Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The most vulnerable constellation "Fat Sheep"

The most vulnerable constellation "Fat Sheep"

In the face of fraud, although ordinary people have practiced the good kung fu of fraud, many people still send out a lot of glistening money every day. If you want to know which constellation is the easiest victim of fraud groups, let the star factory-Star Bar tell you. (Please refer to the Sun and Rising Constellation)

First place: Pisces "Hello" "Mom, I have an accident! Come and save me, whoops "... Pisces people are too nervous to think at the moment when they receive this complaining phone call. When they hear each other crying, their hearts immediately shrink into a ball and they have no extra time to think. Naturally, they just follow the instructions and send money stupidly. When the remittance ended, they breathed a sigh of relief and realized that they were not married. Where are the children? There is no doubt that Pisces can be so confused and easily deceived because they trust others too easily. So in the eyes of fraud groups, Pisces is simply a big fat fish. Put some bait and take the bait at once.

Second place: Sagittarius, sunny Sagittarius, looks at everything positively, also believes that human nature is good, and always believes what others say. It is the best choice for fraud groups to start. Even if he is cheated, he will go on the rampage, swear and turn around and forget all about it, so! Sagittarius is the only constellation in 12 that can be cheated by the same method several times and still succeed. As long as the fraud group relies on him, it can easily wait for the money to enter the bag!

Third place: Gemini