Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Is The Biography of Hulan River good?

Is The Biography of Hulan River good?

Question 1: Is The Biography of Hulan River good? not bad

Question 2: Is Hulan River better or the old story in the south of the city? Remember to adopt!

First, childhood perspective narrative

Childhood perspective, that is, through the observation and perspective of children's eyes, reveals the life landscape that is difficult to observe or ignore in the adult world. The creative subject mainly chooses materials and organizes writing according to the guiding ideology of children's psychological characteristics, thinking mode and value orientation, and examines and expresses the world in another narrative way. The world of childhood is simple, naive and beautiful. At this time, children have not yet formed clear social values, and the complexity of life makes them unable and unnecessary to make rational judgments. There is no moral discussion and rational preaching in their writings, and their understanding of the world is purely objective reduction and transparent reproduction.

The narrator of Old Things in the South of the City is a little girl named Eiko, and the narrator of Biography of Hulan River is a little girl. They are simple and lovely, innocent and lively, naughty and curious, and observe people and things around them with a childlike heart, which makes the text show a strong child color. In Old Stories in the South of the City, adults avoid the madman Xiuzhen, but Eiko dares to approach her and become good friends with her. Eiko also became good friends with the thief. Eiko doesn't think he is a bad person, because in her heart, he is an honest man with thick lips and a good man. In "Biography of Hulan River", it is even more childlike: "I" cheated with my second uncle and agreed not to tell.

Both works trace the innocent childhood life with a lot of space, but they have different feelings in the process of reading. "Old Things in the South of the City" gave Yingzi a happy and warm childhood, while "The Story of Hulan River" was a lonely and desolate childhood. Lin has a warm and harmonious family since childhood, so the little hero in this paper appears as a cheerful, optimistic and strong image with a clear and positive narrative tone. Although there is suffering, what readers feel is not decadence and loss, but frankness and openness, which contains hope. However, Xiao Hong grew up in a family lacking the care of her parents, only accompanied by her grandfather, who left her when she was very young, so the whole work was shrouded in desolation and loneliness.

Second, the prose narrative

Prose narration is to break the narrative mode of traditional novels with plot as the structure center, dilute the plot and weaken the drama. There are no typical characters, but the psychological or background atmosphere of the characters is the structural center, showing a free and arbitrary form of expression, including content and form of prose. Plain content refers to the expression of the author's true feelings by flowing with the author's emotional rhythm instead of reproducing the objective real society and revealing the essence of social life by shaping the classic image. The formal prose culture breaks the narrative mode of traditional novels, with no complete story, scattered fragments and little drama. The author writes wherever he thinks, and there is no obvious time sequence. It is from these two aspects that the past in the south of the city and the biography of Hulan River highlight the prose culture of the novel.

"Old Things in the South of the City" is divided into five chapters: Hui Anting, we went to see the sea, Aunt Lan, snowballed, my father's flowers fell, and I am no longer a child. The author did not reveal some profound social reality through these five chapters, but picked up several unforgettable fragments of childhood life to express his homesickness for his hometown Beijing, which is a manifestation of the author's homesickness. The Biography of Hulan River consists of seven chapters. The first and second chapters describe the customs of Hulan City. The third and fourth chapters recall my childhood in Hulan River City. The fifth, sixth and seventh chapters shift the narrative focus to the characters in The Town. The whole work has no main characters, and there is no clear description of the background and social environment of the times. Therefore, the author has no intention to reveal some social reality, but to express his yearning for Hulan River City by describing the local customs and picking up childhood fragments. Formally, their structures are scattered and arranged according to the author's thoughts.

Third, I miss my hometown.

Lin and Xiao Hong left their hometown and could never go back. They have to use novels to recall their childhood and local conditions and customs, and express their homesickness diplomatically.

Lin moved to Beijing with his parents when he was five years old, where he studied, fell in love, got married and had children. At the age of thirty, he returned to his ancestral home in Miaoli County, Taiwan. She sincerely said in the postscript of the autobiographical novel Old Things in South Beijing, "How I miss the scenery and people who lived in South Beijing when I was a child! I said to myself, write them down, let the actual childhood pass and the childhood of the soul last forever. (1) Later, in his essay Bite for Peiping, I also wrote affectionately: Unforgettable Peiping! I live there ... >>

Question 3: Which version of Hulan River Biography is better?

During the summer vacation, I read the book Biography of Hulan River. At first, I didn't feel so good. When I calm down and savor it, I feel more and more wonderful.

Xiao Hong, a writer, delicately wrote the Hulan River in the old days. Under her expression, I gradually entered the northeast, a village that declined more than 80 years ago. In the village, there are only gray streets, gray life and gray society ... The whole village is like the sky before the storm, with dark clouds covering the sun and no color. The villagers here, just because they are alive, living an ordinary life and dying lightly, make people feel that there is something missing in Hulan River.

From the perspective of a young master-Xiao Hong, a little girl living in a small town in Hulan River, I gradually realized the life of Hulan River. The little girl Xiaohong had a happy childhood. In her childhood, there were only her grandfather, "me" and the backyard. In the backyard, Xiaohong lives, plays and works with her grandfather ... "Children and grandchildren haven't done farm work and weaving yet, but they still learn to grow melons in mulberry fields" should be like this. I envy their backyard, and I really want to be with Xiaohong. I also want her grandfather to hide my sun hat again and again and always put it in the same place to tease us. ...

Reading, I will not only think of the happiness of my childhood, but also smile alone.

Everyone has his own childhood. In everyone's childhood, childhood is like a painting, like a poem, like a song … I envy others' childhood, and others envy me.

When I read the news of little reunion's daughter-in-law's unfortunate death, I was very tangled and as angry as Xiaohong. She is only 12 years old. She should be carefree and innocent, but she was sold to Lao Hu's house as a daughter-in-law prematurely. Old child bride, I saw the first clue here. A healthy and lively little girl, who was sold as a child bride because of poverty and life, was pitiful enough without her mother's pain. But she worked hard and was always scolded by her mother-in-law, who said it was to make her more obedient and sensible.

A flower died before it opened. Little reunion's daughter-in-law died before she was "more obedient and sensible". Is all this just because my mother-in-law is cruel, ignorant and ignorant? I vaguely think this is also caused by the attitude of Hulanhe people. A life of indifference to one's own birth and death is even more numb to the life and death of others. Their insensitivity to life makes them lose the taste of "human" which is different from animals. It's negative Ignorance! How come you don't even have the idea of changing? I was shocked. What happened to the people in Hulan River? Why are the people in Hulan River so different from the life I know more than 80 years ago?

The workers who tied the flower shop dressed the sacrificial papermen in bright clothes year after year. Why can't he think of taking care of himself? Can't he be as neat and bright as the paper man in his hand? Perhaps, people there already feel that life is worse than death. After death, they can have beautiful houses, gardens, Malaysians, servants and flowers that bloom at different times of the year ... It is this negative attitude towards life that stifles little reunion's daughter-in-law.

When reading this book, pleasure is accompanied by pain. With the footsteps of Xiao Hong, the little hero, I peeped into the corner of corruption in the old society. I am glad that it was only Xiao Hong's childhood.

What Hulan River left for Xiao Hong was exactly what Xiao Hong wanted to tell us. Let's understand the past and history, and don't make the same mistake again.

Question 4: Which is more beautiful, Biography of Hulan River or Picking Flowers in the Evening? Flowers at dawn are picked at dusk.

Question 5: What do you think after reading The Biography of Hulan River? Thoughts on Reading Biography of Hulan River

One day in the summer vacation, I found a book in the bookcase that I bought last year and haven't read yet-The Biography of Hulan River, so I flipped through it. At first, I didn't find the book interesting, but when I settled down to savor it, I was quickly attracted by the contents.

This book took me to Hulan River, a small town in the northeast of China in 1930s and 1940s. In a declining village, there are gray backgrounds everywhere. The local people live an ordinary, humble and backward life. People are very mediocre, they live just to live, and they die to die, which makes people feel that there seems to be something missing here.

The most ridiculous scene for me is that people here have eaten pork, but they don't want to admit it. They just say it's the meat of a drowned pig in Dongerdao Street. It can be seen how ignorant and ignorant people here are! The reunion of the daughter-in-law in the novel is also a tragedy. She was originally a beautiful and lovely little girl who should be carefree and full of happiness, but she was sold to others as a child bride and was beaten and scolded by her mother-in-law for half her life.

At that time, people were unable to change the status quo and stayed in a gray world. I can't help thinking about how happy my childhood was, how happy I was, and how I made myself smarter and wiser through my study. We should cherish the happy life now.

Question 6: Appreciation of the Works of Biography of Hulan River (see the preface of Mao Dun below) With more mature artistic brushwork, Biography of Hulan River describes the hometown in the author's memory, the monotonous beauty of the northern town, and the kindness and ignorance of the people. The custom pictures in Xiao Hong's novels are not only to add a little local color, but also contain great cultural connotations and profound life experiences. Thirty years of modern literature in China. Of course, the most important thing is the unique artistic personality of this work. Mao Dun has a general grasp of this, which is good ―― but I think it is better and more meaningful because it is not exactly like an autobiography. In addition, we can also say that the point is not that the Biography of Hulan River is not like a novel in a strict sense, but that there are other things besides it-something more attractive than the novel: it is a narrative poem, a colorful landscape painting and a string of sad ballads. "There is irony and humor. I feel relaxed at first, but my heart will get heavier and heavier as I go down. However, there is still beauty, even if it is a little morbid, it will still dazzle you. " (On Xiao Hong's Biography of Hulan River) "She writes about life, and the characters are all extracted from life and alive. Whether it is joy or sadness, it can make us sing, as if we are all familiar with it ... she is creating with her own talent and feelings. Hu Feng's artistic beauty and pursuit of beauty are the innate nature of human beings. People appreciate the beauty of nature and create the beauty of life. Writers and artists have cultivated the artistic garden of human beauty, cultivated all kinds of artistic flowers with their own talents and painstaking efforts, and added incomparable gorgeous colors to human life. In the literary world of China in 1930s, Xiao Hong, a young female writer, described the local customs of Hulan River, a small town in the northeastern border, with fresh and natural brushwork, showing the unique artistic personality of female writers and opening a beautiful but not gorgeous flower for the world literature garden. Structure First of all, Biography of Hulan River is completely different from other novels in structure. Measured by the concept of ordinary novels, it has no clues running through the book, no complete story and central figures. Some people say it is an autobiography because it describes the writer's family and childhood life, but "the work does not talk about family history, family, or even date of birth." This does not meet the writing and requirements of' biography'. " (Xiao Hong's Road to Literature, p. 208). Mr. Mao Dun once pointed out: "The point is not that the Biography of Hulan River is not like a novel in a strict sense, but that there are other things besides it-something more attractive than the novel: it is a narrative poem, a colorful landscape painting and a string of sad songs." ("Hulan River Biography"? In the first four chapters of Biography of Hulan River, the author painted a picture of the customs of Hulan River with the painter's pen and ink, which can be described as colorful, vivid and natural, creating an artistic conception of prose poetry, simple and fresh, and unique beauty. The last three chapters of the novel can be regarded as three short stories, which are independent of each other, but the author links them together because of a unified theme. As if telling some distant and true stories in front of you, it touches the readers' heartstrings and sends out a beautiful or melancholy tone for it. Winter in Hulan River: "The sky is gray ... and it snows all day. People walk very fast. When they are cold, they breathe smoke. Seven horses pull carts and run in the wilderness one after another, carrying lanterns and holding big whips ... These people are steaming in the ice and snow. " What kind of morning scene is this in a rural town in Northeast China? Full of vitality and local flavor. The sound of hooves and whipping broke the silent morning; The jumping lanterns and rising heat make the picture full of rich local colors. As for the old man who sells steamed bread, he wears shoes with round eggs and frozen palms on his feet and walks forward with his box on his back. His eyes are as clear as frost and his beard is heavy and slippery ... As for the big mud pit in Dongerdao Street, it is five or six feet deep, it doesn't rain, and the mud is like porridge. It began to rain, white and slippery, rising to the roots of people on both sides and drowning them. The fire cloud of Hulan River is also particularly dazzling. "The child's face turned red, the big white dog turned red, red rooster turned gold, and the black hen turned rosewood." "... the little white pig became a little golden pig. Red, gold, half purple and half yellow, half gray and half lily, grape gray, pear yellow, eggplant purple ... "It's really colorful and colorful. From the ground to the sky, the writer's spirit comes from this ... >>

Question 7: What about the biography of Hulan River in the field of life and death? I like Hulan River Biography very much. It is idle, fresh and sad. There is no coherent story, but so what? Literature can give people * * * and comfort, I prefer the latter. For the pain of all sentient beings, * * * can make people temporarily ignore the pain, and gentle comfort can eliminate the pain. In the cold winter, the quilt can keep warm and the iron plate can keep out the cold. One Sunday morning, I woke up and found no one at home. I feel very lonely. That kind of loneliness is not painful, perhaps because I haven't felt it for some time. Busy working from Monday to Friday, busy studying after work and busy dating on Saturday. On that weekend, I didn't just open my eyes and jump at a pre-arranged rhythm. I have no plans that day. So, I feel lonely again. Cool and clean loneliness in the morning. It made me think, and let me slowly recall my dreams in a stressful life. Let me not get lost easily. Another time, I lived alone in a strange room. In the morning, the room was dark, and only a faint light came through the window. I woke up, lay quietly, looked out of the window and felt lonely. It also reminds me of the lights in the small room in the movie Lover. This is the first time that I live outside alone. With the development of the film, it walked out of the room, and there was a lot of traffic outside. That light is rare and clean. Then the subway was crowded with people. How beautiful the biography of Hulan River is. Those are pure eyes like children, without any praise or criticism, without the deep and wily eyes behind the works of male writers. It's beautiful, like a ballad in the morning or evening, which was inadvertently sung by a girl. However, it is not only sadness, but also joy and pain. Grandpa loves me so much, and this happiness makes me smile from the heart. The "reunion daughter-in-law" died tragically, and the objective narrative made me feel cruel and palpitation every time I remembered it, so that I couldn't control my brow. Perhaps the Biography of Hulan River was not targeted at that time, but it was relatively closer to eternity. Perhaps the field of life and death was fierce at that time, but I think its artistry and ideological content are much lower than the biography of Hulan River. The first half is still a bit of a biography of Hulan River, and the second half is really puzzling, as if an excellent writer was kidnapped and forced to write something unfamiliar. Biography of Hulan River was written later than Life and Death Field. Maybe the older you get, the purer you become. The first time I saw Xiao Hong's works, I was hungry. This article is short, but it is true and vivid. What touched me at that time was the tragedy of the writer's life experience. I didn't know Xiao Hong's talent was so high until I read The Biography of Hulan River. This plain ballad is a mixture of happiness and pain. . .

Question 8: Brief introduction of the characters in Hulan River Biography Feng Waizuizi: Duty, diligence, kindness, enthusiasm and tenacious vitality.

Question 9: The personality characteristics of "I" in Hulan River Biography, specifically, "I" is an innocent, lively, lovely and naughty child.

Grandpa is a kind, amiable and good-natured person.

Some people call Zhang Ailing and Xiao Hong the most dazzling female writers in the 20th century China literature history. They are all women, gentle and delicate, but apart from tenderness, they also have different perspectives and feelings. Tell me about your general feeling or impression of reading before class.

Roughly perceive Xiao Hong through comparison. Xiao Hong is compassionate. She doesn't know how to protect herself from being killed. She can not only grasp the world, but also describe it in detail, but she is more devoted, more emotional and more integrated into the description of her hometown and neighbors. Although her language is cold, her sympathy can be seen everywhere. The death of little reunion's daughter-in-law is typical.

What kind of person is little reunion's wife? How did she change from a smiling little girl to a yellow and thin patient until she was tortured to death?

Only twelve years old, called fourteen little aunt; I used to have long black hair and a big braid. You used to laugh when you saw me. Said the food was delicious and I wanted to sit up and play with glass balls. In the jar, she cried and jumped as if she were running for her life. Later, she did not even move, nor did she cry or laugh; I was scalded by hot water three times that night, and the soup fainted once; Little reunion's daughter-in-law, even crying and screaming, seems to have never cried or cried in this world; Two months ago, little reunion's daughter-in-law, dark and mirthful, died. Then contact the content outside the selected paragraph, such as: not shy at all, sitting up straight, walking fast, eating three bowls while eating, etc.

The first beauty and firmness of her life, her childlike innocence and romance, her desire and longing for life instinct. A healthy and happy girl, because of her strong life and straightforward personality, was defeated by her mother-in-law, then tortured and destroyed by quacks, traveling in clouds, jumping into the sky and so on, and finally died. This way of writing highlights the contempt and trampling on life, and can better express the author's sorrow and pain.

Her mother-in-law: cover her with broken cotton; Cover her again; "Tear off her clothes; The mother-in-law of the reunion daughter-in-law also slept soundly; The mother-in-law of the reunion daughter-in-law regrets while burning. If she knew there were no bystanders, why did she put on real clothes for this colorful person ... She felt regret and hatred in her heart; Said this reunion daughter-in-law must be a monster. Then contact the long language description of the foreign mother-in-law: she came to my house and I didn't give her gas. Which reunion daughter-in-law is not angry, and scolds eight times a day. But I also hit her to give her a scare ... If I don't hit her harder, she will be useless. A few times, I hung her from the beam and let her uncle slap her severely. I hit her and passed out. However, I only fainted a pack of cigarettes and poured cold water all over her. If I hit him hard, I was black and blue all over, and I also lost some blood. But beat the eggs at once, and Qing Zi will clean them for her.

People around: people watching the fun, endless stream; I didn't watch the excitement for nothing, but I opened my eyes and saw the world; So people's hearts are greatly boosted, the sleepy people are not sleepy, and those who want to go home to sleep are also refreshed ... their hearts are full of secrets; They gathered around to see if anyone had died. Every household slept soundly; I didn't come back until I had dinner ... slowly and proudly ... as if the two of them had come back for the New Year, and so on.

Everyone is like this, and so is she. She is one of the persecutors. She did something that everyone highly recognized and took for granted, supported by backward and ignorant folk customs. Such a cruel attitude, such indifferent eyes, also comes from having no mercy on life; This natural tone also stems from a cultural identity: is a daughter-in-law's status and daughter-in-law's living price worth it ... >>

Question 10: Please give me a cover of Hulan River biography, preferably in HD.