Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What should Taurus men and Taurus women pay attention to in love?

What should Taurus men and Taurus women pay attention to in love?

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There is a saying in astrology that Taurus people tend to be overweight. This is misinformation. It is true that some Taurus people may be plump, but most of them are not.

They like cooking and eating, but under normal circumstances, the strong body of cattle will convert excess heat into strong muscles. As for Taurus women, it seems that delicious food can only make them have strong, harmonious and slightly sexy bodies. Of course, there are always exceptions, but the truth is that cancer and Libra are more likely to be overweight than cows ("easy" here, that's all). This point is mentioned here to make Taurus people who read this part have a satisfactory psychological state. This is always the safest way to satisfy Niu Niu.

Another misunderstanding of Taurus people is that they are lazy. Actually, Taurus people are not lazy. They just always think that wasting energy is a sin, which is why they are rarely seen in fast sports. Taurus people are extremely powerful because typical cows save money to preserve their strength. When you put two Taurus together, it is difficult to make them act quickly unless they are angry. In fact, it is twice as difficult to move two cows as it is to move one cow. Imagine two piles of dirt lying side by side. Is it not peaceful? None of them want to talk about desecrating this peace and tranquility at an inappropriate time. When they meet for the first time, they will look at each other quietly. No cow will be too eager to get in touch with another cow (or any other astrological animal) until they carefully judge and seriously consider all the possibilities.

This reminds us of an unfair misinformation: Taurus people are stubborn. They are not stubborn. They just show firmness in what they cut, not the kind of sensitive and frivolous people who come to their senses and are at a loss. Cows rarely change their minds, especially in panic. After careful judgment and serious thinking, it is correct and reasonable to stick to what you know. When two Taurus people (men and women) with different views approach, they are more reasonable than when they are with people with opposite views.

The connection between two Taurus, under the double pressure of 1- 1, may be calm, stable and comforting each other. Such people are usually gentle and patient teddy bear types, respect each other's rights, are willing to pay, and are undoubtedly loyal. But life may become a little dull and ordinary, unless one or both of them have empty and fire planets in their birthday pictures. Taurus people don't want to change because cows are conservative, which is really not a false rumor. If you know a Taurus who actually likes changes, especially sudden changes, then he or she is either placed in Aries, Gemini or Aquarius, or born, moon and constellation in these houses, or maybe in Sagittarius. In the final analysis, the typical Taurus is still opposed to rapid change or sudden change of the status quo, which is very similar to Capricorn. Generally speaking, they feel that the world has developed slowly but fairly smoothly for many centuries. Why should we change the rules of life and disturb the world? Generally speaking, it is unwise for Taurus (with a few exceptions) to interfere with fixed habits. Fixed habits have been proved by time, but an untested new idea may be just a nerve-racking trick, which may lead to the brink of disaster. When Taurus really wants to change his mind, which happens occasionally, you can be sure that he has made an orderly blueprint for this idea and has all the conditions needed to realize it.

They maintain established customs and respect for authority (if authority is visible), which often brings two Taurus together, which is the glue that keeps them together. Taurus feels that if there is a need for change, then the only understandable way is to achieve this change within a certain order. In fact, the rest of us should be very grateful to these kind and reliable people who are so committed to practical things. For a stable and lasting peace on earth, we need all the views of the zodiac. However, if the inner characters of a pair of Taurus are combined, they will form a type close to fanatics. Both of them are deeply and sincerely concerned about how to protect their investments, property, families and relatives, and their country from the influence of fanatical radicals.

The most likely situation to destroy the connection between Taurus and Taurus is that when either Taurus seriously hurts the other, it is extremely unwilling to repent. Even if Taurus admits that he has made a mistake, he (or she) often stubbornly sticks to what he has said or done rashly, because admitting mistakes is similar to weakness and unhappiness, and it is the word "weakness" that makes Taurus angry. Sometimes, one Taurus may coax the other to relax, say "I'm sorry" or apologize, but this doesn't happen often. Sometimes they are amused, they giggle, get happy, and finally mumble, "What, that's not what I mean." Taurus is more likely to make concessions when humor carefully covers up the shame of making mistakes.

When a Taurus finally understands that Taurus's patience is an elegant and ideal virtue, but it has been reversed, becoming dull, stubborn and stubborn, then he will be more likely to forgive each other's different performances of the same "virtue". These two Taurus will work, play and behave gracefully side by side. Both of them will be docile, reliable and easy-going-as long as one of them doesn't push the other too far or too hard. Almost all Taurus people have an amazing sense of humor. If they learn to laugh at themselves, all problems will be solved. Nothing can make Taurus move or leave a fixed position except the sense of humor in memory. Humor is one of the greatest qualities of human beings. The combination of humor and Taurus reliability will make these approachable men or women more reasonable-just like softer colors.

Taurus (female)-Taurus (male)

Taurus men walk along a straight line step by step (instead of jumping) towards their goals. He is completely content to get what he deserves at the right time. Unfortunately, bad luck seldom disturbed his peace. He may bear a heavy responsibility and bravely accept boring obligations-his great heart may bear the burden of students, and he is on the verge of collapse because of the painful memories of a lot of disappointment in the past, but a strong bull will go on as if nothing had happened. He is steady and patient, and will eventually achieve pleasant success.

A typical Taurus male, as long as he is mentally judged to be a Taurus, has the same calm willpower as his astrological symbols. Even though he is a transformation of Taurus (like Adolf Hitler), he still has strong determination. Generally, Taurus men are obviously influenced by the courage and iron will symbolized by their cows, and make full use of this. This kind of man knows his own needs and is willing to devote himself to all necessary things without complaint until he reaches the "green pasture" he seeks.

Nothing is more popular with Taurus women than him. She's impressive. Some people advocate lying barefoot on the grass all day, wasting time holding love necklaces and playing the guitar clumsily. Let other girls tremble with excitement for the romantic desire of these barefoot advocates. Give Taurus a real cow with shoes. When he gave her a necklace, they must have been bought at full price from a real jewelry store. If he plays guitar, it will make him make a living as a musician, not just yelling at the summer moonlight party in the park.

These two people have a lot in common. For example, she clutched her handbag while he clutched his wallet with two fists. Because both of them love nature and plant green plants crazily, watching green plants grow-such as investment companies that issue stocks, Santa Claus is fake. He is the president of their bank. If they have a good year and deposit for a long time, he will fill their gift bags with dividends and interest, which will enable them to buy a house in a quiet area in the future.

No matter what occupation or career a cow is engaged in (including political activities), there is a stagnant and growing dream behind its superficial glory. This dream may come true at any time in Taurus's life, but it will certainly come true, even if it drags on to the last third of the so-called life course.

If it happens that Taurus takes longer than planned to lay the foundation for his future (whether in music, art, business, banking, politics or other aspects), Taurus is as patient as he is. As long as this lady's cow does some symbolic work outside and does some work that belongs to men at home, even if she keeps him for several years, she won't care. She will wait-most of the time without complaint. Sounds great, doesn't it? They are made for each other, unbreakable.

The first thing you know is that they have established a strong love. The second thing is that they stand together firmly, look into each other's calm eyes calmly and swear to heaven, "I do." The third thing is that after the honeymoon, they both began to say, "I don't want to." All kinds of things are like this. She wants children, but he thinks it is wiser to wait until they have more money in the bank. As a result, she gave birth to one or two children, just to show that she was not at his mercy.

She wants to buy an expensive electronic piano, because she likes playing the piano and singing, but he told her; "No, we can't afford it." If she coaxed him, he would raise his voice a little and say, "Stop it!" " "As a result, she wrote a check (after carefully calculating the monthly expenses in the family budget) to order goods and asked the store to send the electronic organ to her home. The next day, he sent it back to the store directly, just to show that he was not at her mercy.

Generally, Taurus will insist on being fully recognized by the law before they are willing to make any cooperative bets. Whether it is career or marriage, most Taurus can see obvious similarities between them.

In the love relationship between Taurus and Taurus, their stubbornness and refusal to consider each other will lead them to a dead end of mental and emotional prejudice, and they will find it difficult to communicate, which will happen many times. However, one advantage of Taurus is that they can get rid of setbacks and learn from them. Taurus finally understands, and he will never forget it, ever. If they learn to forgive through hard work (which is never easy for them), they will hold each other's hands tightly (Taurus always does things tightly) and find the way to a dead end in out of the dark. There is a favorite motto of Taurus women: "Every experience is a good experience", which is an admirable attitude, but she always has some trouble in forgetting unpleasant experiences. She can really learn from it, but sometimes the lessons she receives will only make her ignore that person or situation and even try again-such lessons are meaningless.

For Taurus couples or spouses, sex is an extremely important experience. Their initial attraction is usually strongly manifested in the body, and then they combine spiritual and emotional attraction. Generally speaking, loving each other wholeheartedly is not an ideal order, but surprisingly, a pair of Taurus people can do well in the order of introduction. Perhaps this is not very surprising, because for the average or typical Taurus, sex is the application of all sensory functions, and it will gradually develop into an almost illusory experience for men and women to express their love with their bodies.

Taurus people don't often pop out poems (although they often pop out songs) during sex. They are not overly sensitive to the subtle emotional significance expressed by sexual behavior, but they are of course easy to accept the love conveyed through the body. There is almost no serious difference in sexual union between a pair of happy Taurus spouses, unless one of them is angry about something and doesn't want to have sex. But the sixth sense can help a Taurus quickly understand what another Taurus who has been indifferent for a while really wants, so it is easier to psychologically understand why that Taurus is so stubborn.

In other ways, they may accumulate a considerable amount of money and property-if you miss them, you will save them. Both of them are emotional, passionate and loyal. Venus, the guardian star who takes care of them, gently guides their emotional behavior and influences their nature with gentleness and elegance, but this influence will occasionally induce them to go to various forms of excessive behavior, including eating and drinking, greedy for money, sex and other things you can think of casually (except for narcotics mentioned, which is something that a few Taurus will be tempted to do). They are all strong, patient and emotionally stable-except for a period when Taurus is really upset, such as drinking (which normally happens every ten minutes or so), so be careful. As mentioned earlier, Taurus men and women are a natural couple, a match made in heaven.

As for the regular communication between them, the bull knows exactly how to say "I'm sorry" and "I need you" in Taurus's silent body language, and his Taurus lady also knows exactly how to understand these languages. For both of them, silence is better than sound, just touching in the dark.