Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What is the constellation of15 in February 2008?

What is the constellation of15 in February 2008?

Aquarius (astrology: Aquarius)

Aquarius is a constellation that can be seen in the southern sky. Its Y-shaped star represents the silver of Aquarius and also represents the human calf. The date is 65438+1October 20th-February 19.

Chinese name

Aquarius constellation

Foreign name

Aquarius constellation


65438+1October 20th-February 19


Wind image

Lucky stone




Love stone

Powder crystal

Patron saint

Athena (goddess of wisdom and skill)

Constellation name: Aquarius (also known as Aquarius)

English name: Aquarius

English: Aquarius

Attribute: Wind image

Traditional ruler: Saturn (symbolizing tests and rules).

Modern main star: Uranus (symbolizing mystery and changefulness, while giving Aquarius an unwarranted arrogance)

Note: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were given to Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio respectively after being discovered in modern times, so they have two guardian stars at the same time. Because Samsung's rotation speed is very slow and its position has not changed much in recent years, the influence of ancient traditional guardian stars in astrology is particularly important.

Yin and Yang: Male

Constellation symbol: fluctuation

Lucky stone: amethyst

Birthstone: garnet

Love stone: powder crystal

Lucky Flowers: Bromeliaceae, Peony, African Violet, hyacinthus orientalis, Phalaenopsis and Lace.

Metal: opal

Mascot: Harp snail

Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 7

Auspicious day: Saturday

Auspicious colors: bronze, blue and yellow.

Lucky places: busy places and big cities

Lucky places: bookstores, libraries, theaters, etc.

Lucky hobbies: all kinds of indoor and outdoor entertainment, collection, travel, etc.

In charge of the house: the eleventh house

Patrons: Minerva, the god of freedom, and Uranus, the god of the future.

The biggest feature: knowledge.

Positive features: innovation, freedom, humanity and independence.

Negative characteristics: eccentric, different and contradictory.

Keywords: spiritual communication

Number of delegates: Saturday

In charge of the body: calf, circulatory system.

Joy in life: novelty and creativity.

Life is painful: lack of spiritual freedom.

Weaknesses: Personality is full of contradictions.

Exploration: the internal relationship between people and things.

Dating places: various exhibitions, observatories, zoos, free talk parties, high-tech theme parks, etc.

Love of talented people: scientific research, exquisite investigation.

Favorite places: cinemas, radio stations, skyscrapers, towers, radio stations, fast food restaurants, science and technology museums.

Auspicious plants: ferns, mimosa, taro, exotic plants.

Living conditions: modern buildings, few personal belongings, all kinds of novel gadgets that are convenient for life, and the view outside the window should be broad.

Ideal country of residence: Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Europe, Soviet Union, Chile, Abyssinia, Northern Europe.

Constellation image

The image of Aquarius is that a person pours water from a water bottle, so Aquarius is not a symbol of lifelessness. Behind Capricorn, which is full of absolute consciousness, is Aquarius, and all kinds of strange ideas are constantly flashing in his mind.

Ruler of Aquarius-Uranus

Its ruler is Uranus, and its patron saint is Uranus, a god with the ability to predict the future. Therefore, they are forward-looking, original and intelligent, and like to pursue novel things and lifestyles. They yearn for freedom, don't like being bound, and advocate equality for everyone, regardless of wealth. They not only yearn for their own freedom, but also respect the freedom of others. In theory, Aquarius people are good at reorganizing their spiritual and material life, but in fact they don't have the talent to get rich materially. The people you associate with and the friends you make will play an important role in your destiny. [ 1]

In addition, they attach great importance to theory and knowledge, have excellent reasoning ability and creativity, are objective and calm, are good at thinking, pay attention to science, logic and concepts, and have strong values. Excellent eloquence, lack of thinking, only believe in your own ideas, elusive constellation.


Aquarius constellation

Constellation symbol is a totem between constellations and people, which interprets the meaning and conveys the energy of constellations.

Aquarius symbolizes complexity.

The symbol of Aquarius symbolizes water and air waves, which is abstract. Aquarius waves are complex representatives. Thinking about the characteristics of Aquarius from the characteristics of waves seems to be regular but has no specific image. This is an odd and unpredictable constellation.

2 constellation myth

Aquarius constellation

This statue involves two stories: Eagle and Aquarius. According to legend, Gnomedes was the Prince of Troy. One day, when he was herding sheep for his father, Zeus fell from the sky. He fell in love with Ganymede as soon as he saw him. Zeus turned into an eagle and took Gnomedes to Mount Olympus. Some versions say that Zeus sent an eagle to take Ganymede away. ) This eagle is Aquila, and Ganymede has since become a sobering up device around Zeus. Because of Hera's jealousy, Zeus thought that Gnomedes was going to elope with the maid and was very angry. He was going to be put to death. However, just as Chilon shot a fatal arrow, the maid Helen stood on Ganymede's chest! Seeing that the trick failed, Hera became angry from embarrassment, turned Gnomedes into a transparent water bottle and asked him to pour water for Zeus forever. However, tears poured out of the water bottle! All the gods were moved by it, so Zeus sealed Ganymede in the sky and turned it into Aquarius.

3 constellation characteristics

People born in Aquarius in winter are generally as cold as winter and are mystics. Full of research spirit, love all novelty,

Aquarius constellation

New things, open to new discoveries. Having a good observation ability and the ability to establish theories will often make a philosopher, a scientist or a human behavior researcher. [2]

In essence, they like the lonely Aquarius, and there is a stubborn side hidden in their personality. Aquarius people are stubborn, it is difficult to change their views or opinions, but on the other hand, they are extremely tired of arguing with others. Sometimes when they want to have a head-on conflict with others, they will pretend that they don't listen to many accusations and just act according to their own ideas.

Aquarius's personality is actually the strongest and most elusive in 12 constellation. The reason for this is that even Aquarius often doesn't know himself. Aquarius, which advocates freedom, presents an alternating pattern of indifference and enthusiasm in appearance. You don't think they are completely indifferent people, nor do you think they are enthusiastic people. You always feel that their innocence and sophistication are constantly intertwined. This is entirely due to their changeable personalities. It is a piece of cake to pursue freedom, openness and progress with a conservative character, which makes people fall into the gentle quagmire of Aquarius. However, due to their internal and external differences, their self-awareness is vague, disoriented and unpredictable.

Aquarius is a spiritual animal. In the constellation 12, the spirit is the most important, so the desire for material things is very low. Aquarius people are unwilling to accept the slightest emotional bondage. Sometimes you are whimsical, humorous, and sometimes you are as cold as ice, which is puzzling. This is often a difficult person to get along with. Excellent reasoning ability and spirit of seeking knowledge, objective and calm, good at thinking, stressing science, logic and concepts, and strong values. It is an elusive constellation that is only loyal to its own beliefs.

Aquarius people are good at reorganizing their spiritual life, but they often choose the wrong direction because of their inner vacillation. Is a pioneer of new ideas. Pursuing their own unique lifestyle is Aquarius's attitude towards life, but they are often stubborn, which makes it difficult for people around them to accept. Aquarius pays attention to individualism, attaches importance to private privacy, and doesn't want others to know their private lives. All this is influenced by Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. What kind of person is a free and independent Aquarius? In fact, they are a kind of contradictory people. Not only do outsiders see them like this, but they also feel contradictory.

When you meet an Aquarius person for the first time, it is easy to communicate with him, because Aquarius is definitely a communication star, and he likes to make friends with all kinds of people, but the fact is that it usually takes three minutes to get close, so you can feel the uncertainty of Aquarius more clearly. I believe it will take a long time to become bosom friends with Aquarius people. At the same time, at the beginning of knowing you, they have already set a good score for you in their hearts, but they will pretend as if nothing has happened and will not show it. They don't like being tied down and are full of individualism. They pay more attention to spiritual improvement, which is a good inspiration.

Aquarius doesn't like being tied down, so he doesn't like others interfering in his private life. They are indeed open and bold philanthropists. Both men and women can be friends with anyone, but there are very few intimate friends who talk about everything. If we give them complete freedom of action and let them think and decide at will, then they will show excellent communication skills. They are innovators, and their endless thoughts and sudden intuition enable him to fantasize or predict the future. Birthdates of many scientists, philosophers and inventors was influenced by Aquarius or Uranus. People in this building are interested in discovering and exploring all novel things, so are aviation and rockets. Suitable workspaces are aviation, science and technology, information, social welfare, astronomy and philosophy.

Aquarius is a creature with a distant dream. It has a peculiar taste, loves freedom, is unwilling to be bound, loves innovation, likes fans, and has a cheerful and easy-going appearance and deep feelings.

4 interval analysis

[Annual 65438+1October 20th-65438+1October 3rd1]

Personality characteristics: This is a person with unique personality and eccentric temper. Flexible mind, extensive communication skills and independent spirit. Open-minded, open-minded, do not like to be bound, but sometimes it can be very sharp and mean. Have an impulse to touch everything, like to touch new things, have a keen mind and look down on money.

Source of strength: spirit

[Every February 1 to February 9th]

Personality characteristics: personality is hot and cold, full of contradictions, and can almost completely concentrate on hobbies or spiritual life. Positive and open-minded, sharp-tongued, mysterious, intuitive, humorous and cheerful. You have a strong interest in all novel things, pioneering undertakings, cutting-edge science, reform and innovation, and astronomy.

Power supply: independent

[every February 10- February 18]

Personality characteristics: keen intuition and thinking mind give you a spirit of being good at fantasy. True talent and inspiration will be shown in art, but it will also lead to your utopian fantasy. 10 The person born often does not adapt to the laws of daily life. I yearn for freedom, refuse to be bound by anyone, and have an independent or celibate ideological tendency. Is the most "brainy, hands-off" person in all water bottles.

Source of strength: fantasy

People born close to the upper and lower 10 degrees, such as 65438+1 0.3/day, February1day, February 9, February/kloc-0.0 degrees, have two personality types/kloc-0.0 degrees.

5 Aquarius is the best

I despise money most, which makes people feel strange. I like to be alone and dare to be different.

Aquarius constellation

Probably obsessed with collecting cleanliness, devoted to things outside the discipline, and without gender concept.

The most procrastinating, the least attention to discipline, the most fantasy, the most chatting.

Most in need of self-space, most whimsical, most sleepy, and most likely to become a dark horse.

The most rational, the most like nature, the most independent, the most spiritual.

The laziest, the calmest, the most difficult to understand, the most unsympathetic, and the least able to speak ill of.

6 Aquarius appearance

Aquarius man

Aquarius men are basically deep in facial features and have a kind of indifferent pride in appearance. Most of them have fair skin. The focus of their eyes always seems to be far away, and their heads are generally higher. Their eyes are always bright and confident. Aquarius people are often heterosexual, and men's bodies often show female characteristics, such as wide hips, which makes people feel thin and muscular.

Aquarius girl

Aquarius women's eyes are particularly hazy. If you pay attention to observation, you will find that her eyes often contain a fantastic, rare but unexplored magical thing. Their heads are usually higher than the average person, and their faces are clear. You will notice that their images are extremely lofty, and women's bodies are masculine, such as broad shoulders, graceful calves and wide and high foreheads.

Appearance ranking of the twelve constellations: (the sixth place, the latest and accurate appearance ranking abroad, can not be deleted! )[4]

Note: Aquarius's temperament gives people an empty inspiration. Its appearance is not outstanding, but it gives people a refreshing feeling. Like ice and snow, it has no sense of dirt, and it is not a constellation rich in handsome men and beautiful women. However, people in this constellation are ugly, have no aversion in temperament, and have smart brains, so they often attract people's attention in their studies or careers. You should know that they don't live by appearances.

Seven women

Aquarius insists on pursuing freedom [5].

Aquarius insists on pursuing freedom, but this does not mean that her behavior is bold and open, and she refuses to accept the bondage of traditional dogma. The freedom she pursues is spiritual and ideological. She may study psychology today, jazz dance two days later and volunteer in the hospital next week. It seems that she can belong to any ethnic group in society, but she does not really belong to that ethnic group. She belongs to herself, and it seems that no one can completely possess her.

But she will never be overbearing and want to possess others. For all things, she seems to have her own standards, free from traditional constraints and influences. She has her principles and is loyal to them. Just as she is in love, she is absolutely loyal to her lover.

In fact, so far, I still can't fully understand Aquarius women. Although I am used to her behavior, I often have a lot of "don't understand". Several years ago, I had a secretary. She is a typical Aquarius girl with a steady personality and aloof attitude. I have my own steps to deal with things, but of course I will try my best to meet my requirements. I tried to get her to do things my way, but she didn't object, but after a few days, I found that she was still the same. In order to show my respect for her, I won't say much.

I admire this girl very much, because although she is young, she is very opinionated and polite. She is enthusiastic about everything and learning. Even better, she is not as impetuous and emotional as ordinary young girls now. Every time I tell her something emotionally, she always listens calmly, which really makes me have to praise her cultivation.

She may have a pure heart and pursue imaginary love, or she may become completely indifferent. As long as you show her hope and happiness, she won't give up, support and tolerate you in a short time, but what you bring her is disappointment and distrust, and she will immediately give up you and pursue real happiness in her heart.

Their love life is romantic and changeable, more free than traditional programs.

Eight men

[6] Aquarius men are difficult to understand, giving people a cheerful and straightforward appearance. He is a man who pursues true humanity. He won't be afraid of your changeability or emotionality, which will only make him want to know you more.

To put it bluntly, "variety" and "mood" can be a way for you to attract him. I said Aquarius likes to explore the truth. The weirder you are, the more he wants to know what kind of person you are. Of course, it is important that under the changeable appearance, you must have some connotations, otherwise, when he gets to know you, he will feel bored. )

Many Aquarius people like to know other people's inner world and then help others solve their life puzzles. It is his pleasure to be someone else's psychiatrist.

It's a little difficult to wait for him to tell you that he loves you. It takes a little time. When you find that he is very kind to you, or very bad, you can know that he feels a little different about you. Generally speaking, most Aquarius men want to treat all their friends equally. So the feeling of falling in love with you will make him a little uneasy (it seems that subconsciously he feels that he should not be confined to this little love). He may disappear for a few days, so you don't have to worry. When he thinks it over, he will come back to you, and you will have a gentle and considerate lover.

You may think that the progress between you is a little slow, and Aquarius men are rarely emotional. They can stay in Platonic love for a long time, and sometimes you will even feel impatient and start to wonder if you lack feminine charm. Please don't! Many Aquarius men dare not act rashly because they are afraid that physical relationships will destroy their friendship (you know that friendship between lovers is very important to him). In fact, he may be curious about the combination of spirit and flesh! Therefore, unless you have factual evidence, don't doubt yourself easily, and of course don't doubt him, which will make him inexplicably angry. Whether you are an Aquarius girl or not, don't doubt Aquarius. They'll think it's really funny

Nine children

Aquarius child

All new things will enter the eyes of Aquarius children, who may be curious children. You like others to show you, tell you and let you know the truth. You are easy to accept and will soon have different views and opinions. Aquarius children may be smart or have no interest in what they have learned. This mainly depends on the practicality of the subject content or your cognition. This is a thoughtful child, and your ambivalence can reach its peak. In "reverse behavior", you sometimes get an incomprehensible satisfaction.

Aquarius children have a strong spirit of independence and always like to go to the ideological field to find what they need instead of worrying about material interests. In terms of creation and innovation, many profitable things are waiting for you, but you are never satisfied with the benefits and only do what you like.

Your ideal way out is to learn more scientific and practical life knowledge in the fields of aerospace, information, astronomy or philosophy, and learn knowledge related to your own health with practical experience.

10 quirk

1, hate being touched by others (unless you have a good feeling for each other)

2, love to delete things on the mobile phone computer.

3, there is a slight cleanliness.

I don't like to judge others, and I don't like others to judge myself.

5, very rational to the point of irrationality.

Advantages and disadvantages of 1 1


Advocate freedom

have a ready tongue

Have rational wisdom

Wide interest

Full of reform spirit

Full of humanitarian spirit

Strong curiosity, like to explore the truth.


Speak without thinking

Stick to old habits



Too idealistic an idea


Break the clay pot until the crack reaches the bottom-stick to it.

Stubborn, easy to get hot-headed

Thoughts are fickle and lack of certainty.

Too much emphasis on the autonomy of life.

12 EQ and IQ

intelligence quotient

The advantage of genius Aquarius lies not in their intelligence, but in their wisdom. They not only have their own unique ideas and opinions in philosophy, but also can reflect the lofty wisdom of the bottle for the spirit of human freedom, fraternity and equality. The idealism of the future universe often brings them wisdom, inspiration, creativity and motivation to change the world.

Have rational wisdom, attach importance to knowledge, pursue novelty, be good at thinking and have insight into things. If you are interested in something, you will actively devote yourself to learning and have outstanding performance. At some point, people will feel like crazy because of their unusual thoughts and behaviors.

emotional quotient (EQ)

A free idealist has many brilliant poetic talents, which can be fully exerted in astronomy and science. Because things are too lively and crisp, they also leave a feeling of indifference. Only those who appreciate them can become Aquarius' good friends, because they don't care, but they don't think it is necessary to spend too much time dealing with people. As a result, the EQ index is definitely not high.

Being late is usually the problem of Aquarius, and rebellion and rebellion are their innate personality characteristics. Because they care too much about maintaining their unique characteristics, Aquarius people tend to be too sharp, too independent, too sharp-edged, or too concerned about the whole world, and forget to care about the people closest to them, which will also make people around them find it difficult to understand.