Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Mbti Sixteen Personality Tests Free official website (MBTI Personality Tests Become Popular)

Mbti Sixteen Personality Tests Free official website (MBTI Personality Tests Become Popular)

BEIJING, Beijing, April 3 (Reporter Yuan) Constellation has always been the most popular topic among young people in social occasions. Today, this status is threatened by MBTI, although there are many differences between them.

To what extent is the fire? The topic reading volume of MBTI in Weibo has reached 800 million, and many groups named after MBTI personality types and expression packs of various personality types have emerged on social platforms.

Netizens compare Yan characters to MBTI.

Korean TV stations have also launched reality shows and film and television works with this theme. Even Gu Ailing revealed in the interview that she had done MBTI test, and the result showed that she was INTJ.

Video screenshot

These four English letters are not new "network slang", but abbreviations of personality types. With its popularity, disputes such as "metaphysics" and "pseudoscience" have followed.

What is MBTI?

Known as "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator", MBTI is a self-reported personality assessment tool, which is used to measure and describe people's psychological activities and different personality types in obtaining information, making decisions and treating life.

MBTI was jointly developed by American writer Miles and her mother Briggs, and its theoretical basis is the psychological type theory founded by Swiss psychologist Jung.

Netizens let MBTI face the text.

MBTI divides individual behavior differences into four dimensions, including spiritual energy orientation, information acquisition mode, decision-making mode and life attitude orientation.

Each dimension includes two directions, representing different preference tendencies, namely extroversion-introversion, sensitivity-intuition, emotion-thinking and judgment-perception.

Different preference tendencies of four dimensions combine to form 16 personality type. The results of the popular MBTI Sixteen Personality Test can be divided into four categories, including analysts, diplomats, guardians and explorers.

Screenshot of MBTI website

Different categories have some similar personality characteristics. INTJ written by Zhang Ailing is described as "a thinker with imaginative and strategic vision".

Why is MBTI popular?

The first scale of MBTI was published in 1942, and has been continuously revised and improved since then. In 1980s, MBTI became popular. Until now, MBTI has once again set off a new upsurge of the Internet.

Why is MBTI popular? It is generally believed that MBTI is easy to operate and spread in dichotomy. At the same time, MBTI does not use the results of the "questionnaire test" to draw conclusions for individuals, but gives the decision-making power to the people being evaluated, so that everyone can discover and judge their personality types through the information they give.

In the test results of MBTI, in addition to personality type, the percentage of each person in each option and personality characteristics are also displayed. People can use this as a coordinate to understand and analyze their own personality performance.

Screenshot of MBTI website

Although MBTI is very popular, the test has been controversial in the academic field. Some scholars believe that the reliability and validity of this test are not ideal. Others think that the description of the test is vague and belongs to Barnum effect-it is universal because of its vague description.

Today, many people think that dozens of short answer questions can't sum up a person, and a person's personality is not immutable. In addition, MBTI often only describes the advantages of personality, but keeps silent about the disadvantages.

However, it may be because of MBTI's relatively simple and gentle way that it has become popular. Especially in the era of social media, people often use MBTI to express themselves, share and socialize.

Netizens summed up different personality performances.

Milvi emre, an associate professor of English at Oxford University and a researcher in college of wooster, believes that even if it is not MBTI, someone else will fill the position.

"People are eager to understand the self-awareness it presents. It shows this cognition in a harmless and easy-to-understand way. We are deeply attracted ... you can even name some celebrities or stars who are also ENTJ. This is a way to create meaning in a chaotic and complicated world. "

Is it reliable to recruit employees or objects with MBTI?

Since the emergence of MBTI, it has often been used to find jobs and objects. In the book Personality Broker: The Strange History of Miles Briggs and the Origin of Personality Training, Emory explores the story behind the test.

She said that in the 1940s, Myers and one of the first human management consultants in the United States began to sell these tests to some big companies, such as General Electric Company, Standard Oil Company and new york Life Insurance Company.

These companies use it to conduct CEO self-evaluation, interview candidates, and evaluate whether they should charge a higher life insurance fee to someone with a certain personality. Later, many job seekers took the exam results as the main label to show their personality and promoted themselves with the help of MBTI's analytical discourse. Some secret organizations also use MBTI test when selecting agents.

Screenshot of MBTI website

Then, is it reliable for companies to use MBTI to screen employees and individuals to plan their career development and find partners?

Many netizens are cautious about this. Some people think that psychological measurement is only a reference in a certain section, and it is not diagnostic, not to mention that non-professionals have a great deviation in understanding many concepts. Some people think that on social platforms, everyone is "happy in the picture 1". Others say that this is just a way to know yourself, for reference only.

Some scholars pointed out that MBTI results should not be regarded as the final personality type, but should be guided by MBTI-certified professionals, and the questionnaire results should be used as a reference to determine individual personality types.

"MBTI can help you know yourself, but it doesn't deprive you of your cognitive freedom and impose conclusions on others; MBTI can effectively evaluate personality types, but it cannot infer behavior attitude, intelligence level, ability, work performance, future fortune and destiny. "

At present, some people regard MBTI as a new label, which may make things less interesting. People are dynamic people, as the saying goes, "thousands of people are different." It is easy to do personality tests, but there is no end to exploring inward.

what do you think?

References: introduction of MBTI personality scale, theoretical research and practical application of MBTI personality scale, and why MBTI personality test is so popular. Is there a scientific basis? "(End)