Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Analysis of the Characters in Wang Meng's sound of spring

Analysis of the Characters in Wang Meng's sound of spring

Sound of spring is a noteworthy work both for Wang Meng himself and for novel creation in the new period. This short story with little space enthusiastically expresses and praises the new hope and turn for the better in China after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and reveals a theme of great historical significance. The author once exposed the twists and turns and contradictions in our life with the courage to face reality, but he didn't just describe the dark side of social life blindly. On the contrary, he always pays attention to accurately grasping the essence of the times from the complicated social phenomena, giving readers ideological enlightenment and spiritual encouragement. Sound of spring, through the rich association triggered by the protagonist Yue Zhifeng's experience in the stuffy jar car, makes people hear the sonorous footsteps of a new era. Difficulties reveal hope, indifference reveals warmth, which makes people full of confidence and hope for the future.

As far as artistic expression is concerned, sound of spring may be more worthy of our attention. It is the first novel in the new period literature created by using the technique of "stream of consciousness". It breaks through the traditional description of characters, plots and environments, pays attention to the direct exposure of the psychological inner image of characters, and fully shows the complex and rich inner activities and natural consciousness flow of the protagonist in the specific environment of limited space. Through the detailed description of the inner picture of the characters, the life experience, fate and ideological character of the protagonist are outlined, and at the same time, the rich and complicated social life is shown. The novel adopts "radioactive structure", which effectively breaks through the limitation of time and space and is unconstrained, and shows rich ideological connotation with extremely concise pen and ink. In addition, the symbol with profound meaning and the emotional description of scene blending are also its artistic characteristics.