Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 constellation who is beaten by adults every day?

12 constellation who is beaten by adults every day?

I feel that the first place is Taurus, because Taurus is particularly beautiful. They don't want to see others being nice. They don't have what others have, but they are jealous. Then he will tell others that he has his own, leaving a little face, that is, he is swollen and fat, but his emotional intelligence is not high. When he speaks, he is often full of loopholes. He is particularly stupid when he doesn't know how to express himself, and he is finally seen through by others.

The second place is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a relatively direct person with low emotional intelligence. Their vanity is particularly strong. They often see that others wear better clothes than themselves or use the same clothes, and they will tell others that they are fake and their own are true. They are frank and talk easily. They often design a day to make up a lie, but because their IQ and EQ are not high, they will be seen through by others at a glance.

The third place is Capricorn. Capricorn people are not in a state of doing nothing, but they are very practical. Essentially, they are all very low-key. They don't love vanity or envy others. They love to brag because they have no sense of existence in the crowd. Only by bragging can they have a sense of existence in the crowd. However, they are not suitable for bragging, and often the third sentence will make people see through.

In my own opinion, there is no need to brag in daily life. It's best to keep a low profile. Don't be vain, because they earned it themselves. Only by working hard can they surpass those who live better than themselves, so it is most important to live well.