Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 1770 what happened on July 4th?

1770 what happened on July 4th?

The American War of Independence is also known as the North American War of Independence.

/kloc-In the second half of the 8th century, Britain established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast. Every colony was ruled by a governor sent by Britain. At this time, the colony has developed a large number of plantations and established a variety of industries such as textile, ironmaking and mining, and its economy is relatively prosperous.

In order to increase the financial power, the British government constantly increased the tax revenue of the colonies and arbitrarily oppressed and brutally exploited them. 1765, the British came up with a new trick: stamp duty. They stipulate that all official documents, contracts, licenses, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, documents and wills must be stamped with tax stamps before they can take effect and circulate. This aroused the great anger of the colonial people, so secret anti-British organizations such as "sons of liberty" and "Communication Committee" appeared one after another, and anti-British incidents occurred from time to time, such as boycotting British goods, driving away tax collectors, burning tax stamps, armed resistance and so on. All this caused panic in the British government, and they immediately sent troops to suppress it. 1On March 5, 770, British troops opened fire on unarmed citizens in Boston, killing five citizens and injuring six others on the spot, thus creating the "Boston Massacre" that shocked North America. Anti-British anger is burning in the hearts of colonial people, and a war for independence and freedom is about to burn in the North American continent.

The British government prohibited the colonial people from reclaiming the wasteland west of Appalachia, and also imposed exorbitant taxes on the colonial people and dumped goods in the colonies. /kloc-one night in 0/773, a group of young people from Boston boarded an English tea boat moored in the harbor and dumped all 300 boxes of tea into the sea. It's about the Boston tea party.

1775 On the morning of April 19, the people of Boston fired the first shot of the War of Independence over Lexington, and the gunfire in Lexington opened the curtain of the American War of Independence.

1775 In April, Gage, the governor of Massachusetts and commander-in-chief of the garrison, got a message that there was a secret munitions warehouse of the Communications Commission in Concord, not far from Boston. Gage immediately ordered Major Smith to lead 800 British troops in the search. The troops set out overnight, and in the early morning of April, 19, they came to Lexington, a small village six miles from Concord.

After a night of marching, the British army advanced in the fog before dawn. They were all sleepy and yawned. Suddenly, they found dozens of villagers standing on the grass outside the village, holding long guns in their forehands. Smith knew that these armed villagers were Lexington's militia, and the residents of the colonies in North America called them "one-minute people" because they acted very quickly. As soon as they hear the alarm, they can gather together in one minute and go into battle immediately. To Smith's surprise, why did these militia know about the British action so quickly? It turned out that the scouts of the "Communication Committee" had already got the information and immediately hung a red light on the top of Boston Church. Paul riveire, the messenger of the "Communication Committee", immediately rode to Concord to report to the police.

"Shoot! Give me a rush! " When Smith saw that there were only a few dozen people on the other side, his original nervous mood relaxed immediately. He simply ignored the dozens of ragged militiamen, raised his command knife and issued orders.

Lexington's militia immediately counterattacked and violently resisted the British attack. Gunfire rang over Lexington and spread far and far. After a few minutes, the gunfire gradually became sparse, and the militiamen quickly withdrew from the battlefield and dispersed and concealed because of the small number of people and unfavorable terrain.

Smith was very proud of his first battle and ordered his soldiers to go straight to Concord. When the British army arrived in the town, it was already dawn and the sun was rising, but there was no one in the street. Every household is closed and looks deserted. Smith ordered the search, and the British army went into every house and rummaged for a long time, but found nothing. It turned out that the militia had moved the warehouse and the leaders of the "Communication Committee" had also gone into hiding.

"Withdraw!" Smith felt that the situation was not good and immediately ordered to retreat. At this time, shouting ShaSheng everywhere outside the town, gunfire suddenly, nearby villages and towns militia have got the news, came from all directions to Concord City. Surrounded the retreating British army. They ambushed behind the fence, in the bushes, on the roof and at the corner of the street, shooting at the British army. The British army fell to the ground one after another, but when the British army fired back, there was no sign of the militia. The British army retreated all the way to Boston and was constantly attacked by militia along the way.

The fighting continued until dusk, and finally reinforcements from Boston rescued Smith and others.

In this battle, the British army killed 247 people, the militia sacrificed dozens of people, and the rest of the British army ran out of ammunition. In retrospect, it is also a lingering fear. They tasted the iron fist of the colonial people for the first time. A soldier said, "I haven't eaten for 48 hours. My hat was knocked off three times and two bullets penetrated my coat. My bayonet was also knocked out. "

The artillery fire in Lexington shook the 13 colony along the Atlantic coast. The American War of Independence began.

In order to unite against Britain, the Second Continental Congress of North America decided in June 14 to set up a colonial joint armed force, namely the Continental Army, and appointed Washington as the commander-in-chief. 10 13 years 10 months, decided to set up a continental fleet. 1776 On July 4th, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed the birth of the United States of America. At the beginning of the war, the strength of the two sides was very different. Britain is the most powerful colonial country in the world, with a world-class navy and about 30 thousand British troops stationed in North America, well-equipped and well-trained; The population of North American colonies is only 3 million, and they are short of troops, backward in equipment and lack of training. However, the justice and progressiveness of the war affected the process and outcome of the war.

1775 ~ 1778 is the first stage of the war. The main battlefield is in the north, and the British army has the advantage. After the war began, the British army took the initiative to put out the revolutionary fire in the colonies quickly. Its general strategy is: the navy controls the east coast of North America, and the army advances from Canada and new york to Lake plank and Hudson Valley respectively, so as to isolate the New England colony which is the most determined to Britain, and then crush other colonies one by one. Due to the weak forces, except for the expedition to Canada at the beginning of the war, the continental army was basically on the defensive and adopted the policy of waiting for the enemy to win and winning foreign aid. 1In May 775, the colonial militia took the initiative to attack and besieged Boston. 17 In June, the colonial militia won the first battle in Bunker Hill outside Boston, annihilating 1000 British troops. 1776 In March, British troops under the command of William Howe were forced to evacuate from Boston to Halifax for assistance. At the end of August, Howe led 32,000 British troops to attack new york with the cooperation of naval fleet. Washington led 19000 troops to fight positional warfare with the British, which caused heavy losses. 10, he was forced to lead the remaining 5,000 troops to evacuate to New Jersey, and the British occupied new york. On Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, Washington took advantage of the carelessness of the British army and raided Trenton and Princeton, capturing nearly a thousand enemies, which greatly boosted morale. 1in the summer of 777, john burgoyne led 7,000 British troops south from Canada in an attempt to join forces with Hao. However, Hao did not go north as planned, but led 1.8 million troops south, and captured Philadelphia, where the Continental Congress was held, in September. Bourgau was besieged by 65438+2000 American troops and guerrillas because of going deep into Saratoga alone, and 5000 British troops were forced to surrender to the American troops on 10+07. The battle of Saratoga became a turning point in this war, prompting France, Spain and the Netherlands to declare war on Britain one after another. The change of the situation forced the British army to abandon Philadelphia on June 1778 and decided to retreat to new york. Subsequently, the war in the north was deadlocked.

1779 ~ 178 1 year was the second stage of the war. The main battlefield turned to the south, and the American army defeated the strong with the weak. Clinton, the new commander-in-chief of the British army, took advantage of the fact that there are many loyalists in the south and he is close to the West Indies. He decided to transfer the main force of the British army to the south, in an attempt to separate the southern States of the United States one by one, and relied on coastal bases and new york to contain the north. The Continental Army of North America tried to cooperate with French Lu Haijun to control coastal bases, and at the same time actively launched guerrilla warfare to break the British plan. 1778 At the end of the year, British troops captured Savannah, the capital of Georgia, which started a powerful offensive in the south. /kloc-in the autumn of 0/779, the French fleet under the command of American commanders Lincoln and Destin in the south attacked Savannah, the main base of British troops in the south, and was frustrated. 1in the spring of 780, Clinton led 14000 British troops to surround Charleston on both sides, forcing more than 5000 people in Lincoln's department to surrender and capturing 4 warships, which made the US military lose the most in the whole war. Later, Clinton led a British army to new york, leaving Cornwallis to command 7,000 British troops to control the southern land and coast. This facilitates the activities of militia and guerrillas in the south. The Continental Congress appointed Green as the commander of the American army in the south to cooperate with Morgan in guerrilla warfare in the south. 10 and March, he defeated the British army in Cowpens and guildford, forcing the British army to retreat from the mainland to the coast. In August of the same year, Cornwally led the southern British army to retreat to Yorktown on the Virginia Peninsula. 10 10 19, Washington commanded the United States and France16,000 people to besiege Yorktown, annihilating more than 7,000 British troops, and won a decisive victory in this war. Yorktown's victory led to the collapse of the British cabinet. 1782165438+1October 30th. The new British government reached an armistice agreement with the United States. On September 3, the following year, the two sides signed a peace treaty in Paris, and Britain was forced to recognize American independence.

From 1777 65438+ 10-17865438+March, marked by Saratoga, the main battlefield gradually turned to the south.

At this stage, the international environment is more and more favorable to the United States. After Saratoga's victory, France, Spain and the Netherlands changed their vacillating wait-and-see attitudes.

1778 In February, France signed a military alliance treaty with the United States, and France officially recognized the United States.

France and Britain went to war in June 1778, and Spain also went to war against Britain in June 1779. 1780, Russia joined forces with Prussia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and other countries to form an "armed neutral alliance" to break the British naval blockade. 1780 12 Holland further unites France against Britain. The North American War of Independence expanded into an international anti-British war covering Europe, Asia and the United States, and Britain fell into unprecedented isolation. In the southern battlefield, the American continental army and militia are more and more active in using guerrilla warfare and guerrilla mobile warfare against the enemy. In the guildford Battle of 178 1, the British suffered heavy casualties. Under the continuous consumption of the continental army and militia, the British army gradually felt weak.

178 1 April, the British army led by Cornwallis contracted strategically and retreated northward to Virginia. Green took advantage of this situation and sent his troops south. With the cooperation of militia and guerrillas, he uprooted the British strongholds and recovered the southern territory except Savannah and Gilston.

April of 178 1 to September of 1783 is the stage of strategic counterattack. 178 1 August, Cornwallis led 7000 British troops to retreat to Yorktown, the top of Virginia Peninsula. At this time, in the entire North American battlefield, the British army mainly contracted in new york and Yorktown. 178 1 In August, Washington personally led the French-American Coalition forces to secretly go south to Virginia. At the same time, the French fleet led by De Grice also reached the sea outside Yorktown, defeated the British ships that came to help, and completely controlled the sea control right of the war zone. On September 28th, 17000 French-American allied forces completed the siege of Yorktown from land and sea.

Under the heavy bombardment of allied artillery, Cornwallis, in desperation, put forward the request of surrender negotiation on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of Bourgau's surrender in1781kloc-0/7. 101October19th, 8,000 British troops left Yorktown. When the well-dressed red shirts passed by the ragged American troops and laid down their weapons one by one, the military band played the famous movement "Upside Down, the World Upside Down".

After the Battle of Yorktown, except for several battles at sea and sporadic battles on land, the war on the North American continent has basically stopped. 1782165438+1On October 30th, Britain and the United States signed the draft Paris Peace Treaty. 1783 On September 3rd, Britain officially recognized American independence.