Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Introduction to Peanut Knowledge About Peanut

Introduction to Peanut Knowledge About Peanut

Peanut, formerly known as groundnut, is a kind of nut with abundant output and extensive consumption in China, also known as "longevity fruit" and "cajanus cajan". It belongs to the genus Panicum in Rosaceae and Leguminosae, with erect or creeping stems, 30-80 cm long, wings separated from keel, pod length of 2-5 cm, width of 1- 1.3 cm, swelling, thick pods, and flowering in June-August. Mainly distributed in Brazil, China, Egypt and other places. It can be used as raw material for cosmetics such as soap and hair tonic.

Although peanuts are widely distributed in China, their growth and development need certain temperature, moisture and suitable growth period, so the production layout is relatively concentrated. In 2008-20/0/2, Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Guangdong, Liaoning, Sichuan, Anhui, Guangxi, Hubei, Jiangxi, Kyrgyzstan, Hunan, Jiangsu and Fujian were/0/4 provinces, with a planting area of/0/0.5 million mu, accounting for 93% of the national total output. Among them, the annual planting area of peanuts in nine southern provinces exceeds 6.5438+0.5 million mu, accounting for 35.8% of the total planting area in China; The total output accounts for 30.3% of the country.

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Brief introduction of peanut

Peanut is also called the seed of peanut (commonly known as peanut kernel or peanut) Jinguo, longevity fruit, Guo Chang, Fandou, Jinguo peanut, fig, Diguo, Didou, Tangren bean, peanut bean and groundnut. Peanut is rich in nutrition and helps to prolong life, so it is also called "longevity fruit" by the people, and it is called "plant meat" and "vegetarian meat" together with soybean. The nutritional value of peanuts is higher than that of cereals, and it can be compared with some animal foods such as eggs, milk and meat. It contains a lot of protein and fat, especially unsaturated fatty acids, and is suitable for making various nutritious foods. Now there is a kind of colored peanuts, also called multicolored peanuts, multicolored peanuts, multicolored peanuts. Colored peanut is a variety of colors produced by the color variation of the kernel skin of ordinary peanut. Colored peanuts are mainly divided into selenium-enriched black peanuts, white jade peanuts, pearl peanuts and other varieties, among which they can be divided into black, purple-black, white, purple-red, red and white, colored particles and other color systems according to the kernel color. Colorful peanuts have black, snow white, red pattern on white background, yellow pattern on black background, black pattern on yellow background and other colors. The vines that grow out are no different from ordinary peanuts, except that the leaves are slightly larger. According to the grain color, it can be divided into two black grains, four black grains, two colored grains, four colored grains, two flowers, two white grains and so on. The growth habit of eukaryotes is millet. It only takes more than one month from sowing to flowering, but the flowering period lasts for more than two months. Its flowers are solitary or clustered in leaf axils, ranging from 200 to thousands per peanut. After flowering and pollination of peanuts, the ovary stalk at the base of the ovary is constantly elongated, and purple fruit needles grow from the withered flower tube. The fruit needles are rapidly elongated longitudinally. It grows upward first, and a few days later, the ovary stalk hangs on the ground. In the process of extension, the epidermal cells of ovary stalk lignified, which protected the young fruit needles from entering the soil. When the needles of the wonderful peanut are buried in the soil for 5 ~ 6 cm, the ovary begins to lie horizontally, becoming fat and white, and hair grows on the body surface, which can directly absorb water and various nutrients for growth and development. In this way, seeds are formed one after another, the epidermis gradually shrinks and the pods gradually mature, forming the peanut fruit we see. It is an inherent genetic characteristic of peanut to blossom above ground and bear fruit below ground, and it is also the result of long-term adaptation to special environment. Peanuts like dark, humid and mechanically stimulated ecological environment when they bear fruit. These factors become indispensable conditions for pod growth and development. Therefore, in order to survive and spread seeds, it has to put its ovary into the soil to bear fruit. Nutritional Value Peanut fruit has high nutritional value and is rich in fat and protein. According to the determination, the fat content of peanut fruit is 44%-45%, the protein content is 24%-36%, and the sugar content is about 20%. It also contains thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and other vitamins. Mineral content is also very rich, especially containing essential amino acids, which can promote the development of brain cells and enhance memory. Peanut seeds are rich in oil, and the oil squeezed from peanut kernels is light yellow, transparent and fragrant, which is a high-quality edible oil. Peanut oil is difficult to dissolve in ethanol. People can identify whether peanut oil is pure by injecting it into 70% ethanol solution and heating it to 39-40.8 degrees to see its turbidity. Peanut oil is made by soaking peanut kernels. Peanut oil belongs to non-drying oil, with light yellow color, good transparency, delicate fragrance and delicious taste. It is an excellent edible oil. Peanut is a nutritious food, containing 25% ~ 36% protein and 40% fat. Peanut is also rich in vitamins B2, PP, A, D, E, calcium and iron. Peanut is an important raw material for 100 kinds of food. In addition to squeezing oil, it can also be fried, fried and boiled to make peanut cakes, as well as various sweets and cakes. Because peanuts will volatilize some aldehydes such as carbon dioxide, vanillin, ammonia gas and hydrogen sulfide during baking, it constitutes the special aroma of peanuts. Peanut endothelium contains anti-fibrinolytic enzyme, which can prevent and treat various traumatic bleeding, liver disease bleeding, hemophilia and so on. However, peanuts are easy to get damp and mildew, and produce aflatoxin with strong carcinogenicity. Aflatoxin can cause toxic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. This toxin is resistant to high temperature and cannot be decomposed by cooking methods such as frying, frying, boiling and frying. So be careful not to eat moldy peanuts. Peanuts are widely distributed in China and planted everywhere. The main producing areas are Shandong, eastern Liaoning, Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong, Yellow River and Huaihe River Basin, and hilly and sandy areas along the southeast coast. Shandong province accounts for about 1/4 of the national production area and 1/3 of the total output. Peanut produced in Longyan, Fujian Province is full, crisp and delicious, which should be the local characteristics of domestic peanut varieties. Edit the taboo of eating peanuts 1. Gout patients: Gout is a group of diseases caused by purine metabolism disorder, and all patients have hyperuricemia. Because a high-fat diet will reduce uric acid excretion and aggravate the condition, peanuts should be fasted during the acute attack of gout, and only appropriate food should be eaten during the remission period of gout. 2, cholecystectomy: bile is of great significance for the digestion and absorption of fat. After eating, the gallbladder contracts and discharges bile into the duodenum for digestion and absorption. Foods with high protein and fat [1] have the strongest stimulation on gallbladder, resulting in a large amount of bile excretion. After cholecystectomy, bile can not be stored, which will inevitably affect the digestion of fat in oil crops such as peanuts. 3, patients with gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis: these patients have symptoms such as chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea or indigestion, and the diet should be a small amount of meals, light and less oil. Peanut is a kind of nut with high protein and fat content, which is difficult to digest and absorb. Such patients should fast. 4. People who want to lose weight: peanuts are high in calories and fat. If you eat two fried peanuts, you will eat 58 1 calories, which is equivalent to eating five and a half steamed buns, so people who want to lose weight should stay away from peanuts. 5. Diabetics: Diabetics need to control their daily total energy intake, so they should not use more than three tablespoons (30g) of edible oil every day. However, 18 peanut is equivalent to a spoonful of oil (10g), which can generate 90 kilocalories. 6. Patients with hyperlipoproteinemia: Unreasonable diet structure is an important cause of hyperlipoproteinemia, so the principle of diet therapy is to limit calories and reduce the intake of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Peanut is a high-fat and high-calorie food. Eating more can only aggravate the condition, lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, and endanger life. A healthy diet is very important. Peanuts are crispy and delicious, nutritious and cheap. It is a snack that men, women and children like, but if you belong to the above six kinds of people, peanuts are harmful to you.

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Brief introduction of peanut

Introduction to peanuts-. Peanut seeds are rich in fat, protein and other vitamins. The fat content is as high as 48%-58%, and the protein content is 24%-36%. Peanut oil is one of the most popular edible oils in China, because of its high oil yield and good quality. Peanut kernels contain high calories, about 56 kilocalories per100g. Protein contained in peanut kernel is basically globulin, which has high digestibility and contains all amino acids necessary for human body. As a digestible source of protein, the nutritional value of peanuts has attracted more and more attention. Peanut stems and leaves contain protein 12%- 14%, which is also a good feed. Peanut has wide adaptability, drought resistance and barren resistance. Planting peanuts on barren land can get higher yield than other crops. There are rhizobia in the roots of peanuts, which can fertilize the fields. According to the research, rhizobia with yield of about150kg per mu can fix nitrogen by 5-7.5kg per mu, which is equivalent to 25-37.5kg ammonium sulfate.

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Introduction of peanut

A peanut, a feeling. Dear Grandma Zhao Zhihui, Huamawan Local Mountain Primary School, Daiyue District, Tai 'an City, Shandong Province: Life is so short, I didn't know you had been away for more than 30 years. You've taken everything for 30 years, but ... I didn't know you had this experience. Peanut, I don't want to introduce it in detail. I want to make it clear that I like peanuts very much. The smell of fried peanuts is better than that of fried peanuts. White fat kernels, greasy, make people have an appetite. When I have nothing to do, I grab a handful at will, sit comfortably on the sofa, cross my legs, watch TV and eat peanuts comfortably-I used to enjoy it. Some things, the more you eat, the more you get bored, and the more you eat peanuts, the better you taste. Peeling peanuts, if you are full, is pity. You don't want to eat them all at once, but you can't help but want to try them. Every time I peel peanuts, I always subconsciously choose the ones that look full first and the ones that look dry last. Every time I peel it off, I always look at it carefully in my hand and then reluctantly send it to my mouth. But sometimes it can be like this. Peanuts were slippery, and accidentally fell to the ground with a bang. Pity, pity. The smell of peanuts is still the same, but I tasted it again. Gorgeous appearance is the reason why it lingers. If I don't watch it carefully-it was originally for viewing, I'm afraid another delicious food will fall into my mouth and be enjoyed by the empty air.

3 like 275 to browse 20 17-0 1-02.

The information about peanuts is 20 words faster.

Peanut, also known as groundnut, is known as "plant meat". In addition to food, it is also used in printing, dyeing and paper industry. And blind Chinese medicine.

2 1 Like 1, 783 Browse 20 19-09-08

Brief introduction of peanut fruit

Edible peanuts are very popular in the international market, with the best fruit per English 10/ 12. Peanut coats should be clean, free of dust and impurities, and unripe, damaged and broken fruits should be removed. The best skin color and type are big peanuts similar to Virginia type. The big peanuts in China basically belong to this type. The peel is smooth and pitted, and the pit should not be too thin, which can reduce the damage during baking. At the same time, there are some indications that China may also be one of the origins of peanuts. The carbonized peanut seeds were unearthed at Qianshanyang Primitive Social Site in Xing Wu, Zhejiang Province in 1958, and the age of the pit was 4,700 years ago. 196 1 year, carbonized peanut seeds were excavated again in the primitive social site in Shanbei area, xiushui county, Jiangxi Province. In addition, wild plants with similar morphology to peanuts have also been reported in Guangxi, Yunnan and Jiangxi. In 2007, confirmed by experts from Xi 'an Wenbao Center, peanuts had appeared in the crops unearthed from the graves of Hanyang Mausoleum 2 100 years ago. China recorded in Youyang Zayu in the Tang Dynasty that "it is shaped like taro and crawls" and "flowers are also like taro, also called peanuts". In the Dietary Guide written by Jia Ming, a Yuan Dynasty person, there are "groundnuts are sweet, slightly bitter, flat in nature, shaped like taro, children eat more, and qi stagnation is hard to disappear". "Recently, there is a kind of groundnut, which has a hollow reputation and long fruit. It is pungent, bitter, sweet and cold. It is shaped like a pod, with lotus seeds, cucumbers and duck eggs, which often causes people to die. Peanuts are also recorded in Mao Lan's Herbal Medicine of Southern Yunnan in the Ming Dynasty. However, today's extensive growers are undoubtedly introduced to South America. By the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, peanut planting was common in China's coastal areas, and peanut varieties were introduced from South America many times, the latest one being 1887. According to the records of Cixian County Records, "groundnuts are the most widely planted according to the county records, and nearly one species comes from the East, with large grains and special crispness". Until the end of Qianlong, peanuts were still precious things at banquets, which were difficult for ordinary people to eat. Europe once imported peanuts from China, so some places in Europe still call them "China nuts". In the Flora of Congo (18 18), the Brown family in Congo said that "peanuts were introduced from China to India, Ceylon and Malay Archipelago, and later to Africa. "The healthiest way to eat peanuts is to boil them in water, which keeps the original plant active substances in peanuts, such as phytosterols, saponins and resveratrol. And play an important role in preventing malnutrition, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In particular, the β -sitosterol contained in peanuts can prevent colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, resveratrol has strong biological activity, which can not only prevent cancer, but also inhibit platelet aggregation and prevent myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. However, while enjoying the delicious peanuts, we should also pay attention to safety. Peanut is the most susceptible crop to Aspergillus flavus infection. Aflatoxin is recognized by the world as the strongest carcinogen found so far. So how to eat peanuts is safe and beneficial? First of all, remove the yellow-green peanuts, then soak them in running water and wash them, and then cook them with water. Aflatoxin has strong heat resistance and will not be destroyed even when heated to 200℃. Aflatoxin is soluble in water, and most of it can be removed after rinsing and boiling. From this point of view, it is relatively safe to eat cooked peanuts.

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