence is the biggest choice to control the snow girl opposite my face! If the Terracotta Warriors are not under control, we have to look at some spicy strips across the street.

Double pull on the opposite side, the opposite side is inscrutable and will definitely open the shield. At this time, it is suggested to drag out the control by pulling your own unfathomable, stop the next wave of violinists from continuing to resist, and then pull your own unfathomable to open the shield to fight back. Or, if Ichimoku Ren resists, pull Ichimoku Ren's shield and resist the mourning woman. Because soldiers and figures died for love, the rain, snow and fire across the street easily make people dizzy. The only difficulty is that Prajna may passively seal the soldiers and characters. At this time, we can only bet on all kinds of resistance.

In addition, Rain Girl with high speed and high resistance is also a good solution, but I only have three No.2 speeds, and there is no room for Rain Girl (I just control the speed from the double pull, in fact, playing double pull is largely because I only have two No.2 speeds, so how can I play backhand? )

Meet someone whose speed control is slower than yours:

When it comes to rain, fire, rain and snow, the pianist can only pull the unfathomable lid. Otherwise, soldiers and figures will ridicule, and the opposite 2-speed rain girl will form a counterattack. This is why rain, fire, rain and snow are controlled by pulling and pulling.

When it comes to snow, don't be sarcastic, because once you have speed, it's easy to fight. Every time you leave an eye shield, it is basically impossible to climb over the opposite side.

How to beat the meat team:

At present, there are probably these kinds of meat teams, which are basically based on pepper maps and cores. However, I take the house light as the core, so I have been zipping the pepper map opposite, so the pepper map has no effect on my lineup. So what we really have to deal with is the other members of the meat team: bloodsucking Ji, swallowing wine, young monk, civet cat, soldier and rain girl.

But before that, let's talk about a few principles:

Principle 1: The default pepper map is online.

Principle 1: You must bring Prajna. If Prajna 100 hits, you can wear a magic/succubus suit.

Principle 2: The opposite vampire Ji/civet cat is not stunned or passive by Prajna. Sister Deng can't drive. If she opens it, she will die or be disabled.

Principle 3: Three gods with more than 6 stars, please take the elderly to prepare for consumption, and you can change your seat or the pianist.

Principle 4: Opposite civet cats, we must bring mystery, prevention and control.

Principle 5: Opposite the rain girl, pianist, warrior and figurine, Prajna or Prajna, Snow Girl.

Our own Prajna: Dayu must be 150, and for ordinary people, it is 100 or so, whether it is a ghost or a demon. Generally, Prajna is accompanied by the appearance of high-speed rain-resistant girls across the street. There are two options at this time:

1. Prajna+Japanese Snow Girl+Lighter+House Lamp+Skunk: This is a dairy-free lineup. The core is the Japanese snow girl, which can make the opposite rain girl doubt life. Highly recommended. Prajna passive priority: civet cat > vampire Ji > young monk > rain girl > flag. By the way, rain girl can't scatter the flag.

2. Prajnaparamita+Rebirth Hero+Ming House Lamp+Qin Family+Old Man: Qin Family is the core of this lineup, professionally cutting with Rain Girl, so that Rain Girl exists in name only. Because the warrior five-star is very fragile, I take the old man's milk to fight the war of attrition. Prajna passive priority: rain girl > civet cat > vampire Ji > flag > young monk. Because there are no Japanese girls pushing the rain and all of them in this lineup, Prajna gives priority to sealing the rain girls to prevent them from dispersing their teammates. Because of the high resistance to the rain girl, Prajna needs to shoot many times, so she must bring milk to consume.

To sum up: Big Brother recommended the lineup of 1, and the effect was great. For players who are not skilled in practicing or have just changed their speed control, a two-person piano lineup is recommended.

Supplement: If there is wine swallowing on the opposite side, please use the Japanese female snow girl, and the five-star soldiers can't bear it at all! However, Prajna's passive effect of sealing gods and swallowing wine is not good, and the key is that the passive priority of sealing other gods is much higher than drinking and swallowing wine, so soldiers and figures often die in two or three rounds.

Summary: the meat team will always aim at the rain girl, not the pepper map. Without the rain girl, it is difficult to win by swallowing wine. A vampire girl who has no resistance is not as good as a young monk.

Finally: after talking for a long time, I want to blow up the house! (After all, in the title? Core? )

At present, I'm using a 6-star speed to attack the witch. Please whistle directly. What is the use of refugees? The key is that Deng Jie must be a 6-star, and she can be stressed if she is injured.

Advantages of Sister Deng:

Fire absorption, fire suppression, single aoe, high speed, beauty!

1. Suck fire: If you fight a meat team without fire soul, you can start by hitting the other side until you can't cry or even get online.

2. Fire fighting: It is not a dream that there is no fire in Ouhuang Kamakura. It is very suitable for being accused by the opposite hand, which is the only way to turn over.

Sucking fire to put out the fire: highly tolerant of wood charm. If the pepper map on the opposite side is connected and the wood charm is not sealed, it is not recommended to open the suction unless there are only three fires when shooting.

3. Single aoe: The function of pepper map can be ignored, and the opposite side is even worse.

High speed: hit the ball many times to better cooperate with the pianist.

4. Beauty! : No reason is needed.

In tao, zheng, broken, and rang the lamp in the room:

1. Zheng: It only exists in the pepper-map counterattack system, and we are speed control, so Zheng Qing is not within the scope of discussion.

2. Breaking the potential: Big brothers are bound to kill if they are full of explosions and injuries. Ordinary people touch the prize and explode, which is unstable. Below 70%, the blood damage drops sharply, and the position of the lamp lies in continuous suppression rather than rapid nucleus breaking. In addition, the cost of breaking the potential is expensive. At present, we have never seen the explosion injury of the No.6 critical strike position.

3. Turn-in: The positioning of turn-in is out of control and double-suction fire extinguishing (which can cooperate with the pianist's three-suction). However, the embarrassment of turning into the road is that when the meat team is playing, the original intention of turning into the road is to put out the fire across the road and break the chain of the pepper map. Then when playing the meat team, I have a premise that the pepper map opposite is linked by default. At this time, as long as there are old people who are passive, charming and young monks in the chain. After three inhalations, you were put out of the fire and even found that Sister Deng was missing. If you cooperate with Prajna Paramita, you can suck without worry. However, because we don't pursue the Prajna Paramita hit by 150, it's very good to seal off the rain girl often. At this time, it is very embarrassing for your sister Deng to start smoking or not. It is very bad to reset the general attack without smoking.

3.Narutoya:Narutoya's positioning is injury manufacturing. Because we are speed control, we basically enjoy 30% damage bonus in the whole process (someone cried in the toilet). Comparing the damage bonus of more than 70% blood and 40% blood, the conclusion is that unless Duanguang sister can make a big move to abolish the opposite side, the damage to the house will be more sufficient and the continuous pressure will be greater. The advantage of a singer over a Taoist is the starting point. Singers pursue continuous suppression of injuries, and smoking fire is only a fringe benefit. Obviously, the opposite side of A and the starting wheel can only be flat to A, and this psychological gap is even more obvious. Of course, the advantage of singing house over turning into the road is based on the fact that singing house is more harmful than turning into the road. Of course, the emperor prajnaparamita sealed the whole team, so please ignore the wheel light.

Why choose speed control:

1. Transition from double pulling to one wave

2. The above is reliable, and the following can spell Prajna meat and milk.

However, actual combat is changing rapidly, and speed control is also a school with the most changes. Once again dedicated to the master of Yin and Yang and sister Deng who love speed control.