Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 constellation who has the shortest love period? I didn't expect it to be him

12 constellation who has the shortest love period? I didn't expect it to be him

Aries constellation

Aries's love period is relatively short, because once Aries is in love, it will not make all the efforts. In the pursuit of a person, I am eager to show all my beautiful things. But after getting it, Aries will deliberately alienate, perhaps hoping to see lovers pay more in this way, or maybe Aries is tired of paying after getting it. In short, Aries is passionate about feelings before falling in love, but during your passionate love, Aries is not so enthusiastic. In fact, you can grasp the emotional distance between you and Aries, especially after falling in love, you are still cold and unattainable, which will make Aries feel a little unattainable.


Pisces' love period is very romantic, but your relationship is not as beautiful as Pisces expected. Pisces' dependence on this relationship will decline very quickly. Who doesn't want to get along with the person they love for a long time? However, Pisces is too demanding of love. Sometimes lovers make Pisces dissatisfied, and your feelings begin. It seems that Pisces is a little guilty of getting out of love so early, but Pisces doesn't know how to save his lover's heart. At the same time, Pisces is a romantic ghost emotionally, and there are other opposite sex choices around him, which can give Pisces the feeling of love. Then Pisces' heart can easily follow others. After the love period, Pisces' attitude towards you is getting colder and colder. If you can still be gentle with Pisces, he will appreciate and like you more.

Cancer constellation

Cancer always has an ignorant love for the same kind at a certain stage of growth. When you are in love, you will stick together, but when the heat drops, you suddenly find that love has dissipated bit by bit with the maturity of your mood.

Taurus constellation

Taurus is the best choice for love marathon, and you can ride it during love. Taurus seems to have no clear definition. As long as we are still together, everything is the same, that is, we are in love. Maybe Taurus people don't know how to express their feelings, but you clearly feel Taurus's love for you from all aspects of life. You know, Taurus will always love you when he decides to choose you. Although his love is not expressed so much, you can understand his sense of responsibility for feelings, and Taurus will try its best to make your feelings together longer. Long-term love is what Taurus really wants. No matter how long you are together, Taurus wants you to be together as much as possible.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Capricorn man's love period is not long. They are more serious and less romantic. Sometimes, some girls feel that they don't feel in love at all, but most Capricorn men feel sincere and steady. Even some girls have the feeling of "skipping the love period" and directly enter the stable stage of love.

Cancer constellation

Cancer is really a very sensitive person in the face of love. Cancer knows how to make the beloved love herself more, but sometimes it is too cautious about love, and the slightest change of lovers will cause great concern to cancer. When you are in love, two people merge each other's lives, but when your feelings are a little cold, Cancer will think that your love is gone forever. He will habitually choose to escape and make your feelings cold. In fact, cancer thinks too much. Cancer's sensitivity to feelings is a good thing. It can understand the lover's thoughts at the first time, but sometimes it will hurt itself and hurt the lover. Empathy is indeed the communication art of cancer, but what cancer needs to learn more is to look at love with a stable attitude, which is also a sign of your maturity.


Sagittarius is a typical person who is full of blood and then cools quickly in a short time. Everything is like this, especially love. At first, he will be very kind and considerate to you. But after a long time, he lost patience. In fact, it is not that they changed their minds, but that their enthusiasm dissipated.